The Divine Anime System

Chapter 111. The more aggressive approach

Rei was sitting on a rock besides the lake as he played around with spiritual qi in his hands. Just like what he had done with mana, Rei compressed the spiritual qi into strings as started to compress more and more together.

While he was doing this, Bai Wu was practising using dodging with her senses as Rei would swing a string of spiritual qi towards Bai Wu every so often so that she is always on guard.

"Hmm, Bai Wu. I'll increase the number once more." Rei said as he made even more strings of qi. The total increased to over 150 strings. Bai Wu had to try dodge all of them. While they didn't do too much damage, as long as one hit her it would send her back slightly.

"Remember Bai Wu, don't rely on your main senses of eyes and ears. Use your skin to sense the vibrations in the air from the attacks. Make sure that your body is free flowing as it dodges on instinct yet keep a concrete plan in your mind." Rei said while he controlled the qi strings with his right hand.

"So you want me to be free flowing?" Bai Wu asked.

"Yes, when you are on the defensive. Follow the flow as you dodge their attacks. Each attack will have a hint, intent and motion. Use this to predict where the attack will come from and instinctively use your body to dodge." Rei said as he multi tasked with training Bai Wu using his right hand and raising the spirit ring age with his left. In the 3000 years of training Bai Wu, Rei had increased his spirit ring age to 850,000 years.

[Might of Atlas (850,000)

Tremor : Host has the ability to control tremors.

Haki : User can use all three forms of haki.

Aegis : Creates a shield of energy around an area. Shield will not break as long as user provides enough energy. Shield contains a upper limit and will break if surpassed in one strike. User cannot move when using Aegis.

Passive boosts :

Increase defence, strength, speed by a factor of 39% at all times.]

"Does Lei mean like this? Going with the flow~" (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜 Bai Wu joked as she made a wave motion with her arms.

Rei sent a string of qi to her head as he knocked her back a little.

"Hmm. Lei it's too hard~ I don't get what you mean by going with the flow." Bai Wu said truthfully as she stopped joking around for a rare moment of seriousness.

"Hmm fine, I suppose you need a demonstration." Rei said as he stood up and walked toward Bai Wu who was sitting down.

"Bai Wu, you see this leaf?" Rei asked picking up a stray leaf.

Bai Wu nodded as she wondered why Rei would get a leaf.

Dropping the leaf from above, Rei waved his hand towards the leaf as it bent with the wind and dodged out of the way.

"See this, the leaf follows the wind as it dodges out of the way. Granted that if one is fast enough, they can catch it before it can even react." Rei said as his hands blurred and caught the leaf.

"Now I want you to take inspiration from the leaf when it is following the wind. Your body is the leaf as the enemy attack is the hand trying to grab you. Push your instincts outwards as your body reacts instinctively to dodge the attack. With the 3000 years of training we did for your body, you should be able to have a pretty high limit before people can catch up to you when you master this technique." Rei said as he sat back down.

"Bai Wu, the best way would be for you to be blind folded and ears plugged. This way your other senses are being pushed to the limit." Rei said as he threw her a blind fold and a pair of ear plugs. These were items he had left over in his separate space that he decided to use right now.

Bai Wu nodded as she grabbed the blindfold. She was about to put it on when he paused and gave it a sniff.

"Hmm, smells like Lei but...younger? Slightly different but still Lei? And salty too." She said.

"Yeah, I had used that blind fold when I was training to spread out my senses. As for the salt, I was out at sea when that had happened." Rei said as he smiled nostalgically at the memory of partying with Shanks.

"But I will get distracted...." Bai Wu muttered.

"Why?" Rei asked not understanding how the blindfold would distract her.

"Because it smells like Lei is on my face." Bai Wu said blushing and looked down at the floor avoiding Rei's stare.


'It was a pure intent ok? I just wanted you to use it to train ok? Why would you say it's like I'm on your face?!' Rei thought with a face palm.

"Hais....come on, we'll buy you a new blindfold. We'll also take this chance for you to fight other people as well. At least then you'll have some experience in fighting someone other than myself." Rei said standing up.

"Umm Lei? Can I keep this?" Bai Wu asked looking at the blindfold.

"You can keep it if you want, I don't use it anymore." Rei said as he saw Bai Wu tie the white blindfold into a hair band holding up her hair. Rei went into a slight trance as he watched her tie her hair. Bai Wu finished as she looked into the lake as examine how she looked. She nodded a few times before turning to Rei who was in a slight trance.

Bai Wu blushed at how Rei was looking at her in a trance.

"Umm, Lei? What do you think?" She asked shyly.

"Hm? Oh er *Clears throat* Yeah it looks nice on you. Come on, let's head to the city." Rei said as he calmed himself.

"Heh heh~ Lei should be truthful if you find me beautiful~" (◠‿◠✿) Bai Wu said as she lightly jogged over to Rei.

"Hmm, we'll see when it happens." Rei said with a shrug as they made their way to Suotuo city again after the incident with the prince and titled douluo 3000 years ago.

However, the moment they entered the city, they could see the crystal statue Rei made for Bai Wu. Rei could see that the thousand year dream statue had become a tourist spot as many tourists were crowded around it marvelling at it's beauty.

Rei wasn't worried that people could make connections between Bai Wu and that statue as it would seem like relatives if anything. This was mostly due to Bai Wu maturing alot after these 3000 years. Her hair was a dark shade of brown as her iris were of deep brown and almost black. Her height averaged around 160cm, medium sized breasts that didn't seem too large or too small on her body, a thin waist and slender legs Bai Wu could be called the most beautiful woman alive and almost no one would disagree.

"Come Bai Wu, let's go get the blindfold now." Rei said as he lead Bai Wu away from the area. He felt like he was about to cut the peoples heads off when they stared at Bai Wu with lecherous thoughts. Though it's not like he didn't. He made collars of qi so that when he was far enough it'll constrict and decapitate all who had stared at Bai Wu with lecherous thoughts.

Bai Wu who had been with Rei for a long time, also gained the ability to sense energy and noticed what Rei did.

"Hou hou~ Is Lei jealous that people are looking at me? Don't worry, only Lei can see what's underneath." Bai Wu grinned as she slightly pulled her dress forward so that only Rei can see underneath.

"Che, lecherous rabbit." Rei said knocking her head gently. While his actions may seem gentle, his mind was raging as he controlled himself to not get turned on by Bai Wu's pranks.

"Hehe~ I'll only be a lecherous rabbit to Lei." (✿◠‿◠)~♡ Bai Wu said not backing down.

'Lei said that in battle one must try to take the initiative when they can. So I'll do just that.' Bai Wu mentally grinned as she tried the more aggressive approach to try reach Rei's heart.

"Hmm try not 'show off' in public too much." Rei said sending out a few more qi collars ready their victim once they're far enough.

"So you want me to 'show off' when we're alone?" Bai Wu said still on the offensive.

( # - _ -)! Rei felt a tick mark appear on his forehead hearing her suggestive remark.

"Stop it, we're here at the store now." Rei said as he showed her the store that sold fabrics.

"Fine I'll stop...for now." Bai Wu said as she grinned. This more aggressive method was proven more effective to get Rei's reaction in certain situations.

Rei only shook his head as he walked into the store with Bai Wu. Buying a long strip of white fabric, Rei helped tie it around Bai Wu's eyes.

"Now I want you to stay this way and use your other senses to detect the surrounding and move around." Rei said as Bai Wu nodded. Rei made sure to flare his energy slightly as it acted as a beacon to help Bai Wu adapt. Due to the fact that she was a spirit beast, Bai Wu found it much easier for her to use her other senses and didn't take long for her to be able to 'see' even without her eyes.

"Hmm, your talent in haki is quite surprising." Rei muttered.

"Haki?" Bai Wu asked hearing the unfamiliar name.

"That's just the name of this technique. Or more specifically, observation haki. It allows you to see the area around you with just your other senses." Rei said.

"And I guess Lei is really good at using this haki?" Bai Wu said as she was quite surprised by the amount she could sense already. She couldn't help but think about how clear Rei could see..... She grinned....

"Lei~ you saw everything with this haki didn't you? E.V.E.R.Y part of me." She whispered to Rei while leaning close to him.

Rei clenched his teeth as his internal battle slowly tipped into the losing side. A vein was painfully obvious on Rei's forehead as he forced the urge down again.

"Alright stop messing around, we'll find some opponents to help you increase your haki." Rei said as he looked at the Colosseum look alike not too far from him. From what he knew, Rei determined that the colosseum had the most chance of being a place Bai Wu could fight people to improve herself.

'Kuhuhu, Lei is holding back so much. But is it so hard just to kiss me?' Bai Wu thought. While she may have some ideas on how to get 'reactions' from Rei. It was merely surface level and she was still quite naive on what actually comes after. All she knew was when two people love each other they would kiss. The male would find attraction towards the female. The end. While she did know that some spirit beasts would mate, she wasn't sure if that was the same for humans. However! There are some spirit beasts that laid eggs instead.

'Does Lei lay eggs? Is that why he's holding back? So maybe he's embarrassed about it. But then again, male's don't lay eggs.' Bai Wu continued to think while Rei felt a sudden increase of irritation.

'Did someone think something bad about me?' He thought before shaking his head and walked towards the reception of the colosseum.

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