The Exorcist Detective

Chapter 7: Bitten by a Spider (Today’s update contains 3 words, please collect it, thank you)

"It's up to you." Gwen said helplessly.

Dr. Connors' deputy over there is also an Indian sent by the Osborne Group to monitor Dr. Connors. Mr. Khan is calling Gwen. She still has her own work to do and has no intention of taking care of Parker.

Gwen turned around and left with an obviously unhappy expression.

Li Kang raised his hand and hit Parker on the back of the head, "Are you a fool? Such a beautiful woman is obviously interested in you. If you don't go and accompany her, why do you have to follow me?"

"I just want to see what you want to do and whether you are a spy. If you really want to steal the Osborne Group's scientific research secrets, I will never let you go." Parker said firmly.

"You're crazy!" Li Kang couldn't understand the way of thinking of people like Parker. "Since you want to follow me, then come on. Anyway, I'm telling the truth. I gave up just to monitor someone who just helped you." A beauty like Gwen, I’ve never seen an idiot like you in my life.”

Seeing what Gwen and Mr. Khan were chatting about, Li Kang went over and smiled at Gwen, then wiped Mr. Khan's body and walked over.

There is no direct link between the building and the warehouse in B2. If you want to go to B2, you must take the underground passage outside the building. There are special checkpoints there. There are far-infrared cameras watching at intervals in the passage. , as long as there is an object with body temperature, it will be monitored.

Therefore, if you want to enter B2 and find the location of the warehouse director's office, the best way is to go to the B1 floor first. Once you get there, although it still takes a lot of trouble, Li Kang has his own way to find a breakthrough from there.

But as soon as he entered the elevator, he encountered an unexpected situation. As long as he pressed the B1 button, there would be a system prompt, "The area you want to go to requires company permission."

No matter how hard he pressed, it was of no use. Li Kang thought for a moment, took out Mr. Khan's ID card and touched it lightly on the card reader. After the system scanned the ID a few times, it mechanically said, "Verify." Permissions granted, thank you for your cooperation."

"How come Mr. Khan's ID is here with you?" Parker asked in surprise.

Li Kang patted Parker's face and said, "Of course I came here. How much of an idiot do you have to ask such a stupid question? Do you think he gave it to me?"

Parker suddenly remembered that Li Kang seemed to have accidentally bumped into Mr. Khan while greeting Gwen. It turned out that his purpose was to steal the ID card. He swallowed. Now he might have become an accomplice of the theft again. , it seems that the longer he hangs out with Li Kang, the more illegal things he does. Parker has begun to regret why he didn't stay with Gwen just now.

The elevator is running and heading to the B1 floor.

The B1 floor is a small biological testing ground. Some biological experiments that are not dangerous but require long-term observation to obtain results will be conducted here. To come here, you need to have authority above the company supervisor.

So it was deserted here, no one came at all.

Li Kang took out the chalk and drew a symbol of the Eye of Solomon on the ground. He drew a complex magic circle around the Eye of Solomon. Li Kang stood on the Eye of Solomon and slapped it hard, and the magic circle emitted a faint light. , and then the entire ground became transparent, as if Li Kang and Parker were floating in the air.

"Wow! Is this the power of magic?" Parker opened his mouth in excitement. He had grown up listening to stories about magicians. Unexpectedly, he saw real magic today. It was even better than the magic in fairy tales. Even more magical.

Looking down from above, the Osborne Group's underground warehouse is very vast, as big as a football field. Many workers are driving forklifts and stacking goods. These are chemicals or scientific machinery. There are also many samples of vaccines or drugs that need to be sent to factories.

In the corner, there is a separate room with a big fat man sitting in front of the computer, looking up information. The door number says, Director's Office. This is Li Kang's destination.

Li Kang took out a small copper bell and handed it to Parker, "I will enter the director's office later to download the information. You can wipe off the magic circle and keep an eye on me. If you encounter any problems, just shake the bell three times. If If the crisis is over, just ring the bell twice. If there is no problem, just ring it once. Do you understand?"

Parker nodded and put away the bell.

Li Kang put on the secret magic ring, which is the key used by magicians to open dimensional passages. It can open a portal and reach wherever you want to go. Li Kang drew a circle in the air, and soon opened a rotating like a firework. The circular passage on the other side of the passage turned out to be behind the warehouse director.

"Incredible." Parker looked at the portal in awe.

"Shh..." Li Kang quickly covered Parker's mouth. Fortunately, the warehouse director was focused on looking at the computer and did not notice the movement behind him.

He stepped into the passage and passed behind the warehouse director. He took out a little black dust from his arms and blew it at the warehouse director. The warehouse director yawned and fell asleep on the computer.

"What did you do to him?" Parker asked worriedly.

"It's just a nightmare spell. He will be fine soon." Li Kang lied casually.

After being hit by the nightmare spell, the soul will be thrown into the nightmare dimension, which is the territory of the nightmare lord. The nightmare lord is a big pervert. If it lasts for too long, it will cause permanent damage to the soul of the warehouse director. The reason for using this The spell is just that it works quickly and is used secretly, so you don’t have to worry about being discovered. This is the most authentic black magic.

Li Kang opened the warehouse director's head and inserted the USB flash drive into the computer. There were too many files in the computer. It would take some effort to find the information on the [-]th of this month.

The portal closed in front of Parker's eyes. He looked at the huge and complex array and didn't know what to do.

There was no mop around to wipe it off, so he had no choice but to take off his clothes and lie on the ground to wipe the dust from the magic circle.

The clothes had just scratched a gap in the circle of the magic circle, and the ground was suddenly no longer transparent, but turned back to the original marble floor. Parker scratched his head, "Magic is really amazing."

After wiping the magic circle and having nothing to do, Parker's curiosity began to take over. In B1, he visited these biotechnologies that could only be seen on TV. He stopped in front of a spider silk mass production platform. This kind of spider The spider silk produced is extremely flexible, and even a container the size of a ballpoint pen can hold thousands of meters of spider silk.

Each strand of spider silk can withstand a weight of fifty kilograms. It is a technology developed by the Osborne Group. The previous generation of products is already on the market. Once this product came out, it immediately became a best-seller.

This genetically modified spider is just a product of the Osborne Group.

"Ding!" There was a soft sound from the direction of the elevator, no, someone is coming!

Parker was shocked. He opened the door in front of him with Mr. Khan's ID card and slipped in sideways.

The elevator door opened immediately, and it turned out to be Dr. Connors' assistant, Mr. Khan.

"If there is no further progress in Dr. Connors' experiment, Mr. Osborne will kill me! Damn it, everything I do today is not going well. I even lost my ID card. Damn it!" He always has a cold expression in front of others. Mr. Khan, behind the scenes, looked furious.

Mr. Osborne's physical condition is getting worse and worse, and has reached the point where he can only walk with help. However, Dr. Connors, who is in charge of treating Mr. Osborne's genetic disease, has fallen into an experimental bottleneck. Mr. Khan is caught in the experimental bottleneck. In the middle, there is no way to be a human being.

Only a very few people know that the entire Osborne Group, instead of engaging in the arms business, which can make a lot of money, is devoted entirely to the research of biotechnology, and its motives are not as noble as the outside world rumored.

The founder of the Osborne Group, Norman Osborne, is terminally ill and will not live long. The Osborne family's genes have serious defects. Once family members reach the age of 40, terrible genetic diseases will break out. They can only live to the age of 50 at most, during which time they have to endure unimaginable torture.

But this genetic disease is becoming more and more powerful, and the life span of each generation of the Osborne family is getting shorter and shorter. Norman Osborne has been diagnosed with the disease before he was 40 years old this year, and his son, Harry Osborne, has become more and more powerful. The onset period of this disease is even earlier, and it is estimated that the disease will occur within three years.

Dr. Connors' research is to cure this genetic disease in the Osborne family, otherwise the Osborne family will disappear from the earth.

Just a month ago, S.H.I.E.L.D. retrieved a spacecraft from the Arctic seabed from the World War II era, and found in it the famous combat hero of World War II, Steve Rogers, but his other name is more widely known. , that is Captain America.

After Captain America was salvaged, he still had vital signs. Because Osborne Group is the most authoritative company in the biotechnology industry, the task of reviving Captain America was handed over to Osborne Group.

Norman Osborn keenly felt that this was an excellent opportunity. Captain America was the most famous American fighting hero during World War II. He fought a life-and-death battle with the Nazi organization Hydra. He was also transformed by the super soldier serum. The only successful super soldier, it may be possible to isolate the super soldier serum from his body.

With this serum, I believe the Osborne family's genetic disease can be cured.

The group completed the task perfectly. After a week of hard debugging, it finally successfully resuscitated Captain America, and then collected blood samples, measured vital signs and other tasks, secretly collected information about Captain America, and smuggled out two blood sample.

On the [-]th of this month, the Osborn Group successfully extracted the super soldier serum from Captain America's blood sample. However, the experimental results were very bad. It seemed that the serum had flaws in the eyes, and a large number of experiments had to be done to find it. To improve the defects, the Osborne Group decided to transport the serum to a biological testing site in the desert.

However, this super soldier serum sample was attacked by a group of robbers on its way to the biological testing site. The robbers wielded heavy firepower. The truck driver was killed on the spot, and the escort convoy was also severely damaged. The super soldier serum sample Was also robbed.

But then bad news came from the laboratory. Another serum extracted from Captain America had even greater flaws. The experimental subjects became weird, schizophrenic, and extremely aggressive. Currently, there is no Not suitable for human experimentation.

Therefore, the only one who has hope of curing Osborne is Dr. Connors. Dr. Connors's latest research object is American lizards, and Mr. Khan comes every day to observe the progress of the experiment.

Parker was in the room, not even daring to leave the room. In front of him, on a huge platform, countless spiders were producing spider silk. The production efficiency of these spiders was amazing, and the platform was like a huge spindle, spinning the spiders The spider silk produced is collected accurately.

Outside, Mr. Khan looked at the lizards with disappointment. Dr. Connors' medicine had no effect at all. He shook his head and returned to the elevator in frustration.

"If it doesn't work, I can only force human experiments." Mr. Khan sighed and pressed the button on the top floor, which is Mr. Osborne's residence.

When the crisis was over, Parker's attention was attracted by those spider silks. Such a small transparent spider silk could bear a weight of fifty kilograms, which was thousands of times the weight of a spider. He couldn't help but He leaned over and lightly touched a spider silk. Unexpectedly, this triggered a chain reaction, and countless spiders jumped from the spider silk to Parker's head.

"Ouch! It hurts!" A spider bit Parker's hand, and the wound immediately became red and swollen. He quickly opened the door and rushed out. These damn spiders must be poisonous, and there was a burning sensation on the wound.

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