The Exorcist Detective

Chapter 22 Meeting with the King of Hell (3 updates)

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky and struck between Li Kang and Doctor Strange, forcing the approaching two men back. An extraordinary black man came from a distance with his hands behind his back. The black man was dressed completely differently from the apprentice. It is a costume that can only be worn by the highest level magicians in the Holy of Holies.

"Li Kang, are you going to cause trouble as soon as you come back? Maybe Master Gu Yi can forget what you have done, but I will closely monitor your every move. You'd better be honest." The black man shouted sharply.

"As you command, great Master Modu." Li Kang playfully performed a court salute.

"Master Ancient One sent me to find you. You'd better go there immediately. The training ground is not the place you should be." Mo Du has always been at odds with Li Kang. This time Li Kang returned to the Holy of Holies, Mo Du said fiercely Although I finally respected Master Gu Yi's decision, I still had a knot in my heart.

Master Ancient One has returned so soon. It seems that the meeting between her and Nick Fury should have gone very smoothly. Li Kang's plan has basically taken shape. In this plan, the Cosmic Cube plays a vital role.

Li Kang turned around and gave Doctor Strange a middle finger, then turned to look for Master Ancient One. When passing by Modu, Modu whispered, "Li Kang, I warn you to stay away from Stephen, otherwise I will not let you go." you."

"Take care of yourself." Li Kang responded coldly and went straight to Master Gu Yi.

In the reception room, Master Ancient One looked very tired. Anyone would feel great pressure when negotiating with a strongman like Nick Fury, even the Supreme Mage, Master Ancient One.

"The Cosmic Cube you want is in this box. Its power is really strong, but it's not enough to deal with Dormammu. What is your plan? Can you tell me now?" Master Ancient One raised his head, full of hope. Looking at Li Kang hopefully.

Li Kang carefully weighed it, then he lay in Master Gu Yi's ear and whispered what he wanted to do.

"Are you crazy? You want to make a deal with Mephisto, the King of Hell? Even if you want to save the world, there is no need for you to exchange your soul." Master Ancient One's eyes widened instantly. She had seen too many things and thought she was smart. , the person who tried to deceive Mephisto ended up becoming Mephisto's trophy. The risk of this matter was too great.

"This is the only way I can think of. Maybe there are other better ways. Maybe using the Eye of Agamotto to control time is an option." Li Kang understood the risks of trading with the King of Hell. , but facing the powerful Dormammu, the choices available are too limited.

If the earth is successfully dragged into the dark dimension, then everything will be over, because Dormammu is invincible in the dark dimension.

"No, you can't use the Eye of Agamotto. Time is fragile. Changing time at will will bring unpredictable consequences. Then you do what you should do. I'm going to do Nick Fury a favor. You know the Hulk has appeared, and someone needs to calm this angry beast." Master Gu Yi sighed, but at this important juncture, he still had to deal with a difficult monster like the Hulk.

"Is this the deal you made with Nick Fury? To appease the Hulk or save the world, he actually chose the Hulk first. Does this person have any brains?" Li Kang didn't know what to say. He didn't understand. The destruction of the Earth is right in front of us, so why does SHIELD still care about a little Hulk?

Master Gu Yi drank a cup of tea and shook his head noncommittally. The world still knew too little about the magic world. This cannot be entirely blamed on Nick Fury, because he also had no choice but to do so in the eyes of the public. The threat of the Hulk is much more real than a demon from an extra dimension.

She arranged a secret room for Li Kang and told everyone not to disturb Li Kang. Only then did Master Gu Yi leave with peace of mind to track the Hulk.

Li Kang was in the secret room, with a psychic circle prepared in front of him, surrounded by a circle of round candles. As long as others were in the circle of candles and the candles were not extinguished, then all the demons and monsters in hell, including Mephisto, would be there. No one can harm him in the slightest.

At this time, he should smoke a cigarette to refresh himself. If he said that he was confident about what he was going to do, he would be lying. Although in front of Master Gu Yi, he seemed to have everything under his control. , but that was just bragging. In fact, it was to make Master Gu Yi feel more at ease. She was already having a hard time, so we couldn't add any more psychological burden to her.

The real situation is that Li Kang is not sure at all. No one dares to say that he is sure when making a deal with Mephisto. Hell is also a dimension, a terrifying chaotic dimension. In the Mephisto universe, chaos is One of the spokespersons, in hell, he is infinitely close to omnipotence, and when this old guy makes deals, he always completes them in his own territory.

As the King of Hell, Mephisto is both cunning and ruthless, but also cautious by nature. This demon king has tricked enough magicians to circle the equator twice.

No matter how much he hesitates, he has to go to the execution ground in the end. Either way, he will die, either Dormammu or Mephisto. Either way is a terrifying choice.

"Do what you should do, believe in yourself, you can do it." After Li Kang finished speaking, he cursed, "Shut up, you can deceive others, but you still want to deceive yourself? Damn idiot! You are If you are playing with fire, you are still playing with hellfire.”

Li Kang gritted his teeth and walked to the center of the psychic circle. He used a lighter to light all the candles. These were secret candles. They would not go out by themselves even if they were lit for a year. They were used for psychic techniques. , the most advanced materials, and protected by such a candle, the magician can wander around the hell with confidence and boldness, as long as there is no external force to destroy it, there will be no problem.

The secret candles are produced in some temples in Thailand dedicated to little ghosts. The specific materials are unknown. Such a candle can cost at least [-] US dollars on the black market.

"I call you...the great Lord of Hell...your boundless rage...burns all of hell...I call you...Mephisto...there is someone...that needs to be with you Complete a deal...please respond to my humble request..." Li Kang read the disgusting prayer. This prayer was compiled by Mephisto himself. It was almost a blind praise of himself. Li Kang read to the end. , almost spit it out.

But after waiting for a long time, there was still no movement. Li Kang had no choice but to read it again, but there was still no sign of response from Mephisto.

"Fuck you, I know you heard me. If you don't respond to me, I will cancel this meeting. Don't be pretentious with me. You are eager to trade with me." Li Kang cursed at the psychic circle.

The surrounding arcane candles suddenly lit up a foot-high green flame, and the psychic circle suddenly emitted a dazzling green light. The light became more and more intense. If you didn't close your eyes, you would be burned soon. After about ten Seconds later, the surrounding light disappeared and the secret room was gone. All around Li Kang was a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. The demons in the distance were roasting a sinner on the fire.

The stench of sulfur is everywhere, and in the rolling lake of blood, countless souls are wailing in pain. As long as ordinary people take a glance at this terrifying scene, their minds will immediately go crazy. The hungry demons can fight for a bite of meat. Days and nights, anyway, there is nothing else in hell, but there is plenty of time.

In front of Li Kang, a giant beast sat on a mountain-like throne. The beast was indescribably ugly. Its head seemed to be an abstract work, a collection of all imaginable ugliness. There are six giant horns on the head, six eyes like blood pools, and six giant fangs sticking out of the mouth.

The giant beast's body was as fat as a mountain of flesh. It was covered with cancer, venereal diseases, and abscesses, and exuded a sewer-like stench. On its abdomen, there were three sixes facing each other, and a giant tail that reached into the distance.

"You little mortal dares to summon Mephisto, the King of Hell. Your soul will be subjected to unimaginable torture. How dare you stand in front of me? Who gave you such courage! While you still have the chance, , run for your life, otherwise, in the next second, you will become the food in my belly, and you will rot there for 1 years!" The giant beast is Mephisto, and he sprays a stench that is enough to kill, growled sharply.

"Mephisto, have you had enough fun? We are all old friends. You just want to scare me out of the protective circle with an incarnation that is uglier than a dog. Isn't your idea a bit too fantasy?" Li Kang took out a cigarette without fear, but found that there was no fire around him. Who could imagine that in hell, he could not light a cigarette because there was no fire.

The giant beast shook, and instantly shrank in size, turning into a middle-aged man wearing a red cloak and a weird hairstyle, who looked like a court jester. His appearance was actually handsome, but he gave people a sinister and cunning look.

"Actually, I don't have any expectations, but I have to give it a try. What if I succeed? My old friend, why did you come to me? Why don't you give me a hug first." Mephisto opened his arms, Waiting for Li Kang.

"Why don't you come in and I'll let you do whatever you want?" Li Kang grinned and raised his hands provocatively.

Mephisto is like this, sometimes terrifying, sometimes cynical, but as long as you relax even a little bit, you will be instantly doomed.

"How cruel and ruthless. Since you don't want to be polite, I won't force it. Tell me, why are you looking for an old friend?" Mephisto bent down and sat down. Behind him, a throne appeared out of thin air. It just held up his noble buttocks.

"Actually, I came here to give you a chance to save the world. I think you may have heard that Dormammu is going to attack the earth." Li Kang got straight to the point and saw how Mephisto would react. .

As expected, Mephisto was unmoved as Li Kang expected.

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