The Evil Scientist is Too Competent

Chapter 43

──Shirakurama Urara ke!

A group of hooded men stands before a giant furnace, offering prayers. It’s a sight utterly out of place in an era dominated by cutting-edge science and superheroes, yet this is their essence, their origin—a faith passed down since ancestral times.

Devil worshipers.

That was the old name of the Baphomet Corporation that rules over City B.

“─Honestly, still engaging in this archaic worship…….”

Lize, who was watching the ritual, pressed a button on the wall. A massive LED light embedded in the ceiling illuminated the cave, causing the dark-adapted executives to grimace and groan.

Duh, my eyes— my eeeeeeyes—!

Seeing them clutching their faces and moaning in pain, Lize sighed, as if thinking how pathetic they were, and waited for them to regain their vision.

Before long, the executives quickly regained their sight and glared at Lize with stern expressions.

“─CEO Lize. What do you think you’re doing?”

“Even if you’re the only granddaughter of the chairman… interrupting a ritual is sacrilege and an insult!”

“If you can’t provide an explanation, we won’t just stand back─.”

“Look at you all acting like fools. Seriously.”

Lize dismissed the executives’ antics as nonsense, digging in her ears and diverting her gaze. Just as the executives were about to burst with anger—

A sweet melody floated from the smartphone Lize held. The beautiful tune was so captivating that the furious executives suddenly calmed down and listened in.

It was the Moonlight that Lize had clung to in memory for months, now clumsily reproduced by her.

“……CEO Lize. Is this song?”

“I heard this tune at a recent corporate social party. Isn’t it beautiful?”

“Extremely, extremely beautiful……!”

“I think so too. It’s just a mediocre copy that doesn’t even capture 10% of the original! The original is way more amazing, you know?”

As she said this, smiling widely, the executives gasped in disbelief. How could something so incredible be real? Even just thinking back to that time sent chills down her spine.

In the company of all these old-timers, Lize, young by comparison, felt a surge of superiority just for being the chairman’s granddaughter. Then, snapping back to reality, she cleared her throat—ahem.

There was a reason she brought the borrowed tune here. It wasn’t merely for showing off, but because it was crucial enough to halt a demon worshiping ceremony.

“─If the composer who created this beautiful piece could write a song just for our devil, imagine how delighted he would be to hear it. Doesn’t that thrill you just thinking about it?”

“Oh, ohhh— it’s brilliant……!”

“Now that you mention it, that does sound about right!”

“Let’s bring him here immediately!”

“Unfortunately, that composer is monopolized by the Demon King of Evilus Corporation. I know where he is, but to attack Evilus, a company so feared it could make even the birds fall from the sky in City E, would only result in a backlash.”

Evilus Corporation. The mention of that name sparked a flurry of whispers among the executives. The largest corporation dominating City E. Isn’t it one of the companies that stands toe-to-toe with Baphomet? Recently, they even conquered City Z, expanding their influence.

With unfathomable technology and a private army of villains, they are an entity that even the demon worshipers, who would willingly sacrifice their lives for their devil, would hesitate to approach.

However, saying they’re difficult to provoke only means they could still be attempted—if the reward outweighs the risks, there’s nothing stopping them from reaching out.

“Now then, dear board members. I need your help.”

The words poured from her tongue like a serpent, tickling the ears of the executives. Her superpower, the charm in her voice, began to toy with their minds.

Moments later, all that remained here were loyal servants and worshipers who would gladly lay down their lives for their devil.

“Everything for Lord Baphomet.”

“─For Lord Baphomet.”

Be For МÆŦ
Everything is for Him.


Skritch skritch.

I’m repairing a worn-out belt. It’s been months since my main work consumed me, leaving me no time for side jobs, but who knew I’d wear this belt out so badly in such a short time?

If I had delayed just a bit longer, that overworked belt might’ve committed a dramatic suicide due to overuse. What a tragic fate.

“Is it done? Boss?”

“Just how roughly did you use it? This isn’t an item that should be falling apart this quickly……”

“I’m, I’m sorry…….”

Niberna, a former S-rank hero turned freelancer, gave a wry smile at my words. Having gained support from Evilus Corporation, she naturally had to leave City E for another town.

If she stayed in City E, she’d have to face our evil organization, and with Evilus backing her, there was no way that could happen. Every day, she heard the villainous organization being labeled as WWE on the internet, but even within that chaos, there are lines and rules that must be respected.

Ultimately, after heading to another city, she could only fight villains by collaborating with local heroes; and as you may know, the villains outside City E are the real deal, the sort that would fit perfectly in a gore snuff film.

“There’s no need to apologize. If you’re going to close up, just call me. Why are you using it so roughly in the first place?”

“……I’m sorry. I felt like bothering you, the busy boss.”

“Not a bother at all, so just call whenever. You think I won’t make you a new one if that breaks?”

As I said this, I handed the repaired belt to Niberna. Receiving it, Niberna treated it like it was a priceless treasure and began to gently stroke it.

Given that thing was probably the most precious object she had, it made sense she’d treat it so reverently. Without that belt, Niberna would just be an ordinary A-rank hero. Sure, she could become a side character but never the protagonist—just another ordinary extra.

“Ahhh…… Still not done?”

“It’s finished, Vira.”

“Okay? Then let’s go eat. Should I place an order at the restaurant in front?”

At that moment, Vira, who had been napping inside the shop, made her appearance. She scratched her messy hair like a bird’s nest and began making a phone call. Probably ordering ahead at the restaurant.

Noticing this scene, Niberna looked shocked as if she hadn’t realized Vira was inside, cautiously approaching.

“……Boss, is that your wife?”

“Huh? What nonsense are you spouting… She’s my bodyguard. I’ve been caught up in dangerous matters lately.”

“If you told me, I would protect you without question!”

“Thanks for the offer, but it’s okay. Vira is quite capable herself.”

“Even so……”

Niberna couldn’t hide her disappointment and looked at me. Was she wanting me to trust her a little more? Regrettably, our relationship wasn’t deep enough for that. I mean, she didn’t even know my real name!

I had done a good deed giving her the hero belt, but that was the extent of it. Our relationship was neither more nor less than that.

“Ah— there. Was it Niberna, was it? Hero lady?”

“……Yes. Indeed. What’s up?”

“Do you want to join us for food? This restaurant only takes orders for four or more.”

Unlike me, Vira was an extreme extrovert. She seemed absolutely eager to befriend Niberna.

Upon hearing Vira’s suggestion, Niberna pondered with her lips a few times before nodding. Moments later, we were all heading to the restaurant. It was one of our repeatedly visited favorite spots.

Maybe it was because Evilus Corporation bought up all the buildings and offered reasonable rents, but City E strangely had an abundance of excellent restaurants. It was the same this time; the place was already packed with customers.

“If we hadn’t made a reservation, we might’ve missed out on eating. Lucky us!”

With Vira bustling like a kid in a candy store, we settled into our reserved seats. I took my place right next to her, while Niberna sat across from us.

Perhaps because we had pre-ordered over the phone, once we sat down, the food arrived almost immediately, allowing us to start eating right away.

The plates piled high with food began to vanish in no time. Not just Vira, whose appetite was legendary, but even hero Niberna was demolishing the portions. Watching the three of us polish off four servings in an instant was a sight to behold…….

I snickered, wiped my mouth, and set down my glass of water, when suddenly—my water glass fell awkwardly under the table.

The glass crashed down just in time to spill all over a passerby, and the diner walking down the corridor started glaring at me as if asking, “What’s your problem?”

‘What the heck is this……?’

I thought perhaps this was some kind of new con, but given that he wasn’t demanding money and just happened to knock over my glass, I humbly apologized.

“Sorry. My water cup just decided to go wild…….”

“Huh— that’s ridiculous. Did someone play tricks with their superpowers just as I happened to pass by!?”

“Believe it or not, yes. Surprisingly.”

“Are you kidding with me? You—!?”

The customer who got splashed with water yelled furiously. Naturally, this was something to get mad about, so I just lowered my head. Even if I wasn’t at fault, proving it was going to be tough, and very few could remain rational in situations like this.

The furious customer continued to rage as if he were about to blow a gasket.

“I can’t stand this—! I demand compensation!”

“I’m not at fault, but I could cover laundry costs……”

“NO! I’m as angry as I’d be for 「α ѕøηg øғ worship ғøя tнε dεvı!」”


“Did you not hear? I’m as furious as for 「๏ทє ร๏ภﻮ ๏Ŧฬ๏гรђเק!」”

After hearing the middle-aged man’s words, I was left speechless, staring at him blankly.

……What the heck is this guy saying?

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