The Exorcist Detective

Chapter 48 Doctor Destruction rips apart S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Did you kill him?" Colson quickly recovered from the shock. He quickly pulled out the pistol from his waist and pointed it at Li Kang's head.

"Actually, I had that thought in my mind, but I didn't do that. I just teleported him away. Don't worry." Li Kang turned around and sat on the sofa, as if he had never done anything, completely ignoring Colson. pistol.

"It turns out he was just teleported away, so where did you teleport him to?" Although he shouldn't have, Coulson still put the pistol away with a sigh of relief. Now he finally knew why Fury was willing to face Li Kang even if he wanted to kill him. Well, this is simply a shameless and enhanced version of Fury, with even less bottom line than Fury himself.

"I teleported him to Latvinia. I heard that today is the anniversary of the three-year visit to Latvinia. I think the werewolf captain would really like to go and see him. He saves the air tickets and doesn't have to suffer. Don't thank me for the hard work of the journey, this is what I should do." In order to show that what he said was true, Li Kang changed the TV channel.

"Latvinia?! Doctor Doom?! You threw Captain Werewolf to Doctor Doom?!" Coulson was shocked. He couldn't help but be shocked, because he knew so much about Latvinia and understood it. Doctor Doom is the most wanted criminal on SHIELD's secret blacklist. How difficult is it to deal with him?

Everything starts with the rebirth of Latvinia. The United States is very concerned about this rapidly rising small country in Eastern Europe. After a few brief contacts, the Americans discovered that the new king, Doctor Doom, is not like the previous one at all. The old king was so easy to control, so he quickly designated Dr. Destruction, whose real name was Victor von Dumu, as a dictator and imposed blockade and sanctions. After all, the Americans were not ordinary hooligans in this matter.

The old king who previously ruled Latvinia was the real dictator. Not only did he implement a policy of ethnic cleansing in the country and forcibly cleanse the country's Gypsies, but because the old king was very obedient and a loyal lackey of the United States, So these things were forcibly forgiven, except that Doctor Doom was a gypsy, and his mother was the most famous black witch, Cynthia von Dumu.

In order to protect her people, especially her husband and son, Cynthia did not hesitate to sell her soul to the devil. However, because her magic was out of control, a soul harvest killed thousands of people, and was forcibly dragged into hell by Mephisto.

In order to protect his son, Doctor Doom's father protected Doctor Doom, who was only seven years old at the time, in the ice and snow. However, he himself was frozen to death. With his love for the motherland and his deep hatred for its corrupt ruler, Doctor Doom came to the United States, but found in despair that the Americans only wanted to use his genius intelligence.

In desperation, Doctor Doom faked his death and escaped, and came to a cursed temple in the Himalayas. The monks in the temple were cursed with eternal life and were waiting for the legendary Great Destroyer, and Doctor Doom was the prophecy. Son of Doom, the monks used vibranium to create a suit of armor for Doctor Doom and taught him the secrets of magic.

After the Doctor of Destruction completed his studies, he mercifully ended the monks' immortality as promised and granted them eternal rest.

Doctor Doom then returned to Latvinia and quickly gained the support of the citizens who had long been dissatisfied with the old king's brutal rule. Almost like magic, he formed a powerful rebel army.

At that time, in order to protect its allies, the United States sent organizations such as S.H.I.E.L.D. and the CIA to provide covert support.

Arms, support the old king, but the old king is too unpopular, and his army secretly betrayed and joined Doctor Doom.

Doctor Doom, in front of the army and supported by the people, entered the cathedral that symbolized the power of Latvinia alone, and strangled the old king to death in front of the archbishop.

So we can see each other, Doctor Doom is definitely a thorn in the side, it hurts the brains of old Americans, but Doctor Doom is not only the legal new king, he has both magic and technological capabilities, he has superior intelligence, and his ability to govern is unparalleled in the world. , has won the support of the people of this country. Faced with such an iron plate, no matter how many conspiracies there are, they cannot be used.

Especially the relatively neutral S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents, they definitely don’t want to provoke this evil star unless they have to.

"You can't blame me for this. I just sent the werewolf captain to the place he wants to go to most. Why does he want to go to Latvinia?" Li Kang asked without knowing what was going on.

"I think maybe it's because this is a special day. Jack, the werewolf captain, used to be a member of the royal family of Latvinia. He was the brother of the old king who was strangled to death by Doctor Doom. He was cursed by the local gypsies. He turned into a werewolf. His brother died three years ago today. No, we must get the werewolf captain back before things get worse." Coulson said with his head full of lawsuits, in case the werewolf Captain goes to trouble Doctor Doom, which will become a very bad international incident.

"It seems a little late. I may have found the werewolf captain." Li Kang pointed at the TV with the remote control. On the TV, Dr. Doom, wearing a green cloak and a terrifying steel mask, was delivering a speech to the nation. Suddenly, he appeared from mid-air. , the werewolf captain appeared with a ferocious look.

The situation at that time was actually like this. The werewolf captain was stunned for a moment, and then he fell down with his teeth bared. Doctor Doom was also confused. He was going to give a speech today, so the defense system was temporarily closed. At this moment, the werewolf captain fell. , just happened to pounce on Doctor Doom. Although the werewolf captain is also a strong man, the word "strong" really depends on who he compares with.

Ever since Doctor Doom ruled Latvinia, Dracula, the vampire king who was regarded as an old enemy by the Supernatural Agents, did not even dare to look at Latvinia. Dracula's power fell apart in less than three months. Being uprooted by Doctor Doom, Dracula can't do anything about it, that's the gap.

Doctor Doom reacted quickly, and immediately set up a defense matrix, launching the werewolf captain away, and then shot a dazzling beam of light from his gloves. The werewolf captain was hit by the beam and flew more than thirty meters away, and fell to the ground covered in smoke. The werewolf captain was eliminated in two moves.

"These are people from S.H.I.E.L.D., I have said long ago that the so-called protection of the world is itself the biggest lie of S.H.I.E.L.D.! Their essence is to work for the hegemonic United States. They are actually the same breed. Today, in the media around the world In front of me, SHIELD sent one of their monster assassins in an attempt to assassinate me. This is terrorism! It is unacceptable!..." Doctor Doom immediately accused SHIELD in front of the media.

The last thing the media is afraid of is big news. Now that Doctor Doom is tearing apart S.H.I.E.L.D., the news is so shocking that the flashbulbs of the media present are flashing non-stop.

Coulson, who had been cheated and bruised, stared at the TV screen in shock. The rest of the people had the same reaction as Coulson.

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