The Exorcist Detective

Chapter 117 Legendary Butler Jarvis

Deadpool rushed up, but surprisingly he didn't say anything, because his mind had been controlled by Crimson Fury, and he was so angry that he couldn't speak. Although Li Kang didn't mean it, he seemed to be doing it unintentionally. Controlling Deadpool's mind, but power comes with a price. Li Kang relied on his origin attribute to squeeze the price to the lowest. This in itself is already a worse behavior than cheating, but he has no ability to reduce Deadpool's price. Today's Deadpool is like a crazy bull. Although he holds a high-frequency vibranium knife in his hand, and the power of Settorak is spread all over the blade, with this knife, killing gods and ghosts is like chopping melons and vegetables.

But Thor didn't know this. He also took it for granted that what Deadpool used was just a mortal weapon and could not hurt him. Thor raised Thor's hammer and summoned a magical lightning, hitting Deadpool. body, after a burst of explosive thunder, lightning hit Deadpool's body, sparks flew out, and Deadpool seemed to have turned into a huge firework, but Deadpool still came to Thor, the God of Thunder, despite the lightning.

"Go to hell!" Deadpool was supposed to cut Thor with a knife, but he was so angry that he didn't swing the knife. Instead, he hit Thor's face with a headbutt, causing Thor to have a nosebleed. Long flow.

Deadpool then slashed Thor's chest with a knife, and Thor felt a sudden cold in his chest. He is a warrior who has experienced hundreds of battles. Every time Odin sleeps for nine days, the demons and monsters in the nine realms besiege the fairy palace. , it was Thor, the god of thunder, who led the gods of Asgard to resist foreign enemies. He is the undefeated god of war in Asgard and a symbol of victory, but this does not mean that he will not be injured.

In fact, Thor's body was covered with dense wounds. Due to his reputation, Thor used his own life to protect Asgard, so Thor immediately felt something was wrong, and he immediately flew back. The Mjolnir in his hand was thrown violently, hitting Deadpool in the chest. Deadpool felt an unparalleled huge force hitting him. He groaned and crashed into the corner of Stark Tower.

Thick smoke billowed from the top of the Stark Tower. Following the impact, the smaller half of the Stark Tower slowly slid down from the main body of the building. The Stark Tower would disintegrate in a few moments.

Inside the Stark Tower, wearing a tuxedo and a Mediterranean hairstyle, his image resembles that of Batman’s butler Alfred’s uncle Jarvis in the comic books. He looked at the shining red light in surprise. Deadpool, like a heavy bomb, crashed into the square in front of Stark Tower, "Boom!" The land in the square surged and spread like waves.

"Hello?! Director Fury, Stark Tower has now become a battlefield. I don't know why, but I found that the X-Men suddenly appeared, and then all the superheroes and super villains suddenly stopped moving. They seemed to be I was controlled by Doctor Doom with some kind of power, but this is not the most terrifying thing. I collected a super high energy reaction from the underground of Stark Tower. This energy level has exploded. I will leave Stark immediately. Building, I suggest you evacuate the citizens of New York immediately to prevent them from being affected." Although Jarvis is only a butler, his role in the Stark family is not just as simple as a butler.

Tony's girlfriend Pepper is responsible for managing Stark Industries for him, while Stark's home is completely taken care of by Jarvis. Regarding this, even Pepper has to admire Jarvis' ability. Because Tony's home is not only a place to live, but also his studio, office and reception room, as well as a place for fun and games.

It was a huge modernist manor, full of mechanical arms, robots, etc. Apart from Tony, there was only one living person named Jarvis, and Jarvis relied on these machines to manage the Stark Manor in an orderly manner. This work required more than 100 people to do it, which was not easy. Once again, Jarvis had to go back to his hometown in the UK to deal with some housework, so he took two days off.

In the past two days, Pepper took over Jarvis's place in managing the huge Stark Manor. For two days, Pepper only slept for less than three hours, relying entirely on a large can of coffee. Tony Stark Just like a child with a wild imagination, if he is not looking for fun everywhere and picking up girls in different ways, he will lock himself in the studio all day long, turning all kinds of whims and whims in his brain into Reality.

However, this process is often accompanied by violent explosions, crazy machines, etc. There is an alarm almost every hour. Not to mention that Pepper is sleeping, she is staring at the monitor screen and has to answer Tony's various questions from time to time. Weird questions, but also to answer some of Tony's questions about experimental parameters. Pepper is a Ph.D. from MIT, but she still can't answer many questions. Since then, Pepper has treated Jarvis as a god. She finally understood why Tony always said his butler was a monster.

For example, now, all kinds of intelligence are very unclear, but Jarvis can easily analyze that Doctor Doom used some means to control the X-Men, and then used the X-Men's abilities to control him again. The heroes from all walks of life came to defend New York.

But Jarvis discovered that a powerful Nordic god like Thor had to use a killer trick to deal with a strange man covered in red armor. He immediately understood that there was someone down there who was hostile to Doctor Doom. , no matter who this person is, it must not be easy to deal with.

Jarvis knew Doctor Doom. He was a powerful figure that even his genius master Tony Stark had to admire.

For Stark Industries, the so-called dictatorship is just to fool the American people. It just gives them an excuse to hate Doctor Doom. Americans fear and hate Doctor Doom.

Because of the emergence of Doctor Doom, the United States, which prides itself as a beacon for mankind, gave a loud and resounding slap. The United States has always claimed that only its universal values ​​and principles are the direction of the future of mankind, but in private it is fanning the flames everywhere. , plundering resources, Latvinia is an important strategic fulcrum for the United States in Eastern Europe and a forward position to check and balance Russia.

But Doctor Destruction suddenly emerged, seized the rule of Latvinia, and openly challenged the United States.

The American media is exaggerating that Doctor Doom has no experience in running a country. It won't be long before he will destroy Latvinia's economy and turn it into a hell on earth.

But three years have passed. Not only has Latvinia not become a hell on earth, but it has also developed better and better. It has become a rare power in the world, especially in the field of science and technology. Its people's happiness index is among the top three in the world. Second to Switzerland.

Then the American media began to say that Doctor Doom did not respect human rights, adopted a dictatorship under his rule, and massacred political prisoners. He was a heinous villain.

However, although Dr. Doom controls the most important power such as the country's military power, he is very open-minded about governance. He handed over all administrative power to his subordinates, the House of Representatives, and let a very idealistic and ambitious professor from the University of Latvinia , serves as the interim president. In fact, Doctor Doom is very busy and has no time to govern the country, let alone the so-called dictatorship. He does not have that spare time.

During the battle with the United States, Doctor Doom became famous all over the world. Although Tony was a little envious and jealous of Doctor Doom and had complicated feelings, Jarvis had a very high opinion of Doctor Doom, which could make Doctor Doom even recruit people. He must be a more terrifying figure. The advice Jarvis gave to Director Fury came from his judgment based on form, and his judgment was extremely accurate.

SHIELD Agent is one of the largest customers of Stark Industries. Director Fury has dealt with Jarvis many times. Fury was so impressed by Jarvis' abilities that he even reached out to Jarvis personally. Olive Branch, hoping to recruit Jarvis to SHIELD, but Jarvis politely refused.

Therefore, Fury attached great importance to Jarvis's opinion. He immediately ordered all SHIELD agents, including Coulson and May, to contact the mayor of New York City immediately and begin an emergency evacuation of New York citizens. At the same time, Fury suggested to Jarvis Come to the flying aircraft carrier immediately to avoid being affected.

At this time, Jarvis had already put on the rocket backpack. He nodded, activated the rocket backpack, and left Stark Tower. Just as Jarvis left, Stark Tower was suddenly enveloped in a red light. In the light, Stark Tower was like a ball of paper thrown into a furnace, quickly disintegrating into a pile of rubble.

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