The Dramatic Dungeon - A Dungeon Core Story

Chapter 71 - Tier Advancement

While Siegfried is off doing his thing, it's time for experimentation. The Evolution of his was unexpected, but not unwelcome. I had dreamed of animated armors when first selecting animated objects, and my first one being such a fine knight is marvelous.

It falls to me to supply him with a suitable setting to show his stuff. That means, Boss Rooms. The way I understand the inherent knowledge I gained about it, these are special rooms that don't count against the room count. They have to be accessible at the end of a floor and need to allow descent into the next floor.

Also, when it comes to making a boss room, it feels like this system is helping out quite a bit, because I have the option of just placing down a room adjacent to the borders of my domain, anywhere that is connected to my stage hall. Yes, even in the rocky walls.

When I think about creating the boss room, it's like an image of its dimensions overlaps my view of wherever I am thinking of creating it.

I won’t think long and hard about it, my current layout is confusing and multi-layered as is, I will simply put the Boss Room behind the stage. The actual details between the room connection I can figure out later, but the general direction should be in a straight line from the entrance to the stage hall so it is the furthest point in the dungeon. That and so it has a level of orderliness.

As soon as that is confirmed, the world kind of cracks and crumbles as a room shaped hole superimposes itself over where there was rock just now. My extra space is flooded with rock fragments, and the mild disorienting sensation of claiming a new addition to my domain appears, but then it is over, and I feel like I have grown a new limb.

Not that I know what that would feel like, I am not exactly made to have limbs, but it feels like that would probably be the equivalent.

Smooth rock covers the new space, the native rock of this place and not the polished marble I use in the rest of my domain, but that can be rectified, given some time. Other than that, the room is empty. It is up to me to give it purpose, a theme.

Given that this space is behind the stage, it stands to reason that people that get here want to test themselves and not just enjoy a show, doesn’t it? That shall be the theme then. A trial chamber. For knights and challengers alike.

The System seems to acknowledge my desire, and the Boss Room is imbued with the properties of a fitting room theme. Unlike my other rooms, it feels deeper here. Ohhh, so that's how it works? How exciting!

New notifications demand my attention, but first I open my status to check that everything is in order.


Name: The Playwright

Level: 20

Creature Type: Dungeon Core


Inherent: Dual(Transmutation/Illusion)

Acquired: Evocation (Lesser), Necromancy (Lesser)

Rooms: 5/5

Monster Capacity: 75/215

Unlocked Templates:

Animated Mannequin

Animated Clothing



Doppelganger, Juvenile


Monster Roster (Expand)

Boss Roster:

First Floor Boss: Siegfried, Grand Drape of the Curtain Knights

Room List:

Stage Hall (Grand)

Foyer (Crowded)

Costume Shop (Shifting)

Dressing Rooms (Swapping)

Unnamed (Awaiting Selection)

Trial of the Steel Curtain

Everything looks to be in order, I still have the hidden room to deal with but that is not a pressing matter, it is still being excavated after all.

Time to face this very pressing notification that is pushing itself into my awareness.

Tier Threshold met.

Prerequisites finalized.

Tier advancement begins.

And then I lose consciousness.

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