the end of the heavens

Page 20

While chatting, Russell suddenly frowned, and a car followed them in the rearview mirror for a while.At first, Russell thought it happened to be on the way, but he didn't realize it was wrong until the other party kept the same speed and hung far away.

Smith also glanced at the rearview mirror, and silently exchanged glances with Russell. The two nodded in unison. The highway intersection ahead turned crookedly, and Ford drove towards the nearest town.

"Why do people still come to us? Didn't you say they would hide the truth about the death of the congressman?"

Smith shrugged. "We're insiders, aren't we?"

Russell was dumbfounded. This is indeed the truth. He, Smith, and Quintana were all insiders, and the most powerful evidence was held in Quintana's arms.The baby has the same DNA as Senator Rutledge, as long as the baby's identity is revealed, the truth of the matter will be revealed.

Smith was a little annoyed, "Who do you think it will be, CIA or Hammerson Arms Company?"

If the Hammerson Arms Company, even though it is a tycoon in the arms industry, Smith is not helpless, but if it is CIA, he can only leave the United States and live in other countries.

"You'll know if you take a look..." Looking at the car following in the rearview mirror, Russell hurriedly turned the steering wheel and rushed into the rugged mountain road beside him.


Half an hour later, more than ten cars arrived one after another, and a total of 70 gunmen got out of the cars, led by the short leader and the major shareholder of the Hammerson Arms Company.

The short leader looked angrily at the empty Ford, and pulled out a military dog ​​to search the forest. He hated Smith so much that he wouldn't sleep well if he didn't kill him himself.

In fact, Smith would like to thank the short leader and the major shareholder. Through their huge background relationship, the two suppressed the truth about the death of Congressman Rutledge. The congressman did not die from an assassination, but because of a plane crash, and even the body could not be found. arrive.

For the short leader and major shareholder, the four Smiths are the last insiders. If they are killed, their crimes will never come to the surface.

Having seen Smith's marksmanship, the major shareholder had no idea of ​​going hunting in the mountains, and let the short leader lead the team, while he was surrounded in a bulletproof car waiting for good news.

70 well-armed gunmen, all of whom were veterans, rounded up four people with military dogs, two of whom were prostitutes and babies who had no combat effectiveness. This wave should be stable!

Soon, gunshots rang out in the forest. The major shareholder was sitting in the car, smoking a cigar with the sunroof open, with a glass of red wine in his hand, feeling extremely comfortable.The death of Congressman Rutledge is a good thing. Without the gun ban bill, his assets will only increase.

In the grass where no one was paying attention, Russell squinted his dead fish eyes and looked at the luxury armored car where the major shareholder was. According to his battle plan with Smith, Smith dealt with the gunman, and he protected Quintana and the baby.

So, after wandering around in the forest, he took Quintana and the baby and drove away secretly, never expecting to meet the mastermind here.Let Quintana and the baby hide away. He is going to kill the major shareholder here. This opportunity is rare, and it will be even more difficult if he misses this time.

Russell has never met the major shareholder of Hammerson Arms, and doesn't know his identity, but it doesn't matter if he doesn't know, the system knows!

The host contacts the plot character Hammerson, which triggers the lottery. Do you want to draw now?

This system is still useful!

Russell meditated to draw and obtained an item card.

There are 50 US dollars in the item card bank card, which is anonymous, does not report loss, and does not withdraw cash. Although there are many restrictions, the taste of Franklin is still so intoxicating)

A useless card, Russell glanced at it and ignored it, and swept his eyes to keep all the gunners' positions firmly in mind.Including major shareholders, there are a total of 18 people, ranging from pistols, rifles, submachine guns, to shotguns, and his 9 has 15 bullets and two magazines.

Russell squatted in the grass, calculating how to kill this group of people, and finally found that it was completely impossible by himself.

The gunshots in the forest intensified, and dogs could be heard barking from time to time. Russell glanced at Smith's character card, and after thinking about it, he was reluctant to use it.

"System, use 'Skill Card Bullet Time'!"

The host is equipped with 'skill card bullet time', this card is a one-time skill card!

In an instant, Russell felt his heart beating extremely fast, and everything around him slowed down.His perception has become extremely clear, the skin can easily detect the flow of wind speed, and the sounds heard in his ears are also quickly analyzed and organized by the brain, and fed back into concise and clear messages.

A feeling of omnipotence sprouted in his heart, following this feeling, Russell jumped out of the grass suddenly, the 9 in his hand flashed in front of him, and bullets roared out from the muzzle of the gun.


Russell saw the mist generated at the moment when the bullet was ejected from the chamber, and he could also feel the trajectory of the bullet. realism.

After finishing half of the magazine, Russell directly unloaded the magazine and replaced it with a full one.Only then did the gunmen on the other side react. Looking at the bodies of their dead companions, they squatted down one by one, hiding their bodies behind the car.


Russell raised his gun and fired again. This time he shot and swung his arm violently. The moment the bullet came out of the chamber, its trajectory became extremely flexible.

The arcing bullets hit the shooters' bodies from the side. After firing 15 rounds, Russell felt his heartbeat return to normal.Unable to adapt to the sudden change in his senses, he felt dizzy for a while, lowered his head and buried himself in the grass beside him, panting heavily while hiding behind the big tree.

All 17 gunmen were shot, most of them were killed by one shot, and a few were shot and survived. During the time when Russell was panting, he fainted one after another.

The major shareholder watched this scene, and the red wine in his hand was almost spilled. Sitting in the back row, he was about to climb into the driver's seat, when he suddenly remembered that he was in a bulletproof car, and sat back with a smile.

My car is not even afraid of landmines, but would it be afraid of a small pistol?

After resting, Russell walked out of the bushes, shot a few bullets at the surviving gunmen one by one, and then came to the bulletproof car, looking at the extremely arrogant major shareholder in the window, he really didn't know what to say to the other party .

The major shareholder shook the red wine, respected Russell from a distance through the car window, and drank it with his head raised.

Russell didn't speak, he took out a grenade from behind his butt, pulled off the ring and threw it in through the sunroof on the bulletproof car roof, directly smashing the wine glass in the hands of the major shareholder.

Major shareholder "..."

p, who opened the skylight?


street diary

I never look at the leaderboards because I don't care about the fake names.

Chapter 20 Your pistol is great

boo! ! !

Beside Russell's chic back is a bulletproof car that was blazing due to a violent explosion. The quality of the luxury car owned by the major shareholder is reliable, and it has not deformed even if it is exploded by a grenade.Considering the small space in the car and the power of the grenade, the major shareholder probably didn't feel the thrill of being burned by the flames, and he was directly killed.

Russell didn't look back at the explosion, thinking about bringing a pack of cigarettes on his body next time to pretend to be aggressive, but in less than three seconds, after walking a few steps, a big horse fell to the ground.A bullet passed the place where he was standing before. He listened to the source of the gunshot, rolled in a circle, and dodged behind a car.

The host contacts the plot character Hertz, which triggers the lottery. Do you want to draw now?

Although I don't know who Hertz is, but he can be defined as a "dramatic character" by the system, and he is definitely not a nonsense.

Hertz is indeed not a fish, he is the short leader who has been chasing Smith. He has a small face and a slightly fat body, but there is a cruel and evil heart under this happy appearance.

Hertz used to be the FBI's forensic expert consultant. He was good at handling corpses and analyzing criminals' psychological activities based on subtle clues. Because of his reputation, many bigwigs hired him as a personal assistant to solve some shady things.

Like Russell, Hertz was born with a talent. After a short contact, he could analyze a person's psychology through language and body movements, guess what the other person was thinking, and what he would do next.

Relying on his innate talent, he wandered among various forces, and the chaos flourished.

"Wow, I didn't expect there to be such a powerful shooter like you besides Smith. Tell me, where are the woman and the baby?" Hertz hid in the grass, seeing Russell's weird marksmanship, he didn't intend to show up die.

"Your boss is dead, is there any point in pestering him?"

While speaking, Russell opened the system interface, started his favorite lottery, and got an item card.

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