The Evil Scientist is Too Competent

Chapter 66

The sea sparkled beautifully, as if it held jewels. Staring quietly at the famous emerald beach, I gazed at the translucent seawater and couldn’t help but exclaim.

’This is what an unpolluted sea looks like…’

Seeing a genuinely unpolluted sea for the first time in my life was a real treat. I had seen it a few times through internet videos or virtual reality devices, but that didn’t mean it was real.

The image of the earth’s oceans as humanity’s trash can was strong. Every nation and corporation indiscriminately dumped polluted wastewater, plastic waste, and radioactive materials into it—a global garbage dump.

There was a reason why the sea had changed so much. It was due to the invention of technology that could purify polluted waters.

’You can only see this in private beaches on Earth, right?’

No matter how much they dirtied the ocean, with just a click of a button, it could return to its original state. So corporations and countries hesitated not at all about polluting the sea. The prevailing mindset was, ‘Why’s it a problem if we can just purify it afterwards?’

Thus, the oceans of Earth were always polluted, with only the unpolluted spots being the segregated private beaches of the rich. Naturally, as a grad student’s salary or status, I couldn’t even dare to approach that…

’Of course, this isn’t completely unpolluted either…’

Just then, the results of the seawater analysis arrived on my pad. The composition I tested earlier with the detector on my wrist when I fell into the sea with Galm was on the screen.

The seawater’s components were as follows: water, sodium chloride, magnesium chloride, potassium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, some plankton, ammonia, vitamin stuff, and more.

’So someone peed in the sea, huh?’

Anyway, it seemed humans everywhere, whether on Earth or here, were no different when it came to sneaking in their mess when no one was looking.

Moreover, substances like Neochromine Trioxides, Cyclobectolin Dihydrate, and Hexafluoroz Xenonites were also detected. At first, I tilted my head in confusion over their structures, but soon realized they were special materials that only existed in this world.

And what kind of effects those substances had as well.

’They seem to make the ocean look a bit more beautiful and cleaner…’

Of course, there was no way that would be good for the human body. Just like microplastics, the side effects were so minuscule that they wouldn’t be noticed immediately.

It wasn’t a coincidence that Galm mentioned the odd taste in the water. There were indeed strange substances in the seawater.


Learning that the city or any local corporation distributed harmful chemicals in the sea for management made me wonder. Should I spread this information widely? Or should I just brush it off?

What was certain was that it was not something I should be worrying about alone. Instantly, I decided to toss this issue to the boss.

As I casually turned my head to the side, I saw the boss, who had just finished her work and was enjoying sunbathing, react immediately and open her mouth.

“What’s up? Did you make another mess…?”

“…Should I tell you later?”

“No, just tell me now. Don’t make things a hassle later….”

Regalia said this as she stood up. The exhaustion was etched all over the young girl’s face. She hadn’t seemed this busy when we first met, but now she looked like a worn-out worker.

Considering that since I joined the Evil Organization, Evilus Corporation had tripled in size, it made sense. While the influx of additional workforce had not increased proportionally.

In the end, it meant Regalia had to manage all those tasks by herself. One could easily spot the face of a weary worker on her.

“I found something in this sea…”

I explained the oddity I discovered in the sea as calmly as possible, so as not to stir her feelings too much. I tried to downplay it so she wouldn’t see it as a big issue.

Whether that explanation was effective, Regalia responded as if it was nothing to fret over.

“Chemicals for making the sea clean, huh… Then the leading corporation or the city hall must know about it too. Just let it slide.”

“Is that okay?”

“You said it yourself, right? There’s no immediate threat. Then you just need to analyze this back at headquarters. We can use this information to pressure O City later.”

Regalia requested that I not make a big deal out of it, assuring me she would handle it herself. I understood and nodded, then looked back at the beach.

The unpolluted sea, once the domain of the rich, shimmered under the sun.



Beneath the sea, the massive squid, the ruler of these waters, fumed, bubbling in outrage. It was all due to the noise made by humans in the distance.


They say shared wall noise can lead to murder, and the ocean noise was no different. The giant squid wanted nothing more than to rush over and rip those humans apart.

But there was a reason why it hadn’t done so yet. Stronger predators than the giant squid had already decided to tear the humans apart, and since all those predators were taken out by the humans, the not-so-powerful giant squid had become the top of the food chain.

In the end, the squid’s survival instinct manifested in fleeing from humans, even when the unbearable noise came crashing in.


However, no matter how much it fled and held back, anger wouldn’t just disappear easily. The rage merely accumulated. I could imagine it wanting to dash out and shred every human to pieces right this moment…!

At that moment, corporate motorboats passed above the sea, releasing loud engine sounds as toxic chemicals were dumped liberally. The giant squid, right below, was directly hit by the swirling motor’s current carrying those harmful substances.

The chemicals, meant to maintain the beauty of the sea, began to seep into the squid’s skin. While scientists believed it wouldn’t cause significant harm to humans, it certainly did not mean it wouldn’t harm other animals.

Ultimately, after absorbing a large amount of toxic chemicals, the giant squid began to die rapidly. Was the ruler of the emerald waters about to meet its lonely demise?


Surprisingly, in its rage, the giant squid awakened its psychic powers. The survival instincts were kicked into high gear, igniting a type of enhancement on its body.

As it digested the toxic substances inside, the giant squid began to grow larger and larger. It became a creature that might belong in a myth, surpassing even a giant squid. Such size could not have been born through normal evolution.

The squid now bore the obligation to maintain its great size and looked toward the beach. There seemed to be a lot of energy over there. It even had excuses to attack humans full of rage.

Those humans sought its death.

As the lord of this sea, it had the duty of just revenge.

Thus, the mythical giant squid descended upon the mortal realm, charging toward the beach—only to meet its demise almost immediately.



While swimming enthusiastically, Levitan sensed something swimming toward her and turned her head. Galm behind her seemed to feel it too and was giggling.

Quickly climbing up onto the sandy beach, Levitan reached out her hand toward Galm. Recognizing her intent, Galm reached out his hand too.


Moments later, winners and losers were decided.


“So I get to do it, right—?”

“Got no intention to give up! I’ve never seen something like that before.”

“If you think you can’t, I guess I’ll concede.”

Levitan said this and crunched down on the creature’s genetic material. Galm realized she wasn’t planning on yielding at all.

As the tiger beast sighed in disappointment, a massive squid revealed itself above the sea.


As it spewed enormous bubbles from its maw, the sudden appearance of the monster made people scream and dash away.


“It’s an Awakened species!”

“Call a Hero!”

At the mention of a Hero, several onlookers at the beach flinched, while Levitan, who was bouncing in place preparing to spring away, quickly dashed across the water.

She lifted her feet before they sank into the sea, then lifted the opposite foot before that one sank. By repeating this, Levitan successfully ran across the water and reached the squid monster at an incredible speed.

With a swift kick, she nailed it straight in the squid’s face.


A sound akin to a giant balloon popping echoed as a large hole appeared in the squid’s face. The squid, now with a hole in its head, collapsed into the sea, while Levitan landed safely on top of the falling creature.

“What the—? Weakling.”

Chortling at how the monster fell from just one kick, Levitan gestured casually toward Galm, who looked on with disappointment in the distance.

Watching all this from the sidelines, the boss sighed lightly as she removed her sunglasses.

[Today, an Awakened species wreaked havoc at Emerald Beach in O City… Fortunately, there were no casualties…]
[The O City hall decided to award Mr. Levitan for stopping the Awakened creature with the ‘Brave Citizen Award’—]


The woman in the TV with rabbit ears perked up as she looked at the pixelated figure, her face reflecting shock at seeing someone she didn’t expect there.

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