The Curse of Time (Harry Potter Fanfic)

This story changes from the canon

Unfortunately, our search didn’t lead to anything; we didn’t find it. Hermione told me about her meeting with Harry Potter and apparently his friend with red hair—probably Fred and George's younger brother.

"Maybe you left it at home. I’ll contact Grandma when I get there," I said to Neville, who kept sniffling.

After that, I spent my time talking to Hermione about the magical world for the rest of the trip.

"Thank you, I’ve learned so much from you."

"It’s nothing. You can come and talk to me whenever you want, as long as it’s not at night, during class, or when I’m giving support lessons."

After that, Marie and I separated from Hermione and Neville.

"First year come here. Hi Harry. Hey you wouldn’t be your toad."

Well, the case of Neville’s lost toad is now closed.

Following the others, we came upon a carriage pulled by a Thestral.

It’s a very special creature—if you haven’t witnessed death, it’s invisible to you.

"Who would have thought that Thestrals would take us to school."

"Wait, we’re being brought in by Thestrals?"

Apparently, Mary couldn’t see them.

Once we arrived at Hogwarts, we headed to our respective tables.

I stood beside the prefect who was at the end of the table to greet the new students.

Looking at the other tables, I saw that Percy, Fred and George’s older brother, had become a prefect.

He stood upright with dignity, as if he had something to prove.

We waited for about fifteen minutes before the first years arrived in the Great Hall.

The Sorting Hat was placed on a stool and began to sing. Its song was different from last year’s, so my theory that it spends the year looking for rhymes for its new song was confirmed.

After the first years learned how they were going to be sorted, I saw some of them sigh with relief.

The firsts to be sorted were mostly placed in Hufflepuff.

"Terry Boot."

He was the first student to join Ravenclaw.

"Hermione Granger."

It was Hermione’s turn to be sorted, and I concentrated my attention, wondering which house she would be placed in.

It took quite a while before the Sorting Hat said...

To be continued.
















No, I’m kidding; I don’t have enough words to make a chapter anyway, lol.


I applauded more than the other students in my house. I’m sure that thanks to her intelligence, she will earn a lot of points for us.

 "Neville Longbottom."

I focused all my attention on him. He showed everyone his clumsiness by falling, then he was placed in Gryffindor and headed for the table without removing the Sorting Hat.

Everyone tried to gauge my reaction while I tried not to sink into a hole out of embarrassment.

"Draco Malfoy."

It wasn’t even necessary for the Sorting Hat to be placed on his head for the result to be announced.

"Put him in AZKABAN."

We were all shocked by what the Sorting Hat had just said.

Somewhere, the person with the sunlit eyes in the multicolor was laughing.

"Now that I’ve had a good laugh with this, let’s get back to a normal sorting."

"Draco Malfoy."

It wasn’t even necessary for the Sorting Hat to be placed on his head for the result to be announced.


He smiled as if it were obvious.

Other students were sorted, including twins who were, to the great surprise of some, not placed in the same house.

"Harry Potter."

The attention of the audience reached its peak.

"Did she really just say Harry Potter?"

"The Harry Potter?"

There were whispers from all sides. It took more than a minute for the Sorting Hat to make its choice.

"Put me this Squib at: 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey, England. The cupboard under the stairs."

That’s what the Sorting Hat said. We could see Harry’s face turning pale.

Meanwhile, the mysterious person was laughing even harder than before.

"Let’s be serious now that I’ve finished my jokes."


I believe this was the loudest cheer of any of the two banquets I’ve attended.

The last student was sorted, and Ronald Weasley went to Gryffindor.

Author’s note:" I think I will use the power of the script for the first year before making changes in the other years."

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