The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 21 Daily Life

The haggard Weasley twins each extended their hands to Ada. Ada thought the two brothers were asking her to pull them up, so she also extended her hands.

With a snap, Ada's extended hand of friendship was slapped back by the twins.

"What's going on?" Ada rubbed the back of her hands. The originally white hands were already red from being patted by Fred and George.

"Potions work!"

"Transfiguration work!"

"This is your mental compensation for hurting us!"

The twins sang in harmony and cooperated so well that Ada felt that the two brothers must have been talking in this way since their mother's womb.

Ada threw her schoolbag directly to Fred and asked them to find it themselves.Ada herself is actually opposed to this. This kind of thing is useless for her own learning and progress, although she used to have this kind of virtue.

After finding the required exercise books, the twins began to write furiously.When two people finish writing the assignment in front of them, they will exchange the two assignments, a two-pronged approach, which not only saves time but also greatly improves efficiency.

Ada took out a book called "How to Hit Your Opponent with Spells". This book was found by Ada on an inconspicuous bookshelf in the library.The title of the book happened to be written in Ada's heart, so she borrowed the book with the same long title as a light novel.

After reading it, Ada finally understood why this book appeared in that position and was gathering dust, because the book was indeed useless and full of nonsense.

Compared with the "Five-Year OWLs and Seven-Year NEWTs" I saw before, it was far inferior to the "Five-Year OWLs and Seven-Year NEWTs" that was also gathering dust in the corner. This "Five-Seven" is a real book with some real questions from the written examination recorded on it. It’s simply a guide to solving questions at Hogwarts.

There were fewer and fewer people in the common room, and the crackling of the fire in the fireplace became more and more noticeable.

Fred, who was full of ideas, rubbed his sore wrist and said, "I would rather stay with Filch than write a potions paper." He had completed the entire copying process and transferred the homework to He handed it back to Ada.

"The cute, but annoying Filch!" George just finished and complained, "Compared with Snape, he Filch is not worth mentioning at all."

With a snap, Ada closed the copy of "How to Hit Your Opponent with Your Magic" in her hand, and said to the Weasley brothers: "You two should be satisfied, you at least have one homework to copy."

"How can this be plagiarism! This is a reference!" George said with an exaggerated expression.

"It's just used to inspire inspiration and guide thinking." Fred also said, "We just don't want to waste our limited lives on these endless homeworks, which is meaningless!"

The more sincere you two are, maybe I will believe you.Ada rolled her eyes and thought to herself.

Ada stretched out her hand and pinched her sore neck, and then said to the two of them: "Then what is meaningful to you? Is it playing friendly with Filch, or hiding in the corner of the corridor to scare the children? Again Or turn the doll in your little brother's arms into an ugly spider?"

"We were just joking with Ron..." Fred said, the playful look on his face gone.

"I just didn't grasp the scale well..." George said with some embarrassment.

This joke left an extremely serious psychological shadow on their little brother Ron. The doll he was holding in his arms suddenly turned into a giant crawling spider. It was scary to think about it.

May Merlin keep Ron Weasley from encountering spiders again!Especially the big spiders!

"Shall we go on a night out together next time?" George began to change the subject, but it was a little stiff.

Fred hurriedly helped his brother make amends and said: "In the middle of the night with no one around, in an old castle that has existed for thousands of years, Ada, are you really not interested at all?"

You have received an invitation from the Weasley brothers to join a team for a night tour of Hogwarts. Agree √, reject x.

"Didn't you just get caught once? Are you planning to go back to your old ways so soon?" Ada rejected the Weasley brothers' invitation to form a team. She planned to be honest for a few days and not go anywhere.

"Next time, next time..." Fred looked at Ada with an expression that looked like he was mentally retarded.

"Not today, not tomorrow, but next time, next time we plan to go out at night." George explained patiently, as if to a child!

"Uh... I mean there won't be a chance in the short term. Filch will definitely pay more attention to you." Ada forcibly picked up the face she had dropped on the ground, "And you can't deduct any more points. , if this continues, no matter how good-tempered Charlie is, he won't be able to stand it, and he will tell Mrs. Weasley."

After hearing about their mother, Fred and George unconsciously restrained their expressions. This kind woman was very scary when educating her children.

"Charlie can't, he's not Percy." George said, with some uncertainty in his tone.

"I think many people can talk about our deduction of points, but you are the only one - Esmeralda Drizzt. You don't have this qualification!" Fred shook his finger at Ada.

"I...I've added back all the points I deducted!" Ada said. She had also deducted some points recently, so her tone was not very firm.

"Really?" Fred stretched out his finger to settle a score with Ada, "We won't mention the fight. Let's get over this."

Ada also nodded in agreement. After all, everyone had a share in this matter, and it was deducted from the first grade as a whole.

"I accidentally entered the restricted area of ​​the library several times and ignored the library's closing time... Mrs. Pince couldn't bear it anymore and told Professor McGonagall about these things. Was it a penalty?" George first raised his right hand and straightened his palm. , curl your thumb after you finish speaking.

"Using magic in empty classrooms and corridors, Filch found out, points will be deducted!" Fred also stretched out his right hand and started counting Ada with his fingers.

"In the greenhouse classroom, because I was distracted and did not take good care of the herbal plants, Professor Sprout deducted points! She likes you so much, but you always let her down." George said as he put down his right index finger. .

Ada, who was called a "scumbag" by George, lowered her head in shame. Although she was sorry for Professor Sprout's liking, she really had no interest in taking care of plants.

"In the underground classroom, I contradicted the professor and got points deducted by Snape, more than once!" Fred also lowered his index finger, and as if to anger Ada, Fred added Snape's name and more than one Once the word was emphasized emphatically.

The two brothers, you and I, detailed Ada's various "crimes" since the beginning of school, suppressing Ada's arrogance.

Ada stared at her toes without saying a word. If she hadn't been thick-skinned enough, Ada would have been grabbing her hands at this moment.

"Do you want us to continue talking?" The Weasley brothers said. In the past, Ada always looked dignified and generous. This was the first time they saw Ada behave like this.

"No... no need... no need..." Ada clenched her fists and managed to hold back a sentence.Shameful, so shameful!

"Do you know what the other students call the three of us?" Fred asked.

"Points deducted from the Big Three!" George said the answer directly.Because he knew that Ada probably didn't know that she had no friends and didn't like to make friends.

Ada is more like a loner and is more accustomed to facing everything by herself.

"I originally planned to add back the points deducted by both of you, but now it seems that I may not even be able to earn back my own share..." Ada looked up at the roof of the public rest room, helpless. said.

It's not that I don't know, but I'm shocked that I can actually be compared with the twins?Although the points lost by Ada are not comparable to those of other Gryffindors, she is still far behind the twins. What does this prove?This proves that Fred and George are the gods forever!

"I advise you to give up your thoughts." Fred said.

"Haven't you noticed that since your confinement at Professor McGonagall's?" George said.

"Are you letting yourself go more and more?" the two brothers said together.

Not to mention the Weasley brothers, Ada herself did not realize this.Ada hadn't deducted a single point before the confinement, and after that... don't mention it.

"I will control myself and won't let anyone deduct points from me anymore!" What else could Ada say? Words always pale in comparison to actions.

"Halloween is coming soon, do you have anything to dress up for?" Fred asked.

"We're going to get two pumpkin heads," said George.

"Pumpkin head? Where are you going to get pumpkins?" Ada was a little confused.

Counting the days, it was indeed Halloween. Before she knew it, Ada had already been at Hogwarts for two months.The orphanage never held any costume parties with the children on Halloween, so Ada didn't have a deep impression of this Western holiday, except for the phrase "Trick or Treat".

"Of course it's Hagrid, the gamekeeper. He grows a lot of pumpkins."

"We've already made an agreement with him."

In order to prepare for the Halloween dinner, Hagrid planted many pumpkins, some of which were as big as small houses.

Ada actually knew this. She had seen Hagrid's pumpkins, and she even thought that if the fertilizer Hagrid used was sold in the Muggle world, it would be impossible to make a fortune.Ada was just thinking about other things and didn't turn around for a while.

"When did you two establish a good relationship with Hagrid? Why didn't I know anything about it?" Ada stretched her waist. She felt a little sleepy and her brain was not very clear.

"The relationship has always been good, you just didn't know it."

"Who told you to always run to the library?" George said, "If you haven't thought about it, how about you dress up as Jack with us?"

The Weasley brothers once again extended an invitation to Ada to form a team.

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