The Exorcist Detective

Chapter 37 Locking Dormammu (2 updates)

Li Kang finally found some inspiration. Although Dormammu is extremely powerful, this power is also his weakness. Once people are too powerful, they often become arrogant. Arrogance leads to carelessness. For some conventional means, For example, he will become very unfamiliar with fraud and negotiation, and he will not pay attention to details. From his violent manipulation of Casillas before, we can see how rough Dormammu is.

Any of these shortcomings, if taken out randomly, can lead to collapse failure. Therefore, in the ancient mysterious Eastern wisdom, there is such a saying, a thousand-mile dike is destroyed by an ant nest, which is simply a wise saying.

Li Kang, who had never been confused at all, easily walked out of the mental trap and completed Mephisto's trial. This speed simply broke the record. In hell, Mephisto used this incident to open a In the big handicap, he was the biggest bookmaker and the devil who knew his prey best. This time he blindly bet that Li Kang would not be able to get out of the spiritual trap, and in the end he lost all his underwear.

Without knowing it, Li Kang severely cheated Mephisto.

When he opened his eyes again, Li Kang found that his whole body was bathed in the flames of hell. Everything around him became very small. The two black spots under his feet were looking at him in awe. Looking carefully, it turned out that they were Mo Du. With Wang Wang, Li Kang understood in an instant that because he successfully borrowed Mephisto's power, his body also turned into a giant.

"Bah, I thought Mephisto would make some complicated trial, but I didn't expect it to be such an old-fashioned thing. Instead, it helped me." Li Kang snorted and mocked Mephisto.

In the dark dimension, Doctor Strange, who has died nearly 250 times, is on the verge of collapse. Every time time cycles again, he has to relive the last death. Dormammu is simply too angry and violent. In the game, I can't always control the strength well. So many deaths are basically instant kills.

Just as Li Kang expected, too much power has become Dormammu's weakness. Deep down in his heart, he knows that the best way to deal with Doctor Strange is to kill the opponent very cruelly and slowly, leaving Doctor Strange The only way to defeat the opponent as soon as possible is to suffer all kinds of torture, but if you can't do it, you can destroy the power of the stars with just one move. The more you do this, the more anxious Dormammu becomes, and the more anxious you are, the worse your control of the power becomes. It's a vicious cycle. .

Doctor Strange was reborn again. He was about to go to negotiate with Dormammu when suddenly a ball of sparks burst out from the Eye of Agamotto in his hand. This was a signal that Li Kang was ready. He breathed a heavy sigh of relief. Finally no longer having to die, Doctor Strange turned around and left the dark dimension. When he saw Li Kang exuding the power of chaos, he couldn't help but frown.

"I can't leave like this. If Li Kang betrays everyone, then all our efforts will be in vain." Dr. Strange felt uneasy in his heart. He turned around and returned to the dark dimension, hiding in the gap between dimensions. got up.

Dormammu suddenly felt that the time shackles that trapped him were loosened, and he couldn't help feeling ecstatic.

"Ah ha ha ha... The little magician can't bear the endless cycle of death! It doesn't matter where you are hiding. I will tear your poor world in half with my own hands!" Doma Mu couldn't wait to reach out of the dark dimension and reach out to the earth he had coveted for many years.

The entire sky above Xiangjiang was shrouded by a black shadow. Just one devil's palm covered most of the sky. Dormammu's devil's palm burned with the raging demonic fire and roared towards the ground. Li Kang, who was under the devil's palm, He shook his hands and did a simple warm-up, then stretched out his left hand and faced Dormammu's clutches.

Two equally huge palms collided in mid-air. "Boom!" A powerful force shook the whole world.

In the world, all the magicians in the magic world felt an extremely strong impact at the same time. The wild power tore through reality. All supernatural creatures felt that a disaster was coming, and at the same time, they wailed in fear.

Dormammu felt an extremely familiar and equally powerful force blocking his way.

"Mephisto?! You, a despicable villain, actually stood in front of me! You are so bold!" Dormammu was shocked and angry. He didn't expect the man who always likes to stand behind the scenes to make up conspiracies. Mephisto actually goes into battle in person. Is this world really so special?Apart from being frightened and angry, Dormammu also had some doubts in his heart.

"Of course I am not Mephisto, I am just his agent. My boss, Mephisto, asked me to bring you a message, 'Go to hell! Idiot! The earth is mine! Hillbilly Dormammu is still Go back to the dark dimension and play in the mud!', this is already my improved version, my boss's original words are a bit wilder, it's the same as playing, but there is a lot of content about your anus, but it's too It’s vulgar, I just can’t say it out loud.” Li Kang imitated Mephisto’s expression and tone vividly. It doesn’t cost anything to sow discord, so if you have the chance, just stir up trouble and trick poor Xiao Mo into hell.

"You alone, trying to stop me, Dormammu, are overestimating your capabilities. After I deal with you, I will go to hell to settle the score with Mephisto!" Dormammu fell for the trick without even thinking about it.

"Oh, idiot, please, use your pine nut-sized brain to think carefully, how could I use incomplete Mephisto's power to deal with you? Even if Mephisto himself comes, he may not be able to defeat you. If I can win against you, of course I have a trump card." Li Kang took out the replacement scepter.

The replacement scepter, filled with the power of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, exudes a burst of blue brilliance, and bursts of gamma rays illuminate the entire space. A beam of light centers on the replacement scepter, linking Li Kang and Dormammu.

"What the hell is this? What do you want to do?" Dormammu was shocked by the power of the replacement scepter. With his power, he easily understood the principle of this replacement scepter. This thing can forcefully Change positions with the guy linked to the opposite side.

"What do I want to do? I want to do what I don't want to do, but what I have to do. I want to save the earth from your clutches. You and I now belong to the same level of power. We can completely achieve the replacement requirements. With the Cosmic Rubik's Cube Help, this can be done now. I will pull you out of the dark dimension and cut off the connection between you and the dark dimension. In this way, you will lose the source of power. I will sacrifice myself to stop you from this. Big devil." Li Kang roared impassionedly.

I hope that Dormammu, as a conqueror of all worlds, can still have an IQ online and can hear that he is conveying some information. In the words just now, although the tone is very fierce and the words are very awe-inspiring, there are still some things that seem to be inadvertent. There is some reluctance shown during the interview. This reluctance is reflected in, "I want to do what I don't want to do, but I must do it," and, "I want to sacrifice myself to stop this big devil like you." Sentence.

"Ah... no one can try to take away my power!" Dormammu's IQ was indeed down. This time he fell into a crisis that might lose the basis of his power. He couldn't help but panic. He never imagined that he would encounter this. With things like the Cosmic Rubik's Cube and the Scepter of Displacement, I didn't expect that Mephisto would have a hand in this matter.

This matter is not simple. It must be Mephisto's conspiracy. He has wanted to harm me for a long time... Dormammu's thoughts ran along this line and he did not understand the true meaning of what Li Kang just said. meaning.

"How can you, an idiot like you, be considered the conqueror of all realms? I think you're not smart enough to carry my shoes!" Li Kang cursed in his heart angrily.

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