The Exorcist Detective

Chapter 87 The Final Battle

"Okay! That's great! Then don't blame me for being rude!" Colonel Smith raised his hand and was about to give the order when suddenly he trembled and a green light passed through his chest from behind and left a mark on his chest. A big charred hole.

Loki, the Prince of Lies, stood behind Colonel Smith. He kicked Colonel Smith's body out of the tank.

"If you want to fight, then fight. Just stay here and babble endlessly. Don't you know that I hate bureaucratic bastards like you the most in my life?" Loki, the Prince of Lies, spat disdainfully and raised his wand with his backhand. When he hit the tank, the tank suddenly emitted a green light, and then exploded into a ball of fire. Loki jumped up high, but then he was hit by a flying rocket, and his body was glowing with fire. He flew out in embarrassment.

Starting with Rocky's attack, both sides immediately entered a state of combat. However, the prisoners in the material area did not have any weapons, and the other side was American soldiers with loaded guns. The contrast in strength between the two sides was so great that more than a dozen people were shot in the blink of an eye. He fell to the ground. Fortunately, the mutants among the prisoners who had defensive superpowers stepped forward and organized a line of defense in front of everyone. Otherwise, these few hundred people would not be enough to kill.

The giant frost wolves summoned by Loki also activated. They rushed into the formation of the American soldiers with bullets in their hands, knocking down several of them at once. However, at this time, the sentry robots also activated automatically because they were attacked. Sentinel robots have artificial intelligence to determine the attack method. If they are attacked by mutants with mutant superpowers, they will activate the mutant annihilation mode. However, most of these attacks are stray bullets and are not mutant abilities, so Sentinel robots The indiscriminate defense mode was activated. After automatically identifying the identities of the American soldiers, they naturally regarded everyone they were fighting as enemies.

"Whoosh whoosh!!" The sentry robot's shoulders opened and countless small missiles were fired from it. If all these missiles hit, then the prisoners who have just escaped will be killed before they can escape from this hellish building. completely annihilated.

Suddenly, a blue and transparent protective shield appeared in the sky above the prisoner. A little black girl raised her hands in the air. She was the one who set up the protective shield. These missiles ruthlessly bombarded the protective shield. After more than a hundred consecutive explosions, , in the smoke of gunfire, nosebleeds flowed from the nostrils of the little black girl. Her superpowers were severely overused, and she was about to fall into coma.

As long as this line of defense is broken through, freedom lies ahead. This is the final decisive battle for the prisoners!

The sentry robots raised their hands, and Vulcan cannons were protruding from their arms, aiming at the crowd to shoot.

Suddenly, a green figure flashed, and sixty Lokis appeared in the air in the blink of an eye. The wand in Loki's hand hit the sentry robot's chest hard. After the strong green light, a strong explosion occurred in the sentry robot's chest. They They all took a few steps back. Among them, about three or four of the relatively backward models were completely scrapped due to the explosion, but the rest, although they suffered some injuries, were not seriously injured.

"What a tough guy, but it doesn't matter. Don't think that you are the only ones who have giants, I have them too!" Loki waved his hand, and two Destroyers appeared from the air, as well as hundreds of Frost Giants. The temperature around the Frost Giants dropped instantly. At freezing point, the air condenses into frost, and the ice crystals turn into snowflakes, floating in the air.

"Smash it for me! Kill it for me! Tear it down for me, these junks made of broken copper and iron!" Loki's eyes showed a fierce light. He gave the order, and his men roared and rushed over to fight with the Sentinel.

The robots fight together.

Although the Frost Giants are powerful, the Sentinel robots are well-equipped. Although the Frost Giants have the advantage in numbers, the Sentinel robots are specially designed to deal with powerful mutants. Their offensive and defensive capabilities are very outstanding. Hundreds of Frost Giants can actually defeat them in a short time. was suppressed.

"Destroyer! Come on!" Seeing that the battle situation was unfavorable, Loki gritted his teeth. He took out the World Branch Scepter and waved it vigorously. The Destroyer strode forward with a bang. The two Destroyers grabbed a sentry robot. One of them grabbed the left half of the body, the other grabbed the right half of the body, and with just a little force, they tore the sentry robot in half right down the middle.

"Hahaha... That's it! Kill them all!" Loki floated in the air, shouting excitedly. Loki watched the Destroyer killing everyone, and on a whim, he turned into a green light and possessed him. The feeling of going to the Destroyer and tearing apart the enemy with your own hands is much more exciting than being an audience watching from the sidelines.

The battle situation here has shown a one-sided trend. The total number of sentry robots is only sixty. Although the sentry robots have extremely powerful firepower, the Frost Giants are a family of giants in Nordic mythology. Even the Asgardian protoss who are good at fighting are also attacking them. Awe-inspiring, Odin slept for nine days. During Ragnarok, they were the most difficult enemies. Although the sentry robots also killed a few, the Frost Giants were bloodthirsty and warlike barbarians. Their warlikeness was... Even the Asgardian protoss, who are famous for their martial arts, admired them very much, and soon the sentry robots were overwhelmed by the frost giants.

The American soldiers lost their commanders and were nothing more than a mob. The prisoners took advantage of these American soldiers being killed by the frost wolves and were in chaos. Mutants and ordinary human patients joined forces and rushed into the middle of these American soldiers. Seize the gun and fight back, the situation is great.

In the elevator shaft, Li Kang, Magneto and Doctor Doom were in a triangular state, spinning and slowly descending. There were many mechanisms in the elevator shaft. Maybe at some point, a laser would be shot out, starting with Deadpool and X. -23 took the lead, but not long after they went down, they were shot like a sieve, and it was of no use, so Li Kang decided to let the two Deadpools take the rear. All three of them had protective shields, so they could not easily Will be on hand.

Deadpool kept teasing X-23, but X-23 hated Deadpool very much. As soon as Deadpool came near, her reaction was very strong. Later, X-23 couldn't bear the annoyance of Deadpool, and finally turned to Deadpool. Explain why she doesn't like Deadpool being near her.

Because X-23's nose is particularly sensitive, although it cannot be called a dog's nose, it is similar to the original Wolverine Logan's sense of smell, much more sensitive than the human sense of smell, and Deadpool has a weird smell all year round. It smells like rotten meat steamed in a steamer.

This is because there are a large number of cancer cells in Deadpool's body, and these cancer cells are inhibiting each other with the self-healing factors, reaching a certain balance. If the effectiveness of the self-healing factors decreases, then the cancer cells will engulf Deadpool. , he will fall to the ground and die in the blink of an eye, and if the cancer cells weaken, then the self-healing factor will lose control. Deadpool will first go crazy, then explode, and die like those X-weapons whose souls have been sucked away. awful.

That is to say, because of the rampant cancer cells in the body, there are always some wounds on Deadpool's body. Although these wounds are not painful or itchy, they will exude a smell like rotting meat. In addition, X-23's hearing is also It's extraordinary. Deadpool is also a super chatty person who feels uncomfortable all over if he doesn't speak for a second. Anyone who knows Deadpool knows that even if he is burned by a flamethrower, he can't stop Deadpool's tongue from spraying randomly.

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