The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 29

The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 29



FURY - Too Old For This Shit

He was getting too old for this shit; Fury thought as he walked into his apartment. He had a six-hour opening to get some rest, and he was going to take it. Although: when he opened the door, Fury was not expecting who was there waiting on him.

It was late, and he only had time for a nap, not the time for this: right in front of Fury was his sister sitting in his lazy boy like a queen in her court.

"Well well well,"

"J, I just completed a fifty-six-hour shift and only have so much time to myself. What is the issue." Fury asked as he removed his trench coat while also checking his security. And of course, she created a ghost zone around her chair he thought to himself.

"I heard about that mission you sent my Benny on," Stated Judith as she watched Fury from her location.

Shit, how did she get that information? It was classified level 8 and up due to its supernatural nature.

"Look, Judith, he was the only power asset I had available."

"My son is no one's asset, Nicky!" Judith screamed back at him.

"Sis, people were going missing, someone had to look into it." Fury spoke as he rubbed his forehead while taking a seat across from his sister.

"Hell no! Don't you dare use that excuse with me, Nicky. I know for a fact that this shit wasn't even on your radar until that council member's family went missing. I told you once before Nicky S.H.I.E.L.D. will never be anything other than those rich fool's attack dogs. This is why I left in the first place."

Fury couldn't dismiss that statement because there were more American billionaires on the council seats than those of any other Nations so of course, SHIELD had to toe the line, but it's not like he had any choice. There were things that he had to do to make sure that he kept the earth safe.

"Look, sis, I can't promise you it won't happen again, but the kid did good work."

"Of course, he did good work. He is my son after all; listen, Nicky, I don't need you pulling Ben into your mess. He already has enough on his plate, and with his upcoming plans, I don't need his attention dragged away with your bullshit." Judith stated as she got up from her seat.

"Look J I'm…. Thanks for looking after my daughter for me." Fury stated as he made his way towards his bar. He didn't even look to see the nod of confirmation from his sister. All Fury knew was that he needed a drink, but when he opened the bar. Fury wanted to cry, his one-hundred-year-old bourbon and all the good scotch was gone. All that was left in its place was a note.

Your doctor says it's bad for your health and I'm happy to deal out justice so deal with it. -J

Fury couldn't for the life of him figure out when she even figured out his doctor. Hell, he was sure that no one knew about his last check-up. Fuck, Fury guessed the only thing he was going to get tonight was some sleep.

[Nebraska - Location Classified]

Natasha and her team were laying in wait for a passing convoy of meta-human hunter teams. Alfred had come to her a week ago with red flags about one of the extremist teams Ben had red-flagged in the Black servers.

These weren't like the U-men that Ben had a vendetta against, but these 'Friends of Humanity' as they called themselves were as bad as the others Natasha thought to herself. From the reports that Alfred had sent her, they had a goal to round up any meta-human and to kill them. With the word going around about their killing meta-humans, Natasha wasn't going to let them get back to their lair.

Natasha was also aware that the group was trying to gain the senate's approval to create some sort of meta-human registration act. Natasha was trying to avoid that by killing the leaders at all costs because she knew if and when Ben learned of this. He would fall on these guys like Thor's hammer and ruin his reputation since he lacked all kinds of subtlety at all.

"Widow, the prey is within the kill zone." One of the Zero squad members spoke over the comms.

"On my mark lets pin them down. Make sure that you don't hit the prisoners. Storm, I want those choppers down with the first sign of gunfire. Wolverine, be prepared to hunt down any that slip the fence."

"Copy," Storm spoke into the comms.

"Roger," Wolverine growled out.

Natasha almost chuckled at that, but this was a combat situation, and even though her time with Ben and her family has curved her edge, Natasha's blade has never dulled and has become shaper to protect this small slice of life that she had claimed for herself.

Natasha watched as the convoy slowly filled out the kill zone: there were four heavy-duty trucks within the convoy. Each of the trucks are old military vehicles sold at auction, The back tarp was repaired, and the truck was recently repainted with the fresh grey and green camo colors.

They had three Huey helicopters flying overhead; also in the same grey and green camo colors. With the last truck pulling into the kill zone and the last heli pulling overhead, it was time to put all her targets down.

"In 3….2...1 Mark!"


The choppers went down, while the engines within the trucks were shot out with the heavy-duty B.M.G. set on a hill doing overwatch.

Natasha moved swiftly like a tiger hunting down her prey. This was a solid black mission, and none would be left alive beside those rescued. She was on the first person that came barreling out of the truck, he never saw Natasha coming, and it wasn't because she was currently invisible.

Natasha had to admit to herself hunting with her powers made her far more dangerous than any of the serums that they gave her back in the red room. They never saw her coming. The first guy lost his head to her blade while the second guy behind the trucks steering wheel lost his head to her silenced pistol.

With the spray of blood, everyone turned in her direction, but Natasha was already under the truck ready for another group of assailants. With a flip one of her legs, she lashed out for another guard hanging off the side of one of the trucks. With her third-person down, it was time for more hunting but, sadly, she had to find her fight somewhere else because her Zero team had already taken them out.

That should have upset her but being able to take out three herself while each of her team took down one each was okay. What she was more worried about was the hostage situation within the back of the trucks.

[Ororo - Wind Walker / Nature's Beauty / Gaia's Chosen]

Ororo was alive within her domain of the air, and she was finally out doing her part to help protect meta-human kind. She always thought Charles' view and stance was nice, but it was far too passive for her taste. Now, Ororo was out in the air taking down these bigots with her gleeful attacks, and ohh was she attacking.

Ororo then evaded the round of bullets fired in her direction and returned fire with a bolt of her lightning. With another push of her hands, Ororo shot lightning out of her fingers, blowing out the engine of the Huey as it burst into a ball of flames. A smile on her face, her next aim was for the other Huey turning as it tried to run away.

"You shall not escape the hands of justice today," Ororo yelled out as she commanded hurricane-force winds to blast down, crushing the propellers of the escaping Huey. With a twist in the air Ororo went to chase down the last of her prey.

The last huey was flying low over the forest as it attempted to escape from the kill zone, but Ororo was not going to let it escape this night. No, she was going to stalk it down silently like a panther in the night. Ororo dodged the trees left and right as she made her way silently under the Huey.

With her lips set in a thin line, Ororo shot out her hand as she poured her lightning forth, taking down the Huey. Then as the huey came crashing out of the sky, Ororo brought down another hurricane-force wind, crushing and blasting the wreckage to bits as she made sure there were no survivors.

"Widow all birds are down," Ororo spoke into her comms as she flew back towards the firefight.

"Good, come back, Storm. We have already settled the issue here." Spoke up Natasha from the other side of the comms unit.

"How many Widow?" Ororo asked as she floated her way up above the treeline.

"One truck had five, and the other truck had seven," Natasha replied over the comms knowing what Ororo wanted.

"I'm on my way back, our ride out of here should already be on its way with the sound of the first crash.

Robert Drake - Iceboy

Robert Drake hated the week that he was currently experiencing with an extreme passion that he couldn't even get it into words. This was supposed to be his summer of escape and fun, but his parents sent him away to summer camp, or was it more his father's forceful nature?

His parents knew how much he hated to go to that camp since he was eleven, but now that he was reaching his eighteenth birthday, Robert wanted nothing to do with going back. Things got worse for Robert when he woke up in the dead of night due to his shivering while sleeping in one of the camp bunk beds.

When he woke up, the bed Robert was sleeping on was frozen solid through and through. The bed didn't even wait for him to get off of it before it broke into pieces and woke up the other occupants of his sleeping quarters. After that, he was kicked out of the camp for being a meta-human.

Robert had to go back home to suffer through his shitty father's abuse. But, with his newfound powers, he didn't want to be known as the freak back at school. So he packed what he could in his bag and left to catch a bus heading for New York. Robert wanted to make his way to Salem, but he was captured before he could even make it out of his home town.

That was what pissed Robert off more than anything about all this if he could only figure out how he used his ice. Robert believed he wouldn't have been caught, he told himself. They came for him while his back was turned at one of the bathroom stalls. The only thing that he could remember from the encounter was the odd tobacco smell that hit him before the needle pierced his skin.

Robert woke up in complete darkness with the sound of booms overhead. When his body jerked though from the displaced, sudden disorientation; Robert found himself chained down to the floor, hardpoint in front of him. What got Roberts focus though was the sound of gunfire from the guards and the sound of booms from a distance.

Robert took this chance to escape, with his eyes closed Robert called back to the chill he felt that night. What he gained was a calming breeze flowing over his skin, and when he opened his eyes, Robert found that his body was all ice. Robert wanted to yell out with excitement on the discovery of the activation of his powers. Though with that one guard at the back of the truck, he had to keep his voice down.

With a little more push, He was able to freeze over the chains that kept him locked down to the floor of the truck. But before he could do anything else, another one of the prisoners yelled out for him to unlock their chains next. With a curse, Robert held his hand up in front of him as the guard turned around, while he was guarding himself though, Roberts's hand shot out ice hitting the guard in the middle of his chest.

Robert looked down at his hands in amazement as he was now able to shoot ice. Oh, this was going to be fun! Robert thought as he started to go for the chains tying down the rest of the prisoners like himself.

When Robert had broken the rest of their shackles, he began to lead his escapes towards the exit, but before he could open the flaps, they were pushed wide open. Standing at the back of the truck were the most stunning women Robert had ever laid eyes on. Granted he wasn't certain of where he stood on his current sex life, but the mixture of stunning figures at the back was breathtaking even to him.

"Come on, the ride out of here is incoming," Stated the White-haired one as she helped the younger kids out, but what gave Robert pause was the red-headed one.

Robert knew that look alright, she was eyeing him, but he almost didn't notice her from her standing behind the lady rounding up the kids. He couldn't figure out why she was looking at him that way until he looked down at his hands and realized that he was still in his all ice mode. With a thought, he was able to release the hold that he had on the feeling he summoned to use his powers.

"Good, now how about you come and meet the rest and tell us more about yourself," The redhead told him as she ushered him out of the confines of the truck. The sense of danger that had his chest feeling constricted was ebbing away and gave him a sense of relief.

When he was finally able to get out of the truck, Robert found himself surrounded by quite a few people, but what drew his eye was the lady standing at the side with six arms. From around one corner, Robert watched as a man came walking into sight wearing an all back suit; from the words, he heard his name was Wolverine.

He still felt eyes on his back, but before he could ask any questions, he heard a loud screech from overhead. When Robert looked up, he noticed a sleek black jet landing on the grass to the left side.

He had no clue what he wanted to do, but with the way things were going, Robert knew that going with them is the only option at this point.

[Nondescript Party]

Gwen was currently on a date night attending some strange college party for which Jean was able to get them an invite. They had both wanted to wait for Ben. But, with his earlier call letting them know he would be back home soon, Jean had asked him if he was going to make it back to attend the party.

Ben had declined: telling them that he was currently busy, but once he was finished, he wanted to show them what he was working on. Although: it did strike her as funny when he told Jean to take her out and that she, too, should have a great time. Ben had the gall to mention that she was spending far too much time in her lab as if he wasn't the one pulling half a month enclosed in his own.

Jean began laughing at them as they went back and forth over the comms line which was not helpful at all, but since she was now out with Jean, Gwen guessed it was a moot point. Allen had dropped them off at the party not too long ago and went to park somewhere out of the way.

With all that out of her mind, Gwen decided to just enjoy the night with her girlfriend. Jean was wearing such a tight pair of jeans that if she bent over too much, the seams would rip along the sides.

Jean wore a leather jacket that covered a tight shirt that would have her nipples standing out if she didn't have any coverings. Jean's hair was in a warrior braid, hanging down past her shoulder blades. Her eyebrows were nicely arched with an amber shade of makeup.

Gwen wore a set of ripped jeans with a matching leather corset, a sleeveless jacket that gave her already substantial bust an extra perk in the heart-shaped opening. To Gwen, this was now one of her favorite new shirts with the way it fit her frame.

Gwen was looking like a tall, long-legged bombshell going out with her equally hot red-headed girlfriend, but she couldn't put aside the feeling that Jean was hiding something about this party from her.

The reason Gwen was feeling that way was due to the fact Jean was looking around the party. It was like Jean was searching for someone. Gwen knew that look and could tell that Jean was using her telepathic abilities to search for someone in particular. The look on Jean's face gave Gwen pause, and she wanted in on the action immediately.

"Jean, I know you're up to something, dish now or I won't do that thing with my tongue you like so much," Gwen whispered as she backed her girlfriend up against a wall as the party thrummed around them.

"Oh, I don't know what you're talking about Gwen," Jean replied as she placed an arm around Gwen's waist, pulling her in.

"I know you're looking for someone because of that distracted look you have on your face. So tell me, and I can make it worth your time," Whispered Gwen as she nibbled on Jean's ear, gaining a soft moan from her girlfriend.

Gwen knew her temptation was working on Jean. From the slight flush on her face to the way her eyes locked on her own during that brief teasing. Though even with the teasing Jean didn't break and give up who they had come to the party to find.

Before Gwen could capitalize, Jean was distracted by a passing platinum blonde walking by with a red-headed guy. Jean's eyes were following the platinum blonde like a bird of prey on her target.

When Gwen turned around to take a better look at the girl, she noticed the blonde was also giving them a look with a smile on her face; then she turned around to leave with her friend.

She was wearing a short blue lace spaghetti strap dress and looked absolutely divine, with a clear pair of heels on her feet the blonde was showing a lot of leg. For a moment, Gwen wondered what Jean would look like in one of those with her hair let down. Gwen had to put that thought out of her head because that lithe figure was not the figure of a normal student.

The blonde girl's figure was that of a gymnast, but the way she moved was like that of a fighter. Gwen had hung around Ororo, Natasha, and Laura during training long enough to notice the difference between a fighter and normal people.

"Okay, Jean, what did you do?" Gwen whispered at Jean while raising an eyebrow as she pulled her back from following the blonde.

"I might have used our systems to track someone down," Jean replied a little sheepishly.

"I can't believe you used our systems like that!" Gwen almost yelled out but was rapidly hushed by Jean.

"She kept getting away, what would you have me do, Gwen?" Jean rapidly whispered back, but while she was talking to Gwen. Jean was using a small tendril of her telepathic ability to follow this Felicia Hardy. Alfred had told her the girl's name was in the file that he gave her once he tracked the girl back to the school she attended.

"I don't want you to go off tracking down known criminals," Gwen whispered back fiercely, but they were gaining on a little group of people trying to listen in. Although, with the way they were also turning away, she could tell Jean was warding them from paying too much attention.

"Come on, Gwen, where is the fun in that?" Replied Jean as she began to pull Gwen towards the direction the pair had left. Jean was somehow able to track them up the stairs.

Gwen could only grumble and follow Jean up the stairs. Although when they did go up the stairs, she heard a couple of wolf whistles which prompted her to smile a little.

With slow even steps, they walked down the hallway in search of the door that would lead them to the blonde thief. Before they got to the right door though, Jean shot before her in a red glow as she went right for the third door on the right.

Gwen had no clue when Jean started to display fire powers, but she would have to ask later because when she burst into the room after Jean, she found a blonde girl out on the bed. Her eyes were glazed over from some sort of intoxicant while the guy had his pants down around his ankle.

The room had to be the guy's room from the look of the posters on the wall, Gwen thought as she looked around. The blonde was on what could be called a full-sized bed, but the blankets were all kinds of ugly.

"You dare," Jean spoke with power within her voice as her hair floated out around her as her warrior's braid came undone. When Gwen heard that she looked up from the patient on the bed to notice Jean's hair was more than just flame-red: Her whole body glowed.

"Jean, put him down" Gwen spoke as she went over to examine the blonde on the bed. From her pulse, Gwen found that it was slow, but the girl's skin wasn't giving off any perspiration, so Gwen was certain that the girl was drugged.

"You do not understand Gwen, this wasn't the first, and he had plans to take a video," Jean spoke as she released the sense of justice she felt burning within her.

"We can wait till she is back in full control of her faculties before we do anything with him," Gwen replied as she pulled out her to-go pouch with a few of her fast-acting medications. With a shot of adrenaline and something to help the girl sweat it all out, Gwen went to the little fridge and brought back one of the waters.

The girl came out of her stupor quickly as the medications kicked in and the adrenaline sped through her veins, helping her body pump out the drugs still within her. Before Gwen could say anything more, the girl was already facing her assailant kicking him right in the crotch.


"You fucking fucker," Felicia yelled as she kicked her now ex-friend right in the junk. She was happy to feel the blood flow from between his legs as she smashed them over and over again.

"I don't think we should burn him Jean, and since when have you been able to use flames?" Gwen replied as she pulled Felicia away from smashing the guy's junk into a paste.

"Why can't we burn him?" Felicia asked as she rounded on Gwen.

"Gwen, let me show you," Jean spoke as her eyes glowed with her inner fire. With that she walked over, placing a hand on Gwen forehead passing along the memories she gleaned from the knocked out guy's head.

When Jean placed her hands on Gwen's forehead, she was hit with the sight of a truly dark person's memories. Not only was he going to take videos, but he was also forcing three others to do his deeds with blackmail on them. One of the girls even had to get rid of the fetus because he kicked her in the stomach once she confronted him about her pregnancy. That was the final factor for Gwen's decision for her next words.

"We can't burn him alive because that would leave a body behind. But I do have something here that we can use to get rid of the body." Gwen stated as she took out one of her self defense prototypes. Ben was working on weapons with the Vega particles, but he had made a shrink ray gun when they watched the movie MegaMind.

She had fallen in love with the weapon at first sight, so Ben had given it to her as he went back to another one of his projects that evening. When Gwen had taken the weapon out, Jean had instantly gotten the idea of what she wanted to do.

"You shrink, and I will burn and clear out the air," Jean stated as she went to the window double-checking to make sure the coast was clear. With a push of her telepathic powers, Jean directed the minds of all those within the general area to leave and go attend more important tasks they were ignoring to come and party.

"Get your stuff Felicia, we are leaving after this," Gwen told the angry Felicia as she started to shrink down the bed, the dresser and everything else that the worthless pile of testosterone had within the room.

"Who are you two, and how do you know my name?" Felicia turned to ask the two as she watched everything shrink around her with wide eyes.

"I guess they would say the cats out of the bag," Jean replied with a smile as she sent small flame birds to erase the junk that Gwen went about shrinking. This new control over fire was new to Jean, but she was enjoying the flames.

The flames she created gave her some sort of comfort that she didn't know could be possible. Intellectually Jean knew she was only rubbing air molecules together rapidly to create the flames, but for some reason, she felt there was more to it than that. Jean couldn't help smiling as she noticed the widening of Felicia's eyes, but that was instantly replaced with a sly smirk.

"Oh, so you're the Phoenix, and that would make her Wonder Woman. I didn't know Miss little goodie two shoes was down to get her hands dirty." Felicia replied as she kicked her ex-friend one more time in the junk.

"Well, my morals are a bit flexible, depending on the atrocity," Jean replied with a shrug while walking to stand beside Gwen who was looking down on the unconscious moron defiler laying on the ground.

"Alright ladies, let's do this," Gwen spoke, trying to hide the shake in her voice.

"Do it," Stated Felicia.

"I'm with you all the way," Spoke Jean.

With nods all around, Gwen fired the prototype ray onto the defiler. With a hiss, he was shrunk down into a three-inch tall person. Before Gwen could do anything more though; Felicia stepped forwards and crushed him into a paste.

Once Felicia removed her foot, Jean followed up by burning the paste. Once that was finished, Jean used her telekinetic abilities to bring all the ash outside where it scattered with the wind.

They had done it, and she helped them, Gwen realized. This was her first time participating in killing someone, and Gwen didn't know how she felt about the matter at all.

Yes, Gwen knew that he was beyond a bad person, but it was still a life. She always thought she would be on the side that preserved life with her being one of the leading geniuses of the medical field. But today showed her she was capable of so much more.

"Jean, I think we should go now," Gwen softly spoke to her girlfriend.

"Wait wait you're not going to disappear and leave me here," Felicia spoke up as she placed her hands on her hips

"And what do you want little miss spandex," Jean stated as she began to float into the air.

"Oh, please like you haven't checked out my ass a few times while we tangled on the rooftops. Take me with you; I'm no longer willing to stay here on my own." Felicia stated as she took up position in front of the window to block their exit.

"Jean, what does she mean?" Gwen instantly asked as she floated over next to Jean in the air. Though Jean was looking in the opposite direction, trying not to meet her girlfriend's eyes.

"Oh, look at that I was just notified about the chiefs getting a new tub of ice cream," Jean spoke as she picked up Felicia with her telekinetic hold as she flew through the window.

Gwen sent a message to one of Natasha's teams to come by and do their cleanup. With that set, it was time for Gwen to enjoy the sensation of flight and ignore that gripping feeling she felt inside.


When I was out flying around the island, I had come to the realization that the island was roughly five thousand square miles, but there was a major difference scanning from the air and being on the ground.

The island was amazing, to say the least, the sights and the new smells were almost overwhelming my senses at first. The trees were exotic and the flowers even more so and I couldn't wait to bring my ladies here.

That was easy to overcome once I pulled from the earth and felt it fill me, balancing out my senses. This whole new connection to the earth was going to need some getting used to: but I could be happy with the echolocation that I was feeling through my feet.

There was a moment when I blinked right as my feet touched the ground as I gained a radar sense. When the radar sense pulsed out and came back in; my mind was giving me information about everything roughly one hundred feet around me, and it kept on going with each step I took.

"Daddy, where is mommy," Maya asked him from her spot in my arms as I carried her.

"Sweetheart, I don't think you have a mommy," I replied as I tried to hide my frown at that question. I had no way to tell a brand new being about how babies are made though Maya wasn't made the natural way.

"Yes, I do, I can sense her connection to the earth as I sense yours," Maya returned as she pouted cutely in my arms.

"Okay princess, after we get home you can help daddy find this mommy of yours," I replied with a grin as I kissed her on the cheek

"That pond over there has what you are looking for, and the lily creates a portal through quantum tunneling. They can also be grown anywhere else on earth, but you will have to set up a transition point," Maya stated as she pointed to a small pond that flowed into a river with crystal clear water.

The lily colors were a mixture of purple and white, and they were beautiful. Although when I came close to one of the flowers, it opened up, and I felt a mental probe offering to take me anywhere on the island. That was strange, but I put that feeling down to the massive psionic power the island had surrounding it.

I was thinking about how to carry the flowers back with me when Maya jumped out of my hands. Maya made her way over to the pond where the lilies grew. I stood behind her and watched as with a wave of her hands seven of the flowers flowed together.

From there, the lilies combined their roots together into a ring that could go over my shoulder into a sash. Once Maya was done with that one of the flowers flowed up her arm to wrap around her head in a flower crown. Now her hair was bright flame red with a ring of white and purple lilies around it.

"Come here, sweetheart," I said as I knelt with my arms held open for her. Maya's eyes crinkled up as she smiled, and I noticed that her eyes weren't the same emerald green that Jean had but was a bright green that looked amazing with her hair and skin.

I couldn't even believe that I was a father with a child, but this was Marvel, and I wasn't going to complain about the adventure that was my life. Now with a flowery hoop slung around my shoulder, it was time to head home.

With Maya, my baby girl in my arms, all wrapped up nice and cozy, it was time to go. With a hop and a jump, I was off into the air, but this time, things felt different.

This time I was feeling the ebb and flow of gravity; I wanted to reach out and force my will over it, but this wasn't the time. I did a flip and brought my baby girl low over the ocean as we flew back towards the mainland.

If I had looked behind me, I would have noticed the wake of water smoothing over behind me, but I was far too distracted with the smile on my baby girl's face. With us flying over the city, I showed her all the sights of California and the surrounding country.

Before we were even aware, the day had turned to night, and we came flying over the city. My city: and the lights were beautiful, It had been a while since I was last home and I couldn't wait to be back on the prowl taking down bad guys and stealing their money.

When I came upon my building, I noticed Gwen and Jean were inside watching movies while Ororo and Natasha were outside on my balcony drinking. With a broad smile, I touched down next to my two leaders in spirit even though it wasn't in name yet.

There were plans to change all that within the works, but before I could greet and share about my adventures, Maya flew out of my arms. Not jumped out of my arms but actually flew out towards Ororo.

"Mommy!" Maya yelled as her hair blazed a bright red as she levitated out of my arms heading towards Ororo. That stunned Natasha and me both but before I could even figure out my head from my ass. Ororo reached out to Maya, and her eyes flashed white and gold as Maya's eyes flashed white and green.

"You really are the fastest man alive," Natasha chuckled as she looked at the stunned expression on my face. I wanted to say more, and I honestly wanted to. But before I could, we were both watching Ororo's face split into a huge smile as she touched her forehead with Maya's

Gwen and Jean came rushing out from my quarters, and that was when I noticed the platinum blonde behind them.

"Why is Felicia Hardy here?"

[Undisclosed Private Home]

"Hmm Emmy that's marvelous," Raven hummed into her lover's neckline as Emma trailed her fingers down Raven's stomach.

"Yes, It's always fun when we are able to get time to ourselves. So are you going to tell me more about this Benjamin person?" Emma Frost replied as she traced her fingers along Raven's smooth and silky skin.

"He would be a great addition to the Hell Fire club with his connections," Raven replied slowly.

"What are you really after my love," Emma asked, noticing the slight pause that Raven showed. She wanted to probe her thoughts slightly but knew that if she wanted to keep the intimacy of her oldest and longest lover, then she would have to keep certain privacy.

"I want him, and I want your help getting him," Raven replied slowly as she prepared the trump card Raven knew would get Emma to agree instantly.

"Okay, then, but why?" Emma asked prompting Raven

"He can get Shaw off of your back," Raven replied as she sat up looking down into Emma's eyes.

"Then I will assist you, and I will also want in on what you're planning," Emma replied as she brought down Raven for a kiss as one of her hands snaked between Raven's thighs.

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