The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 27: Closure

The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 27



Gwen - Kickass Girlfriend / Brilliant Genius / Impatient Imp

It had been a few days since she had given herself powers and Gwen was feeling a little claustrophobic from being in her lab all the time.

Gwen had noticed that Jean was putting down the books in her library to go out and save people within the city more and more.

Even Peter was doing the same thing, Gwen had taken note of how when Peter or Laura wasn't in the lab he was out as Spiderman being a hero.

Natasha was doing the same thing, not as often, but anytime Peter or Jean asked for help Natasha was there alongside them as the Black Widow.

Her body had adjusted the first day after receiving her powers and Gwen was surprised to find out she was now the strongest.

After a steamy night of petting with Jean; Gwen had gone down to the training rooms to see what she could do with Jean on the controls. The strength rating had placed her at roughly one hundred and forty three tons before Gwen even felt any type of muscle strain.

When she had brought up a running scan of her muscles in motion, Gwen was surprised to see that not only had the density of her muscle fibers increased exponentially, but the fatigue toxins were being released at an even slower pace.

That meant her body was highly efficient at burning fuel. She also found her body was healing so rapidly that her nervous system wasn't even able to register any type of stress or strain. Later she found her coordination, agility, speed, reflexes and everything else had also increased exponentially.

Gwen had entered the chamber with rubber bullets and lasers and was able to dodge all four thousand rounds while also being able to track and intercept over one hundred lasers. That placed her score within second place right behind Bens but knocking Natasha's score down to third place. With Jean's help Gwen was also learning more and more about her powers.

She hadn't figured out what her long range abilities were yet but Gwen was able to figure out her flight. After a few back and forth discussions with Jean in the training rooms, Gwen felt like there was an energy built up inside and the only way to relieve the pressure was to let it out. Although she let the energy out it felt wrong in a sense to Gwen, so she wrapped it around her body and when she did that she immediately began to float in the training room with Jean. From then on Gwen became just as accomplished a flier as Jean and Ororo. Gwen was super excited with herself, but now she felt like she wanted to do more, much more.

With Ben classifying her little experiment Black status, all she could do was study her cells to watch the growing improvements and this Vita Ray that she had used.

With her mounting boredom placed aside, Gwen made her way to that dreaded room Ben called his OVERWATCH. Ugh! How she hated that name and what it implied: but she was being drawn to it like a moth to the flame. When Gwen arrived at the Overwatch room, she found the computers already running with the display cases with Peter and Jean's suits missing. It would seem that Laura wasn't here today since Peter was out fighting crime.

"Alfred, do you know where Ben placed my super suit?" Gwen asked out loud to the A.I. Handler. "It's located on the wall directly next to Jean's display case. Would you also like me to inform Jean of your incoming assistance?" Alfred smoothly asked over the speakers. "I wouldn't like to interfere with her patrolling Alfred," Gwen replied as she walked to the display housing her suit. "Actually, I would recommend a team up for this next situation about which the authorities are contacting us." Alfred replied as he brought up a display showing two large gray things who had broken into a diamond exchange.

"Honestly Alfred I didn't want to do anything so in the spotlight yet, but I will have Jeans back always." Gwen replied as she began to strip down to get dressed.

"It is my calculated opinion that your strength and speed perfect combination teamed with the Phoenix," Alfred replied as he started to relay information to Jean about the heist. Gwen shook her head at that: of course she was going to back up her girl. With the last buckle in place on her fingerless gauntlets, Gwen looked herself over in the mirror. Ben had named her suit the Wonder Woman, but he also had a Super Woman back up that she might try out later.

Gwen was wearing a pair of tight fitting black leather pants that combined with a pair of boots creating a seal enclosing her whole leg. The pants and suit were treated with that unbreakable formula Ben had one of the labs cook up. Along the sides of her hips down to her knees on the left and right where stars. The shirt she wore was a scarlet red with golden W front and center in her chest with the ends of the W going up and around her neck. There were more golden lines that connected and wound beneath her arms and continued around as it closely hugged her body. The golden lines made for beautiful scroll work. Next was the jacket that went with it all. On the back of the leather jacket were more stars and another larger W but Gwen also found pouches on the inside for equipment since this version of her suit didn't come with a utility belt.

The belt that came with the outfit, however, had a Warrior's Eagle on the front with a place for something to be hooked onto the side. On both of her arms Gwen thought that Ben was just going to go with their signature gauntlets but he outdid himself again this time like what he made for Jeans use. This time Ben went for a red cloth interior while he kept the metal and circuitry hidden within the golden Adamantium armored bracer that was on full display with the red fingerless gloves built into the bracer. Gwen felt like a warrior princess. With one last look Gwen found a tiara and a choker with a note from Ben.

The choker has a collapsible mask that will keep your face hidden from view and filter out any toxins you might run across on your adventures. The tiara has an inbuilt hologram function with a static cling to make your hair appear black. The tiara also comes with a main glass display to hide the top half of your face. Now go kick some ass Wonder Woman. -Ben With everything in place Gwen was more than certain that she would be this Wonder Woman that Ben called her. With a twirl Gwen was already out the private exit and flying in the sky above the city limits heading to meet up with Jean.

Yaaahhoooo! Gwen screamed her joy to the air as she flew with abandon between the buildings and through the air. This was one of the things Gwen loved about having the ability to fly. The rush of adrenaline through her veins as she dove from eight thousand feet only to spiral and recover to glide above the water surface over the bay. The next best feeling would be nestled in Ben's arms or having alone time with Jean.

Gwen was enjoying as much of her time that she could before she met up with Jean for the robbery. With a few twists and dives, however, Gwen met up with Jean who was hovering over the scene of the robbery going down. With a pirouette Gwen pulled up right alongside Jean as she was watching the robbery.

"Fancy meeting you up here, Jean." Gwen began with a wink and a smile at her girlfriend.

"I see your finally in that fancy suit LightSpeed designed for you." Phoenix replied with a smile back at her girlfriend.

"Yeah I am, also why are you using that name." Gwen asked as she cocked her head to the side. Then, with a smile, she spun around Jean planting a kiss on her lips.

"We are out in public, you never know who's listening so call me Phoenix when we are in public like this okay Wonder Woman?" Phoenix stated as she brought up her gauntlet controls to make sure that Overwatch wasn't detecting any listening devices at their location, as she tried to hide her blushing features behind her mask.

"Ohh! Ohh, Okay I can do that. We have both been through the combat course by Black Widow, let's go stomp these guys." Wonder Woman replied with cheer as she flew down towards the robbery in progress.

"Wait a moment." she heard the Phoenix say, but she was already going for the bad guys. When she arrived at street level the alarms were still ringing and everyone had cleared out. She did confirm that the big gray guy was why everyone had cleared out, but before she could take him down she was greeted with a missile to the face.

Gwen wanted to jump and evade more than anything because her instincts screamed for her to move; for her to dodge. But her senses were also aware of something else: in the span of a millisecond; a quick look behind her Gwen identified people within the direct line of flight with their cameras up, filming.

Gwen knew that she couldn't let them get hurt; So Gwen gritted her teeth and took the full blast of the rocket to the chest.


Gwen was blasted clear out of the broken storefront as she was sent flying across the street. She recovered before there was any chance of smashing into anything or anyone.

"Ohh that tickled," Gwen stated as she launched herself back into the store. "Hey Phoenix you take the big guy in gray, and I will deal with the guy in the rocket suit." She stated as she slammed down a palm on the Grey guys armor that resembled a Rhino more than anything.

With that as her opening move, Gwen had placed a clear handprint into the body of the urgly armor. With a smile on her face Gwen jabbed her hands into the armor but before she could do anything else her super senses picked up that someone was about to fire their guns off at her. With a flip and twirl, Gwen danced around and away from the rapid fire aimed at her. Wow! This was turning out to be more fun than she realized was possible!

While she was in mid-dodge, Gwen turned her head and observed Jean, aka the Phoenix, was just holding up her hand while the bad guys fired bullets into a floating wall defense. Gwen almost face palmed herself because she forgot she was bullet proof now. Well maybe not her skin yet but her armor was closed up tight and nothing could ever hope to get through it. With a flying dive behind one of the counters Gwen flew along the floor and grabbed one of the staplers that had fallen on the floor. With a toss, Gwen knocked out the guy that was shooting at her. With another quick survey of her surroundings, she found Jean had already subdued everyone, except the armor guy.

With a grimace, Gwen launched herself at the armor guy trying to get away. She was able to corner him as he made a beeline for the exit out of the back room.

"Stealing jewels is bad," Gwen stated as she ripped the armor off the criminal. With a quick hit to the side of his head, Gwen knocked him out clean.

When Gwen got back to the front of the store, she found the Phoenix with seven others all webbed up and the big guy in the gray skin tight suit also knocked out for the police to recover. After a quick check, Gwen found her bracers also had the web function so she webbed up her criminal as well. Once that was completed, Gwen floated over to where Jean was located only to find her girlfriend signing autographs for the little kids.

"Miss Phoenix who's your friend," Gwen heard one of the kids ask. "That's Wonder Woman," Jean replied as she flew up closer to Gwen. With a final wave they both flew high into the air. Gwen received a telepathic kiss from her girlfriend which elicited a smile on her lips as she returned a mental kiss of her own. With a notification from Alfred, Gwen raced Jean to the scene of a high speed chase.

Natasha Romanoff - Badass Sparring Partner / The Black Widow / Trusted Friend

Natasha was relaxing, but she couldn't really say she was relaxed. She was sparring against a trusted friend. Well it was a great way to pass her time. With a move she went for a mid-block then followed it up with an upper blow that was also blocked. Then, she had to jump to dodge a lower leg sweep counter move that sailed harmlessly by. Natasha was enjoying this spar alright, Ororo had come to her with a bo-staff looking to let off some steam. So Natasha took her up on the invitation and now they were both in one of the gardens.

Natasha was sparing and Ororo was letting off steam from Natasha's judgment. This was nice being outside feeling the breeze and the sun on her skin Natasha thought as she dodged another smashing blow from Ororo.

"Come on O you can do better than that!" Natasha lightly taunted with a playful smirk on her lips. With a high guard her staff was captured by the grinning Ororo.

"I believe you should put your money where your mouth is Nat," Replied Ororo with a smile as she flipped Natasha over with a judo hip throw.

With a smile on her lips Natasha released her weapon as she was being thrown, but that was the end of the session. Before she hit the ground Natasha locked her arms around to collar Ororo with one hand and her leg around the waist. When Ororo completed the judo throw she found herself trapped as she was brought down onto the ground with Natasha's embrace. They had been at this for the last hour and Natasha had to admit that the beauty in her arms was formidable even without her powers.

They stayed like that for a while as they drank in the ray from the afternoon sun. "Are you feeling better now?" Natasha asked her friend as they just lay there together. All she received was a grunt in affirmation. "Please use your words O," Natasha replied to the grunt from her friend as she poked her in the side.

"He has been avoiding me since the T'challa incident Nat." Ororo replied as she rolled over to lay on the stomach of Natasha as she folded her arms beneath her chin. "The situation is not so simple O; Ben is aware of your connection to T'Challa and is giving you the space to make your own decision on the matter." Came Natasha's reply as she raised one of her eyebrows.

"It was a young girl crush, nothing else," Ororo groused as she vented her frustrations.

"To me it sounds like you wanted it to be more than a young girl's dream. Natasha stated slowly as she gauged her friend's body language to her words.

Natasha smiled to herself internally as she noted the tensed shoulders and the slight hitch in breathing.

"What I want is to not be used in someone's political scheme or used as a maneuvering tool," Replied Ororo as some of her anger showed, the sound of thunder could be heard from the sky.

"That's why you were told. To prevent anything like that from happening." Natasha stated as she brushed some of Ororo's hair over her ear.

"Yes, with no tact at all." Ororo stated with a huff. At that statement Natasha hid a smile because she knew why Ben was so upset that day even if Ororo was oblivious to the whole matter.

Before Natasha could reply to that her holo-tablet started to buzz then it came alive with a known target that Ben and herself have been hunting for awhile now.

"Who is Killgrave and why does your tablet have a countdown for him to appear at Luke's bar?" Ororo asked as she picked herself up off of Natasha while also reaching for the device.

"He's a dead man walking." Natasha let slip as she sprang to her feet to gather her things. Natasha snorted at the comment from Ororo.

"So you're a hit man for Benjamin now?" Ororo asked with some heat in her voice.

"Killgrave uses his powers to rape women and kill people who don't submit to his will. I also don't need to kill for Ben because he will solve his problems himself." Natsha replied to Ororo as they gathered up the rest of the gear from the clearing in the garden that they used to spar in.

"I would like to help capture this rapist," Ororo stated as she helped place away the bow staff and the rest of the gear.

"O, you understand I am not going to capture this guy right. His powers make him impossible to imprison and too many people will fall into his hands while he is trying to use them." Natasha stated as she eyed her mocha skinned companion.

"Then if he can not be imprisoned we shall endeavor to have the world be rid of such a person." Ororo replied as she raised her chin nodding with finality. Natasha smiled at her friend, she could tell why Ben liked Ororo because Natasha could see that inner fire raging to be released. Yet that fire has been bottled up over the years; tempered yes but with nowhere to release it. Natasha could use that fire now with what they are about to face.

After a quick shower Natasha changed into her stealthy Black Widow gear. The material for this suit was a nano carbon fiber polymer thread blend treated with that Unbreakable formula Ben retrieved from Georgia. When Natasha turned around, she found Ororo dressed in her all white and gold hero suit. The attire did make Ororo into even more of a stunning beauty but this wasn't the operation that Natasha was about to run.

"O, you can't wear that this is supposed to be an undercover operation." Natasha replied as she brought out her spare Widow uniform.

"Nat, I doubt that is going to fit me." Ororo replied as she held up the uniform that her companion just handed her.

"Double tap the buckle and turn in counter clockwise for it to expand three times its size then reverse the process for it to fit perfectly." Natasha said as she raised a brow at her.

"Fine," Grumbled Ororo as she changed out of her hero attire. With one leg before the other Ororo slowly dressed in the expandable material. With everything resized to fit her frame, Ororo made a mental note for Ben to design her a new suit. Natasha had to admit to herself Ben sure knew how to pick them: Ororo was a slam dunk of a beauty, alright. With Ororo dressed, Natasha brought out one of the spare face masks that she kept on her person. The mask though just wouldn't work because of Ororo's iconic snowy hair, so she had to put in a retrieval request to her Zero team.

With her team getting their orders it was time for Natasha to go put a vile man out of his misery.

Jessica Jones - Drunk

Jessica was having a very shitty day; not only did she have to watch a bear mate with a pig, but she was also cursed out by her fucking client. It wasn't her fault that that fucking moppet of a lady decided to marry a string bean of a man that couldn't keep it in his pants. She was tired of all that shit and only wanted to relax her worries away at her new favorite spot. It had been a few days since the last time she was with Luke. She was already planning to make sure she got some coffee and her eggs scrambled.

It was tough enough trying to get off with some of these limp dicks around here but she had somehow found herself a winner. He had the strength and the length. Jessica could only smile to herself because she finally found someone that wouldn't break when he stuck his dick in. That memory sent a shiver down her spine at the memory of Tony. A great face and that ass was so pinchable. It was too bad her pussy was too much for him, but now she had herself an unbreakable stud and she was going to break as many beds as she could.

She could only smile to herself with that thought because she had plans to twist Luke's dick into a knott as she got her eggs scrambled tonight. As she got in front of Luke's bar she noticed a large blacked out Cadillac pull up blocking the way.

"Aye, you fuck head this is a no parking zone." She yelled as she kicked the front of the vehicle denting it as it slid back off the curb. Before she could walk into the bar though HE came out from the back of the Cadillac. HE wore that sickly purple and lilac suit that she hated with a passion.

"Ah, Jessica, it's been so long. Silence; you look ravishing, get in the car." She heard it and she dreaded it but she couldn't fight it no matter how hard she tried. This time was supposed to be different, she thought. She had finally found someone that was helping her forget all those horrible memories. Don't go in the fucking car she screamed internally, but try as she might. Her legs kept on moving without her consent. She watched as HE stood next to the door holding it open for her. She hated this , she hated this with every fiber of her being and there was no escaping for her.

Then He placed his hands on her and brought her in for a kiss. Just his mere touch made her skin crawl, she wanted to lash out and push him away but her body refused all commands. His greasy slimy face approached her and she couldn't take it any more but before his lips touched hers. She felt herself being yanked back by something around her waist. Then she heard a voice from her saviors.

"What do I do to help her?"

"Knock her out but use the meta taser"

No! No! No!

She wanted to scream for someone anyone, but because of Kilgrave's fucking commands; she was stuck silent and mute as she watched the long taser approach her slowly.

Then it all went dark.

Natasha Romanoff - Badass Black Widow

At first she didn't want to kill this man just in case he was innocent. She would in a heartbeat, though, because this wasn't the first time she had received a job like this. She knew Ororo was struggling with the thought of maybe killing an innocent man. All Ororo had to go on was what she had told her from the Black server files Ben had on this Killgrave as he called him. Lucky for them though this Killgrave was true to his nature, he didn't even check his angles when he got out of the vehicle. She watched as Kilgrave went straight for Jessica Jones.

She had the tranquilizer rounds ready for him, but she watched with sick fascination as his powers worked on Jessica. That alone brought back terrible memories that she almost couldn't shake, but that was tossed aside as she heard Ororo let out a yell as she blasted Kilgrave with her lighting. "Shit, don't kill him." She spoke up as she fired off the tranq round she had prepared. "Ma'am, what do I do to help her?" One of her operatives asked as he tried to hold down Jessica Jones. He was struggling because her body was still trying to follow the last commands that Kilgrave had given her.

"Knock her out but use the meta taser" She replied with a nonchalant shrug.


She rapidly turned around at that popping wet sound only to find Ororo with her eyes glowing while her boot was smashing into red fluid between Kilgraves legs.

She wanted to facepalm but she couldn't because it was her fault for inviting Ororo to such an operation. With a twirl of her hand in the air, it was time to move out.

Now it had been roughly thirteen hours since she had recovered this rapist called Kilgrave. Not only did she recover him but she had also recovered Jessica Jones at the same time. They were in one of the secure bunkers that she had Alfred build for an occasion like this one. They were currently located just before the avenue Q subway lines, all the camera's in and out not only belonged to her but even the service entrance and exits belonged to her.

With the sound of soft footsteps she knew it could only be one person walking up behind her.

"Jessica just woke up and she would like to speak to you." Ororo stated as she stood next to her. Together they were both watching Kilgrave, also known as Zebediah Kilgrave, wake up from his little nap and proceeded to scream bloody murder to the air. "Are we not going to be rid of him?" Ororo asked. "I don't think he will make it past the offer we give to Jessica." She replied as they both stood and watched Kilgrave cry from behind the triple layered cell in which he was currently housed. Inside that cell, Kilgrave was strapped to a tablet that had all his limbs stretched and bound. She had personally designed this cell for him, with two hundred and nine ways for him to die.

With a nod she took the tablet hanging by the view port window with her. She couldn't help but smile to herself as she whistled a jaunty tune while walking down the hall.

"So tell me O, would you like to place a bet?"

"That would be a suckers bet, we both have witnessed the look of hate in her eyes." replied Ororo. Natasha could only smile to herself at that. The automated doors open for them both as they approached the irate Jessica still strapped to one of the reinforced beds.

"Get me the fuck out of here!" Jessica screamed as she thrashed about on the bed.

"Stop acting like an animal" Spoke Ororo as she waved a hand in front of Jessica's face.

"Well, who the fuck are you!" Jessica yelled as she began to focus on her new roommates.

"Wait, aren't you that rich kids nanny or something?"

"Not even close, but I do have an offer for you" Natasha spoke with a smile as she held the holo-tablet up in front of Jessica's face.

She watched the display of colors and emotions flashed across Jessica's face. Then she smiled as Jessica growled at the image.

"What is your fucking offer?" Jessica asked.

"We are in need of an investigator on retainer, and maybe muscle when the need calls for it." She stated as she brought up the two hundred different ways the cell was rigged to toture Kilgrave.

"What about him?" Jessica asked as she watched the screen with eerie focus. "We can dispose of him or you can press any of these buttons to torture him. Or you can press here to get rid of him and be certain of it."

She watched as Jessica pressed the instant kill red button. They watched as a vice out of the bed Kilgrave was on extended to hold his head steady. The next happened quickly also, once the vice was in place; a high intensity laser descended and sliced his head off with one stroke. One extendable arm reached out of the room to disconnect the head letting everyone know that he was dead. Then as per protocol the room burst into flames scorching Kilgraves body down to ashes.

"Welcome to the family." Ororo stated as she patted Jessica on the back. They both noticed Jessica's silent weeping but they had a tacit understanding not to mention it.

Raven - Mystique

Oh, Raven was having a marvelous morning. She was getting closer and closer to having Benjamin as hers. He had awoken this morning with his spectacular tool standing at attention. She had milked Ben, receiving a belly full of his seed this morning, so she was currently enjoying a full stomach. So when she checked herself over, Raven found that her cells were indeed being reinforced at an astonishing rate.

Raven sat in the ordered Range Rover as she checked her body over at the cellular level. She had already noticed the rapid improvements in her abilities all around.

She was always able to change size on a small scale but now she could easily reach one hundred feet with no issues Raven felt as she looked herself over. All her minor aches and pains, the two scars she had gotten over the years, everything was rapidly healing and improving. She had to put these happy thoughts aside because she was here in the official capacity as one of Vega Industries people, that and the fact that she was now a lady with a clean slate.

Raven sat in the ordered Range Rover as she continued her check of her body at the cellular level. Her driver was taking her out to the farm that Ben had asked her to recruit the brother and sister pair. From the profile that he had provided the sister needed medical treatment and with the brothers distrust of the government over their older brother's death, getting that approval could be difficult.

She had not decided which approach would be best. She could use the distrust sticking point to win them over or she could use the younger sister's declining health to win them over. Hmm Piotr Rasputin and his younger sister Illyana. The older brother has already shown his power but the younger hasn't shown hers yet. It would seem her Benjamin was keeping an eye on the sibling pair.

"Ma'am, we are here."

Her driver spoke bringing her out of her thoughts. When she looked out of the window she found a two story house painted yellow as the daisy in the front. Around the house was a small fence that was graying from the missing paint. The large barn in the back was your average red barn you could find on any farm anywhere in the world. As Raven further panned her gaze around the farm, she noticed the tractor with slight grove markings. That must be where he uses the thing to work out, she thought to herself.

With a nod towards the house, her driver now bodyguard followed behind. He was not too close nor was he too far back. She smiled to herself: it would seem Ben was already taking her safety as a serious matter. Even though she was more than capable of protecting herself this was more than a show that she had his attention. With a smile she waited by the door as her guard knocked for its occupants. When the siblings came to the door though she barely registered the massive hulk of a man. Her focus was on the little girl hanging off of his shoulder. The little girl was beyond cute, the little girl had eyes bluer than anything she could ever remember.

"Excuse me ma'am how may I help you"

"Sorry about that Mr. Rasputin, my name is Raven Darkholme. And I am here to not only recruit you but also offer state of the art medical care for your sister on behalf of Mr. Blake and Vega Industries." She stated as she held her hand out for a shake.

"How do you know about me?" Piotr asked with some trepidation.

"There are eyes and ears everywhere, Mr. Rasputin. We pride ourselves in rescuing before things go downhill." She stated as she knew the route to take. Subtle fear as the stick while new life and freedom as the carrot.

"Where are my manners please come in." Piotr spoke as he ushered her and her bodyguard inside. She did catch him looking around before he closed the door, she had to hide the small smile that graced her face. With being inside the house she was finally able to take a good look at Piotr. He stood six feet six inches tall and was more than solidly built as a strong man. The little doll of a girl hanging off of his shoulder looked to be around the age of five or six and had a pale tinge to her skin.

Piotr showed them to the couch but she could already tell from his impatient fidgeting that he wanted information sooner rather than later. So she decided to use that to dangle the bait even more.

"One of our latest discoveries is specifically designed to assist anyone universally." She stated as she placed one leg over the other.

"Is it safe and tested? How will I know it's not going to make my sister more sick and what about knowledge of me?"

When he asked about the safety Raven produced a holo-tablet that had everything that he would need to understand the benefits of the Vita Rays.

"We found out about you because the people your brother worked for sent word up the food chain. We intercepted the message and now we are here before they are." Oh she liked the way his brows crossed in consternation because Piotr finally figured out she was the carrot and the stick was on its way.

Before she could push anymore to swing him in her favor, they heard noises coming from outside of the house of approaching vehicles. When they heard that Piotr instantly stood up. She already knew who that was approaching because she was already prepared for them to be here. With her recruiting Piotr, she made certain not to get rid of any of the listening devices placed inside this home. Things were working just as she planned, but Piotr did not need to know of these things.

When she turned around her guard was already changed into his own version of a blacked out power suit. It would seem that it was her turn to change, with a thought she reconstructed her skin to replicate the molecular structure of Adamantium and her clothing to that of a diamond structure. "Come with us if you want to live." She stated with a great deal of guile in her voice. Her bodyguard snorted at that but when she raised an eyebrow at the man. His only reply was to shrug at her and hold out her M32 rotary grenade launcher.

"What about our vehicle and flight out?"

"The car was made out of a mix of Adamantium and other metals, and a flight was already booked at an undisclosed location in case of situations like this." Her bodyguard replied as he brought out a massive gun that she couldn't place. It looked very close to a Gatling gun but there should be no way someone would carry that into a fight.

Before she could voice her reservations though her bodyguard, she would certainly have to learn his name soon, kicked open the front door and began to lay down cover fire into the incoming unmarked cars.


The gun began to spin up and tore into all approaching vehicles, the first two trucks were shredded before they knew what hit them. That was no ordinary gatling gun at all, and she now wanted one for herself. She stood watching as one of the rounds tagged the third car in the back and tore a half foot chunk out of the front hood.

"Shall we get going?" asked her bodyguard slash driver With a grim nod as he turned around to face them.

And with that he was already strolling towards their rover. She was not about to let this chance go in vain. When Raven had turned around she found Piotr already transformed into his organic metal form. She had to take a step back because reading about it was one thing being beside the large man was another.

"Shall we get going?" She asked as she made sure that none of her fears were showing while also rotating the chamber to a shrinking round. As a precaution obviously because that would be the only reason for her to have such a round. "Yes, let us leave this place." As he said that he scooped his sister in his arms to guard her. Then he made his own mad dash for the rover. Raven was following right behind him at a very brisk pace. Once her new recruits were safely inside the rover it was time to get rid of their soon to be tails. With a quirk of her lips, she fired off two more rounds shrinking the vehicles. It was time to go home and see her baby girl, she thought to herself as she got into the rover.

She now had a clean slate, maybe she should invite her long on and off girlfriend the White Queen.

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