The Dramatic Dungeon - A Dungeon Core Story

Chapter 82 - Replica: At the threshold

Cautious footsteps echo down the marble hallway as the group makes their way deeper into my home. I have to restrain myself from looking at my temporary travel companions too much, and so I let my gaze and thoughts wander around the countless decorations adorning the walls. They are not as interesting as my “allies”, but you need to focus on fitting in, Replica!

Carvings of various kinds adorn the walls leading up to the stage hall. Mannequins and robes, chests and masks, and finally sprites and the little sphinxes are depicted in a staggering variety of designs, poses and surroundings. Every once in a while we pass by a mask at head height that I know is a peephole for my fellows, and it takes extra conscious effort to simply let my gaze glide over them without lingering. Good, well done, keep it up, me! Resist the temptation to wave at your siblings that are watching!

We can see the large double doors signaling the end of the hallway just ahead of us, and as we step closer the lighting flares and goes from a dim ambience to a well lit area. The floor ahead of us changes as the marble is covered in a red carpet that extends a few dozen meters until the door, and its solitary guardian.

A feline shape rests in front of the door, larger than its peers and sporting feathered growths near the base of its legs further setting it apart. It’s hawk’s head beholds our approach with a glint of keen intelligence in its eyes. Nathan clutches at his hand in worry, and I can’t help but feel bad for him. I get that for the hieracosphinxes it's just playing, but the beaks really hurt… I know how you feel Nathan. As his “comrade”, I turn towards him and give him a reassuring smile and a nod and position myself just a bit between him and my fellow dungeon monster. Unlike his younger siblings, however, Conundrum won't hurt us, even on accident, unless we provoke him. He is a guardian of the final threshold before the inner sanctum of our home, here to deliver the adventurers another challenge.

“Guests.” the little creature solemnly intones in his surprisingly deep rumbling voice that belies his small stature. “Step closer. No harm will come to you so long as you don’t deliver any yourself.”

Looking around at each other, my temporary companions hesitantly step closer, but not until after Simon shot me a questioning glance which I only responded with a near imperceptible shrug and a nod.

Luckily for me, the wordless communication between the original and their party leader was on full display during their initial discussion, otherwise I would have missed the subtle glances and gestures they constantly make at each other. I briefly worry that I messed them up - it’s so complicated and most of what I’m doing is guesswork - before centering myself again. There is gonna be a lot of talking in a second, Replica, now is not the time to panic. Panic after! You can panic all you want after this is over, when they can’t see you anymore.

After the entire party has stepped close enough to all be on the carpeted area of the floor, Conundrum raises himself from his seated position up to his full height… which reaches roughly up to the hips of these adventurers.

“Before I can allow you to bear witness to the spectacle beyond the gate, a test to determine if such is your fate! Answer my riddles correctly thrice, or otherwise, you pay the price!”

He practically purrs in excitement as we watch him complete his little spiel, before looking at one another and shrugging. Simon responds for us all with a simple “We accept your challenge.”

“Good. The first riddle, then. When one does not know what it is, then it is something. When one knows what it is, it is nothing. What is it?”

Oh no. He has tried this one three times now and every time…

“Oh, I have heard this one before!” Harry exclaimed, just as I feared. “One of our lecturers, Mister Devin, likes that one! Right, Ellie, Nathan?”

The both of them nod with sounds of affirmation, and Simon nods at Harry.

“A riddle!” he shouts excitedly, and Conundrum's head droops.

“Correct.” he grinds out.

Awwww, it's okay, you got two more shots! You will get the next one, I’m sure.

I can feel Conundrum’s determination, and send a feeling of affirmation while congratulating Harry “in character” with a stoic nod and a “Well done.”

“The first one you knew, but get ready for riddle number two!” Conundrum exclaims, before solemnly intoning the second riddle.

“It can pierce the best armor, And make swords crumble with a rub. Yet for all its power, It can't harm a club. What is it?”

The bards immediately begin putting their heads together, but it is Simon who answers this time after a short deliberation.

“Rust.” he simply states, and, turning towards us all, smirks while knocking on his heavy platemail armor.

I can’t help but smile at that. He is pretty smart, isn’t he? Wait, Replica, that's… actually exactly how the original would act, I think. I mouth “Showoff” at him, and he just shrugs at me slightly. I was correct! Good job Replica! You are so great at reading people!

“Correct again.” Conundrum pronounces. “Now, with riddle number three, I deliver your last chance to flee. I have the face of a friend, yet I merely pretend. Familiarity I feign, yet a stranger I remain. Unbeknownst to you, I am part of your crew.”

With an evil glint, Conundrum looks at Simon.

“Who am I?”

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