The Divine Anime System

Chapter 93. Breakthrough

Lighting started to gather above a certain mountain range. Rei sat in a lotus position as he had absorbed all 5 of the commandments he took and broke through to the Divine rank unlike last time where he had forced himself up which in return had killed him.

Right now, Rei could be seen with a spiral of neon blue and green energy twisting around him as particles could be seen floating around him. It didn't take long for more strands of energy to appear around him as they represented everything that he had. From the different colours for the elements he could use to magic circuits being spread out constructing phantasms and destroying them at the same time.

Entering divine sage mode, demon assault mode and Bankai. Rei prepared to take on the tribulation that was required for him to ascend into divine rank. Then started to coat his arms in a deep red haki while the lightning was about to strike. Pointing up his hands, Rei directly opened his True Eight inner gates as the lightning stuck.


The mountain range collapsed and was reduced to ashes as the lighting struck. A huge cloud of dust could be seen from everywhere in the country. Suddenly, a force exploded outwards as Rei could be seen floating while he held a spear of lightning in his hands. He had his own purple lightning flash around his body as he had used this to help him grab the lightning.

"Hmph, I eat lightning for breakfast and you use it to test me." Rei spoke as he crushed the lightning in his hands as he ate it.

{Obtained - Heavenly Tribulation Lightning-

Congrats host for entering pseudo divine rank.]

Rei saw the message and was confused as to why it wasn't divine rank.

[Host has yet to comprehend any type of Divine essence so host can't enter true divine rank.]

'Divine essence huh....I guess it's the level above the law. System show comprehensions.' Rei thought as he floated to the ground.

[Laws : Space, Element(new), Seals(new)

Concepts : Particles/atoms(new, sounds(new)]

'I should try to get my space laws to divine essence since I've had it for the longest time.' Rei thought before looking back at the destruction the tribulation lightning had caused.

'I guess I can't stay here anymore.' Rei shook his head while he walked away from the location.

Rei continued to walk as he passed a lake. Looking into the lake, Rei could see that his hair had grown to half way down his back, his face had sharpened up and he had lost most of his baby fat. Looking at his clothes, Rei could see that what he wore for the most of his current life was in complete tatters.

[Host still has unbreakable armour set.] The system messaged Rei causing him to turn his head in slight confusion.

'When did I get that?' Rei asked as he couldn't remember how he got this.

[Host is unauthorised to know.] The system replied causing Rei to only shrug before changing his clothes. He he changed back into his outfit, Rei saw how the clothes adjusted themselves to his size and could only marvel at the helpfulness.

'Right then system, show me full stats.' Rei though as he wanted to know where he was at currently.

[Name : Rei

Age : Immortal

Bloodline : Origin Demon Emperor, Archangel, Alucard

Comprehensions : Law of Space, Law of Seals, Law of Elements, Concept of Particles/Atoms, Concept of Sound.

Combat Rank : Pseudo Divine

Body : Divine

Soul : Divine

Will : Divine

Skills :

All energy eater

Unlimited phantasm works


True tremor fruit

The end


Passive :

Eight inner gates

Divine inner gates


All weapon mastery(70%)

Perfect mana control(97%)

Perfect body control

Heavenly Tribulation Lightning]

'Show description of my last skill and Heavenly Tribulation Lightning.' Rei though as he wanted to understand what he got.


Comprehension speed increases exponentially. Accurate value can't be viewed.

Heavenly Tribulation Lightning

Allows for host to gain the control of the strongest form of lightning. Can scatter souls rendering them unable to reincarnate.]

'So that's why I was able to comprehend laws of seals and elements....' Rei thought as he felt it weird for him to understand their law as he knew the years required were long.

'But truly...what even is that skill.....' Rei thought looking at his last skill which was 25% unlocked. Shaking his head, Rei started to walk towards the closest village that he could sense. During his walk, Rei had started to give himself a hair cut as he didn't like long hair since it effects him badly in combat.

"I wonder how many years have passed..." Rei muttered as he could start to see the village from afar. Walking over he could only see demons roaming around causing him to frown slightly.

"If this is the case then seems like the holy war had already started." Rei said as he sent out his haki to check if anyone were still alive. Sensing two life signatures below a basement surrounded by demons Rei frowned.

Walking over, Rei snapped his fingers reducing all of the demons to ash with small spears of fire.

"Can you open up, it's safe now." Rei said as he knocked onto the basement door.

There were no reply as Rei could only hear whimpers of fear. Making a small blade, Rei cut the lock of the door from the outside. Opening the door, Rei saw a woman holding a child backing away.

Before Rei could even say anything, the woman charged towards him with fear written all over her eyes.

"RUN!! GO QUICK!!!" The woman shouted towards her child as currently they couldn't trust anyone during this time with demons roaming around. The child froze up as she didn't know what to do.

Rei grabbed hold of the woman's wrists stopping her from hitting him.

"It's safe now the demons are gone. Now I want you to tell me what happened." Rei said as he looked at the woman. Rei frowned harder as he saw how the woman was insane from everything that had happened. Rei was about to help her when her skin started to turn red like the red demons and black markings appeared on her face. Her body started to enlarge as Rei let go of the woman. Grabbing the child, Rei quickly ran out of the house while he looked at the soon to be made red demon.

Making a seal, Rei scanned both of their bodies and found out that the woman was already fully infected but held on with sheer willpower. The child on the other hand was completely uncontaminated. The child shuddered with fear as she saw what had become of her mother.

"Close your eyes, I'll take you somewhere safe." Rei said as the child complied by turning around and covering her eyes. Making sure that the child wont be able to see what he was going to do, Rei turned towards the demon. Rei only drew a line with his finger before it turned into a blade of white fire that turned the demon's body to ash without it even saying anything.

Rei then teleported him and the child away from the village. Looking down at the child, Rei saw that she fainted from fatigue. Sighing deeply Rei shook his head.

'Poor child.' Rei thought with pity. Creating a new type of seal, Rei mimicked what the system could do but for seeing the stats and condition of other people instead.

[Name : Aiko

Age : 4 years and 11 months

Current condition : Extremely Malnourished.]

Rei frowned seeing the Extremely Malnourished status.

"Hais..." He sighed once more as he carried Aiko in his arms as he looked for some animals. It didn't take long for Rei to find a bear. Making a seal to sience the bear Rei walked up to it.

"I can't have you growling or you'll wake up Aiko. She needs her rest after what she had to go through." Rei said as he made a sword shape with his hand ans cut down. The bear only freezed up for a second before it was cleanly bisected in halves. Making some equipment for cooking, Rei started to prepare the bear for Aiko when she wakes up. Rei made a make shift bed with some wind element and placed Aiko on it before making a fire near by so she doesn't get cold.

Rei finished preparing the bear ready to be cooked at a moments notice and freezed the space around it to stop it from going bad. Sitting on a makeshift chair made from wind element, Rei made sure that there were no animals that went by so that Aiko can have her sleep. Looking back at her, Rei could see that she had raven black hair that went to her lower back, pale skin, a face that one could tell that she would become beautiful when she grows up.

"I bet she would have had a decent life if this holy war never existed." Rei muttered before shaking his head and when back to making sure no animals disturb Aiko.

A few hours passed before Aiko's eyes fluttered slightly before she opened them and saw that she was in a forest. She then saw Rei sitting on nothing. Her head hurt slightly as she was confused as to why she was here in the forest with a stranger. Her eyes widened as she remembered what had just happened. Tears formed in her eyes as she realised that her mother had died.

Rei looked over and saw that Aiko was awake and was about to cry. Walking over, Rei hugged Aiko letting her use his shoulder to cry out her pains. After a few minutes Aiko had stopped as Rei had been comforting her this entire time.

"Do you want to eat something right now?" Rei asked seeing that Aiko was awake.

She only nodded as her eyes where red around the rims.

Rei got up as he started to make some food for Aiko, using a mixture of magic into his cooking. Rei was able to make a dish that would have required him a full day to prepare everything in just a few minutes. Handing her a plate with a spoon, Rei gestured for her to eat. She looked at Rei hesitantly before she chowed down on the food. Rei only sat in his air chair while he crossed his legs seeing her eat with vigour. Soon she handed him an empty bowl.

"You want seconds?" Rei asked to which she nodded. Waving his hand, Rei made the bowl fill up with the more food. Aiko's eyes lit up slightly seeing Rei use magic before eating again.

Rei only smiled slightly seeing her actions.

Soon she was full as she only eyed the food wanting to take in all in but not being able to. Seeing her eye the food like her biggest treasure, Rei chuckled slightly.

"Don't worry, I can cook more when you want to." Rei said ruffling her hair before he stood up and waved his hand as everything disappeared like it was never there.

"Did you kill my mum?" Aiko asked causing Rei to freeze up slightly.

"This...." Rei hesitated slightly before he nodded.

They stood there in silence as Rei didn't know how to continue the conversation.

"Hais, I'll take to you a safe city before you can go join other people is that ok?" Rei asked as Aiko only nodded.

"So do you want me to carry you there or walk?" Rei asked. As if to respond to him, Aiko held her arms out.

"Are you sure? I mean, you know that I just killed your mum right." Rei asked slightly confused as to why Aiko still wanted him to hold her.

She nodded as she looked into Rei's eyes.

"She became a demon. Daddy also became a demon and tried to kill mum. Mum got bit but she still carried me to basement. She told me that she was going to die so if she did don't feel sad." Aiko said as some tears started to gather.

"That doesn't explain why you're okay with me after I killed you mum." Rei sighed as he couldn't help but look at the weird child in front of him being ok with everything that had happened.

"Because you tried to help us." Aiko said simply. Rei paused slightly before chuckling.

"Some people might want to help you with ulterior motives. What if I'm one of those people." Rei said with some humor as this child was smarter than normal.

Aiko only shrugged as he held out her arms once more.

Rei shrugged back with a smile as he carried her in his arms and started to walk towards the closest city.

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