The Fascinated I Only Want Salted Fish

Chapter 43

Chapter 41: (1)

The child in his arms straightened his upper body, and his soft waist curved into a beautiful arc in the dawn light, like a merman half-length out of the water. He supported Ming Ciyue’s shoulders, his delicate face pretended to be serious, leaned down, and asked softly, “Uncle Huang, do you want to… come and try it?”

Ming Ci Yue of course knew which above he was talking about.

Above the world, above the dragon chair, is the pinnacle of power.

But he couldn’t help but smile.

“What are you laughing at!” The young man didn’t react, but gave him a displeased look, “When I lied to you to play? Dayan is the country of ten thousand vehicles, and the emperor of Dayan is the co-lord of the world, thinking above power and position. If you don’t want anything, you can’t do what you want!”

“Uncle, don’t you have a trace of shock and doubt?”

“Well, I’m really shocked, I hope you think twice.” Mingci replied calmly.

He couldn’t really be shocked. This was not the first time he heard that the emperor had the idea of letting him seize the throne. If it was said that he used sarcasm to provoke him to seize the throne before, it was obvious that he had changed his strategy this time. , Use gift rewards to induce him, to give him sweetness, and let him pursue actively.

Apparently, the emperor regarded himself as a gift to reward his gift.

Why is the emperor so eager to abdicate? Mingci Yue has never heard of it, so he can only guess and imagine. How many times has this huge birdcage covered with steel thorns hurt and forced the little emperor? How depressing the Son of Heaven is.

The more distressed Ming Ci, the more distressed he felt for his small gift.

His hands went up and down the spine of Ji Zheng’s back, lightly over and over again.

This is the first time that the emperor has spoken directly, naked, and made a frank invitation to him. No matter what the motive was, it was the first step that the Son of Heaven treated him honestly and took the first step, which somewhat comforted him.

“Alas!” The little emperor sighed heavily, with an angry expression on his face, “I don’t want to make progress, I don’t want to make progress, it’s too salty, too salty, how can it be more salty than me!”

“Free?” The more Mingci did not understand, the emperor just glanced at him and didn’t answer.

It doesn’t matter, he doesn’t care how the emperor sees himself, the soft body in his arms has taken away all his attention.

An unusually slender neck, a pair of half-naked and white collarbones, and red marks like snow and red plums on the wrists. No matter how many times you watch it, how many times you hold it, the more you can easily arouse the addiction in your heart, the desire and desire.

He is not a person of indulgence, but now he wants more and more, wants to plunder, wants to occupy, this is a treasure that is more rare and rare than the throne.

What Ming Ci wants is not just a temporary possession, he has planned for a long time, and if he wants it, he will spend his whole life.

The Son of Heaven owns the world, and he owns the Son of Heaven. This is the only solution that he has struggled to figure out.

Just when Ming Ci became more and more distracted, he suddenly felt the breath of the little emperor on his face becoming hot again. When he cast a doubtful look, he saw the little emperor looking at him angrily, his eyes were red. took a slice.

It was his hand that was running down the back, with increasing strength, rubbing the clothes up.

So good, bear with him in everything, let him be, and follow him.

“Sleep for a while.” Ming Ci kissed his chin more and more, “I will call you later.”

The emperor jumped up immediately, “No, it’s all your fault for missing my business! There must have been a quarrel in the morning, if something goes wrong…” He hurriedly rummaged through the scattered clothes and jackets, hands and feet. Dressed quickly.

Seeing this, Ming Ci couldn’t help laughing, “You don’t need to be submissive and serve you to dress?” It turns out that the little emperor will dress himself…

The emperor glared at him, then turned over and put on a black robe.

The more Ming Ci thought about it, he slowly lay back and looked at the busy little figure beside the bed, “But Chen… a little sleepy and cold…”

The figure stopped for a moment, looked over hesitantly, ran to the window to look at the sky, and slowly walked back to the couch, as if he was having a hard choice between accompanying him and Shang Dynasty.

Ming Ci Yue has been breathing evenly, frowning and lying on the inside with some discomfort.

Sure enough, after a while, a soft, flexible, warm fish snuggled into his arms and stretched his arms around him, “Uncle Huang, go to sleep, I will coax you to sleep and leave…” Said After yawning, he patted Ming Ci Yue’s back again, “Let you soak in cold water again, so that I won’t worry about it, how can you be a good emperor in the future…”

“It’s not as good as the sage’s heroism.”

“That’s up to you.” The child snorted.

“Your Majesty, the Gu family is too involved in many things, and they are interdependent with the Empress Dowager, throwing things on the ice, and before the medicine is given that night and the construction of Yucheng Villa is not completed, it is not appropriate to have too much contact with the third son of Gu.”

“Well…” Little Tianzi’s breathing gradually increased, “Okay.”

The more Ming Ci knows, even if there is no Gu San, I am afraid there will still be Zhao Siwang Wu. If you want to be the only one, you must prepare a gift for the emperor, prepare a big gift, truly lift him to the highest position, push him to the top of power, let all beings fear him, surrender to him, and never get close to him.

He wants to make no one worthy of his holiness.

Ji Zheng was here to warm Ming Ci, and after a while, in a daze, he seemed to feel that something warm over there was warmer than his body temperature. Before, fell asleep.

He was really sleepy.

Ji Zheng fell into a strange dream again, just like every previous dream, Ming Ci Yue first knelt under the main hall, slowly raised his head to look up at him, then got up and walked towards him step by step, the outside of his python robe was serious. He put on a robe of a mysterious golden dragon totem, and a delicate white jade crown was pinned between his black hair.

The blade of a jade sword brushed the floor of the golden nanmu, leaving a long mark, making a tooth-stinging sound.

Ji Zheng understood, this is about the day to give way to a new generation.

He wanted to take the initiative to win the championship, and wanted to step aside, but Ming Ciyue stood behind the back of the chair, pressed his shoulders, and looked down with him on the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty.

“Why did the sage give way to the minister?”

Ji Zheng replied while trembling, “Because I’m stupid and not good at it…because the uncle is more suitable than me…because the uncle is the world’s favorite…”

No matter how he answered, the man just shook his head, “lying”, “not right”, as if he had already seen through his inner answer, and decisively denied every answer he answered.

“Why don’t you confess, if the minister becomes the emperor, the sage will leave this man-eating palace… At the same time, he also leaves the minister, and leaves this huge palace to the minister alone.”

“Why don’t you stay on this son and let the minister accompany you to share the burden.”

“No, it’s not.” Ji Zheng hurriedly denied.

“Then why don’t you guess why Chen has been inadvertently taking the position?” The man’s breath slowly approached from the back, biting word by word from his lips and teeth.

“Because, sometimes, it’s more fun to be the emperor than the throne.”

“Uncle Huang!” Ji Zheng suddenly opened his eyes, panting heavily, soaked in sweat, his hands subconsciously groped and patted the bed next to him, “Imperial…”

The man who squatted with his cheeks on the side of the couch and his head tilted, had a delicate youthful face, it was Gu Congyun.

He fixedly looked at Gu Congyun, watching the warm smile in his eyes fade away a little bit, and the silly smile was still frozen at the corner of his mouth, his eyes were full of anger.

“Who’s it called?” Gu Congyun stood up slowly, “Where is Ming Ciyue? Hiding in the bed? You have an uncle and a nephew, so you are so embarrassed…” He slammed the half-closed curtain back.

Ji Zheng hurriedly pulled up the quilt on the inside, but Gu Congyun’s strength was stronger than him, so he pulled it off without looking at him.

A pillow, empty.

Ji Zheng was stunned, with a blank expression on his face, but Gu Congyun remained silent, his expression softened a little.

But after a while, Gu Congyun seemed to have touched the taste again, and slowly turned his head to reveal a sarcastic smile, “What’s wrong with the Holy One, I think my uncle thinks about it when I sleep, and call a pillow Mingciyue?”

Ji Zheng didn’t want to argue with him, “I just had a nightmare.”

“If you have a nightmare, you can dream of Ming Ci Yue!” The boy’s eyes turned red.

“Why is a dream so controversial?” Ji Zheng frowned, “Do you still want me to have nightmares about you?”

“I want you to dream of me! Nightmares also have to have me!” Gu Congyun became angry and bumped into his arms like a little lion, Ji Zheng was pushed back by him as soon as he sat up, “Why, I I worked hard to guard you outside, blocked the summons just to let you rest for a while, and you, you will have a private meeting with Mingci!”

“What, what a private meeting!” Ji Zheng reprimanded in a panic, “There is no evidence, you are guarding at the door, no one is going in or out!”

“The private meeting in the dream is also called the private meeting! As expected of King Jing’s good princess.” Gu Congyun gritted his teeth, “How did he treat you in the nightmare, he hugged you, touched your hand, did he? Still kissing, kissing you?” The boy blushed with shame and anger.

“Are you crazy!” Ji Zheng was pressed to death by him, panic and fear all of a sudden in his heart, and he was in chaos, “It’s impossible, he is my uncle!”

“Then what’s the matter, what kind of uncle can a commoner with a foreign surname be, and the temple doesn’t recognize him, you can’t tell what you’re thinking, unless…” Gu Congyun paused for a while, and had an idea, “unless you quickly list him into your royal family tree.”

Ji Zheng suddenly understood that the protagonist suffered because he felt sorry for the protagonist’s attack and was jealous of him, which was an attempt to force him to give the protagonist a higher status.

Why every time I get jealous, I always try to trouble him.

“He is still a descendant of the Ming family in his bones, why don’t you ask him if he wants to join!”

“Give him the face, I’ll take care of him!” Gu Congyun stared at him with wide eyes, “I want you to have my nightmares, no, you can only have my nightmares. !”

As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Congyun put his head up without hesitation, and the high ponytail behind his head fell down first and landed on Ji Zheng’s face.

It is the unique taste of young people, and it also carries the moisture of the rain outside.

“Gu Congyun!” Ji Zheng tilted his head and coughed a few times, his beautiful brows knitted together in discomfort, “Go away!”

For some reason, Gu Congyun suddenly stopped an inch above him and did not fall.

Ji Zheng was really frightened. Taking this opportunity, he lifted his foot up and kicked him **** his lower abdomen. He really used the greatest strength in his life.

“Gu Congyun!” Ji Zheng sat up and was still in shock, covering his mouth and coughing again.

“Hey!” Gu Congyun groaned, fell directly from the dragon couch, curled up in pain with his stomach on the ground, rolled a few times, and then lay down on his back, staring blankly at the man on the couch. Son of Heaven.

The emperor was bullied by him so that the corners of his eyes were flushed, his chest heaved violently, he took deep breaths, the tips of his ears were red, and there were two tear stains under his eyelids.

Also, when I called his name just now, my whole body was trembling slightly, trembling for him.

Nice, really nice.

Gu Congyun was full of poetry and books, and he was full of ink. At this moment, he stared at this face and couldn’t hold back a word. He had seen this face for more than ten years, but it was only these days that he began to look at it seriously. I think it looks good.

That winter hunting ground, he had already noticed that a person had changed in this shell, forcing the little emperor to shoot the deer with arrows was for provocation, and in order to avenge the emperor who had cruelly played with his own hands and killed a dog he raised.

He still remembered that the supreme man wiped his hands with the handkerchief, and smiled indifferently: “It’s just a dog, are you still waiting for me to return your dog? You are all my dog, so why can’t your dog not be? belong to me.”

“It’s all beasts.”

“Gu Congyun, don’t lie to yourself, you and I are the same kind of person, just taming one wolf dog will kill so many other cubs, you don’t care about the lives of these things, you just don’t want me to kill the one you raised .”

“You don’t know how to cherish at all, so you don’t have to act like this… That’s all, I’ll pay you back and go out with me if you’re not angry.”

In fact, Gu Congyun didn’t have anything to hate about that person. He approached Xiao Tianzi and became a dog next to Xiao Tianzi. This was the mission of the third son of his Gu family.

He just wanted to settle the account.

But the emperor suddenly changed again. He couldn’t hold the arrow steadily, and he couldn’t aim at the deer. The panic in his eyes didn’t seem to be pretended, and he would hold the deer with pretended disgust.


He is so soft-hearted, but it is funny and interesting to act violent.

He Gu Congyun didn’t care who was the orthodox or the emperor, as long as the newcomer was interesting. Besides, this man really treats him better, making clothes for him and saying to him – “I want to see you wear it”.

He just wanted to monopolize the good. It’s just for fun, he cares about the third son, who is suave and sassy, and how many girls he hugs in the flower building, he can get angry and lose control for a man countless times.

Still a man he could never get.

Besides, what did he want to do when he leaned over just now… Gu Congyun suddenly came to his senses, his face was red and white, and he wanted to slap himself twice!

“What are you doing lying down? It’s not the first time I’ve hit you. Why don’t you get up?” Ji Zheng was afraid of kicking the Gu family, so he couldn’t help himself.

“It’s not over yet, why are you…” Ji Zheng suddenly suppressed his voice and took a deep breath, “Crying?”

Gu Congyun was startled, touched the corner of his eyes before he could react, rubbed his arms and sleeves on his face, took a deep breath, his voice was hoarse, “You just cried!” He said while wiping.

He looked down and saw that his sleeves were full of dirt. He was so embarrassed that he choked a few times, broke the jar, and cried even more fiercely.

As soon as Gu Congyun cried, Ji Zheng was no longer afraid, but became happy.

The little peacock whose tail is raised every day in the book still cries? !

Speaking of the age of this body, he was a few months older than Gu Congyun.

“Brother kicked you crippled?” Ji Zheng laughed and teased the little peacock, “Don’t be afraid, you see Li Ruhai doesn’t have that stuff, and people don’t cry every day, so it’s just that brother can keep you in the palace and be a close friend for your promotion. Eunuch, the whole life’s wages are covered!”

Hearing this, Gu Congyun let out a whimper, then turned to sobbing, got up from the ground, and ran over while crying, “You touch! You are still there!”

Now it was Ji Zheng’s turn to blushed and turned white. He instantly restrained his smile, coughed a few times, and scolded: “What a hooligan!”

Gu Congyun stood quietly for a while, calmed his breath, knelt down halfway, took Ji Zheng’s hands on both sides, placed them on his knees and rubbed his wrists lightly, and searched for ointment for him from all over his body, “It’s me that was bad just now, I hurt you, and I will never touch you in the future, so don’t be afraid of me hiding from me.” Gu Congyun thought of something again, paused, and whispered, “I didn’t kick the crippled, it’s alright, don’t worry.”

Ji Zheng looked at the two red marks left on his wrist… His face suddenly dyed, where was Gu Congyun’s injury.

“No, if you can stay away, I will thank you.”

Gu Congyun looked up at him from the bottom up, and was stunned for a moment, “How can there still be a red mark? I didn’t press on your neck just now.” After speaking, he wanted to play with Ji Zheng’s neckline. The scar on the neck can be seen more clearly.

Ji Zheng was startled, and quickly closed his neckline, “Don’t you want me not to be afraid of you hiding from you, I’ll have to move your feet again if you come here again.”

“Okay, let’s not go.” Gu Congyun smiled, “When I become the guard of the saint, no one will be able to approach the saint’s upper body.”

“You want to enter the Imperial Army?” Ji Zheng was surprised, “Why, isn’t it bad to enter the Imperial College and then take a Jinshi subject? It’s not easy to get the top three in your article, even if it’s going back to the big camp to train as a junior in your family. General, why waste all of your talent to learn martial arts, and don’t put your future ahead?”

“It’s not all about being a general and champion is to serve the sage. If you can’t even protect the sage, what future will you have.” Gu Congyun wrinkled his nose.

Ji Zheng looked at him, speechless and a little uncomfortable. The court is not his court, and the world is not his world. If there were more loyal ministers like this earlier, I am afraid that Dayan would not be so bad from the inside.

However, according to the plot, Gu Congyun shouldn’t be loyal to him, he shouldn’t…

“I’m here to serve the saint and change his clothes.”

Only then did Ji Zheng realize that there was only a single coat left on his body, and the robes he had just put on were all removed and neatly stacked aside.

Even the mess with the stains on the bed has disappeared, leaving no trace of flaws.

Who else could it be, it can only be done with clear words.

Said to coax Uncle Huang to sleep, but why did he fall asleep first.

Where did Ming Ciyue go without saying a word, and what’s going on in Chaotang…

When he was in a trance, Gu Congyun started to play with his hairpin behind him, trying to help him comb his hair into a bun and put on a bead crown. But this little boy is also born tall, and his hair is combed by the mother-in-law and the maid in the family. How can he arrange the complicated and complicated bead crown.

He repeated it several times but couldn’t get it to work, he became more and more impatient, and his subordinates became heavier and heavier.

“Hey…” Ji Zheng came back to his senses, frowned and said helplessly, “Don’t do it, I’ll call a maid in.”

“No, no! I’ll fix it now!” Gu Congyun quickly let go of his hands, and finally took a simple hosta from his head and pinned it for him, only then did he reluctantly fix the bun and put it on. Bead Crown.

Ji Zheng didn’t even notice the thing, so he made it at will.

Gu Congyun began to kneel on the ground again to wrap his robe and tie his belt.

Ji Zheng saw his clumsy fingers tangled in front of his waist, he wanted to laugh, but he couldn’t laugh at the sight, “You… are you learning Ming Ci Yue?”

The uncle half-kneeled to sort his clothes, because the height difference between the two of them was so great that it was more convenient for the uncle to kneel. But that’s not the case with Gu Congyun. Gu Congyun’s eyes are basically level with his waist, and it looks strange.

Two people who are basically the same height, it is more appropriate to stand clearly.

“Don’t you just like him like this? Kneeling to you, serving you, and listening to you.” Gu Congyun tidied up his cuffs for him, looked up at him, and curled his lips, “If he can do it, so can I.”

“How can you tell that I like to kneel down and serve me!” Ji Zheng was angry, “Besides, this is all in the palace, you haven’t seen it before, how can you know this? detailed?”

A bad thought occurred in his mind, his face sank, he pulled out the sleeve from Gu Congyun’s hand, swung it in front of his face, grabbed his chin, and squinted: “From When did it start? Did you buy my palace servants or put your own staff?”

He is the Son of Heaven, and even if he is a powerless puppet, there is absolutely no reason for him to be monitored.

It’s a bad feeling to be stared at all the time.

The more correct the Ming Ci was, the third son of Gu was named Gu after all.

In an instant, Ji Zheng’s little bit of acceptance towards Gu Congyun disappeared.

“So what’s the matter? It doesn’t involve the secrets of the government and politics, it’s just some small details of commonplace meals. Only I know about you.” Gu Congyun smiled indifferently, “Besides, I didn’t do it alone, guess what? Did he put any people in?”

Ji Zheng became annoyed: “He’s not manning, he is—” Borrowing my sharp blade. Ji Zheng can’t say.

“What is it, why don’t you say it?” Gu Congyun got up and approached him, and said softly, “Guess what else I learned…”

Before he could finish his words, he felt his feet light up, “Put me down, Gu Congyun! Aren’t you afraid that I will kick you again?”

Compared with Mingci Yue’s stature, he is really tall and superior. Gu Congyun’s physique is not much different from his. It is only because he has practiced martial arts all the year round and his internal strength is strong, he can barely restrain him.

“Don’t let it go!” Gu Congyun couldn’t bear it when Ji Zheng fluttered, he gritted his teeth and tilted it up, insisting: “I see Mingci hugging you more and more, and only after inquiring did I find out that your legs and feet were injured. Don’t worry, I can do it too, and I will never let the Holy One touch the ground.”

“Kick it if you want!” He hugged the emperor and went outside the palace, “I just don’t want to get married, and I will enter the palace to be your father-in-law.”

“Don’t forget… There are still three days left. The more you want to see Ming Ci, the more you can see. I will speak in person in three days.” Gu Congyun whispered to his ear.

Ji Zheng punched him on the shoulder. Gu Congyun took a deep breath and held it back.

As soon as he went out, it was still raining and snowing outside the house. Seeing that Gu San came out with the Son of Heaven in his arms, Eunuch Li tacitly agreed that the Son of Heaven was unwilling to go to court, and Young Master Gu obeyed his father Wu’an Hou’s wishes and tied the person to the Qianying Palace.

Who is in charge of the current court? After the night last night, whether the dragon chair can still be surnamed Ji, no one can say for sure.

He lowered his eyebrows, opened his umbrella, and ran beside them in small steps.

“Yuan Ming!” Ji Zheng shouted, looking around, he was shocked to realize that the attendants had been replaced by the National People’s Congress, and only the old **** was a familiar face.

He cursed secretly in his heart, and shouted again: “Li Ruhai, are you blind? Didn’t you see that I was being forced?”

Li Ruhai turned a deaf ear, and only pretended to shout: “Young Master Gu, don’t be tired, walk slowly, and put on your shoes and socks carefully so that you don’t get muddy!”

Ji Zheng’s heart froze instantly. Seeing the silent reaction of these attendants to his orders, he could basically guess how bad the situation was on the Chaotang side.

He raised his head and looked at the sky through the edge of the umbrella. Those pea-sized raindrops and snowdrops seemed to have not been caught by the umbrella, which poured his heart through. The sky was gray and gloomy, and the thick clouds were piling up, as if to signal a fierce battle.

Gu Congyun was still comforting him unknowingly: “I know that the Empress Dowager has been in charge of the government for a long time, but you see that she will not come to ask you to go to the morning court today, maybe she will delegate power to the sage.”

Let go of the devil! Ji Zheng couldn’t even smile bitterly.

Before he spoke, he had reached the main entrance of Qianying Hall. At this time, it was nearly noon, and nearly three hours had passed since the beginning of the early morning. It’s just that she didn’t leave, and all the ministers couldn’t leave the court, so they had to stand there, daring not to speak out.

Gu Congyun put him at the door, gasping for breath. The Marquis of Wu’an turned around and nodded at him in the front row of the main hall, and even the Empress Dowager made a special trip to send a smile of approval.

He frowned suddenly, and noticed something strange.

“The sage worked hard last night and stayed up all night. It is normal to arrive late today.” The Empress Dowager took a sip of tea. “It’s okay, the adults can afford it. They are willing to wait for the sage.”

Ji Zheng splashed the water on his body, passed through the crowd with his hands behind his back, and sat on the first seat in the middle, one level higher than the old woman.

The more Ming Ci was not at the bottom, Ji Zheng retracted his gaze.


Gu Congyun was still at the door, and he didn’t care about his status. He didn’t even pay his respects, so he said in amazement: “Last night, the minister was guarding the door of the sage. ?”

It was he who sent the saint into the tiger’s mouth, it was him.

“Really?” The empress dowager’s smile disappeared a little bit, “That’s weird, Gu Congtian, the minister of the Ministry of Works, sent so many people to guard the water gate, but whoever distributed the token and sent someone to go there Who was it that flipped the sluice!” She raised her hand and threw the teacup on the table.

“Who is it!” At the same time, Ji Zheng patted the armrest with the voice! The voice overwhelmed the sound of the teacup, echoing above the empty hall, and the lingering sound lingered around the beam.

Immediately, there was silence under the steps, and everyone’s eyes were tightly focused. Even the Empress Dowager was bluffed by him, “Holy Majesty… Are you planning to admit that you put the water in?”

“In ancient times, there was a king who wrote a crime against himself, and even the Nine-Five Supreme must not act according to his heart.”

She is angry, very angry, a disobedient puppet is not as good as a dead thing! There are still a lot of babies who can be brought back by the side branch family who can quietly change their names and surnames… But if she really wants to do it, she still needs a process, a process for the whole court to see.

“Yes, the water was released by me, in order to find something at the bottom of the river.” Ji Zheng said lightly, “But I told people to guard the gate and collect it when they found it. The token gave all the water to the people’s river.”

“That’s the red-tailed koi raised by the Empress Dowager!” The tone became heavier and heavier, and he suddenly grieved and scolded, “I need to investigate those guards who are running errands!”

The courtiers at the bottom were so embarrassed that they were looking for something to drain the water in a palace today, and I am afraid that in the future they could sell the whole country to buy things.

“You don’t need to check the guards, Ai’s family has already done it for you.” The Empress Dowager squinted, “Looking for something, the sluice is responsible for the water used by the imperial palace in the entire Taishui River Basin. What is the saint looking for?”

Ji Zheng deliberately remained silent, and Yu Guang glanced down. As he expected, Gu Congtian glanced sideways at his father, with a slightly subtle expression.

“Report to the sage, Empress Dowager.” Gu Congtian came out of the queue and bowed, “The water of the Taishui River sluice is sent out once a month, and the cycle is changed. Presumably looking for things should not be found in the sluice. , the immediate priority is to solve the destruction of the feng shui situation of the Dayan Palace.”

“How does Gu Qing know that what I’m looking for is only a month away?” Ji Zheng glanced at him pretending to not care, “Maybe it’s within a month.”

Gu Congtian’s body seemed to be shaking, and he lowered his head and didn’t answer.

As soon as Gu Congtian walked to the bright place where the palace lanterns in the center of the hall were bright, Ji Zheng could see it clearly, and with the slight change of his posture, he could see the small and inconspicuous flashes on his body.

Always go in and out of the mark of the Goulan Washer!

Ji Zheng looked further, and now more than half of the courtiers had broken pieces on their bodies. Although this was the way he used to mark and distinguish dissidents, he saw with his own eyes that the court had rotted to this point. At this point, he still trembled in his heart, fearful, worried, and at a loss.

“Forget it, what I found should not be presented in the courtroom. Later, I will pass it on privately to all the Aiqings, so that we can enjoy watching together.” He stared directly at Gu Congtian, pretending to pick it up easily. Open the topic, “Why don’t you talk about what kind of situation I have destroyed.”

Gu Congtian was in a cold sweat, he forgot half of the speech he had prepared before, and he hesitated for a long time.

“In my opinion…” Ji Zheng’s brain was spinning rapidly, pretending to be calm, and said slowly, “I am the body of a real dragon, as long as I sit here for a day, this dragon’s veins will protect Dayan, unless… unless… I can’t sit here anymore.”

“Grandmother, am I right?”

He is delaying time, waiting for the more clear words to appear, at least he can no longer fight alone.

The Empress Dowager snorted coldly and didn’t answer.

On the contrary, Tian Jun, the local official of the northern county, stood up from the end of the team and said: “Report to the sage, the Empress Dowager, in fact, the area where the lower reaches of the Taishui River flows has been dry for several months, and there is no water to irrigate the land. Looking for things, putting water in, it may have ruined the feng shui, but after all, it sent a spring to the people, and did a good thing unintentionally, this is the blessing of the spirit of the holy dragon.”

Although Tian Jun was in the capital, he had not been able to hand over the document for the drought in the region for more than half a month, but now he finally caught the opportunity.

Before he finished speaking, there was a commotion outside the palace gate.

“Move the sluice, disturb the ley lines, the sky will bring disaster images, and the earth will move overnight!”

“The capital is over, and the subjects are over!”

“Please also give me an explanation from the palace!”

“Save us, the Holy One has pity on us, and ask the Empress Dowager to save us!”

Boom – a thunderstorm fell from the sky, this is the first spring thunder this year, as if responding to the disaster in their mouths, it smashed straight on the palace.

The voices were too far apart, and more shouts were drowned out by the sound of rain and thunder, making it impossible to hear what was in them.

Is it really him who did something wrong?

Ji Zheng’s eyes looked into the rain curtain.

The whole dynasty fell silent in unison. I don’t know who made the first move, and knelt down first, followed by more and more courtiers who didn’t believe at first.

“Your Majesty, the people of the capital have been gathering at the gate of the palace all morning.” A man dressed in armor and the appearance of a military general brushed past Tian Jun, knelt down and shouted, “I know that the sage loves the people and protects the people, and I must not bear it. The unarmed people use force to disperse, and now I ask the Holy Master to express it.”

Ji Zheng: …

This is a grand banquet.

“Don’t worry about your sage.” The Empress Dowager smiled, “Ai’s family is so confused, we people who live in the harem can’t see many things clearly, the sage and the adults love the people and read the people, then spread the word about the people. Come and hear what they have to say.”

Don’t, don’t.

“Tell the villagers of Taihefang.” Li Ruhai immediately raised his voice and communicated to the outside world.

“Pass…” Li Ruhai’s second voice was choked into his throat immediately, “Hey, you are…”

A familiar voice, louder and brighter than Haruhi’s thunder, and like a shooting star, flashed across his mind-“Chen, it’s late.”

“why you?”


Above the hall, the two said in unison.

It is a clear speech, and it is really a clear speech, standing outside the gate of the temple where the rain and snow are mixed, and the wind is hunting, standing at the junction of light and darkness. He didn’t bring an umbrella, as if he had rushed over on horseback for a long time, and his body was messy and soaked.

Ji Zheng naturally thought that he was here to rescue the driver, but when Ming Ci got closer, he looked again, and his smile froze immediately. Behind Ming Ciyue, there were a few plain and tattered people, obviously brought from the rioting crowd just now.

Ming Ci Yue, also came to convict him.

Ji Zheng’s heart sank little by little.

“Ming Ciyue, you did it on purpose, didn’t you!” Gu Congyun couldn’t bear it any longer, and the Marquis of Wu’an sent people to hold him up, but he scolded him with all his might, “You are not If you want to kill him, stab him with your own hands.”

“You are really a gentleman, Duanfang gentleman, a good reputation is more important than him, right!”

The more Ming Ci was kicked by Gu Congyunfei to the side of his sleeve, he didn’t care much, but said indifferently: “The Empress Dowager, when the minister entered the palace, he saw that there were people gathered at the entrance of the palace to ask for advice, and when he heard that he was summoned in the palace, he took it along. The two of you enter the hall to see you.”

“Forget it, everyone is the same, King Lao Jing has been bothered.” The Empress Dowager was obviously not at ease with him, but she immediately turned her attention back to the two of them, “Come closer, don’t be afraid, the sage loves the people. Ruzi, if you have anything to say, just say it directly, don’t worry about it.”

Don’t say, don’t come, don’t.

Ji Zheng subconsciously shrank deep into the seat.

One of them stepped forward and kowtowed, “The Taishui River is the mother river that Yanjing City relies on for a living. Caomin has lived on the banks of the Taishui River for a long time. When the water rises and the water falls, the floodgates opened in the middle of the night, and the ground moved twice. , the water of the whole river rushes away thousands of miles to the north, and countless people are amazed when they see this…”

“Well, get up, come over again, is there anything else you want to say?” The Empress Dowager couldn’t hide her self-satisfaction and waved to him again and again.

“The subject still wants to say…” The man stepped forward, slowly approaching, and there was clearly a flash of light in his sleeve.

“Escort, escort.” Ji Zheng shouted in a hurry, stood up from the throne, and there were guards who wanted to come, but they were blocked by the empress dowager with a gesture.

No wonder why people with knives can easily enter the hall, approaching step by step without the guards blocking everything, and everything is instructed by the woman behind her back.

He’s about to be an outcast.

“Uncle escort!” Ji Zheng shouted the last sentence with a trembling voice.

Between the electric light and flint, no one could get close at all, only to see that person rushing up and pulling out the knife in his sleeve with a deep smile on the face of the Empress Dowager!

He raised his hand high, and stabbed it fiercely again. The silvery-white light was in front of his eyes, and it was like a slow-motion playback, killing him bit by bit.

Boom – the second spring thunder outside the house this year, louder and brighter than the previous one!

Ji Zheng suddenly closed his eyes tightly, only to feel the warm liquid splashing on the side of his face, but the expected pain never arrived.

A scream of pain exploded in the ear.

Ji Zheng turned his head slowly, only to see that

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