The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 14 Burning Youth

What happened in the Potions class did not cause any trouble, and Professor Snape, who returned victorious, did not beat "Reservoir Dog". Ada sat back in her seat with the comfort of the twins.It's just that Ada and Snape don't like each other, it's no big deal.

In the days that followed, Ada repeated her days in class, after class, and in the library, and her own strength gradually improved.Ada and her twin brothers can often be seen playing around in the Gryffindor common room.

One day in late September, the Gryffindor common room was filled with first-year students in front of the notice board.Their flying lessons officially started on Thursday. This was the lesson that everyone had been looking forward to since the beginning of school, and everyone was very happy.Everyone would be happier if it wasn't with Slytherin.

Everyone is looking forward to Thursday and bragging about their flying abilities.Ada even once wondered whether every child from a wizarding family grew up on a broomstick?During this time, there were only two things filling Ada's ears: broomsticks and Quidditch.

The spokespersons of happiness, the twin brothers, have been very unhappy recently. They are always complaining in Ada's ears: Why can't the first grade participate in the Quidditch selection?

The two brothers first went to find Charlie, the Gryffindor Quidditch captain. Under the guidance of their brother's love, the twins returned home defeated.However, the twins did not give up and went to find the dean, Professor McGonagall, and then nothing happened...

I don’t know if he was severely reprimanded by Professor McGonagall, or if he received some promise.The two brothers finally calmed down.

After all, Ada was still too young and underestimated the appeal of Quidditch - Angelina and Alia also complained a lot about this.They felt that the two of them were much better than the chasers of the hospital team!We’re all losing anyway, so I’m fine with it, but what if I win?

With four resentful women and one Quidditch fanatic Lee Jordan, Ada is going to have a hard time living this life!

Of course, it's not all without benefits. The four little resentful women will spread some basic knowledge to Ada, the broomstick novice, and tell some tips on how to use the broomstick. Naturally, there is also some bragging in it.

She is keen to learn and not ashamed to ask questions. Even though she knew that these experiences were watery, Ada still listened to their stories attentively. She also went to the library to borrow some books about broomsticks or Quidditch, but the effect was not as good as before. not so good.

Although she has only had the system for a short time, Ada has made rapid progress in learning anything related to magic, but this time it failed.The progress of using broomsticks is increasing, but the progress is slow and the results are very limited.

Moreover, there was always one thing that Ada didn't quite understand: although the broomstick was a flying tool, its prototype was a broom after all. Wouldn't it really be uncomfortable to ride that thing?

Thursday finally arrived amid the eager anticipation of the first grade students.Ada was sitting in the auditorium eating breakfast while flipping through a book called "A Practical Guide to Flying Broomsticks". There was also a copy of "Magical Quidditch" on the bench. Ada hoped to get something from it. Guidance and help.It is much better to sharpen one's skills before the battle than to do nothing.

The morning classes were particularly long for the excited first graders. Even the excellent Professor Flitwick could not keep the children from wanting to fly in the sky.

Finally at three o'clock in the afternoon, the Gryffindor students hurried down the steps and arrived at the flying lesson venue.

The weather is sunny and windy, and the green lawn ripples when the breeze blows.Standing on the lawn, you can see the majestic castle, the Forbidden Forest, and even the tall metal rings on the Quidditch pitch.

The broomsticks are neatly arranged on the grass. They are old and tattered, and they look difficult to sweep the floor, let alone fly.After a while, the Slytherin students came over noisily, and you could hear them discussing flying loudly from a distance.

The person who teaches flying lessons is Ms. Huo Qi, who has short silver-grey hair and yellow eyes.Especially the way she walks, she looks like an eagle soaring in the sky.

"Okay, what are you all waiting for?" Ms. Huo Qi said loudly, "Everyone stand next to a broomstick. Quick, quick, move."

Ada stood next to the broomstick, looking down at it, somewhat speechless.It couldn't be described as dilapidated. Some branches poked out in random directions, making it look more like a mace than a broomstick.Although Ada has not yet mounted Feitian and swept away, she has already felt the pain...

"Put your right hand over the broom handle," Ms. Hooch shouted from the front, "and say, 'Get up!'"

"Get up!" everyone shouted.

Ada's broomstick didn't move at all. She looked at others again. Some people were in a similar situation to her. A few people, such as the four little resentful women, successfully held the broomstick in their hands. The stinky Cody Avery also succeeded. , he showed off to the people around him proudly and arrogantly.

"Get up!" Ada shouted several times in succession, but the broomstick still jumped into her hand disobediently.But there is still some progress, at least this time the broomstick can roll on the ground.

Ms. Huo Qi walked around the crowd, correcting the students' posture.After many attempts, Ada finally called the broomstick into her hands, but the broomstick seemed somewhat reluctant.

"Okay, as soon as I whistle, you push your legs off the ground and push hard." Ms. Huo Qi, who has finished the riding demonstration, said, "Hold the broom steadily, rise a few feet, and then move forward slightly. Tilt, fall straight back to the ground. Listen to my whistle—three—two—"

However, a Gryffindor student in the crowd took off alone without waiting for Ms. Hooch to blow the whistle. He rose straight up like a cork when a champagne was opened.

Ada knew that this student, his name was Campbell, was born as a Muggle like Ada, and this was also his first time touching a broomstick.

Campbell screamed in terror from his broomstick. He looked completely unable to control the broomstick!

boom!There was a crash and a violent impact. Campbell, who had been screaming in the sky just now, was already lying on the grass in pain.Ms. Hooch quickly stepped forward, and the Gryffindor students also gathered around to check on him.

"Okay, it's not serious. I'll send him to the school doctor's office to find Madam Pomfrey now." Ms. Hooch supported Campbell and said, "No one of you is allowed to move! Put the broomstick back where it belongs, otherwise, don't wait. You won't have time to say 'Quidditch' before you're kicked out of Hogwarts. Let's go, my dears."

The surrounding Gryffindor students quickly dispersed, making way for Ms. Hooch, and watched Ms. Hooch limping towards the castle with Campbell on his arm.

"See, that idiot, that stupid fool?" Cody Avery laughed loudly, clapping his hands as he laughed so hard that he couldn't stand upright.

The Slytherin students were also laughing, laughing very wantonly.

"Shut up! Avery!" George snapped.

"If you don't want to eat fists!" Fred said as he walked up, intending to teach this annoying boy a lesson.

However, the other students also started pushing each other, and Fred and George couldn't find a gap for the moment.

Cody Avery stretched out his hand in the distance, pointed at the twin brothers, put on his annoying signature smile, and said: "What's wrong, Weasley? Do you want to stand up for that stinking Campbell? Or do you want to stand up for that stinking Campbell?" His stench reminds you two of the smell of home? Discrediting the pureblood traitor Weasley!"

"Shut your stinky mouth!" Ada passed through the gap in the crowd and stood in front of Cody Avery, "Apologise! Now!"

The curse words that Ada had learned for more than 20 years in her previous life were rolling in her chest, but she had no choice but to speak the language. Even if she managed to translate them, they would lose their original flavor and be unable to achieve precise strikes. I have to say that this is really a pity.

"Oh, I actually forgot about you." Avery said, "I just saw that broom rolling around at your feet. It was so pitiful! Of course, I was talking about That old broom."

"Apologise to the Weasley brothers, Avery!" Ada subconsciously clenched her fists, "I don't want to say it a third time..."

"A broomstick despises you so much, how can you have the nerve to talk to Avery, who comes from a noble pure-blood family here!" Avery ignored Ada's words and instead yelled, "The school should shut down You and Campbell's wands, and then put you all in Azkaban..."

Before Avery could finish his words, Ada had already kicked him in the air. This hit hit Avery right in the middle of the body. Before Avery could scream in agony, Ada's fist was like raindrops. They all fell on his face.

The continuous blows left Avery powerless to fight back. Naturally, the other Slytherins around him couldn't watch Avery suffer. They quickly stepped forward to block Ada. Avery, who had temporarily escaped Ada, fell down. On the ground, his body was bent like a shrimp, wailing in pain, and there was blood on his face.

Seeing that Ada might be at a disadvantage, the Weasley brothers pushed away the crowd around them and stepped forward to protect Ada who was trapped in the crowd.

The resentment that had been accumulated for nearly a month exploded at this moment, and everyone was dominated by anger.The boys waved their fists at the people wearing different clothes around them to stimulate their strong hormones; the bolder girls also started to take action, pulling their hair and fighting.

Everyone was fighting together, and the scene looked very chaotic.Except for a few who were timid and didn't dare to come forward, everyone else was radiating their youthful passion, which was no more intense than Boruto's passion.

Ada is a girl, and her physical constitution is naturally worse than that of boys. Fortunately, she is more cunning in her attacks and always carries out deadly attacks, which can be regarded as reversing some of her physical disadvantages.Moreover, there are twin brothers around to protect her, helping her share a lot of pressure.

Fred and George's ability to withstand a fight is truly unparalleled. The two brothers' fighting prowess can be considered the best among this group of first-year brats.It is indeed produced by the loyal Weasley family, and the quality is truly guaranteed.

The two sides continued to struggle. The corners of Ada's mouth were a little blue. She didn't notice that someone had punched her secretly. There were also some footprints on her body, but compared with the results of her battle, the injuries she received were nothing.

With the help of the twin brothers, Ada finally got an opening. She suddenly appeared in front of Avery, who was lying on the ground, kicking and beating Avery.Taking advantage of your illness to kill you, Ada knows the importance of last-minute hits, and this is even worse for Avery, who was already injured.

Ada's character has always been like this, either do nothing, or do it all at once!Since she chose to stand up for the Weasley brothers, she must play a role. At the very least, she would make Avery never dare to bare his teeth again.

Just as Ada was outputting frantically, two angry voices, a man and a woman, sounded one after another.

"Stop it all!"


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