The Crimson Throne

Chapter 13: Capital

"You look quite pale. Should we stop and rest a little?" He sounded worried. His different-colored eyes studied her face.

"No, do not stop. I am just a bit tired. We cannot be late." Elaine pulled down her trembling hands and stabled her expression, trying to suppress her speeding heart.

Cecil leaned close to the window, his gaze pinned on hers. "Milady, I am your guard. Please depend on me when you are in trouble. I will always be there to protect you."

His words rang in Elaine's ears, tempting her to dismantle her barricades. 

Can I trust him?

She could feel her resolve wavered. 


Elaine bit on her quivering lip while gripping her dress. This world from the book was not hers. She reminded herself. She would be foolish to let her guard down. One wrong move could spell her demise. What happened made Elaine realize she had no advantage, and the book she relied on was full of plot holes, leaving out many essential and dangerous details.

"Thank you, Sir Ascania. I will keep your words in mind." Elaine dragged out a weak smile. "If there is nothing else, then let us continue." She shut the curtain and refrained from looking outside for the remainder of the trip.

"Princess, we have reached Soleias." After another couple of minutes, the coachman informed Elaine of their arrival.

Cecil jumped down from his stallion and opened the carriage door. She accepted his help, stepping outside. Elaine then glanced back and noticed her escort's numbers seemed lessened. 

"How many are we missing?" Her insides churned while waiting for an answer.

One man in front finished counting and reported, "We have lost four guards, milady."

She heaved a sigh. Even with the knowledge, they could not escape untattered. The creatures stalked not only her but also many of her men. Elaine wondered about the creatures' purpose in spiriting away these victims. What were their gains?

"Welcome, Lady Estella." Three cloaked magicians approached her, inclining their heads. "We hope you had a safe journey."

"Aside from losing four men, everything else proceeds as planned." She surveyed her surroundings. They had arrived in an outskirt town several miles away from Soleias. Before Elaine stood another satellite tower overlooking lush green fields. Behind it laid several smaller structures with curious onlookers fighting among themselves for a peek at the high-status visitor. To maintain its neutrality, the magic association forbade the construction of its branches within a nation's capital.

"We sincerely apologize for your loss. Though unfortunate, it is a small sacrifice for the saved time," a magician lamented, yet Elaine heard no sorrow in his voice. "Now, for your purpose here today. Please go through the door on the left, and you will arrive at the palace entrance." He then shifted his tone and directed her toward a red door forming from a series of dark smoke.

"All of you remain here. Only Cecil will follow me." 

"But milady, the Duke instruct-" some men protested.

"My father is not here, is he?" Elaine interrupted them. "I am your current master, and you will listen to me. If my father asked, tell him you all followed my order." She again channeled Estella's authoritative demeanor. 

"Or are you unaware of the punishment for disobeying a noble?" she glowered.

The protesting men dropped to their knees. "Forgive us, milady. We overstepped our boundaries. But his grace instructed us to protect you at all costs."

"I understand his concerns, but only Sir Ascania will be enough to visit the palace." Elaine smiled. She deduced protecting her was not his primary instruction based on her knowledge of Gerard. Elaine could not predict what meeting with Alexander would lead to, but she was unwilling to sabotage it by having Gerard's spies snooping in the background.


"This conversation is over. Do not make me repeat myself. Let's go, Sir Ascania." She held Cecil's arm and entered the door before the men could utter another word.

The door disappeared after they stepped through. Elaine and Cecil arrived in front of a towering gate expanding far beyond their line of sight. Rows of guards and knights patrolled throughout the perimeter, not allowing a fly to pass. She released Cecil's arm and approached a knight guarding the entrance.

"I seek an audience with the Third Prince." Elaine pulled out an invitation letter and the Croix's ruling insignia. 

"Of course, Lady Estella. Sir Crowle has been expecting you." The knight bowed and directed her to an older knight waiting inside the gate.

"It is an honor to be in your presence, milady." Crowle inclined his head, an amiable smile spreading across his face. "Please follow me."

"Where are we going?" Elaine inquired.

"The Third Prince is waiting for you in his guest manor," he replied.

All princes and princesses resided within the palace. However, the emperor granted those who possessed influential family ties special privileges. One such benefit included the four guest manors on the palace grounds. The Crown Prince and Third Prince occupied the East and North manors, while the other two remained empty. As Lady Maria, the Duke of Lévis' younger sister's only son, Alexander received the East Manor and employed it for social gatherings ever since.

Crowle led Elaine and Cecil to a grand white granite and marble structure. The ornate, imposing colonnade surrounding its entrance further underscored its elegant style. A young man dressed in a simple yet extravagant outfit sat on the second-floor balcony, resting his chin on his hand. Silver hair swayed against the wind, complementing his chiseled face and striking blue eyes. 

"Your Highness, I have brought Lady Estella," the older knight announced.

The young man looked down, a mischievous grin plastered on his face. "Welcome, Lady Estella. I hope you look forward to this meeting as much as I am."




Well, it is that time in the story again where I introduce a character and his headshot. Feel free not to look though and use your imagination 😃.

PS: these headshots are the characters' older versions, not their current self.


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