The Crimson Throne

Chapter 9: Bodyguard

Gerard looked toward Yusef.

"My Lord, Lady Estella garnered an interest in a young knight-in-training called Cecil de Ascania," Yusef explained.

"Ascania? Isn't that the name of a Marquis house condemned to death because of the salt smuggling operation seven years ago?" Gerard immediately recalled the incident. It was one of the biggest scandals of the time.

"Yes, you are correct, My Lord. Cecil is the house of Ascania's last living descendant. Though the Emperor took pity and spared him because of his age, he still stripped the boy of his noble status and demoted him to a commoner."

"Then how did he come to serve under us?" Gerard inquired.

"The knight captain saw his potential and picked him up from the orphanage. He wanted to foster the child. But, unfortunately, Cecil insisted on keeping his family name," Yusef bemoaned.

Elaine calmly watched the pair's theatrical performance, especially Gerard's carefully crafted innocent expression, considering he masterminded the entire incident.

Cecil's father, Marquis Adelmo, was an ally of the House of Amboise and a fervent supporter of the Third Prince. In addition, he was also the administrator assigned to one of the three salt mines in the west. Salt was one of Étoile's most critical commercial exports. And the empire strictly regulated its movement, castigating those smuggling the precious mineral.

Long been a thorn in his eyes, Adelmo's relationship with the house of Amboise further gave Gerard reasons to plot his disposal. He planted several spies within the mine to ferment the workers' greed, telling them tales of high profits selling salt crystals on the black market. His spies then assisted the workers in establishing a salt smuggling operation while seeding evidence implicating Adelmo in several places. The Emperor caught wind of the smuggling and called for an investigation, leading to the discovery of Adelmo's involvement. The House of Amboise tried proving his innocence in vain, as all evidence pointed to the Marquis.

The Emperor ordered the execution of all of Ascania's adult members, leaving little Cecil an orphan at the age of eight. As a result, the royal guards brought him to an orphanage where Croix's knight captain discovered him.

Marked by a cruel fate, the young boy swore loyalty and devotion to his archenemy. Elaine, however, took solace because, in the book, Cecil never realized the truth and died without regrets.

Gerard studied Elaine. "Of all the qualified candidates, why would you want a young knight-in-training?"

"All the knights already swore their loyalty to you, and I do not tolerate other people's things. Therefore, my possession will solely follow my orders and no one else, not even you, father." She felt terrible calling other human beings possession, but as an aristocrat of this world, Elaine needed to act in the same manner.

The room fell silent for a minute, then suddenly Gerard erupted into laughter. "You are indeed my daughter. Even our selfishness is similar. Fine, I will grant your request. Train him well, so he will only die for you."

"Thank you, father."

"Please allow me to escort you back, milady." Yusef guided Elaine back to the manor entrance. He then excused himself and approached an older knight in front of the guarding formation. He whispered something to the knight and glanced at Cecil. The older knight gestured for the young man to come forward.

"What might you require of me, sir?"

"Under his grace command, you are to serve Lady Estella from today onward. You are to follow her every order, even to die for her. Do you understand?" Yusef announced with a smile.

Cecil looked confused but quickly returned to his usual expression. He walked toward Elaine and knelt before her. "Milady, although I am not yet worthy of you, I swear to serve, protect, and listen to your every command, even if it will cost me my life."

"I accept your oath. You may rise." Elaine nodded. Her face was calm, though inside, she felt overjoyed. Cecil finally came under her control, a first step in the right direction.

Yusef continued his previous task and led Elaine and Cecil back to her residence. As she walked in, Mariam and several other servants standing outside greeted her.

"Our journey ends here, though I am always at your service if you desire, milady." Yusef exercised a deep bow and returned to the main manor.

Elaine waited momentarily to observe his fading silhouette, then turned to Mariam. "This is Sir Cecil de Ascania, and he will be my bodyguard from today onwards. Arrange for him a room closest to mine."

Mariam seemed curious but did not inquire further. "Yes, milady. Please follow me, Sir Ascania."

Cecil glanced over at Elaine, and she gave him an approving nod. "Get some rest and acquaint yourself with this place. This manor will be your new home. Meet me at dinner in two hours."

"As you wish, milady." He followed Mariam inside.

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