The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 15: Making Moves Part 2

The Fastest Man Alive
Chapter 15:
Making Moves Part 2


Ignoring Logan and Alfred’s bullshit, I went back into the base. I need to do something with the liquid Adamantium that was still bubbling down below. I was browsing through all the tech that was received from the servers, and it was all looking like this was going to be a success. Unfortunately, Stryker was off the grid even to his black operations. This situation did not give me the warm fuzzies, because I wanted him ended. With his death, a lot more Meta-humans will be safe from his sick ministrations.

“Alfred start breaking into everything, and I want Stryker's location.” “Of course, Sir. Would you also like me to drain his funds once he is found?”Came Alfred smooth voice and this was interesting.  “You know what? Yeah, let's take him for everything once we locate him.” Yeah, I didn't just want him dead I was going to take him for everything.

I was now in the base's armory, and they had what I hoped was here. A Japanese katana, I wished it was a roman gladius, but looters can't be picky once they have liberated said loot. With the sword in hand, my next destination was the lab with the ultimate metal still within its liquid state. There were enough guns back at my base, and they had no exciting DNA samples here in this lab, so it was all just garbage to me.

I found the liquidized Adamantium right where I left it, on the right of the lab with frozen meaty check laying right next to it. No, the next issue would be how to get a monomolecular edge onto this blade.

Though that answer was easy, layer a monolayer sharp blade extension of my speed force aura. Placing the katana in the liquid metal pit compress the metal onto the blade and compressed the edge into a sharp mono-edge then brought it back out while holding the form. That was when Logans gravely voice came in over the com’s “Kid we have incoming company get your butt back up here.” Logan didn’t sound too happy, which means this company was going to be trouble. With my own growl, I was already heading back topside with my sword in hand. Unfortunately, whoever decided to show up today was going to get wrecked. When I got up top, I didn't see anyone, but one look at Logan let me know he smelled them way before they could even be seen.

Just with his look out over above the tree’s, I knew what was up, Magneto was about to show himself again alright.


 In came Magneto flying from over the trees, this time it was him Mystique, Toad and some other person who I had no clue about. That was fine though he brought his surrogate child and the Blue Goddess herself. Eric was flying on his flat metal disc and was in his iconic helm which was all fine and dandy, but I still don't get why was he here at this particular base. I would have to ask since I will have to make notes about this for the future. I can't keep having them show up whenever I do anything significant otherwise everyone watching is going to start pairing me with them during memos and debriefings. That would be a major no go for me with my plans slated to be accomplished soon. Everyone was looking in their directions while pointing, wondering who were those people.

As soon as Magneto and his crew landed, he started his big speech and Mystique made a beeline straight to my location. I could only sigh and place my sword on my back since it wouldn't do to have my sword out while talking to a lady. “So we meet again, we do have to stop meeting this way, Benjamin.” Came her smooth, sultry voice. I was not having any of this shit right now though. With that bullshit, Psylocke pulled on me in the sublevels any and all flirting was on shut down. “It happens when people track my locations,” I spoke trying to keep my anger about the tracking and the trick I suffered down below under control.

Though I guess it leaked out some in my voice because she had a raised eyebrow. “Don’t mind the kid, he got honey trapped down below, and she got away.” Came Logan’s gruff voice. I could only sigh again, and I realized I have been doing that a lot lately. “Raven honestly it's not you. It's just the situation okay so sorry no offense. I am guessing that I spiked on that tracker of your radar again? And that's why you’re here.” “Yes, your power signature is very distinct. So we decided to come to take a look.” She replied, while shrugging away my apologies. That was fine with me as long as I didn’t step on any toes today, I can be happy.

“So, you're just here to take a look at what made me show so much power?” I couldn't help but ask with a skeptical tone in my voice. “Well, why not if you're having a good time you should share.” With that statement from her, Logan snorted and walked away from us. I knew she was sexy and was trying to tempt me to the dark side. “Sorry, but I will have to hold on to no sharing when it comes to having a good time.”

“Well can't you change that rule for little ole me, I guarantee I can show you things that you couldn't even dream of.” She was speaking in a voice that sounded so sweet to my ears, but I had to stay strong from the dark side. I could only sigh again, “Raven honestly this can’t work. You’re labeled as a terrorist and LightSpeed the hero cannot be seen with a terrorist. I am putting in a lot of work to get us recognition, and I can't jeopardize that right now. This truce I have with the city is fragile, and when I launch my company with its Metahuman department, I am going to need the goodwill that I have earned to make major movements.”

This brought her up short, “That's why you have been seen on the news running around saving people, why?” “It’s one drawn out and complicated plan. I can't give you the minor details, but yes I have a goal with my hero plan to help Metahuman kind, and it starts with the city that has its hand on the pulse of the world.” Her playfulness was instantly gone and what was now in its place was one determined look demanding inclusion, but I felt terrible because she couldn't be included.  “I want in, and I can infiltrate this base for you.” Mystique had one severe look on her face, and I had no right way out of this other than to shut her down. I could only scratch the back of my head while looking around, what I saw was Logan speaking to people while shaking his head. Alfred was still playing with kids doing tricks and opening and closing a vent.

“I can’t include you because of your terrorist status. I can figure something out in the future with some time but not right now.” “Then take me with you when you plan to demolish your next base.” She stated keeping her voice and face serious. “I can’t Raven. They have cameras that are everywhere. Yes, I am going to go smash up some bases after this, but I can't bring you. I currently have all the footage of this current encounter being scrubbed, but someone can always set up a trap to take video and picture of the crew I'm rolling with.” I had to lay it all out that this was not going to happen.

Mystique was not pleased, and her body shimmered a little bit through skin tones and various suits. Yeah, she was extremely angry with me shutting her down. “And what about this way you have to eliminate my criminal status.” She asked with a raised eyebrow. “It's in flux, and I can’t use the current leverage I have for the moment.” I thought about all the ways I can milk Fury now that I knew how to get direct access to the man. I could no longer let him get shot by the winter soldier. Unfortunately, that was lucky for him and unlucky for me because I had to figure out another way to get Bucky out of his cryo tank. 

That would have gotten him onto the board game allowing me to snatch up one of hydras pawns which would give me Captain America's loyalty for reuniting him with his long lost friend. More plans fucking ruined with finding out he was family. 

“Once you stop hanging out with Magneto then I can figure something out. No am not asking you to betray the man, keep whatever you know to you. Just show the world you're trying to find another way to accomplish coexistence.” “They will never accept me,” Her voice was so low I almost couldn't hear her. “You never know till you try, but I can’t bring you to go smash bases.” I was honestly trying not to be harsh. I understood all Mystique wanted to do was help Metahuman kind, but she was just dealt a shit hand after hand. 

“All it takes is a leap of faith; that's what I did when I started to go out and save the day. I didn't know where I was going with it, but I had a goal, and I had to start somewhere. Figure out what you want to do, and I will figure out how to get your slate cleaned.”
And with one final look at me, she walked away back towards Magneto’s side. I couldn’t help but sigh again because damn, that ass was divine. Although I had my fill of honey traps for one day and I was not about to attempt seducing the sexy blue lady then end up being seduced myself and losing everything except my shirt and undies.

Mystique and Magneto took off into the air while Logan and I watch them go. Logan was able to talk a few of the rescued survivors to come with us back to the school. I honestly didn’t believe he even had it in him. “Kid, that's one dangerous game your playing, be careful you don't get burned. Now show me what you got out of that base.” Logan spoke coming up next to me while the group of eight that stayed behind followed him over.

“Alfred, come over here and show me the files.” With that, he scuttled his body over opening the hatch on his back, showing my hologram modules to bring up the files on Logan and the weapons X program. While browsing through the files though a few things did stand out to me. Most, if not all the data was redacted and that was pissing off Logan even more, but I did notice a few nuggets of gold. There were four more bases, but the one I had to smash next was located in the mountains of San Francisco. This was the base housing subject X-23; it also noted that she was the only survivor out of a batch of twenty-six other children. That was just fucking crazy, and they sacrificed twenty-six other kids to get to her. She would need rescue ASAP, and the doctor who was noted to have given birth to her, which they have indicated might be the only reason why she has not been deemed a failed experiment.

“Logan I have to go do this, Alfred is going to send all the data he has on you to Dr. McCoy back at the mansion.”

“Where are you heading kid?” He asked me while tilting his head to the side. How do I tell him he had a daughter and that and that they killed twenty-six other kids he will never be able to see ever? “Honestly Logan I have no clue how to tell you what I am about to do or what I figured out.” “Kid, just spit it out already.” At this point, Logan was already growling at me again.

With a deep breath, I told him about his daughter that survived and the kids that didn't make it all made from his DNA. The devastating look that came over his face was heart-shattering.


With his claws extended, Logan went to work on the door and wall of the stairwell that leads back into the base. I could only take a step back and let Logan vent his anger since it was better there than on me. “Where are they and when do we rescue her?” He growled out at me after he was finished brutalizing the wall and door to shreds. Now I was stuck, how will I break the news I didn't want him on this mission with me.

“Logan the X-jet cant get to California faster than they can evacuate the base. I’m the only one that can get there in time before they think of termination of their *experiments*.” I had to say the last part with quotations marks because of the sensitive nature of the situation. “She is not an experiment, and she is no one's property!” Logan was back to growling again but what he said next surprised and terrified me all at the same time. “Kid go save them before something happens, and if you fail, I will hunt you for the rest of your days.” I was already gone while Logan was in mid-threat. There was no way I was going to leave X-23 in their hands.


Laura Kinney - Howlett / X-23: Super Miniature Badass 

Laura was frustrated and tired. She had just survived another eighteen hour day filled with training and minimal rest and food. The designated trainers today were brutal; she was hit twenty-three times with their electric batons before Laura was able to disable them in their armor. Even though she won, they still revoked half of her lunch. Her mother had told her to be a useful asset so that she wasn't deemed a failure and terminated. So she excelled at every task they gave her. She killed every target that was placed before her. None of her assassinations were failures, and she was the best. 

They reduced her food and kept her under their thumb. The only respite she was talking with her mother and letting her know she was effective, and she would be her most significant work. This night was turning into a restless one, and she felt as if something was different and she couldn't put her finger on it, but she felt it. This was like the feeling she had before she was shot in her chest with a shotgun like her instincts were screaming of danger approaching. She wanted to ignore it and get as much rest as she could before her next training session or mission was made available, but her instincts would not let her rest.

Being unable to sleep and rolling over in bed was when it happened. The bases alarms sounded, and a guard busted down her door. Her instincts screamed for her to fight; this was going to be her chance. Her mother had spoken briefly about plans for their escape sometimes. Though they never had an opportunity, this would be theirs.



With a roar of defiance, she was on the guard going for his jugular vein, this chance was for her and her mother, and she was going to take it.

Benjamin Blake / Super Fast Semi-Functional Moron / Genius / Hero’ish

It took me a whole five minutes to make it back from Canada to California and into the San Francisco mountains to the GPS coordinates that Alfred had loaded onto my holophone located on my wrist. When I had arrived on location, it was pure pandemonium. Guards were running everywhere, and helicopters were taking off ferrying people away. It looks like they got the memo that the other base was destroyed. 
That's fine with me though if they make it out, they make it out, I was here for the girl and her mom if they haven't caused her death like in the comics. I refuse to let that whole trigger pheromone thing happen in this lifetime.

While I was taking in the scenery of the base taking notes on approaches and exits in and out of the base, I heard gunshots fired. That wasn't my doing, and I had to investigate the situation. “Alfred, when we get on site, I plan to drop you off next to the nearest vent, make it to the servers and drain them dry.” “Yes, access to there servers will also help me narrow down the search for Stryker. Currently, I have a satellite over the Mediterranean sea scanning for his island.”

Oh yeah, that was music to my ears maybe I should take Logan and Laura with me. This could be an excellent father-daughter bonding experience. I could only snort at my thought of that, what are they going to do bond over ripping his guts out. Yeah, they just might, and that’s the weird part of Logan’s DNA at work. Dropping Alfred off next to the nearest vent, it was time to figure out where and why all the shots were fired.


With Deadpool’s war cry, I was in the base and working my way down the stairs. Everyone I came across kissed my sword, even if I was here for rescue, there was no way I was going to let everyone go even if I did let the helicopters go. Though what I found on subsection six was a work of art in itself. Arms, legs, and heads were everywhere you looked. It was like she was taking out all of her frustrations on the base, which might be true in her case. Slowing back down so I could get in touch with Alfred I needed to find her fast because Logan should have already been picked up by the Professor since that last base hasn’t been blown up yet. 

I wanted to press the big red button and know that they all went boom. I had a savage grin on my face while seeing my map update and the BIG RED BUTTON glowing in the corner of the map. The map showed Laura on one of the lower levels defending an Asian lady behind her carrying a case. It looks like I was in time for the rescue, but they were already trying to make there own escape attempts. Then again, with all those guns facing them, it doesn't look like she will be able to save her mom.

I was already on the move and was there in the next second taking off the guard's head's with clean swipes of my katana. Though when I got there, Laura already had her claws out and in one of the guard's face. Laura stood at a solid five feet even with Asian American features. She was small, cute, and extremely deadly. Yeah, she was cute, but I already had my own bucket of issues to tangle with without adding one of Logan’s progenies into the mix.

Slowing back down to a reasonable time to get a status update on their situation since I already had plans to destroy this base. Yet, once I did slow down though they both jumped, Laura though jumped right at me with her foot claw extended. Yeah, she was Logan’s kid alright, she didn't run away, she got angry and wanted blood. Just for a little ole jump scare but I guess that was on me, we are in an active combat zone. Now that she was in slow motion mid-lunge towards me, I had to make a solid choice here.

Do I :

A - Fry her with my lightning and take her out of here over my shoulder. I would have to watch her mother while trying to care for her and protect them both.

B - Or try and reason with the mini-stabbing machine and have help demolishing the base.

Moving next to her while staying out of the way of her foot claw because of course, she would have foot claws. It's not like already having massive metal claws that can cut through anything wasn't already bad enough. With a small push towards her mother direction, I went with reason. “Look am only here to rescue you and your mother. Your dad is going to gut me daily if I don't get you out of here in one piece, Which is crazy since you can heal just like he can. So help a brotha out please and just come without a fight.”


And of course, she lunged right back at me I should have known since that's how Logan reacts when we fight only putting him down hard will snap him out of his kill happy mode. Sidestepping her again at high speeds to be sure I was outpacing her reflexes I went for the nape of her neck and lit her up with my lightning. While I had her incapacitated, I sent the Doc a quick zap to get her out of her stunned state. “Look Doc I am here for rescue not to capture and kidnap. If your understanding tell little knife here to stand down.”

Bless her heart Doctor Kenny sobered up quickly and rushed to Laura's side almost knocking me away, but I wasn't going to let go of the little stab happy teenager yet. “Doc I need her to calm down help is coming, but I don't want claw marks on my ass.” “Enough young man I will talk to her so remove your hands from her now.” This lady had far too much balls for her own good. Taking her word, I tossed the little stabby teen aside, making sure I was well out of her reach.

Turns out that was the best thing I could do because she recovered immediately and automatically took a swing in my direction. I swung my sword clashing with her claws pushing her further away from me. “Stop, Luara stop, listen to his heart, or smell him tell me he is telling the truth.” “Doc, I don't think she can even hear my heart; it beats far to fast to tell the difference.” “True but I can smell the difference between the hormones your body is secreting and am not going to gut you for now. And what is this about me having a dad?” Laura was as brash and abrasive as her old man.  “You might know him as Weapon X, we discovered a base, and then we discovered more stuff so now am here and he's probably halfway here by now.” and just like that my com’s came alive and Alfred's smooth voice came out.

“The servers are drained, and the BIG RED BUTTON has been updated to include this base. STYKER’s island has also been found. He is currently enjoying a barbeque with his family and guests.”

Well, that had to be something, but I could tell the way Laura flinched from when Alfred mentioned his name that she was well aware of who he is. “What will you do once you find him?”She decided to ask me while we checked corners running in the direction to the top of the base. "Simple drain him of his resources and then end him and those with him. He is far too dangerous to leave alive,” Laura was staring at me with those large eyes of hers. If she weren't so cute, she would be deadly intimidating.

“Look here little stabby if you want to come just ask.” I was trying not to get stabbed by the little wolverine when her mother spoke up. “These are the dynamic social skills they neglected in your training. Use your words, Laura, you are a person, not an animal.”

Unfortunately, that was when some guards came out of the door on Laura left side. They didn't even make it past half a step out the door. The first guards got her hand claws to the face, and the one behind got sliced from groin to chin with her foot claw while she was in mid flip. Fuck this girl was far worse than Logan, nothing but a mini ball of cute death and rage. “I am going with you, and I will take his head from his shoulders.” There was nothing I could say to refute that fact. The look on her face spoke of unsaid pain coming in my direction if I refused. It had nothing to do with the blood dripping from her claws or her face. 

Yep, that had nothing to do with it at all. Shrugging at her I turn around to take out the guards coming down the hall on my side, trying to ignore the mad doctor wiping away the blood from Laura's face like she was a small child and not a mini death machine. “Kid you there, Hank got the plane outside where are you.” Logan came blaring in over my com’s unit. I had no clue they would make it here so fast.

“Yeah, I found them. And Laura is just a chip off the ole block. Stabby and grumpy just like you, am sure she is your kid.” "GRRR I'm coming down Hank dro….” with that his communications cut out. Great now I had to deal with the big man and the little stabby.

Laura and I made it our mission to take down any who stood in our way and the exit though we found Logan on the third floor going to town on some massive guy throwing crates at him. The big guy had that grey cracked skin with muscles showing underneath. He was just the next level of grotesque, and when I was about to give Luara some orders, she jumped into the fight right alongside Logan. I couldn't help but facepalm, “Couldn't you guys have given her more social skills besides fighting everything she meets.” The doctor gave me on a harrowing look, “I tried, but they kept me at bay telling me weapons do not need such skills. She is my life’s work. I refuse to have her die because of some incompetents, so I tried to teach her what I could.”

“Yeah, well that you need to fix.” And I pointed towards Laura jumping off Logan’s back plunging her claws into the big guys face while Logan went for his knee and ankles.

It was weird how they were already in so much sync with their actions. Laura ducked under Logan’s swing as he took off the head of the guy behind her. While Logan was disemboweling the guy, she slid around his back and took off the guards hands. Yeah, they were in some scary type of combat synchronization, and I wasn't about to put my body between them. With one last look towards the father-daughter bonding time, I picked up the mad doctor and ran her to the X-jet that was up at the top waiting for us.

Not surprisingly everyone was in the X-Jet, The Metahuman from the first rescue that called herself The Wall, was guarding the jet with her constructs keeping shots fired at the plane away. Storm was out in the sky blasting apart jeeps and other vehicles. 

Though the Beast was still looking everyone over, the Professor had his hand to his forehead most likely telling Logan that we made it out and they should return. Ignoring them, I took a look at the people we saved from the last base. One of them I was able to recognize automatically, his massive oversized wings gave him away instantly though. Somehow Angel had ended up in a base for Metahuman experimentations, and that was not okay.

I would have to put time aside to talk to him later. He would be a great addition to my team and his wing feature would make his publicity a massive hit if used correctly. Though I had to ignore his presence at the moment for the arriving father and daughter.
Laura went directly to the side of her mad scientist of a mother, and Logan just stood next to me looking at her. That wouldn't do; it was time to break the ice. “Good job team how about high fives all around.”


They both popped their claws at me the same time, and then they growled at me. I guess they weren't expecting that because they both stopped and looked at each other. Great they are getting along just fine now I must stay out of the way of sharp pointy things.
“Thanks, kid,” Logan spoke while going to find himself a seat, but while he was going by Laura, I think I saw them sniff each other in quick passing.

Alfred had made it to the X-jet, and we were already taking off when I called for a stop and hover. This caused the Professor to look at me while raising his eyebrow in my direction. "No worries Professor we have some unfinished business, and I am sure that the little ball of death over there would love to participate." That name caused Laura to grumble, and Logan growled in my direction, sheesh still touchy I guess, but that will be fine she is going to love what happens next. Bringing up the BIG RED BUTTON, I held my arm out to her with the holophone displaying the app. “Just press the button and claim your prize.” The Little ball of death grumbled to herself as she pressed the button.




Ohh yeah, fireworks baby, now that my appetite for destruction was satisfied I turned around to close the back hatch of the jet. Laura grabbed my forearm. “What about Stryker? She asked me while keeping her eyes still on the destruction unfolding on the base from the self destruct going off.

“His location is on his private island in the Mediterranean Sea. That’s my next stop.” I told her while bringing up the information that Alfred had sent to me from the servers. Stryker had two more bases to his name, but I was going to forgo them until after I removed his head from his body. ‘Let’s go now, I have seen you move, and I know you're faster than this plane.” “And what about your mother and your grumpy old man.”

“Her grumpy old man here is right behind you.” Logan had walked right back up to us while we were busy, watching the base explode. Though the Professor looked none too happy, he didn't say anything and Ororo was also listening in on the conversation.
“I need to take down Stryker right now before he catches wind of these and pulls a rabbit. He is the link and driving force, and we get rid of him; this whole thing falls apart.” I spoke up to everyone present since I wasn't going to get any alone time.

“Do you have any idea what you're talking about doing, Benjamin. What about being Lightspeed and the Hero of New York?” the Professor asked me from his chair. 

“That's being taken care of right now, Alfred is nixing all communications and any signal coming in and out of the base while also getting rid of any trails that mark us being here, Professor. This has to be fought on two fronts, and I know this now. I plan to take down as many of these bases as I can, while I can.” “I can’t talk you out of your actions can I, Benjamin.” Asked the Professor. “No, you can't, but you can help the ones I rescue. With time, I plan to do a big world release and awareness. That you can help me with Professor. When we go public to the world, we go public with a big bang.” I spoke to him while turning back to the exit of the jet, but Laura still had a grip on me and wouldn't let go.

“Kid take her with you, I know you can carry her so don't give me that crap about weight.” Logan’s gruff voice spoke up next to the button to close the ramp bay door. Laura took one look at Logan, nodded, and then hopped onto my back.  

“Be safe and come back in one piece.” Spoke Ororo from her position next to Laura's mother. I honestly don't know how or why but I am happy we were back to talking terms. “You tell anyone, and I will gut you,”  Laura spoke, but I had no clue what she was talking about till her chest touched my back, fucking bandage wraps, of course, she would wrap her chest. 

I sighed one more time because what's one more in a long day of bullshit discoveries. Alfred was secured on her back, so I jumped out of the plane and took off into the sky heading towards that evil asshole William Stryker. When we got to his island, it was still night, and I could smell the smoke in the wind. Touching down on his island, I let Laura off my back, and Alfred jumped off here. Then she grunted at me like that was supposed to make up for some sort of thanks.

“Use your words, Laura, it’s thanks for the ride and taking me. Then I reply that you are welcome.” I was trying not to lose my temper with her since she has been locked up in a base with nothing but training for her formative years. All she did was growl and pop her claws at me like that was supposed to scare me. Hell, I get stabbed by Logan every time we spar. So I even the playing field and made my six arm construct and popped claws on all the hands.

Though that was unimpressive for her because all she did was raise an eyebrow at my antics. She just turned away from me and lunged into the forest. I followed after her to find her taking out some guard that was on patrol for his key card.

“We don't need those we have him.” With that statement, I pointed to Alfred, and he brought out an arm to wave at her. Since I had to leave the sword on the plane It was time to go back to the good old fashioned claws. I tapped my back to inform her to hop on, and then we went through the whole island taking out everyone. We found Stryker had already retreated to his bunker and wasn't going to come back out for us to remove his head. Alfred had already shut down all communications in and out of the island, but I wasn't pleased in knowing that he was in a bunker. Hard lines are something no one can take out without knowing where they are hooked in from.

That thought set off my mad laughter because I don't need to know where the hard lines are if I pump the island systems with my lightning blasting it all apart. Laura was giving me a look reserved for the truly insane, but that was fine since I was after a rabbit in his hole. “Stand back, it's about to get electric.” With that, I focused on just the lightning. I didn't want another AI to be born from whatever they had in their systems. That would be nasty and world ending.

With my hands in the fuse box, I juiced the whole island until everything overloaded. Though I did discover a new ability because as I was pushing power into the grid, I felt myself loosen as if I could travel through the lines. I guessed, in theory, I could transform my matter and travel that way, but this was not the time to test out hypotheses. Maybe a safe lab just in case I lose a leg I can grow it back in peace and not with people shooting at me. I heard the hard safety door creak even from my location at the fuse box, but the sound that came next did cause me to chuckle. There were screaming and shouting then I heard gunshots, I knew I shouldn't take joy in the deaths of evil men, but what kind of person would I be if I didn't enjoy a job well done.

I walked into the bunker and found Stryker still alive surprisingly, although Laura had taken off both his hands and legs, good for her. “Why haven't you finished him?”
“You started, you finish.” And with that, she walked back out the bunker. Damn that girl was hardcore, but I am happy I was able to save her from killing her mother like in the comics. It was going to be one long road to anything she can even remotely call normal, but that's okay.

“Fuck You, fucking Mutant.”

Man, that was some shitty last words he had, and I didn’t want to listen to them anymore. I brought my hand up and charged up a ball of lightning. This was going to be maximum destruction, and I wanted to feed it to him point blank range. Leaning in towards him, “The proper term is Metahuman, you piece of shit.” Then I laid the lightning ball into his body, frying all his nerves making sure it savaged his body while he was alive to feel it.

His body exploded from the overload of power, and I made sure not to get any on me. It wouldn't do to get chunks of an evil asshole on me. I found Laura out on the beach looking into the night sky, but there was no need for words between us. We stayed like that for a while, then it was time to burn it all to the ground and head home.

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