The Demon's Bride

Chapter 111: Sweet Cries-I

Chapter 111: Sweet Cries-I

Elise wondered where Master Ian was bringing her to and her question stop until she arrive not in her room but one of the room on second floor. When the door was opened and they entered, Elise found the room to be wide and vast but empty at the same time.

Ian placed her down on the long couch in front of his bed. Placing her down and he saw Elise looking around to distract herself from the pain while sweats dropped from her forehead.

"Where is this?" asked Elise, she had never walk into this room.

"My room." and at the statement, Elise felt her heart beat raise but for a different reason than when she found out she had been wounded.

Ian then sat beside her, in one swift movement, he had took the sole of her feet, bringing her legs to him and placed her sole on his laps. Elise had her body turn and flopped on the couch, her back stayed on the pillow that gave her a cushion to seat instead of lying down.

"It isn't as deep as it seemed, there will be no need to stature the wounds." Ian said to her and she felt relief. But her relief was short-lived when Ian had brought his eyes close to inspect the wound on her legs and her toes curled. She pulled her dress to cover her womanly parts and her face were flushed redder as time passes. She gulped her nerves erratic with the position she was in now.

She was unable to stay at her position any longer and called, "Master Ian..."

Ian didn't turn his eyes and explained, "I've closed the wound with magic, but it wouldn't have some effects so your skin would have to heal naturally with time." He turned her face and caught the sight of her white skin turning pink. Her supple lips trembled.

"Can I sit?" She asked him, the position she was now was too embarrassing because only God knows if Ian could see whatever under her gown as the fabric she was wearing was thin to slide and roll to her hips if it wasn't for her hands that work to stop the dress from rolling.

"Of course." He said and he placed her legs down to walk from his place to take medications. When he came back, he didn't sit beside her but kneeled in front of her. Taking her legs, he pulled the cotton dipped in medicine and rubbed it across her wound.

"How did you sleep?" He asked her, and when Elise was about to answer at the same time, she felt the medicine sinking to her wound itch, she pulled her legs in reflect of pain but Ian held her legs tight that didn't allow her to move.

"I... slept fine but in the dream I suddenly find myself walk in the corridor." She replied to hear Ian humming and the cotton dabbed again to her wounds.

Unable to hold the pain, she gasp and a cry left her lips with her back thrown to the couch, "Aww." She cried, the tears glittering on her eyes.

Ian stopped for a while and his eyes intently watching her cry with the smile on his lips disappearing. His eyes the shifted to see how her fingers digging the pillow beside her, her cry only sounds erotic even when she didn't meant to do so. It wasn't to Ian's liking to see his girl crying from pain but Elise just know how to file him up even when she didn't meant to do so.

When Ian heard her sniffles, he brought his hand to her cheeks and like a sweet coaxing, it helped Elise to calm down. But somewhere seeing her expression melting to his hand, a wicked thought passed to Ian's mind and he once again slide down cotton to her ankle. Elise flinched, she brought her hands to cover her lips and seeing it, Ian slipped his hand to her, bringing it away from her lips.

"Does it hurt?" He asked and saw her nod, the tears moved when she brought her head up and down. "Bear with it a little longer."

"Okay." she whispered.

"Bring your hands here." he instructed her, bringing her hand to his shoulder which Elise gingerly did. Before Elise could pull away from his shoulder, she felt the wound burnt by the medicine again and her body tilted forward. Her head rested on his shoulder and her hands crumpled the shirt Ian was wearing. He heard the gasp right next to his ears and slowly dabbed it again to hear her cry again. The sweet sounding cry was pleasant to hear. Ian ran his tongue to his lower lips, feeling her skin close to smell the blood and her fragrance mixing before him.

The bed was close, he thought to himself.

"That's a good girl." his whispered, making Elise to feel like her body was ice cold, touching a smoldering hot surface, she felt herself melted and her body shuddered with the praise. She didn't know if what she was feeling only pain or as Ian told her before, a pleasuring pain.

Elise pulled herself from his shoulders, her tears were now wiped and she stared back at Ian's face that was very closed to her. Their breaths brushed each other and she felt her own breaths rugged. When her eyes stared at him, she found something inside her stomach tied, heat passed to her body.

Ian smiled deviously to her, his lips wide to showcase his canines that seemed to have grown larger or perhaps was only what Elise thought to see.

"I like to see you cry in pain."

"C-cry?" She repeated like a little puppy who had just found a word to say. A surprise came to her eyes. What did he mean by wanting to see her cry from pain?

There were some instances Elise felt when she couldn't understand the word Master Ian said to her. She knows better than anyone how kind Ian was but at the same time, she also knows there were his devilish intent slithering behind his actions and words. Ian wasn't mean to her but he wasn't too sweet to her either.

A/N: Please don't forget to vote~ 1000 power stone at the end of the week would receive about 4/5 chapters mass release~ I believe in you guys!^^

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