the end of the heavens

Page 27

Not long after Wesley left, Firefox stood up from the medicated bath after recovering, water droplets slid down the enchanting curves, strands of hair stuck to both sides of her cheeks, and she raised her hand to stroke her back.

Firefox generously stepped out of the medicated bath, picked up the bath towel and wiped it briefly, and then changed into the clean clothes Wesley had prepared for her.

Russell's eyes were wide open the whole time, and his eyes moved with the trembling parts, not boasting, he is a very responsible person, and he will never blink when he talks about surveillance... Speaking of which, the tattoo on Firefox is quite impressive.

After moving some stiff limbs, Firefox saw Russell who was guarding the side, snorted mockingly, strode towards him, and reached for the sand eagle on the table.

Russell grabbed Firefox's wrist and shook his head, "Sorry, you can't touch the gun yet?"

"Our agreement has been reached. I will not take action against you until I confirm whether Sloan is guilty." Firefox provocatively glanced at Russell, "Or do you have no trust in your allies at all?"

"No, no, you misunderstood. I don't let you touch the gun because your mental state is very unstable. I'm afraid you will commit suicide!"

Firefox's eyes turned cold, and he broke away from Russell's hand, "You don't need to worry, if Sloan is indeed a sinner, I won't die until I kill him."

Russell shrugged, and stood aside tactfully, but he didn't want to, Firefox pointed a gun at him the first time he held Sand Eagle.

"Hehe, woman!"

"That's right, women are vengeful creatures. I have always remembered your warm hospitality. If I don't vent it, it will be difficult for me to maintain the ally relationship with a peaceful mind."

"It's too dangerous. I'll be crippled if I get shot by Sand Eagle, and the medicine bath can't save me. Why don't you use another way to vent..." Russell continued to die, raising his eyebrows, "I have ultra-thin and large particles, which are very excretive Press, do you want to experience it?"


Firefox snorted coldly, raised his gun and shot Russell's thigh, which was a retaliatory shot.She is very confident in her marksmanship, she will not break Russell's leg, and the bullet will take away a piece of flesh and blood, which will still make people overwhelmed with pain.


Firefox pulled the trigger, but the Sand Eagle seemed to be locked, even if the safety was on, it would not help.

Russell very kindly reminded, "This is a fingerprint identification pistol. Have you seen the blue identification button? Without the fingerprint of the owner of the gun, it is impossible to shoot. A very principled pistol, just like me, low-key and restrained ..."

Hearing Russell's shameless boast, Firefox expressed that enough was enough, grabbed his hand and pressed it on the fingerprint reader, and then pulled the trigger.


Firefox's eyes were bloodshot and red, "What's going on here?"

"Uh... I'm not the owner of this gun!"

Russell scratched his head and smiled shyly, feeling embarrassed.

Firefox was so angry that his chest was about to explode, and he threw Sand Eagle to the ground angrily, and put his hands on Russell's shoulders, clasping his fingers tightly.The distorted facial features spoke of her anger, she condensed her whole body strength, and one knee slammed between Russell's legs.


The screams sounded again, and Firefox hugged his knees and jumped on the spot a few times before falling back into the medicated bath.

"Fcuk!! Wear iron pants all day, are you a pervert?"

"What's wrong with a perverted man?"

Firefox "..."

At this time, she suddenly missed Wesley the dog, and Russell was perfect compared to Wesley, he would not put a piece of iron in his crotch, and kick him as he wanted!


At noon, Wesley brought lunch. Wesley, who was promoted to the second generation of the rich, spent a lot of money. The lunch was steak + vegetable salad + ham and egg sandwich + pumpkin soup, which was very rich.

But this was Firefox's lunch. Considering that she had just soaked in the medicated bath, she must be very hungry. Wesley ordered a large portion, regardless of whether it was good or not, but she was definitely full.

Russell is much more embarrassed, the standard kfc grandpa makes him want to vomit.

Firefox finally pulled back and gave Wesley a sweet kiss, making Diaosi tremble with excitement.

"This kid is hopeless!" Russell bit the Super Big Mac with a disgusted look on his face.

The gift from the cross to Wesley was a leather jacket, not a very valuable gift, but Wesley liked it very much.He has dreamed of this day for a long time, and he wears it beautifully on his body, and he refuses to take it off no matter what.

This baby lacks love!

After finishing lunch, Wesley got the approval of his beloved goddess, stood behind her and squeezed her shoulders and back.Russell was researching watch-shaped plastic bombs on the side. He was very interested in this kind of miniature bombs that could be strapped to mice. Unfortunately, he had not been able to issue related character cards and skill cards, so he could only rely on self-study.

By the way, Russell issued his character card while watching Wesley soak in the medicinal bath.

The character Cavesley is full of talent to kill the second generation, and there is nothing but adrenaline in his blood vessels)

Firefox looked at Russell, who was studying, planning a revenge plan in her mind. She was narrow-minded, and felt uncomfortable if she didn't go back. She didn't believe that Russell was wearing iron underpants all day long!

Cross walked in and felt very ashamed when he saw Wesley pinching Firefox's shoulders. The kid hadn't seen a woman before.

"Guys, our plan may have to be advanced! According to my eyeliner, Sloan has recalled the Brotherhood's killers from all over the place. They have assembled at Spinning Mill No. 17. If we wait for them to take the initiative, we will be very passive... ..."

"What do you want to do, plan to say it and listen!"

"Work overtime to make plastic bombs, and at least a thousand mice must be caught tonight... Wesley, go catch the mice!"


I am your own son!

Chapter 27 Ready to Go

It took Wesley a whole night to catch 1000 mice. In fact, he didn't do anything. He just went to the supermarket to buy a large amount of peanut butter according to the order of the cross.

Rats prefer peanut butter to rich cheese!

Wesley drove the garbage truck to the mouth of the city's sewer, and the car was covered with peanut butter with special ingredients to attract the rats in a steady stream.

The special ingredient is ammonium nitrate, a colorless and odorless ammonium salt, an essential ingredient of military explosives, an extremely insensitive explosive, even more insensitive than the safety explosive c4.

Rats who ate peanut butter, under the high-voltage stimulation of the watch bomb, turned into fearless peace fighters, shouted Allah Hu Akbar, and cleaned the old lair of the Brotherhood.

After Wesley returned, he went to take a shower. The smell of peanut butter and sewer was mixed together, which made him hate dogs and make him want to rub the skin off.

Russell, Cross, and Firefox began to bind the mice with equipment. They first paralyzed the group of unwilling little creatures with potions, and then tied watch-shaped plastic bombs one by one.

Wesley also joined in after taking a shower. The four of them worked together very efficiently, and everything was done in less than two hours.

Next, wait for the rats to wake up, and then drive the garbage truck into the Brotherhood's lair - Mill 17!

Cross had been preparing for this day for a long time. He took out the design drawing of No. 17 Textile Factory and told the three of Russell about his detailed plan.

He was really well prepared, as can be seen from the dense notes and signs on the drawings, and many locations were marked on purpose.Including sniper points and blind spots, stress points of housing frame structures, ideal blasting positions, etc.

Even which side is a load-bearing wall, which wall can be used as a bookcase, and where is suitable for digging a fountain are clearly explained.

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