The Crystal Palace Of Heaven

Chapter 12 - Non-mainstream sky legend

Mother in heaven, maybe I will be able to see you right away … It ’s strange! I am just sixteen years old, and I still have a lot of youth without waste. I have not found a girlfriend. I have come to this world. I have not even had a protagonist. Just hang up now, and then go to heaven to accompany the tough mother to play treasure, I do n’t want it.

Don’t want to die, I don’t want to die!

‘S obsession with survival seemed to be more and more firm, and Lu Xi suddenly felt his thoughts became more and more calm. The spell of flying seems to appear clearly in my mind.

“Feel the power of the wind, let the body and the airflow wave form a resonance …” Lu Ximing murmured in the secret of flying, “The element of the wind, please lend me strength. I don’t want to die, really I do n’t want to die, so I want to fly! “

The last sentence was almost roaring out. Lu Xi’s body suddenly changed direction in a free fall, popping a strange ripple in the void like a dragonfly, and then rising into the sky.

(The system prompts: The host breaks through the critical point of the spirit and masters the essentials of flying. Spirit +3, intelligence +2, perception +3, skill “plastic foundation” level +1.)

“Fly! I fly!” Lu Xi shouted excitedly. He felt the communication between the air and the body, while constantly adjusting the magic in the body, trying to achieve a more perfect resonance with the wind element.

Lu Xi slowly climbed up and finally flew over the colorful rose island. He looked at the forest lake on the floating island and breathed a long breath.

“Hmm, didn’t the old guy say that it took more than ten years of hard work to fly? But I took a few minutes to master it, and dare to say that I am not a genius?”

Lu Xi was proud, and his tail was arrogant enough to be a flagpole. Unfortunately, this state lasted only a few minutes. Soon, he felt: a sense of fatigue that had never been experienced had somehow invaded, and soon spread to the whole body. He felt sick and nausea, and finally couldn’t resist not vomiting, but his head suddenly hurt like a needle.

He can no longer maintain the balance of magic power, and the body once again appears free-falling movement. Fortunately, this time, the destination of the fall finally became a lake on the island.

“Don’t try to use magic that can’t be maintained by your own magic, otherwise, the consequences caused by the overdraft of the magic will inevitably be unimaginable.” Taken from the first chapter of the first-year basic textbook “The Origin of Magic” of Nadia Central Academy of Magic.

After eating Lu Xi, who has not suffered from basic education, he fell straight for a few seconds, and then came in close contact with the water; although it was a lake, he caught up with the acceleration of falling from the sky, and the heavy impact almost made me dizzy. past.

Lu Xi drank a few sips of water continuously, struggling to thrash a few times, but his exhausted hands and feet were soft and soon began to sink again.

   “When it’s over, don’t fall, do you want to be drowned? Do I want to be the first drowned crossing protagonist from the starting point?”

Just as Lu Xi was about to give up resistance and let the lake water drown himself, he seemed to hear the hazy sound through the sound of water.

“Someone has fallen into the water. Boole, hurry up and save people.”

“Well, Holler … but I can’t swim.”

“Fool, hurry over the boat!”

“Holly Holler.”

A small boat came over, and Lu Xi soon felt his body was pulled by a pair of powerful arms, and was suddenly dragged out of the water.

Lu Xi lay on the ship’s board, breathing fresh air greedily. He just took a breath, and the dizziness and nausea that came out of the magic came again. He lay prone to the side of the boat. With a “wow”, he almost poured the lake water into his stomach and yesterday’s overnight meal, even including gastric juice Spit it out.

The two people who rescued him were obviously stunned by his bold vomiting method. For a long time, a voice said carefully: “Are you all right?”

“How could it be okay?” Lu Xi took a heavy breath of air with a fresh taste of the lake water, and it felt a lot better: “My name is Lu Xi, thank you for saving me.”

“Lucy? Is this a girl’s name. You look so pretty … But, are you a man or a woman?” The other voice spoke silly.

“Patience, patience,” Lu Xi jumped a blue muscle on his forehead, but said to himself, “This is a life-saving benefactor. It’s too rude to hurt someone.” He raised his head and tried to squeeze a smile: I ’m a man, 120% pure men. In short, thank you again for your life-saving grace. “

His life-savers are two people, exactly one human and one non-human.

The human is about 18 or 9 years old, tall, wearing a simple linen top and black pants. He has brown-red hair, a sturdy body, and his facial features are not handsome, but he has a healthy blush and a youthful atmosphere.

Another non-human is more burly, at least more than two meters tall, and his arms are probably thicker than Lu Xi’s thighs. He was naked, showing strong muscles that seemed to be full of explosive power. Compared with ordinary human beings, his facial features are much more gritty, but his two **** eyes are very simple and gentle, and there are two curved horns on the top of his head. It is clearly a minor tauren.

Humans and taurens actually stayed so harmoniously together, Lu Xi finally had a concept of the multi-ethnic country Nadia Federation.

“My name is Grant,” the human youth smiled, showing white and healthy teeth. “Actually, I and Boer were fishing nearby, and I just saw you fall from the sky.”

“Yeah, it fell from the sky,” Burr smiled broadly, “Are you the legendary angel?”

Angel your sister! It ’s said that I ’m a man.

“Can you do me a favor again?” Lu Xi struggled to maintain the smile on his face, “Send me to the shore. Of course, I will pay.”

“Haha, what kind of money is there for this little busy?” Grant smiled heartily. “Just you have to wait. We have to catch the fish before we can go back.”

“Oh, yes, you just came out fishing today.”

“Yeah. I heard that Lord Olucello came back and brought back a child. The village chief uncle said: Maybe the master is really ready to take the disciples. We also have to express our heart. So, the two of us came to arrest This year’s first white spine fish, so I can send it to the master. “

“Crunch.” Lu Xi heard the word Orusello, and immediately clenched her teeth. He took a deep breath, and before the two noticed, he quickly recovered his smile.

“White ridge fish?”

“Yeah, this is the famous product of our colorful roses. The meat is tender and delicious. It is said to have the effect of strengthening the body. But they usually stay at the bottom of the lake and it is difficult to catch. They will only swim in August Activities close to the lake. “

At this moment, Boole yelled.

“Gran, the fish is hooked!”

Grant hurried over and grabbed the fishing rod. The tauren also picked up a huge net pocket from the cabin.

Just when one person and one cow are fighting with white ridge fish, Lu Xi blinked his eyes and said, “I know a new method of cooking fish. Do you want to hear it?”

Olucello is sitting in the castle’s restaurant. He had changed to a light dress and sat in a relaxed posture at the dining table, holding a pipe in one hand and reading documents in the other.

“Well, the rent for this quarter is about 1,200 golden mira, 400 tax is required, the specialty income is three thousand meters, but the purchase of materials cost 3,800 mira, the castle and the laboratory The usual maintenance also cost 500. In general, we are losing money. “Orusello said.

“Frankly speaking, sir. The bulk of this cost is used to maintain the materials and equipment you need for research. Since you removed all public office, there is only a subsidy of one hundred mira per year. It’s simply not enough to make ends meet. “It was a short creature speaking. He was only half as tall as a man, with a bald head, a garlic nose, two huge ears, and big eyes, but it brought a bit of joy to this humble face.

This is a kind of creature called “Fine Monster”, they are not tall, and their brute force is far from the dwarves, but they have rare engineering and mechanical talents. Since ancient times, it has been regained by the Learning Alliance, becoming the best squire and assistant of the magicians.

In the laboratory, they helped to install equipment and debug drugs; on the battlefield, they took the crossbows and hammers to assist the combat mages to fight; even for the Federation, the huge puppet force of construction, the master monsters are indispensable. Maintenance and upkeep.

The talking monster is Gamcha, an old monster who has been serving Orusello for forty years, and is also the current housekeeper of Colorful Rose Island.

Hearing the old housekeeper’s words, Orussell couldn’t help but smile bitterly: “Then there is no way, I can’t go back cheeky and ask the officer to do it?”

“I don’t mean that. It’s not a problem if you don’t make ends meet. You’re about to take the apprentice again, don’t the young masters need to spend pocket money? You know, young people spend countless . Moreover, if he is going to marry his wife in the future, you have to prepare a house, a car, oh, and a gift. Is n’t this another expense? “Lao Jing said with a finger.

“Oh, old friend, you would spoil the child if you think this way.” Olucello shook his head with a smile. “Moreover, I haven’t said I must accept him as an apprentice.”

“Don’t hide from me,” said the old quirk. “For so many years, I have never seen you bring an outsider back, let alone agreed to let him read your precious books and notes. This is not What is the apprentice doing? “

“You know it, you still have to say that it was the assistant I brought back,” Orusello said. “There is still a three-month trial period for part-time work. If you take an apprentice, can’t you let me observe for a while?”

   “Ao Jiao, you’ll be next to Ao Jiao.” The old monstrosity grinned wide, as if expressing the above meaning, but said in his mouth: “Understood and said again. Where did the young master go?”

“The last time I saw him, it should have fallen into the lake.” Olucello said, “For the time being, now it’s time to climb to the gate. Old Gam, please let me know if you When you see a boy who looks like a chicken and looks like a little girl, let him come in directly. “

“A boy who looks like a little girl, what kind of species is that?” The elf stranger stared at his eyes and went away in a fog.

Half an hour later, the old monster came in with the landing hope. At this time, he had taken a bath and changed his clothes, but his face was still unresolved.

“Well, how does it feel to fly?”

“I don’t know about others, but at least the feeling of heaven is realized.” Lu Xi replied.

“It’s right to feel like this,” Orusello said. “If there is no such stimulation of life and death, other people need more than ten years of hard work to master the magic. How can you realize it in just a moment? ? “

“Then I really want to thank you.” Lu Xi rolled his eyes. “However, if Nadia has an education committee, I will definitely go and discuss this issue with them.”

“Nadia not only has a board of education, but also a juvenile protection agency. But how dare those guys who eat dry rice dare to control me, the magnificent magister Olucello? Oh ha ha ha ha ha!

“The ugly face of the right holder, I finally saw it today.”

  Looking at the confrontation between the two, the elf monster quickly played the round.

“Master, you and the young master have traveled so long, there must be no good meal. Eat first, then rest well, and I will talk about something tomorrow.”

“Daddy Gam, didn’t I say don’t call me like that? Little Lucy, Lu Lu, Xixi, these cute names are casually called, anyway, I am used to it.”

“Hehe, little master …”

“Lu Xi!”

“Well, Lord Lu Xi ……”

“Why increase the number of people?”

“Okay, okay,” Oruzzello hurriedly interrupted the non-nutritious conversation between the two, “Old Gam, what is today’s main dish?”

“Oh, this has to be praised for the sincerity of Lord Lu Xi.” The old monster quickly said, “The villagers heard that you were back and sent the first white ridge fish this year. Lord Lu Xi Cooking personally gave us a lot of insight. “

“Oh?” Orusello glanced at Lu Xi, showing a playful smile, “You made today’s main course? Take it up.”

The white ridge fish on the plate now showed an attractive color similar to coffee red. The fish was sprinkled with spices and grass foam, and the fish belly was filled with truffles and mushrooms. The flavors of the seasonings and the flesh of the fish are intertwined, making the index finger move.

“Unexpectedly, you still have this hand.”

“Dish is full of color and flavor, why don’t you taste it first?”

   “Well, okay.” Olucello cut a piece of fish with a knife and put it in his mouth.

“how about it?”

“The mouth melts and the aftertaste is really delicious.” Ouzello narrowed his eyes, apparently very satisfied with the taste and taste. “However, this scent is the first time you taste it. What spice? “

“It’s actually very simple,” Lu Xi took out a small pocket. “This is the moss scraped from the rock cave near the ice crystal temple in the Norda Forest. They absorb natural aura in the cave all the year round. There is a special smell. Any food flavored with it will have a pleasant fragrance. “

“Oh, that’s what happened, but why have I never heard the elves?”

“That’s for sure. How can the elves’ food taste match me. UU reading uses it for seasoning, which is my original.” Lu Xi said proudly, “And, in During a cooking experiment, I also discovered new features. “

“What function?” Olucello asked in coordination.

“Just match him with truffles and mushrooms, you can make a supreme taste, and,” Lu Xi smiled with teeth showing at the corners of his mouth, “Can also be a powerful laxative!”

“Hoo!” Orusello suddenly jumped up and rushed towards the door, but soon he ran back suddenly and rushed to Lu Xi.

“Stubborn boy, don’t think that’s the case!” He gritted his teeth and made a gesture to Lu Xi before turning back to the toilet.

At this time, Lu Xi was already rolling on the ground with a smile. He covered his stomach, his facial features were all wrinkled together, and his tears were all laughing. It wasn’t that he wanted to laugh so shamelessly, but that Olucello had just cast a smile spell on him; the intensity of the spell was enough for Lu Xi to laugh all night.

(The system prompts: You have been hit with a mantra of laughter. Current status: “Continuous laughter.” Remaining time in state: 7 hours, 59 minutes, 34 seconds. Suggestions: 1. Take No. 3 holy water. 2. Receive the magic purification treatment .3. Run the temple breathing method. 4. Encounter the impact of the battle roar.)

“Pit your mother’s system, where should I go to find holy water, where to find a priest, where to learn the secrets of the paladins and Nord warriors.” Lu Xi wanted to blame the sky, but could not do anything else After all, the movement can only roll around his stomach.

Looking at these mentors and apprentices, the elder stranger could not help but grin his mouth wide and wiped his tears as if: “Oh ~~ Seeing that you and the lord are so good together, the old ham can be really happy.”

Did you see that we got together with your nose?

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