The Corrupted Gamer: Harry Potter

28 The (Hor)Crux Of The Matter

Hermione had the best time she ever had at any school. The people around her could actually keep up with her conversation. There were some hiccups, which meant their IQs were only close and not on par with either hers or Harry's; but, that was okay. Just finding one person as smart as her was a godsend. Having seven more of them that were close was like a blessing from magic itself!

The after supper discussion went on for an hour and was enlightening and entertaining, which was something that Hermione hadn't really experienced before, not even with her mother, who was also nearly as smart as her.

Hermione felt reassured about categorizing her mother among her new friends, because she had been the only friend she had while growing up. She hadn't told anyone that, though. She already had sympathy from her new friends about being the lone Ravenclaw in Griffindor and that was more than enough for her. They understood and she was no longer alone.

As they left the nearly empty Great Hall, Harry's whispered comments about her practising Occlumency, especially when around the other Griffindors, gave her the idea that he wanted her to be quiet around them. When they reached the top of the last stairwell that they shared before having to go their separate ways, she mentioned that to him.

“Considering how you tried to act previously, it will work as an attention getting technique.” Harry said, to her surprise. “They'll wonder what you're doing instead of studying, not realizing you are actually studying, and they will approach you and ask what's going on.”

Hermione blinked her eyes several times at him and Harry gave her a huge smile.

“You can then tell them whatever you want and start a conversation, tell them to piss off, or offer to help them in any subject they might be struggling with.” Harry said and she nodded. “The trick is, you should never, ever, talk down to them. Be friendly, even if they were mean to you before.”

“Why?” Hermione asked.

“Because you're better than them.” Harry said and her eyes widened as the other Ravenclaws around them nodded. “People like us know what it's like to be bullied for being smart. They won't get it. So, be the bigger person and don't rub their faces in it.”

“I... that's... easier said than done.” Hermione admitted.

“That's what the meditation practice is for. Relax and enjoy playing around with the mental exercises.” Harry said and gave her a quick hug, which made her blush. “See you tomorrow afternoon.”

“O-okay.” Hermione said as he let her go. “What about switching classes and...”

“I'll take care of it in the morning and you don't have to worry about anything.” Harry promised.

“Thanks.” Hermione said and looked at Padma and then the others. “Thank you.”

They all knew what she meant and smiled and nodded in response.

“Goodnight.” Hermione said and went towards the next staircase. She stopped before going up them and saw Harry and the others still stood there and they waved to her. She beamed a smile at them and waved back, then jogged up the stairs.

“That's one Ravenclaw in another house we've found.” Harry said as he led the group over to the fifth floor entrance to the spiral staircase that would take them up to the door knocker and their common room. “I wonder if there are any more hidden in the other Houses?”

“I'm sure there has to be at least one in Slytherin.” Terry Boot said and his friends gave him disbelieving looks. “I mean, the hat tried to put Harry in Slytherin. Maybe someone else decided to not fight the hat's first decision?”

Harry nodded. “That's a good point, Terry. Some might have been told to take that House anyway, just because of family obligations.”

“We know the other Griffindors are out, so there's no need to check them.” Anthony Goldstein said.

“We can also skip checking the Hufflepuff first years.” Harry said. “Susan's pretty smart and hard working.”

“You're just saying that because she's your cousin.” Padma said with a laugh. “Family obligations!”

That made the other Ravenclaws laugh and Harry joined in.

They split up in the common room and Harry led Padma up to his dorm room. They climbed into his four-poster bed and Harry silenced the curtains and then disappeared with a crack. Padma didn't react and sat there and waited.

Harry reappeared and put down the set of first year books from a hundred and fifty years ago. “Your training starts here.”

Padma gave him a smouldering look that was oddly cute on her young face.

Harry gave her cheek a light caress as he pecked her on the lips. “Study now, flirt later.”

Padma giggled and picked up the first book, which was Charms, and she started to read. She soon discovered how quickly she could read now and she burned through the book within half an hour. When she closed it, she gave Harry a look so intense and full of passion that he should have burst into flames.

Harry smiled warmly and passed her the Transfiguration book.


Bellatrix laid in her bed and wore a very comfortable nightgown as she marvelled at how unbelievable her evening had been. The normal bowl of gruel had been delivered by a guard that didn't curse at her and he had shoved it through the hole in the bottom of the cell door. The surprise came when it had changed into the most delicious beef stew she had ever tasted.

She didn't question it, because she guessed that whatever spells her lord had cast on the cell, affected anything that entered it. His promise that she would no longer suffer had already been fulfilled in her mind. She was in her favorite place to live, had all of her favorite clothes, and could read all of her favorite books.

If she wasn't in prison, she would have been perfectly happy with her life.

The guard patrols had passed by the Dementor bones on the floor without seeing them, so they were also spelled to be ignored like she herself was. They knew someone was there; but, they didn't know it was her. It was both confusing and most welcome.


Bellatrix threw off her blanket and jumped to her feet, because there was only one person that could apparate into the prison. She walked over to the bars of her cell and felt anxious to see him again, even though it had only been about six hours. She needed to thank him for the clock on her nightstand.

“My lord.” Bellatrix whispered as the handsome young man strode down the hallway as if he owned the place. As far as she was concerned, he did.

“Hello again, Bella.” Harry said and came to a stop just outside her cell. “You look comfortable.”

Bellatrix nodded. “Your gifts have been most welcome, my lord.”

“It was the least I could do, since I can't take you from here without anyone discovering it.” Harry said.

Bellatrix sighed. “I knew they had something to detect escapes.”

“I would break it if that also wouldn't set it off.” Harry said.

“It must be so frustrating for you, my lord.” Bellatrix said and reached a hand out through the bars.

Harry took the hand and held it tenderly as he stepped close to the bars without touching them. “Bella, I must ask you something important.”

“I will tell you anything you want, my lord.” Bellatrix responded.

“What did you do with the magical goblet I gave you?” Harry asked and didn't let his nervousness show. He was being blunt with her, as his role dictated. He was sure that it was the right choice and he still felt trepidation about how she was going to react.

“I put it in my vault at Gringott's to keep it safe.” Bellatrix said.

Harry opened his mouth to ask her how to retrieve it and closed his mouth before he asked such a stupid question. “Your vault key?”

“Confiscated by the Ministry.” Bellatrix responded.

“They can't use it, can they?” Harry asked.

“No. It was taken without my permission. The goblins would skin someone alive if they approached them with a stolen key.”

Harry let out a sigh.

“Why do you want it back? It's perfectly safe where it is.”

“No, it isn't.” Harry said and took out the fake locket from a pocket. “This was hidden in a cave behind safeguards that no one should have known about, and yet, what I hold in my hand is a fake.”

Bellatrix reached for it with her free hand and then looked at the one her lord still held.

“My apologies.” Harry said and let her hand go.

Bellatrix smiled and moved the hand up to cup the side of his face. “Thank you, my lord.”

“I should be thanking you.” Harry said and leaned his head onto her hand. “I hadn't realized that your feelings could change so much from devotion into something more.”

Bellatrix's smile changed to a knowing one. “Rodolphus is three cells down, my lord. Remove him and his brother and I will gain everything they own. Then, I can be yours completely.”

Harry stiffened at her words and his mind worked furiously. Could it be that easy? Remove a Death Eater and Bellatrix would be completely in my corner and not Voldemort's?

“You are unsure about it?” Bellatrix asked and she started to take her hand from his face.

“No!” Harry said and caught her hand and put it back on his face and held it there. He took a moment to compose his response. “I have already signed a betrothal contract with a pureblood family to marry their eldest daughter.”

Bellatrix nodded. If there was anything she understood, it was politics and marrying properly. Her eyes went to Harry's blank forehead and she smiled. “Considering who you are right now, you may have a few options.”

Harry caught on right away. “You can't mean having multiple wives for each family name I have access to. Polygamy is illegal, even in the wizarding world.”

“If you remained the same person for each wife, yes.” Bellatrix said.

“I don't...” Harry stopped talking as he figured it out. “Transfiguring myself into different people won't work. I am still me and...”

“Are you?” Bellatrix asked with a crooked smile. “Do you act like this with your betrothed? With your friends? With your adopted family?”

Harry knew that she was right. He treated Susan a certain way, Padma another way, Hermione another way from both of those, and Bellatrix yet another way. The Supreme Actor skill let him become different people and he hadn't realized how much it influenced him without him actually activating it. He had fallen into roles without even needing the skill.

“I'm too young right now to deal with a family crisis.” Harry said and Bellatrix let out a girlish giggle. “I'll worry about it in a few years.”

“All right, my lord.” Bellatrix let his face go once more and she used both hands to open the fake locket. She took out the note and read it, caught her breath, and looked at Harry. “That little bastard Regulus Black stole your locket!”

Harry frowned at the name. He knew it and couldn't remember why. So, he closed his eyes and dove into Voldemort's memories. He focused on the cave and building the thing, adding in the protections and spells, then adding in the pedestal sink and the fluid.

He remembered wanting to test the protections and asking someone for a loan of their house elf... and that was when he remembered Regulus. The man had been all too eager to help and now Harry knew why. Regulus had known exactly what Voldemort was hiding and stole it to destroy it.

Harry opened his eyes and they glowed Avada Kadavra green. Bellatrix caught her breath at the sight and Harry felt her love for him increase. If there was one thing Bellatrix liked, it was proof that he was powerful.

“I wonder if he was successful?” Harry asked.

Bellatrix huffed. “Not likely! The little bootlicker wasn't very smart. The idiot probably tried blasting and cutting curses.”

Harry could only nod in agreement. He couldn't remember any of Voldemort's personal feelings, so he was saved from sadistic tendencies and bouts of irrational anger.

“You could try checking with the Black's house elf, Kreacher.” Bellatrix suggested.

Harry gave her a wide-eyed look. “Would it still be alive after this long?”

Bellatrix shrugged and closed the locket with the note inside. “Anything is possible.”

“Where can I find it?” Harry asked as she handed him back the locket.

“The family townhouse is at 12 Grimmauld Place, Islington Borough, London.”

Harry gave her a huge smile. “If it wouldn't set off the alarms, I would hug you right now.”

Bellatrix blushed a little at her lord being so forward about showing affection. “My lord, I would like that very much.”

Harry looked around at the prison hallway and back at her. “I'll figure out how to get into your cell somehow.”

“If you figure out how to get in, then you can figure out how to get me out.” Bellatrix said.

Harry nodded, because he had gained two quests. One for Kreacher and one for Bellatrix's release. He wasn't sure about completing the second one, especially if she decided to go on another muggle killing spree. Then again, having a trusted lieutenant that would follow his every order without question, would be nice to have.

“I need to go.” Harry said after checking his watch.

“Will you come to visit me again tomorrow night?” Bellatrix asked.

Harry thought about his schedule and nodded. “It will be brief, especially if I manage to talk to Kreacher tomorrow.”

“I will look forward to it, my lord.” Bellatrix said.

Harry could feel how she felt and he had to admit that he looked forward to it, too. He nodded to her and disappeared with a crack.


Minerva McGonagall sat behind her office desk and stared at her prized student. What he had asked was fairly unorthodox, especially because he was asking for her to allow one of her own lions to change their afternoon classes to match his. She also wasn't happy to learn that particular lion was ostracized because of how smart she was.

Then again, Mister Bones argued that not having Miss Granger around as much during the afternoons could generate enough feelings of missing her by her classmates that they would treat her better to entice her to switch back. It was a good plan and it would save her from having to confront so many students for their behavior.

Minerva still would confront them, just with a better plan and a tempered response that would include her changing Miss Granger's classes around. “I assume you already talked with Professor Flitwick?”

“Yes, professor.” Harry said and handed over the note his Head of House had given him. “Since he teaches the same materials for both of the first year afternoon classes, letting Hermione change over won't affect her.”

Minerva read the note and nodded. She wrote out her own and signed it, stamped it with the Deputy Headmistress seal, then the Hogwarts seal. She copied it and filed the original before she gave the copy to Harry.

“Give this to Miss Granger and let her know you will have a new classmate for the afternoon classes.” Minerva said.

“Thank you, professor.” Harry said and tucked the note away. “Is there anything else you would like me to make for you? End tables or perhaps a nice dresser?”

Minerva had to smile. “I wouldn't mind a nice coffee table in the same style as the dining room table.”

Harry chuckled and concentrated, then conjured up an appropriate looking coffee table, two end tables, and two more ornate chairs. “Have a good day, professor.”

“Good day, Mister Bones.” Minerva said with a soft voice and stared at the objects. She had expected him to make one thing and five of them appeared at the same time. Five!

As soon as Harry left her office, Minerva was at her wall cabinet and had a bottle of firewhiskey and a glass of ice in her hands. A long swig of burning alcohol later, Minerva sat down on one of the ornate chairs and rubbed her hands over the smooth cloth of the other chair's seat. She really did love these old chairs.

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