The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 23: Pay What You Owe

The Fastest Man Alive
Chapter 23
Pay What You Owe


July 15, 2010, Thursday

I have been held up in my lab since, after the big event on the 4th, Natasha had brought me the ultimate birthday gift. Hell, I stayed in my lab even through my birthday, these were the PYM particles, and they was going to get all the love I could give them.

I had gone over Hank PYM's records, and Darran Cross's notes on the particles, but when I decided to study the damn things, I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs. It took me a solid twelve days with my mind overclocked to be able to break the secrets behind the formula. My mental overclock was equivalent to over four thousand three hundred and eighty days trapped in my lab and mind to crack this formula. I was on the brink of madness, but I had finally succeeded. I had succeeded where so many have failed before, and my suffering was well worth it. I couldn't help but laugh maniacally in my heart of hearts.


I now had the power to change any items I wished on the atomic scale, mass, strength, and even organic and inorganic density of objects. With my accelerated mental activity, I used the twelve days to live each day as a year totaling over four thousand three hundred and eighty days, it was pure hell, I had to suck down liquid nutrients because food took too long to digest. But I was able to pull it off. Six short months after I got my hands on the speed force, I was able to get my hands on money, one of the ultimate metals Adamantium, and now one of the most radical chemical cheat formulas around! 

The particle was suspended in a stabilizing solution so that when it made contact with an object, it created a warping field of a quantum probability that was dialed in for the needed effect. The regulator belt that was in the Ant-Man suit was perfectly made for the size specifications needed.

I had to recreate my personal sizing coils from scratch, and they completely flubbed the first time; which scared me as I was stuck down as a one inch person. With that initial and significant screw up out of the way, I went back to work mad. Mad because four thousand plus days working on this thing was equal to two hundred and sixty-two thousand hours and I was only halfway there. Since I couldn't solve the quantum exposure to use it on a person, I took a few hours to update a few of my weapons. It was perfect for inanimate objects, not people yet.

Then I heard a buzz at my door which brought my frustration to the forefront. But, when I looked to see who it was I was a confused.

Gwen was at my lab door with two others. That was strange as she was generally in her labs, so why was she here now? Not only that, but Gwen was smiling at the lady with striking features. Then there was a person standing behind her in huge and bulky clothing. That was also strange since it was summer and there was no need for such things. Putting away these bullshit particles, I made my way to the door to find out why Gwen was showing them around my inner sanctum. I also had to find where that back up secretary Nat had promised me was.

When I got outside, Gwen made the introductions, and I almost lost it. Mystique had come back with her daughter for our assistance. I must not have heard that right because Mystique only had one very famous child, and then one adopted one. Though from the facial features, they were sporting the same jawline, the same nose, and a few mannerisms which made me think that this was her actual biological daughter.

Although, I was quickly starting to think the girl was Rogue because of the name Anna, the baggy clothes and that one white streak in her hair.  

What also had me confused was the lady that Gwen kept saying was Miss. Darkholme, or better known as Mystique, looked remarkably like Charlize Theron, and I was wondering why she was in disguise in the building.

"Okay, before anything, why are you still in disguise?" I asked Mystique as I looked from her to her daughter that she brought along.

"I thought you couldn't be seen with a known terrorist?" Mystique asked with a smile as she looked Gwen up and down for a moment. Gwen smiled back at her but said nothing. Gwen then reached out for Anna, but she yelped and took a step back.

"You can't touch me, everyone, who touches me dies." Stated Anna with evident sadness in her voice. I could only rub my forehead at this whole thing.

"What does she mean Ben? How is that even possible?" Gwen asked with a gleam in her eyes. I knew that look, and it would not do anyone favors to allow Gwen to go all mad doctor on her.

"Alright people into my labs, mind the mess," I told everyone as I opened my door wider and stepped out of the way for them to walk inside. With everyone inside my lab, I brought up a holo-screen to locate my lost lamb of a secretary. Natasha was off somewhere across the globe with Barton, and that could only mean FURY asked for her aid in something. The backup for Natasha was downstairs talking to security about some picketing going on out front.

"Alfred, how long has that protest been going on?" I asked out to the air, letting the frustration show how I felt about that mess. Now I was getting angry because someone should've told me about that or at least buzzed me.

"What did you expect? You have outed all Metahuman kind over the 4th, and this is people's reaction to something different from themselves." Mystique stated with some heat to her words.

"To bad for them we live in a civilized society, and there are laws in the way to prevent stupidity," I replied to Mystique as I brought up the number to Jerry Hogarth, my lawyer.

"Yes, Mr. Blake, Hogarth speaking, How may I help you today?" Jerry asked. I smiled at that because I had one of the best sharks in Marvel and had them on retainer for millions. Now I was about to spend even more to ruin stupid people's lives happily, and I didn't even care.

"Alright, Jerry we have some morons out front of my building, and I want them removed ASAP. I am pretty sure I own the whole block except the streets when I purchased these buildings." When I said that Alfred brought up the contracts, I nodded as I was sure that the sidewalks were included within the deeds and leases. 

"Jerry, they are on private property, and I want them all arrested and placed in jail. New York has an Anti-Intimidation Act on the law books, and I would like you to use that to bring down the full weight and hammer on these fools. Ohh, let's have them prosecuted for a maximum of ten million as stated by the courts, then have them classified as a hate group. Thanks for your hard work, Jerry." I said, and with that, I hung up and turned around to Mystique. 

"That's how you get rid of such annoying flies. Alfred, I know you have traced all the faces, let's have their asset all accidentally frozen or scrambled, Thanks bud." With that, I was back to my work table that Gwen was sitting on.

Gwen raised her eyebrow at me, but I just shrugged at her, "You're going to ruin all those lives just like that? Why, Benjamin?" Gwen asked with concern in her voice.

"That's the price of being intolerant Gwen," I said as I began to look for the tools I might need to fix this Rogue situation. As I was making myself busy, they watched the video feed of the security team detaining everyone.

Gwen was frowning at what was happening outside, but I wasn't, while that was going down I began to cut video footage of them yelling and cursing. That was going to be some good ammunition to be used against them later.

There was no way I was going to let these hate groups survive in my reality. If they thought I was going to allow them free reign; then they have a rude awakening coming. When they try anything else in their lives, they will find out precisely how savage my retaliation was.

"So Anna, would you like to tell me more about your powers?" I asked as I brushed aside the holo-screen I was working on for a new blank screen to take notes on.

"Any mutant I touch, I gain their powers while they get knocked out, and any normal person I touch dies," Anna stated sadly.

"What were you doing when that happened?" I asked as I wrote more notes down with Gwen adding in her observations.

"What does that matter?" Anna asked, letting slip her southern accent. That caused Mystique to smile at the flustered girl.

"She was kissing some boy, he was in a coma for a while, but he recovered." Mystique started with a smile while looking at Anna.

"Tongue?" I prompted

"Excuse me?" 

"Well, I have to know because if it is tongue, then that's a whole different slew of tests I would have to run to solve this little dilemma," I spoke up looking at them both but at the more embarrassed Anna. 

"Yes," Anna answered in a whisper.

"Sorry I couldn't hear that?" I asked back trying not to smile.

"Yes, it was tongue!" Anna yelled out as she huffed at me.

"Ohh, that's kinky" I chuckled out as I took down notes. Gwen smacked me on the shoulder as she hopped off the table.

"Alright, Anna just hop up and sit right here," said Gwen as she patted the location she just got up from. We all watched as Anna got onto the table but kept her bulky jacket on. Mystique just laughed at that.

"Anna, you're going to have to take off that jacket if they are going to be able to help." Said Mystique as she sauntered over in that slow sensual walk of hers. It was a task to keep my eyes up top and not to look at that perfect peach. 

Although I was trying not to look, Gwen definitely appreciated the view as Mystique leaned over as she helped Anna remove all the bulky clothing.

I already had a few thoughts and ideas about her power and a way to solve the problem, but it still helped to ask a few questions to make sure everything is as I remembered it.

"Gwen, you have your mad doctor set on you, right?" I asked Gwen as I started to bring up scanners and recordings.

"Don't call my Togo kit a mad doctor set!" Gwen pouted at me as she took out her small medical kit from her lab robes.

I could only shrug at that as I held my hands out for her, but Gwen only raised a brow at me. "Draw some blood we need to do this test if I want to shut down an avenue of testing," I told Gwen, but it seems my actions sparked curiosity in Mystique.

"Why is she drawing your blood if you're supposed to be helping Anna," Asked Mystique as she raised an eyebrow at me.

"This will answer a few things for us. It will allow us to know if Anna conducts her power through fluids or skin to skin contact. My blood is also extremely packed with my powers, unlike normal Meta's." I stated as I motioned for Gwen to place a droplet on Anna's exposed skin.

We all watched with bated breath as nothing happened. I marked out a few notes and wrote down some others. I was positive now that Anna's power of absorption was tied into her epidermis, but I would need more information.

"Anna, when you absorb a person, what do you feel and or experience?" I asked as I was eliminating different plans and devices that might work.

"It's like this rush I can't help but get sucked into. Then I have all their memories and skills. Not everyone recovers from the experience." Anna started with a frown, but I had already figured it out.

"Memories you say, then that would have to deal with the brain, which means your doing a reverse bio-electric absorption. That's why you're gaining memories." I spoke up, but then Gwen cut in to finish what I was getting at.

"Ohh that's neat, her powers are tied into the epidermis layer of skin following the nerve pathways to the brain. There is nothing on the human body as unique as the skin. It is considered one of the largest and most important organs of the integumentary system, after all." Gwen stated as she nodded her head with my hypothesis.

"Okay that's nice to know but how do we fix this?" Asked Mystique with some hope in her voice. That made me frown because there is nothing wrong with her; Anna doesn't have any power control is all.

"We can't fix her because there is nothing wrong with her; we can just show her control. It would be up to her from there, and I would recommend a counseling session with Ororo. She is our therapist." I replied to Mystique.

"What do you mean you can help her gain control?" Asked Mystique stepping in closer to me. The first thought in my mind was lavender, but now wasn't the time for such things. With a huff, I cleared myself of such a lovely smell. Turning around, I went to my workbench where I had the leftover parts I made Hank's watch with. Since Anna was a girl, she wouldn't need something as massive as what Hank received.

With the quantum inhibitor I combined it with a bio-aura control node, I  added in a drop of Anna's blood the device hummed to life. I brought over the quantum control node for Anna to put on. 

Anna and Mystique held their breath as she placed the medical wristband onto her hand. With another hum, the device flashed a cerulean blue for a few seconds then quieted back down on Anna's wrist.

"Did it work?" Asked Mystique in a whisper.

"I don't feel any different." Stated Anna while looking at her wrist.

"Well, how about we find out," I said, and with that, I grabbed Anna's hands with my own. When I reached for her hands though, Mystique and Anna both flinched from my actions. Although, Mystique had called out for me not to.

When nothing happened, and I didn't fall over from what should have been a supermassive power drain. Both Anna and Mystique burst into joy. I swiftly moved to the side as Mystique came into the space to hug her daughter. Gwen and I took a step back to give the pair a moment as they both shook with emotion.

"So how does that little wrist machine help her?" Asked Gwen as she leaned onto my chest, watching the mother-daughter pair.

"Anna's skin is like an open conductor, so when she touches a person, she instantly absorbs their bio-electricity. What that little machine does is produce a magnetic field along her skin. This disturbance prevents her from absorbing anything. Although, I believe she already has a large reserve of power," I replied as I watched the pair having their moment.

Soon though Mystique and Anna came over to give us their thanks and hugs were shared all around. Although when it was my turn with Mystique, she whispered that she owed me one. Mystique said it in such a sultry voice; there was nothing to stop my imagination from running wild. 

I took a step back and did a fake cough into my hand. I took a glance over to where Gwen was, but she was too focused on Anna.

I could only sigh, "Alright, let's head to my office so we can get you both sorted out. Gwen you coming with?" I asked as I made my way towards the exit to my lab.

"No, I'm going to bring Anna down to the medical facilities and have Dr. Kenny give her a check-up and then run a few tests," Gwen replied as she started to direct Anna out the door. I sighed again, man I was doing too much of that today already.

I was surprised with a telekinetic kiss from Jean, "I see you have attracted another redhead. Is there something you want to share about that color and your preference?" Asked Jean as she sent elicit images to my mind.




Luke woke up at the sound of his alarm going off. The alarm should have been going off for a while now, from the light overhead. Luke tried to stretch his arm out to turn off the alarm, but he found it restrained by something warm and soft.

When he looked, Luke found Jessica laying across his body on top of the arm that could reach the alarm clock. "Whaaa…." Came Jessica's voice as the alarm kept going off. Then at what would have been the eighth beep, Jessica's hand smashed down, crushing the alarm clock.

Luke could only shake his head, yeah his life was strange alright. He went from being a falsely convicted victim to being recruited by a seventeen-year-old billionaire that didn't act the part of some spoiled rich kid. Although, out of all the strange happenings in his life, Luke was grateful that he was able to meet Jessica.

Jessica Jones was indeed one of a kind Luke thought. Before he could do anything, Jessica rolled onto her side to face him. "So I was served some mighty fine coffee last night what's for breakfast?" Jessica huskily asked.

"I was thinking about some eggs and toast before I open the bar," Luke replied smoothly, then he pulled Jessica into his embrace.

"Oohh, you scrambled my eggs already." Replied Jessica as she straddled Luke's midsection.

Luke could only laugh at that, yeah last night was wild alright. They ended up breaking another bed, and the headboard, and maybe the wall behind that also. Luke couldn't tell what they broke after Jessica had wrapped her powerful legs around his waist.

The only thing Luke was sure of was that It was going to be hard to explain why he needs another bed and a repair team to fix his apartment. Maybe it was time to take that advice Ben gave him and strength proof everything.

"So what number bed is this?" Asked Jesica as she sensually rolled her hips back and forth.

"I believe this is number six or number five. I haven't been keeping much track." Replied Luke as he pulled Jessica closer.

"Hmm, we have been putting them to a good strength test haven't we." Whispered Jessica as she continued to roll her hips.

"You still didn't answer what you wanted for breakfast," Luke stated, his voice also a husky tembre.

With a roll, Jessica pulled Luke on top, "I told you; I want my eggs scrambled."


Benjamin Blake - Genius /Hero'ish/ Not Quite a Spymaster

I was seated comfortably at my desk, and I watched Mystique sit as regally as a queen in her court. If I were honest with myself taking Mystique in would solve my P.R. situation if done correctly, but the issues were her affiliation to her old boss.

So I sat there and looked at her. I was positive I didn't want her as some secret operative, I already had Widow for that.

"I understand that I'm a ravishing beauty, but we are here for business, then we can have our pleasure." Mystique stated with a slow saucy smile on her face. I smiled at that, but before I could answer, I got a notification that the cops had arrived. I brought up the holo-gram so that Mystique could also watch.

We watched as a few protesters were running from the cops, with a few button presses I found out why. These idiots came here with outstanding arrest warrants on their heads. I directed a few stealth drones to fire taser bolts, this way they got captured and went to jail.

Then, I did a few checks for Salem and Xavier's school, and I was greeted with the same thing all over again. That puts a smile on my face because I had far more control in Salem than I did here in the city. So I informed the security forces located in the town to snatch up all the leaders for me to personally handle later.

With a few more button presses, the FBI was notified about the leaders of this little get-together here in the city. Since Alfred ran a few facial scans, we found about ten on the FBI's wanted list. Although two weren't so lucky since they were on the homeland security alert for homegrown terrorists.

I chuckled at the display then watched as Mystique gave me a brilliant smile, "So you give me a show but where is my dinner and offer of coffee afterwards?" Mystique asked as she eyed me behind my desk.

I could only shrug as I replied, "You're a fascinating case, you know that. You brought your daughter here as if you already knew we would be able to help. Then you sit here and flirt with me as both of my ladies are a few floors beneath us. Let us be straight-up. What do you want?" I asked as I watched her with more than just my normal sight.

Mystique looked at me. then did a long lazy stretch, giving me a very generous sight to enjoy. "I went by Charle's school before I came here," She began. "He looks good, but there are moments when someone mentions your name that causes him to carry a fascinating face." She finished as she smiled at me.

I could only shrug at that statement, "The man was given the boundaries he couldn't cross. There is no need to elaborate to anyone else about what we had spoken about." I told Mystique as I looked her in the eyes.

"So, at first I didn't actually want to come here, but then I changed my mind because if you can help Hank, of all people, then you must have a way to help Anna or have a clue at least." Mystique stated, but that wasn't the real answer not by a long shot.

"And you want to join now, because?" I asked, prompting her to give me more than just the Anna excuse. Because if that's what she is going with; then I can just put her back out once Gwen's finishes looking over Anna. So I waved my hands in a continuous motion so I could get more out of her.

"The look on Charles' face made me aware that all this wasn't his doing. What you're doing has never been done before in all of history. You're doing what I have always wanted to do." Mystique stated with apparent reverence in her voice, surprising me some.

"What is it that you think I am doing?" I asked, oddly compelled to know exactly what she was thinking.

"You're bringing revolution, and I would like to be apart of it." Replied a now serious Mystique.

"And what about that terrorist status of yours and your friends?" I asked, leaning back while stapling my fingers together under my chin in a thinking pose while I waited for her answer.

"I looked up that secretary of yours. The Black Widow, one of the world's most notorious assassins works for you, so I want the same deal she received." Mystique stated with dignity, I could only raise an eyebrow at that statement.

"You do know that will cost you, right?" I asked as I mulled over getting another favor out of FURY, maybe I could bribe him with some of the weapons I have in my black sites. 

"That is fine. I will pay the cost of doing business. Magneto was a partner, but he has gotten bitter since his last defeat at your hands. So that bit of business has come to its conclusion." Mystique replied, coolly from her seat.

"Alfred, please place a secure call to Fury," I spoke to the air for my A.I. Mystique raised an eyebrow at me as she shot a salacious grin my way.

"What do you want, I'm busy right now." Fury answered brusquely.

"I need another clean slate for one of my people," I said as I rolled my eyes at the man.

"Well, I want fifteen hours of uninterrupted time with Halle Barry, but that's not going to happen, and neither is this favor. You already racked up plenty." Came the grumpy man's statement. That raised a chuckle out of me but caught in my throat because, at the mention of the famous actor's name, Mystique transformed into her.

I watched as Mystique got up in the form of Halle Barry, then did a catwalk around my office. If Fury didn't yell at me, I would still be entranced by those hips.

"I can give you a few more weapons, and we call it even," I stated trying to get the favor out of his tight-fisted ass. I was confident that if Mystique had gone to him, she would have gotten her pardon swiftly.

"Keep your guns; I need someone in Moscow yesterday." Fury replied after he was silent on the phone for far too long.

"I can't, I have to run a multibillion-dollar company." I told him as I looked at my open schedule chuckling to myself.

"You can do this, and we are even, or you don't, and I tell your mother about that black site of yours," Fury replied after a moment. 

I could only laugh at that, "Ha! Ha! You couldn't even figure out my secret identity; how can you even find one of my black sites?" 

"Ohh that might be true, but once I found out you were family, I payed extra careful attention to you. Do the coordinates Delta13594 point Alpha64594 ring any bells? I heard it gets chilly out in those parts this time of the year." Stated FURY with such a smug tone. I knew Alfred and Natasha would never tell him where I was keeping my black site rebirth labs. So how in the fuck did he figure that out?

FUCKING FURY! FUCK!!!!! I screamed out internally.

"Whats going on in Moscow that you're sending a heavy handed person like myself?" I asked, resigning myself to paying what I owe.

"Two of my level seven agents went missing while investigating over one hundred missing persons within four months. I will send the rest to you, clean this up like how you clean up those bases you raid." Stated Fury as he hung up the line. And just like that Alfred was updating me on all the information that Fury had.

Alfred went one step further by bringing up the last seen footage of both the agents. They were heading into a nightclub in Moscow. It was for the best if I learned Cyrillic while I had the chance. Maybe I can learn to speak it when I get there, but that train of thought was interrupted as Mystique began to talk to me in Russian.

I could only tilt my head at her because I had no clue what Mystique was saying, but then she answered, "I said I am going with you."

"Why? This isn't your mission."

"Thats where you're wrong, this is a mission to get me a clean slate. This is my chance to do something more, and I wish to help." Mystique stated as she turned into a blue Charlize Theron in her prime. I was trying very hard not to drink in the sight of her beauty, but this gives me the vibe of the atomic blonde movie. I chuckled because this version was a redhead.

"Do you know your way around Russia?" I asked her as plans started to formulate in my mind.

"I know Moscow, Omsk, and Kazan, and I also have a few safe houses in Moscow, we can use while undercover," Mystique told me as she sat on the edge of my desk while ticking points with her fingers. So I just sat there and looked up and down at her slowly. That might work, but it would be a gamble taking her along.

"Can you fight?" I asked because, with the way things were going, I had no clue which type of Mystique I was facing. She has been flirting with me since the first time we met, and now she has left Magneto's side. This was all new territory for me and most likely her, too.

"Oohh, I have my skills, but I doubt that's the tango you would like to do right now." Mystique replied with a saucy smile.

"Let's go try some moves in one of my danger rooms," I replied, trying to ignore her statement as I got up from behind my desk. We walked in silence as we made our way to the elevator, and I couldn't help but notice her catwalk. This woman was temptation incarnate, and she had delivered herself to me.

I could only sigh at some of the thoughts I was having about her and the things or people she could transform into. "Why are you sighing over there?" Mystique asked as she leaned against the elevator wall.

"Just a few thoughts. You know we never really agreed on what I should be calling you. I don't think I should be calling you by your code name all the time." I stated as I deflected from what I had in mind to something more substantial.

"It doesn't matter, I was born to the name Raven, but I chose the name Mystique because I like being a mysterious enigma." Mystique answered.

"Well, let's keep using Raven at the company and around friends and family. That way, we can use Mystique as a proper code name." I offered because it just felt strange to be using a code name as her actual name even when not doing missions. She just smiled at me, but before she could say anything, we arrived at the bottom floors where all the danger rooms were located.

When we got into my favorite danger room, number one which was the first room I had built, we walked in on Jean meditating within the middle with custom weights floating around her. I held out a hand to stop Raven from causing a disturbance because Jean was holding up a few thousand pounds. That was one part of the training Natasha and I came up with for Jean.

Each of the four boulders weighted differently, but it all added up to over two thousand pounds, then in front of Jean was a large puzzle that Natasha created. It was a simple ten-piece puzzle, but the tricky part was holding the boulders up while rotating them clockwise as she tried to solve the puzzle. I had plans to help her flex that mental muscle of hers. Jean was going to be a true Omega level telekinetic once she made it through all the training plans I had in store for her.

While I stood to the side with Raven to watch Jean finish her training, Jean opened her eyes then floated over to me. I held my arms open for her so she could settle right in.

Jean settled herself into my arms took one look at Raven then laid one blistering kiss on me. Ohh someone was feeling territorial right now, but the amazing thing was as I held Jean closer deepening the kiss. Everything was still left afloat where she had left them. Then I heard Jean in my head, "Not being territorial, only letting her know that this redhead has what she wants."  

"So you're challenging her now, what about Gwen or me?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Don't you play that with me. I am in your head. I have seen all those naughty thoughts of yours. Even Gwen had thought of feeding her some lunch." Replied Jean with some mirth into my mind, she even sent me a mental picture of exactly how it would look.

That caused me to break the kiss. I had a somber look at on my face from that statement. "Calm, down am not forcing her into anything. Gwen's new at accepting her sexuality." Jean told me in our mental link. 

"And your fine with all this?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Your forgetting I am now empathic, all this love you and Gwen seem to be giving off is very visceral. It makes it hard for me to keep my hands off of you both." Jean whispered into my mind.  I could only chuckle at that revelation. I didn't know our good feels were giving Jean her own good feels.

Jean smiled at that then pecked me on the lips. She sauntered out of my arms to greet Mystique, but I did notice the smile she flashed my way and the extra sway she placed in her hips for my viewing. I just shook my head at that and made my way to the master controls so that I could create a ring for my spar with Raven. I looked up to see them smiling in my direction, then with a wave of her hand. Jean moved all of her training tools over to the storage opening.

With a few button presses, I brought up a standard ring with a soft outer ring. With things set up, I made Jean the ref since she was sticking around for a while. After getting changed, I came back out to find Raven still in the coat and pants suit set she had arrived in.

"Are you not going to change clothes?" I asked before I could stop myself, but before I could point her in the right direction, Raven changed into blue yoga pants with a sports bra covered by the tiniest shirt I have ever seen.

I could only facepalm at the blatant display, but Jean was already hooked. I could already tell from that glint in her eyes. "Proper workout gear is in the locker room, or at least fix your shirt. Would that hurt if the shirt ripped?" I told her with a huff.

Raven pouted at me, and so did Jean, "You're no fun at all. I can't wear normal clothes because they don't transform with me. And as long as the damage is kept to a minimum, it's fine if I get small rips here and there in the clothes I create." Replied Raven as Jean started to run her hands up and down her body. This was going nowhere fast, but as I was about to vent my frustrations on the situation I found myself in, Raven finally decided to change into some fighting clothes. 

"Alfred, make sure to add unstable molecular fabric to the top of my list for completion once this current mission is over with," I spoke out to the air. I knew it was done as I asked because Alfred played a ping for confirmation. Both Jean and Raven instantly turned to me as I made that note.

"What's unstable molecular fabric?" asked Raven instantly but I could tell with the way Jean was looking at me she was reading through my thoughts on the topic. I gave her a nod then sent her all that I knew about the fabric.

"Its tear, bullet, and fireproof. Its unstable in form yet can be made to stabilize instantaneously which allows it to transform into nearly anything, and it can be paired with a microprocessor and programmed to change with the wearer. Also, I will place the orders for the machines because I want one." Stated Jean with a smile at me.

"Didn't know you could make transforming clothes." Said Raven as she walked into the center of the ring.

"Its something I have been working on for the Metahumans that no longer hold a human form, but since you're here you're going to need more than your transformed clothes. So I thought I might as well bump up the timetable on it for you." I replied as I followed her into the ring. Jean floated up above us to take a position as the ref.


With a gong from Jean, the match was started. 

I launched myself at Raven with a flying knee from my position, and she easily side-stepped my move. When I landed, Raven followed up to the leg I was using to stabilize my landing. Ohh she was already going for the kill. I took the kick allowing it to collapse in, but I followed it with a roll.

When I finished my roll into a better position to retaliate with my hit, Raven was already there ready with her elbow heading for my face. I could only smile, yeah she was just as deadly as I thought she would be. With a thought, I upped my speed some more to give me an extra edge over her.

Raven had used a compact elbow maneuver so that once I had gotten my hand up to block and twist, her other hand was supporting and holding; giving resistance for the move I wanted to make. I dropped that and went for a judo throw, but it would seem that she was also a step ahead of that move, too because I felt a hand tug at the back of my shirt which pulled it over my head as I made the throw. 

To bad for her though, because I was speeding up to create distance and to readjust my shirt. Raven smiled at me from her position, "Aw, not going to mount me?" 

I heard Jean's chuckle from where she was floating, "I want to kick this up a notch. Can you transform into anything while you fight?" I asked as I started to stretch.

"I generally don't transform into anything other than another person and a Raven for combat." She stated as she got up from the ground. That brought me up a step I was prepared to fight a person on the level of martian man-hunter in terms of shape shifting, but she doesn't even do that. Well fuck, this needs to be fixed ASAP.

"Alfred, bring up a hologram mold of Raven. Thanks," I yelled out. I was totally off the mood for fighting. This was a chance to help create one of the all time ultimate shifting fighters known. With the hologram up, I shifted into my own four-arm construct as a demonstration for her, then had the hologram do the same thing.

"Give it a try, add more muscle mass," I stated as I spun the hologram to face her. At this time, Jean had floated down to lean on my back as we both watched Raven create an extra set of arms. The first pair of arms were far to thin. Raven tried again and again until on the fifth try she had it.

"Strange, are you also getting sensations from those constructs of yours?" Raven asked me.

With a nod, "Yeah, it's all created by my mind, so I get all the sensor input." I replied as I had one of my arms cup Jean's ass while she was hanging from my back.

"This is a new avenue, show me more transformations, and I will try some. I will have to adjust to this new sensory input, but this is a challenge I haven't had in years." Replied Raven with a smile.

Jean summoned the hologram to herself and started to make her inputs. Soon there was a mini Raven growing angel wings, Alfred even included the muscle and bone structure as a guide. We spent a few hours building forms with guides for Raven to transform into.

In the end, Jean and I were looking at a large blue tiger. Raven checked out her paws then stood up to walk around; testing out the new form. My mind instantly went to the thoughts of anime cat girls. Though, Jean did turn around to look at me, then she gave me a smile. I could only shrug, nothing I could say, my thoughts were my thoughts.

I watched as Raven ran around in her tiger form performing a few acrobatic moves I don’t think a normal tiger could perform. “This has been very informative experience; I will have to give this idea more thought, although the human form hasn’t let me down yet.”

“Now, shouldn’t we get prepared for our little outing?” Asked Raven as she transformed back into her human form.

“Yeah, lets go break out the guns.”


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