The Exorcist Detective

Chapter 95 Professor X finally appears

The nuclear power plant suddenly disintegrated in mid-air, and the internal nuclear reactor caused a chain reaction and turned into a dazzling ball of light. The seawater boiled and evaporated. The dazzling white light can make people unable to look directly. Even if they close their eyes, they still feel a heart-piercing pain. pain.

The surging shock wave centered on the nuclear power plant and suddenly spread. Everything within a radius of three kilometers was vaporized, and the helicopter carrying Dr. Gilbrew disintegrated in an instant.

Long before the nuclear power plant exploded, Dr. Gilbrew took the dark wolverine Daken and jumped into the sea water together, swimming desperately, but it was all in vain. After the nuclear explosion, the sea water suddenly boiled. Dr. Gilbrough Like a toad in boiling water, he struggled for a moment, then kicked off his legs, and was cooked by the high-temperature seawater.

Dark Wolverine Daken managed to survive with his self-healing factor, but the feeling of being boiled in boiling water was unpleasant. Daken's vision went dark, he lost consciousness, and slowly surfaced.

The power of the nuclear explosion also spread to the island, and the tsunami was like a mountain peak, roaring onto the coast. Suddenly, a man like an ice sculpture rushed out from the thorn, raised his hand and blasted a cold blast, freezing the peaks that were still screaming. Yes, the effect was good at first, but as the tsunami came overwhelmingly, the ice soon broke, then collapsed, and the tsunami rushed down like a mountain.

Magneto used his last strength to gather all nearby metals and cast a steel fortress to protect everyone on the island.

Li Kang no longer hesitated. He took Deadpool and X-23 and teleported to the sea more than ten kilometers away from Lanko Island. From a distance, he watched the tsunami ravaging Lanco Island and the X-weapon on the island. The research center building collapsed, and the island's dense tropical rainforest was uprooted, turning it into a mess in the blink of an eye.

Although Dr. Gilbrough renovated the nuclear power plant and designed the equivalent power to only cover the entire Lanco Island, the power of the nuclear explosion is still so terrifying, and the impact range is too large.

It was also the first time Li Kang saw a nuclear explosion, and he whistled.

"Shhh~! Fortunately, I'm smart enough, otherwise we would all be swallowed up by the tsunami. The scene of this nuclear explosion is really spectacular. This kind of big scene is not something you can see casually." Li Kang stared at Looking at the mushroom cloud rising in the distance, even the clouds in the sky were washed away by the shock wave, forming a circle around the mushroom cloud.

"I don't know if that bastard Dr. Gilbrough is dead. I couldn't poke dozens of holes in his body with my own hands. This is my biggest regret." Deadpool locked his eyebrows together and stared at the mushroom cloud. He rarely speaks so seriously as he does now.

Next to Deadpool, X-23 also had the same expression. It is estimated that those who escaped from the material area on Lanco Island had similar thoughts. It was too easy for Dr. Gilbrew to die like this.

"Hey! This isn't a big deal, aren't you just feeling upset? Just wait until I turn around and take you to hell, find Dr. Gilbrough, and ask you to deal with him severely!" Li Kang said nonchalantly.

"Wow~! I've forgotten this. Who are you, Li Kang? The hell detective, hell is just your back garden, right! Dr. Gilbrough, this bastard, must not be spared lightly. !" Deadpool shouted excitedly.

"You can't brag like that, that hell place is really not suitable for a back garden." Li Kang said with a bitter smile.

But Deadpool didn't listen at all.

On Lanko Island, the tsunami receded, and the exquisitely laid out Weapon The lid of the pot is also buckled on the ground.

Suddenly, like a blooming flower, the metal hemisphere split from the middle and lay flat on the ground. In the middle of the sphere were those who had escaped, as well as the Frost Giant summoned by Loki, who had fought with the Sentinel robot before. During the battle, the Frost Giants suffered heavy losses. Thirty of the one hundred Frost Giants were killed by the Sentinel robots.

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This is not because the Frost Giants lack combat capabilities, but because the new sentry robots have a self-destruction function. The Frost Giants did not know this information, and many people were killed by the self-destruction of the sentry robots.

Professor There are Destroyers on board to help, otherwise the Sentinel robots will rush into the middle of the Frost Giants and then self-destruct. Who knows how many more people will die.

But what followed was the huge impact of the nuclear explosion. Iceman in the X-Men tried to block the tsunami with freezing cold air, but it was of no use at all. The tsunami came too fiercely, and his efforts were at best Slow down the tsunami for a moment.

Magneto worked hard to get a metal hemisphere shield to protect everyone present. Otherwise, these X-Men would just die if they came.

With the full cooperation of everyone, they experienced the siege of the sentinel robots and the obstruction by the US military, as well as the nuclear explosion crisis and the tsunami crisis caused by the nuclear explosion. Under these many hardships, three 760 people were finally imprisoned in the Weapon X program research Among the people in the center, 740 people survived, and only [-] people were killed. It has to be said that it is a miracle of life.

After Magneto opened the protective shield, his physical strength had reached its limit, and he could only breathe heavily on the metal chair.

Cyclops pushed Professor X to Magneto's side.

"Eric, why didn't you contact me earlier? Are you still trying to trick me into blocking your genetic modification plan to turn heads of state into mutants? Your experiment is flawed and will cause the modified people to Lifespan is drastically reduced. Your actions will cause an all-out war between humans and mutants. Eric, are you injured? Come back with me. Xavier Academy for Geniuses has the most complete medical facilities. Your condition is so bad. , need a good recuperation." Professor X said with concern.

He and Magneto have known each other for decades and have become close friends. His concern for Magneto comes from the bottom of his heart.

"Old friend, the reason why I don't want to contact you is not because I'm angry with you. It's because you're right. I'm too impatient. That genetic modification plan is indeed immature. I don't want you to get involved. It's because there are a few... Someone is looking for you and they want to ask you something, but I don't trust them because I'm afraid they will do something bad to you." Magneto said with a sigh.

"Who are they? What deal did you make with these people?" Professor X asked with a frown.

Magneto introduced the general situation, and he once again reiterated his concerns that Li Kang, Doctor Doom, and Loki had some conspiracy against Professor X.

At this moment, Li Kang teleported back to the island with the two Deadpools, and happened to hear what Magneto said.

"Lao Wan, let me say it again, I just want to know the whereabouts of an artifact from Professor X. I don't know about others, but I personally don't have any evil thoughts about Professor Speaking loudly, he came to Professor X, bowed slightly, and shook hands with Professor X in a friendly manner, "Hello, Professor Professor X, but I have always believed that Professor Yes, it is my 12th honor to be able to see your true face."

There is nothing wrong with flattering someone but not flattering him. If you don't say anything else when you meet him, you should flatter him first.

Professor , straight and pointed, very conspicuous, but when combined, they at least have exquisite facial features.

He is in a wheelchair and has been unable to move his lower limbs for decades.

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