The Dramatic Dungeon - A Dungeon Core Story

Chapter 89 - Opening Scene

The curtains finish their movement and with another mental snap I engage the stage lighting. My fine control over light within my demesne has grown tremendously thanks to the upgrade to my tier, and so the bright illumination reaches everywhere on stage to reveal a set of plants and flowers arranged before a long hedge.

Bitterblossom really outdid themselves with the decorations this time, the flowers are beautiful. Almost beautiful enough to distract from the star of the show entering the stage from the right.

“On a night like many else, the Countess Cassidy relished in an evening stroll through the gardens after escaping a particularly dull conversation with Count Feathers at the Royal Ball.” The somber voice of Echo rings out as Juliette strolls along the hedge, dreamily reaching out to feel the leaves upon her hand, before letting her arm drop and turning towards the flowers. She slowly meanders towards them, facing the audience as she does, and takes a deep breath, inhaling the sweet scents of the colorful props.

“I wish nights like this were always so serene…” she exclaims before sitting down next to the flowers. It is not long, however, before the serenity of the moment, enhanced with sounds of the night courtesy of the sprites, is disrupted.

“My, cousin, it is great to see you here.” a voice interrupts from the left, and a figure in a green dress enters the scene. It is Allea, and the stunned expressions of the adventurers and the incredulous looks between Replica, who is sitting with them, and the original up on the stage are entertaining to behold. Allea herself likely cannot see the audience very well, considering the difference in illumination levels and the glare of my “spotlights”.

She carries herself regally as she strides up to Juliette who rises from her sitting position before responding.

“I did not expect to see anyone here to be honest, cousin. What brings you to the gardens?”

Allea grins at this response and explains.

“Well, dear cousin mine, I was looking for you. General Corbin was talking to your dear mother and I have been entrusted with informing you to go and meet him. It did seem somewhat urgent, however, so I wouldn’t keep them waiting if I was you.”

“I best get going then, thank you Cousin.”

Juliette exits the stage towards the left, leaving Allea in the spotlight.

She meanders amongst the flowers for a couple seconds towards the right of the stage, before another person enters from the left.

“Harry” steps forward in the priest’s vestments and speaks up, apparently startling Allea.

“There sure are a lot of night owls out and about tonight, aren’t there, Lady Lander?”

The adventurer’s reaction to this is similar to when Allea appeared, and it would put a smile on my face, were I cursed with such a thing.

“Ah, what a surprise to meet you here, Father Fandrel. You are quite right, there is a surprising amount of guests in the gardens today. What brings you here? Out on an evening stroll?”

“Quite so, Child, quite so. The plant life here is truly marvelous to behold. I can feel its effect on me already, truly a balm for the soul. The gardeners must be working hard to maintain it.”

“I’m sure they are, Father, I am sure they are.”

The two of them fall into a companionable silence as they watch the flowers sway gently in the breeze. The idyllic ambiance, courtesy of my sprites, lasts for several long moments before a shriek interrupts it from the left of the stage and both of them turn that way with expressions of shock.

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