The Corrupted Gamer: Harry Potter

19 Cleaning Things Up

Harry felt giddy as he and Padma reached the entrance to Ravenclaw Tower.

“I have lakes and rivers with no water, I have mountains with no rocks, and I have towns with roads but no buildings. What am I?” The eagle knocker asked.

Harry and Padma smiled at each other and spoke at the same time. “A map!”

“Correct.” The eagle head said and the door clicked open.

As soon as the pair stepped into the common room, shouts and hollers greeted them and they were swarmed by most of the Ravenclaw students. They all tried to talk at once and everyone wanted their attention.

Harry couldn't help the laugh that escaped his mouth. “Everyone, please! Take a breath.”

Most of them laughed as well and quieted down.

“Thank you all for your concern. Madam Pomfrey said it was just exhaustion. I'm fine now, thanks to Padma.” Harry said and Padma blushed. “Without her help, I might still be in the library trying to cram as much information as possible into my head.”

“You really shouldn't push yourself to learn so much all at once, Harry.” Eliza said with a smile.

“You don't have to worry about that now.” Harry said and smiled back. “I've learned my lesson.”

A bunch of other students nodded.

“Harry, I just so happened to find my old engraving kit.” Eliza said with a knowing smile. “Why don't you and Padma join me in my room for a bit? You can watch me do some basic exercises with my new one.”

Harry smiled at her. “We'd love to. Thank you, Eliza.”

The three of them went up to the very top of the tower and saw the seventh years had individual rooms. They were quite nice and Eliza gave Harry her old engraving kit and the pair sat down at her work table and did all of the exercises in the first chapter of the fifth year book.

Ancient Runes learning block has been removed. Accessing archived knowledge.
Upgrading skills... upgrading skills... upgrading done.

You are now an Ancient Runes Master! You can use any language as a base and create your own runes. Empowering them is as simple as breathing for you. 100% bonus to deciphering old or odd runic languages. 100% bonus to creation of new languages.
Reward: 50,000 XP

You have gained a level! You are now level 49 and 5 free stat points have been awarded.

What? 49? I must have missed a few when in the hospital wing. Harry thought as he stared at the popups for only a second before he dismissed them and beamed a smile at Eliza. “Thank you very much for such a perfect demonstration, Eliza. You will never know how much this has helped me on my path to become an enchanter.”

Eliza blushed and packed her engraving kit away. “I think you can thank me by making me something whenever you get the chance to do so.”

Harry accepted the quest and already had something in mind for her. “I'll surprise you with something soon.” He said and took out the two books he promised her. “I believe these are yours. It's only polite to return them.”

Eliza didn't even ask where they had come from as she hugged them. “Thank you, Harry.”

“Let's go, Padma. We can spend a few minutes downstairs with our friends before we head to bed.”

Padma nodded and they went back down to the common room that was still filled with students reading and doing research.

An hour later, Terry Boot let out a loud yawn and a few people laughed.

“I'm a little tired, too. I think I'll head up to bed.” Harry said.

“I think we all should.” A seventh year boy said from the nearby couch. “It's getting late and we all have classes in the morning.”

Sounds of agreement came from everyone and they all moved away to go to their appropriate dorms. Padma tried to let Harry's hand go and he held on. She gave him a questioning look and he took out his wand and tapped the top of her head. She felt like an egg had broken over her and then she slowly disappeared from sight.

“Harry?” Padma asked, confused.

“Shh. Come with me.” Harry whispered and led her up the stairs to the first year dormitory. He drew his curtains and helped her inside, then he changed into his pyjamas before climbing in himself. He waved his wand at the curtains and then tapped Padma's head again.

“Harry, what was that?” Padma asked in a whisper.

“You don't have to whisper. I've silenced the curtains.” Harry said in a normal voice. “That was the Disillusionment charm. It works similarly to an invisibility cloak, without the drawback of having to remain under the cloak to stay invisible.”

“I really was invisible and it wasn't a trick?” Padma asked and then gasped. “Wait! How do you know a spell like that and can cast it silently?”

“It's thanks to you, just like I told everyone.” Harry said and laid down on the bed. He pat the spot beside him and she gave him an odd look. “Oh, right. Your nightgown.”

Padma gasped again when he waved his want at her and she suddenly wore her favorite nightgown. “How did you do that?!?”

“Switching spell taught in third year Transfiguration.” Harry said. “I promise to not touch you or anything. It's just going to take a while to explain things and you should be comfortable.”

“O-okay.” Padma said and blushed as she laid down beside him. She was unsure how to act, though. She had never shared someone's bed that wasn't her twin sister.

“Padma.” Harry said and she turned her head to see he was on the far side of the bed and on his side as he looked at her. “You kept my secret and you agreed to marry me when we are older. That means more to me than anything else in the world.”

Padma's blush didn't fade as she turned onto her side to face him.

“I'm going to tell you all about how I grew up and...” Harry stopped talking and conjured up several boxes of tissues. “We're both going to need these.”

Two and a half boxes of tissues later, Padma was snuggled up tightly to Harry and had kissed his face a dozen times and even kissed his lips twice. She had thought she loved him before. Now she knew that after the life he lived and had come out like he had, he was one of the nicest people she had ever met. She loved him that much more because of it.

“When I received my letter for Hogwarts...” Harry paused as Padma kissed the tip of his nose. “Padma? Are you listening?”

“Mmm hmm.” Padma said and kissed his cheek.

Harry stayed quiet for another ten minutes as Padma seemed to be lost in making sure that each and every spot on his face received at least five soft and tender kisses. He didn't mind at all, because she seemed to like it as much as he did.

With one last kiss to his lips and look into his eyes, Padma took a deep breath and let out a satisfied sigh, then she closed her eyes and fell right to sleep. Harry decided the rest of the story could wait until morning and chose to sleep a normal night's sleep from the menu. He closed his eyes and his own satisfied sigh escaped before he fell asleep, too.


“Has anyone seen Padma?” Lisa Turpin asked the next morning.

“The last time I saw her was in the common room last night.” Morag MacDougal responded.

“Her bed doesn't look slept in.” Sue Li said.

“I think we need to find a prefect.” Mandy Brocklehurst suggested and everyone nodded.

There was a sudden scramble to get to the fifth year dormitories and they found Penelope Clearwater. They informed her about the situation and how worried they were that their friend hadn't gone to bed like everyone else.

Penelope thought about telling them what she thought and how she arrived at that thought. Instead, she decided it would be a good learning experience for them. “Follow me.”

The four first year girls nodded and followed the fifteen year old down the stairs on the girl's side and right up the stairs of the boy's side. They were confused about the whole thing until Penelope made a dramatic sound and swiped Harry's bed curtains open with a flourish and showed off what was inside.

There in the middle of the bed was Harry and Padma. They were cuddled around each other with dried tissues scattered everywhere and dried tear streaks were on their faces.

“Good morning, Harry.” Penelope said, a little loudly.

Padma let out a squeak of fright and sat up, saw everyone from her dorm staring at her, and her face flushed with a deep blush.

“Thank you, Padma. It was so nice of you to comfort me and you made sure I was safe.” Harry's voice said and he sat up, too. “Good morning, Miss Clearwater. Hi, Lisa, Sue, Mandy, and Morag.”

“Geez, you're not embarrassed at all to be caught with a girl in your bed, are you?” Penelope asked with a teasing smile.

“Why would I? As I told our parents, we are three years or so away from ever doing anything inappropriate.” Harry said and Penelope lost the teasing smile. “Also, we are betrothed. We should have our own room together anyway.”

Everyone's mouth dropped open in surprise, even Padma's.

“We won't be asking for that until much later, of course. Being with our friends is just as important as maintaining our relationship with each other.” Harry said and no one reacted.

“You guys are loud!” Anthony Goldstein complained and put his pillow over his own face.

Harry chuckled and slid out of bed and held a hand back for Padma. She took it and he helped her to stand on the floor. He kissed the back of the hand and gave the hand to Penelope.

“You may return her to her dorm to pretty herself up for the day.” Harry said and beamed a smile at Penelope. “If you will excuse me, I must do the same.”

Penelope nodded and stepped aside as Harry grabbed a change of clothes and went to the bathroom.

“What was that about?” Terry asked as he walked over.

“N-nothing.” Padma said and looked away. “We should go.”

Penelope and the other girls nodded and they filed out of the boy's dormitory to return to their own.

“Girls.” Terry said with a shake of his head and entered the bathroom, too.


Harry gave Padma some light applause as she came down the stairs.

“S-stop that.” Padma said as she blushed and stopped in front of him.

“You don't have to be embarrassed, Padma.” Harry said and held an elbow out for her to take. “You made me realize last night that I need to treat you better and I'm going to do that from now on.”

“Harry, we're eleven. We don't have to follow custom until... until we... um...” Padma whispered as they left the common room and everyone behind them started muttering.

Harry gave her a happy smile. “I won't go overboard, I promise. I just want people to know that you're the only one for me and no one else has a chance.”

Padma blushed hard and nodded. The pair went down to the Great Hall for breakfast and Padma was prepared to keep Harry's focus, like she had at every other meal, to ease his headaches. Harry looked amused at her attempt and kept hold of her hand to give her his undivided attention. Padma easily noticed the difference between him trying to avoid looking at other things and only looking at her.

“H-Harry.” Padma whispered.

“I meant to wake early and continue my story, so you would know all about me.” Harry whispered back. “It has to wait until our free period after History of Magic.”

“We're meeting Parvati and Lavender in the Entrance Hall after class.” Padma said and then realized what she said. “I'm not saying I don't want to hear the rest!”

Harry smiled and gave her hand a little squeeze. “It's all right. We can find a nice quiet nook in the library after supper.”

Padma nodded several times and they both ate breakfast.

They had Transfiguration for first class and Harry wasn't surprised when they entered the classroom and both Professor Flitwick and Headmaster Dumbledore were there with Minerva McGonagall.

“Ah, Mister Bones.” Albus said with a magnanimous voice. “I've heard so much about you.”

“All terrible, I hope.” Harry said and half of the class gasped.

“Why would you say that?” Albus asked with a twinkle in his eye, which attracted attention.

Legilimency Probe detected. Probe captured and secured. Initiate counter-probe?

Not yet. Harry thought. “Because everyone brought to your attention has never survived it unscathed. They have all paid heavily for it and most of them with their very lives.”

The entire class gasped, as did Minerva and Flitwick.

“My boy, I believe... you do not know... what you are talking about.” Albus said as a bead of sweat rolled down the side of his forehead. He struggled to cut off his probe and failed.

“I know a lot more than you think I do, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. Lover of Grindelwald. Murderer of the Bones, Potter, Prewett, Black, Longbottom, and Vance families, among countless others you sent to their deaths. Thief of fortunes. Twister of Beliefs. Mind Raper.” Harry paused to let that sink in. “The Ultimate Liar, the Leader of the Light, the Dark Lord Dumbledore.”

Complete silence fell in the room and no one moved.

“Even now, you tried to mind rape me using the same trick Snape used against me in Potions class last week.” Harry said before he cast an immobilization charm on Dumbledore. He summoned the man's wand and easily caught it.

Magical focusing tool detected! Attempting to form connection...
Warning: Tool is 100% compatible with Host magic and 100% compatible with SYSTEM. A 200% bonus will be applied to all magic cast and spells can be learned 200% faster when cast with this wand.
Form connection?

YES! Harry thought, enthusiastically.

You have successfully bonded to your wand. You may spend 500 MP to make the bond permanent and it can never be stolen. If won in a duel, it will remain loyal to you and you alone.

Definitely yes! Yes, yes, yes! If it cost that much, this wand must be extremely powerful. Harry thought.

The scared look in Dumbledore's eyes gave him away.

“Tell me what you know about this wand.” Harry said. Send counter-probe!

Sending Legilimency probe along same route. Resistance negligible.
Information found! Harvesting...

Harry felt the flood of information and a smile grew on his face. The old man had been sitting on one of the three Deathly Hallows since the second world war, almost 50 years, and did nothing with it.

“The Deathly Hallows.” Harry said and the old man's eyes now looked panicked. Continue harvesting.

More information flooded in and Harry almost growled as he discovered that the headmaster had stolen his father's invisibility cloak just before Voldemort had attacked his family. That set Harry's blood boiling and he vowed to retrieve his personal property as soon as possible.

Take all of the information! Harry thought furiously to the mental probe. Ignore the personal memories and emotions. I want his magic knowledge to compare to Voldemort's. I want to see how similar their spells and tactics are.

If Albus could have screamed, he would have. He felt something shredding through his mind and it wasn't gentle about it. He just had the thought that none of his personal memories were being touched when he felt the gaping maw where most of his memories used to be. The immobilization spell ended and he dropped to his knees onto the hard stone floor of the classroom.

“You really are the Dark Lord that the prophecy spoke of.” Harry said. “It's not Voldemort. It's you.”

Albus looked at the boy in front of him and felt utter horror. “NO!”

“Aren't you lucky there's no Harry Potter around to vanquish you?” Harry asked and stunned him.

That last act managed to get Minerva's attention. “Mister Bones! How could you do such a thing?”

“It's a simple point and cast spell, Professor.” Harry said and did the motion slowly for everyone to see. “Stupefy.”

The red bolt of light struck the headmaster again and Minerva gasped.

“This isn't a transfiguration spell; but, since the professors are going to be busy taking the headmaster to the hospital wing, why don't I teach it to you?” Harry asked the class.

“YES!” All of the students yelled and cheered.

No one paid any attention to Minerva and Filius as they levitated the unconscious Albus Dumbledore out of the classroom.

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