The Evil Scientist is Too Competent

Chapter 49

I heard about what happened five years ago from Vira—the incident at the boss’s birthday party, what Regalia lost that day, and how she became the owner of Evilus Corporation at such a young age.

All the secrets behind it.

“─That’s how it happened.”

“…I see.”

It wasn’t really a surprising story. Someone who feared the rise of Evilus Corporation targeted its owner and partially succeeded. The previous Evilus chairman, Regalia’s parents, lost their lives on that day without a trace left behind.

Guests who came to celebrate Regalia’s birthday also lost their lives, and despite the numerous victims, the traces of the perpetrator still haven’t been found.

The culprit was incredibly elusive, and the problem was that there were victims among those with a hidden agenda as well. Since everyone was affected, even Regalia, who lost her parents, couldn’t strongly suspect or pressure anyone.

“It’s quite the ghostly affair. How many big companies are involved here, and yet they can’t find a trace.”

“If that’s the case, then it must have been something with power that surpasses even big companies… like the government?”

“If that were the case, they would have discovered traces long ago. But since not even a clue exists…”

There supposedly wasn’t even an organization that could carry this out alone. It seemed as if the entire world was deceiving Evilus.

When I heard that story, I felt a surge of anger. While death is truly a common occurrence, what if it was someone I knew? People can invest emotions into things that don’t directly concern them.

“Well, anyway—the young lady hasn’t held a birthday party since then. You could say she has a bit of trauma?”

“Considering that, it seems she went to the corporate party not long ago.”

“That’s because the security was no joke. All the heads of big companies from various cities gather in one place? There were so many S-rank heroes lying around you could trip over them.”

No assassins or villains would dare show their faces there; even a madman would avoid such a suicide mission, Vira threw out various remarks.

As she continued talking, Vira shrugged her shoulders, as if to say she had heard everything she wanted.

“Alright—are we done now? Not curious about anything else?”

“Not really. Now I know why the boss doesn’t hold birthday parties.”

“I have a rough idea of what to get as a birthday gift?”

“Roughly, yes.”

“Oh—can’t you tell me ahead of time?”

I shook my head as if to say no. Vira pouted her lips in dissatisfaction, but since she hadn’t told me what she wanted either, it was even.

However, thinking about what I heard from her—why the boss doesn’t hold birthday parties and what she went through made it clear what kind of gift I should give her.

Didn’t Ayle say it, the boss is a girl?

Children naturally need parents.

Even if it becomes a dream of a midsummer night…

S the chairman of Evilus Corporation, Regalia’s secretary Kitty took pride in her job. The fact that she was taking orders from a ten-year-old child didn’t bother her at all.

What does age matter? Is it embarrassing to serve a ten-year-old child while being proud to serve a fifty-year-old man?

What mattered more to Kitty was that she was assisting someone who delivered results, regardless of age. Those who belittled Regalia because of her age were just losers couldn’t take this position.

“─Young lady, it’s break time.”

“Already? Time flies.”

“Work is important, but you should take care of your health… You’ve already been awake for 100 hours without rest.”

Upon hearing Kitty’s words, Regalia laughed as if everything was fine.

“I’m fine! I took the medicine made by the Evil Scientist! They said I could stay awake for a week without any issues!”

“No matter how, that’s…”

“Okay, okay. I’ll take a break now. Is that good?”

“I’ll prepare it, young lady.”

Regalia let out a sigh of resignation and got up from her seat. To Kitty, Regalia’s limbs looked overly frail. Repressing the pang of sadness in her heart, Kitty prepared tea for Regalia.

After drinking the tea that relieved fatigue, Regalia immediately lay down on the bed. Meanwhile, Kitty diligently massaged Regalia’s entire body.

Sitting for long periods restricts blood flow. If massages aren’t done regularly, it could lead to serious problems. Kitty did her best to knead her body.

Just as the massage was ending, Kitty noticed tears flowing from Regalia’s eyes and was taken aback.

“A—young lady?”

“─Ah, is it over?”

“W-was my massage painful…?”

“Hmm? It was just right! I almost fell asleep.”

“Then I’m glad, but why the tears…?”

Upon hearing Kitty’s words, Regalia finally realized she had been crying. It was far too much for mere yawning.

Quickly wiping her eyes with the back of her hand, Regalia shrugged, trying to dismiss it, but for Kitty, it was a different story. She felt a pain, as if her heart were being torn apart.

“─Alright. Now go out.”

“…Yes, understood. Young lady.”

But a mere secretary couldn’t meddle too much in the affairs of the chairman. Kitty bowed her head and quickly exited the chairman’s office, then began to sniffle alone in the secretary’s office.

She knew the reason for the young lady’s sadness. She had seen her like that several times in recent days.

Ever since that Evil Scientist gave her the medicine picked up from the streets.

‘Evil Scientist… that irreverent bastard.’

The fact that a penniless nobody received the young lady’s favor irked her. She had no idea what kind of trick he had used to gain such affection, but how could he give the young lady something that was like poison?

A medicine that allows one to stay awake for over 100 hours without rest. Just imagining how serious the side effects might be was terrifying.

‘To harm the young lady’s body…’

The fact that the young lady chose to take that medicine mattered little. Even if that was the case, wasn’t it the duty of a loyal servant to desperately try to stop her?

No matter how busy it was, there was no reason for the young lady to work at the cost of her life. After that incident, there was even less reason for the young lady, who had never shown her emotions, to shed tears.

Filled with rage to the top of her head, Kitty headed straight to find the Evil Scientist. In the lab, she saw the former bodyguard lounging on the sofa.

“Hey? Kitty? What are you doing here?”

“Is the Evil Scientist around?”

“He’s here. He said he’s in the middle of research and not to disturb him…”

After hearing that the Evil Scientist was inside, Kitty made her way into the lab. There, the Evil Scientist was busy tinkering without even turning around.

“─Vira. I told you not to disturb me.”

“I’m not Vira. Evil Scientist.”

“…Who? Ah, you’re that one from the mansion—.”

“It’s Kitty. The young lady’s chief secretary.”

Once she finished introducing herself, Kitty glared fiercely at the Evil Scientist. The Evil Scientist, momentarily irritated at being interrupted during work, looked at Kitty.

“Is there something you need? Suddenly.”

“─I came because of the drug you gave the young lady.”

“Do you want more? What she’s already taken should be enough.”

“No, it’s the opposite. What have you given the young lady?”

“What do you mean, what have I given? It’s just a regular energy tonic.”

“Regular energy tonic?!”

Upon hearing those words, Kitty exploded with the anger she had been holding inside.

Do you even know what state the boss is in after taking the medication you gave her?

She explained in full detail how Regalia, tormented by hallucinations and crying tears, was. Yet the Evil Scientist listened with an air of indifference.

After listening to the story, the Evil Scientist nodded as if he understood.

“─I see. So?”

“Did you hear correctly?! Your drug is causing her pain…!”

“What’s troubling her isn’t because of the drug I gave her. I can roughly guess the reason. I’ll resolve it, so you can leave now.”

Seeing the unbothered Evil Scientist, Kitty bit her lip in frustration. How could he speak of solving it without a care at all?

He was truly a person who seemed to possess no human feelings. It was incomprehensible how someone like that received the young lady’s affection.

“You claim to know why she’s sad? And you intend to resolve it?”

“Yes. That’s what I said, so please don’t interrupt and leave.”

“Hah! You, who doesn’t even know the heart of the young lady, whom I’ve served since she was born, how on Earth do you know?”

Upon hearing that, the Evil Scientist waved his hand, showing complete disinterest. Watching that, Kitty stormed out of the lab and began shooting fiery glances at Vira standing outside.

“─What’s with that arrogant attitude, Vira?”

“Why would I know? She’s always like that.”

“The young lady will not tolerate this.”

“The one who’s crazy about the young lady is the Evil Scientist.”

“If she finds out about this, she may change her mind!”

Rushing to report to the young lady, Kitty was startled to find Regalia with her eyes closed, streaming tears and mumbling something.

“…Mom, Dad—.”

Hearing those words, Kitty’s heart sank. The former master and mistress. The young lady was missing the two who had passed away.

Such an obvious fact, which she had desperately tried to forget, floated to the surface of her mind.

The young lady is still young, and at that age, it’s only natural to yearn for parental love. A simple truth that even a mere Evil Scientist would understand, something Kitty hadn’t acknowledged.

‘But, to say you’ll resolve this?’

They were already dead. Not even a corpse was left behind. Was he thinking of going back in time to bring them back?

It would be impossible to resolve this issue. Kitty thought the same once again.

A few days later.

Regalia frowned as she saw the executives of the evil organization barging into her office haphazardly during work hours.

“Yah-hoo! Boss, we came to visit!”

“Um, excuse me…”

“Ugh, how bothersome.”

Regalia, noticing the room filled with the villains, asked with a slightly tense voice.

“…What brings you all here? Is there something you have against me?”

“Something against you? Boss! Don’t you know what day it is today?”

“What day is it?”

Glancing at the calendar, Regalia confirmed that she didn’t have anything special planned for today. It was just an ordinary day, neither a national holiday nor a special occasion.

But for some, this day was incredibly significant.

“Today is boss’s birthday! We came to celebrate!”

“…Oh, is that so? It’s your birthday. Time sure flies.”

Regalia, who had already been immersed in paperwork without sleep for nearly a week, rubbed her eyes as though surprised by how time had passed.

As she rubbed her eyes, the executives revealed the cakes and gifts they had prepared.

“B-boss! Happy birthday! My gift is… a magical girl costume!”

“…Oh, thank you. Ayle.”

“I didn’t prepare a gift. Just sing a song for me.”

“I’m grateful for your thoughts. Galm.”

“Levitan has carrot chocolate! It’s delicious, so save it for later!”

“Perfect, I needed some sugar. Thank you.”

“I prepared a luck stone◆. Wearing it will boost your luck.”

“A luck stone? Sounds reliable.”

Receiving magical girl costumes, birthday songs, carrot chocolates, and Arima’s luck-bearing gem necklace, Regalia looked at her subordinates with a gentle smile.

Honestly, a part of her wanted to clear at least one more document during this time, but according to royal studies, she pushed that thought aside. Being overly cold and detached wasn’t good for managing her subordinates either.

“Young lady! I prepared something like this!”

“What is it? Oh… a doll?”

“Yes! It’s something I’ve been preparing for years; I didn’t have an arm back then…”

Vira handed over a plush doll of Regalia that she had made herself. The quality was lacking, but the fact that she started making it back when she only had one arm showed the love imbued in it.

Though Regalia wasn’t particularly fond of dolls… she happily hummed as she accepted the doll and looked at the last person who hadn’t presented a gift, Eight.

What could they possibly have in mind? The Evil Scientist pulled a scented candle out from his belongings.

“…A scented candle?”

“Yes. An aromatherapy candle.”

“Is this… a gift?”

“Of course, it’s a gift.”

“Alright, thank you.”

To think he would give her something so mundane, it brought her anxiety and relief all at once. With a sigh of relief to herself, Regalia put together the gifts and smiled.

“Thank you. I will also remember and repay this.”

“─Boss. You must burn the candle alone, after closing the door.”

“Huh? Understood. I will do that.”

“And one more thing, Boss, about that place…”

Regalia, ignoring the Evil Scientist’s warning, blew out the candle on top of the cake. Afterward, they enjoyed the delicious cake and returned to their work.

Feeling the fatigue wash over her after a week of nonstop work, Regalia headed straight to her room. Just as she refreshed herself and got onto her bed, she suddenly recalled the scented candle that Eight had handed her.

He told her to burn it alone after closing the door. It felt as if he was handing her drugs.

‘There’s no way it’s actual drugs…’

With a hint of curiosity, Regalia lit the scented candle. As she lay on her bed, absorbing the gentle aroma, she drifted off to sleep. The fatigue of the week swiftly ushered her into a dream, and when she opened her eyes again, she realized she was standing in the middle of the garden.


“─Regalia, what’s the matter?”

Suddenly, a voice she longed to hear called out to her. Turning her head, Regalia was startled to see a woman standing there.


The woman spoke again with a worried tone.

It was the voice of a mother trying to protect her child.

Regalia, in disbelief, looked at her mother, and then at her father, chatting with people in the distance.

‘This is…’

Five years ago.

At her fifth birthday party.

The moment she lost her parents.

‘What is this…’

Regalia recalled the warning Eight had left in her head.

─Boss, it’s just a dream. Please don’t be misled.

Indeed, she was dreaming about the things that happened five years ago.

A dream that felt incredibly real.

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