The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 3: Choose Your Path!

The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 3:

Choose Your Path!

Well, shit, now I was in a difficult situation. One second I was in nerdvana the next second the so-called heroes showed up and then the villains alongside them. This was a moment that I was so not ready for. I had known that the Professor was alive and kicking in this universe, and if the Professor was alive. Then that would mean that Magneto would be alive also. And now they both decided to just up and show up at my home.

This was such a fuckity fuck situation! How in the hell will I be able to escape this now? This whole mutant gang war shit was not something I needed at the moment. The opportunity to celebrate having my powers didn't even last an entire day, and now they all showed up in my home.

None of this will ever be conducive for my young teenage heart. This I could have easily bet money on. Just the looks on Logan's, and Storm's faces said it all. This was not an encounter that they had prepared themselves for. It helped me out a lot that Magneto came without his icon helm and purple cape.

Then Mystique was also in her own get-up which didn't draw too much attention, I did want to see her in all blue at least once though. I had to let that thought go because while Eric, aka Magneto, was busy talking up my parents and the Professor she had her eyes set squarely on me.

This was a very odd first experience for me, I have never been stared at with such interest from anyone before like she is trying to learn all of my secrets. Man, oh man she did look amazing though. Mystique had come to my little barbeque in what must have been her professional office lady looking for a husband look.

She was rocking a sheer stocking set wrapped around those fantastic long legs of hers. Wrapped around such amazing legs was a charcoal colored pencil skirt with a jacket that pulled the whole outfit together with her teal top. And damn if that jacket didn't look like it was about to bust. If I was a betting man my money would have been on that button failing at some time during dinner which would definitely drag my eyes her way.

While I was drinking in the sight of the blue death goddess before me, I had to pick up my lower jaw and not act like some hormonal teenager about to choke on his saliva. What I knew: which very few others knew was that this sexy blue goddess before me was nude. She made all of her clothes with her transformation ability. Somehow she can use her skin to create a bio-membrane layer which she can transform into clothes. I was not going to kink shame her at all, but in my heart of hearts, I so wanted to see her in that iconic white leather getup that she wears in the comics. Now that would be amazing, and I am positive that would cause my nerdy little heart to explode.

Thankfully Logan grunted from his spot next to the grill, and I had a very sharp realization that I was staring at her like some creep. Great now there are too badass goddess level women here at the cookout, and now a man feels like he has to choose. Shit, I can't think like that. I am dating Gwen, a man can't have these thoughts about these ladies before me. Also, they are just as likely to kill me in excruciating ways. Storm is well,

Storm was mother nature given form. You don't rock a name like Storm without all the powers of a planet at your command. Then there's Mystique who can transform into anyone; also one of her primary roles in comics was spy work and infiltration. Piss her off, and one day you will never know how you died as she slipped a knife between your ribs.

Hell, I am positive she is far more deadly than the infamous BLACK WIDOW. Would pay good money on a bet that she has some mad skills after living for three hundred plus years. Which now, after some hindsight, has to be a given with this lady. How does a person survive that long? All those memories, all those life experiences.

Just thinking about all that was blowing my mind. Yeah, it wasn't the time to worry about all that. Nope, this was the time of food and the time to ignore all the crazy that was about to explode in my face here it the cookout. Yep, that's exactly what I plan to do. Screw it all and let's act like the teenager that I am.

With that thought in my mind, it was time to grab a plate full of burgers. Then act like I was ignoring the masses with my invulnerable defense of teenage angst and eavesdrop with the ongoing conversation.

While my burgers were under attack by me due to today's hunger-inducing activities, I just so happen to hear the forbidden start of the conversation to end all conversations of my teenage life.

"So tell me, Professor, what is it that you teach at this school of yours?" my mother asked from her position around the backyard table to the one known as Professor Charles Xavier.

Then the bald man started like he wasn't giving away any kind of state secrets at all.

"To be completely honest with you, we find and teach young mutants how to control their abilities. We also teach how to live in peaceful co-existence with the rest of the world or for others with mutations that are not of the normal variety. We teach self-acceptance." Sated the Professor with a kind smile on his face. Man, I can't lie; he almost had me with that. He looked so unassuming and helpful with his little statement.

I knew this man was one of the significant master manipulators to have ever lived. Joining his side over Magnetos is going to be just as dangerous with the only real upside is I'll be safe from the whole mutant terrorist label.

I couldn't help but choke on my seventh burger when I heard that. Low and behold, I gained everyone's attention. That was such a smooth move. All I could do was shrug back at them. With a raised eyebrow at me, my mother went back to grilling the Professor.

"And you think that my Benjamin is one of these mutants you find and teach?" my mother asked with such vivid skepticism evident in her voice.

"Well yes, I do have to concur with Charles on this one. He is young, but even we felt his surge in power from our corner of the globe. That is also why I am here. When we heard of his awakening, we believed that it was of paramount importance that I come to see the young man myself. I am also here to offer the budding young man a partnership with my fellow mutants I am building." Interjected Magneto from his place at the table.

"Yes, I do believe he is a young mutant, and Benjamin is far more than any one of us thinks aren't you, young man." The Professor asked me while also speaking to the general audience present at the table with a smile. Well, fuck me sideways with a horny cactus, he just outed my shit. Now what am I going to do, those plans I had set to do this whole hero thing on the sly just went out the window. Shit, this was bound to happen since he showed up here. Now I guess it was time to either nut up or shut up.

"Well Professor, and Dr. Eric. I don't want to be rude, but" I started to say when I heard my dad say "oh no" from his position down the table. "I just don't see myself associated with the title (Mutant) I would consider a small side acknowledgment of it since its part of what makes up humans, but I can't use that title for myself."

Then with all the joy gone from my face and voice, I let the truth of how I see it drop.

"To me, the term mutant and the N-word are such bullshit and should not ever be socially accepted: period," I spoke with such vitriol everyone had to lean back in their seats. My mother leaned closer to me to pat me on the back to apply a calming effect. "Now if you were to approach me and say to me, 'kid are you a Meta-human?' I would have to reply with a perky, 'Well, yeah'. Since my powers are somewhat metaphysical in a sense, as it needs both my mind and my body. I'll stick with Metahuman over mutant as it sounds lots better and less like some monster the news will undoubtedly use as a sticking point."

I have to keep out the subconscious improvements I get out of the speed force. Everyone at the table looked at me stunned from my rant.

"You have powers, since when? " My mom asked me before my dad could even open his mouth. All I could do was a shrug.

"I figured out the access key to a primordial cosmic force. Then used it to activate my x-gene unlocking my powers." I replied with a shrug.

"And how did you discover you had the x-gene thingy," my dad asked when he was finally able to interrupt. While I was half paying attention to my parents and answering their questions, I noticed the Professor had an expectant look on his face. Magneto had frowned, figures. I was going against his whole homo-superior views.

Storm had a hand on her chin while deep in thought like the Professor. And Raven had a smile on her face looking at me like I was lunch.

"Do you mind telling me how you came to such a conclusion?" Charles asked, finally speaking up.

"Yes, how exactly did you come up with that, young man?" came Magneto's voice harshly from the other side, eyes hard. Yeah, I guess being shown up by some punk nose kid would grate on one's nerves expressly if that one is telling you your superior ass is wrong. I am not going to lie, I kind of liked the vibe from the Professor. If I didn't know I would be immune from the effects of telepathic people, I would think he got to me somehow.

"Well let's be honest the term mutant is just horrible, and it's pure trash. The person that came up with that term to associate the next species of human beings should be dragged behind a barn, farmer John style and shot." I began earning a chuckle from Logan and Raven.

"Yes, a mutation is a variation in cells and genes. I'll give you that, but here's is the rub; if that is true. Then aren't all current humans mutants? Wouldn't all animals also be considered mutants? Right, cause you would need variation to be able to reproduce and keep on reproduction. Otherwise, that would lead us to genetic degradation," I replied out with a huff. "Ohh and another reason I refuse to use such a title is rather simple. Take a look in the house on the DVD rack. Most movies of the horror trope consist of some form of mutation, and most of them are killer hillbilly types with deformities."

Yeah, that isn't me. I can't just up and tell the X-men, because of that stupid title everyone's going to make the X-men enemy number one for no reason. Even after the X-men saved the world so many times, they still ended up hated just because they ran with the title (mutant). That needs to be killed now and in the grave before it gets out of hand.

Logan's head snapped back as he let out a massive bark of laughter. Storm had a small smile on her face, and my insides went all flip flop. Yay, I think she likes me. The Professor also had a smile, and Raven had a glint of pondering on her face.

"Yeah that's some way of seeing things their kid," Logan commented as he chuckled into his beer.

"We use the term mutant as a means of owning what made us, us. Using the term mutants means we recognize ourselves for what we are, and thus we own the slur. It allows us solidarity against those who would harm and use us." Stated Magneto with his look of superiority.

"Yeah well, like I said, poor choice. Now me, I like Meta-human. It's the second question you all had right? I asked the Professor. With a nod to show me, I could continue with my chance to change the things to come.

"Now my reason for liking the term Meta-human is quite simple really. My power base is metaphysical in a sense. Not only that, but living in my current time I recognise it's your name that's going to make the world see you for what you are. That's why anyone with any knowledge of social networking dynamics would instantly tell you to use a name that pops, not a name that would associate you with any negative connotation. For instance, if I go out and tell the world I am a mutant they would associate that with the term mutation and the NEWs would run with that instantly. And can you tell me what mutation goes with as a negative connotation?" I didn't even give them the chance to answer me, but I felt all fuzzy inside seeing their frowns cause they forgot such simple things thinking their ass is so damn superior.

"Well for those that haven't put it together, mutation goes pretty well with cancer since it is a mutation in the cells that causes such a condition. Now I don't know about you, but I am pretty sure I'm no cancer. But that's what you will allow the NEWs to make of your name when you decide to use such an open-ended title for yourself." I told them all.

With that one statement, everyone's eyes opened extremely wide at my views on the matter. Yeah, they just got served. No way was I about to be some mutant gopher dated by the media. I have read enough in the comics to know that this needed to be fixed now rather than to wait for later.

"How…. How can you possibly know?" Storm asked, finally speaking up in the conversation.

"OH, that's easy," I replied to Storm, looking into her bright blue eyes. "It's not anything big. Honestly, all you have to do is watch TV and see how social media plays out. We have horror movies of deformed mutants, which leads to any media associated with the mutant term to be viewed with disgust and distrust."

"Wait, I am missing something here! You have powers? Since when did you start having powers, Benjamin?" Asked my dad after he finished thinking about what I just said. So with that, I stood up and generously demonstrated for everyone to see. I summoned the speed force with my will, allowing my body to blaze with it. Lightning arc around, but I kept them in check. I took one look at my parents, then took off around the house. Deciding sooner rather than later to go much slower this time. Three laps later I went back to my spot

"So what are you kid, a speedster or a light bulb?" Logan asked with a chuckle.

"Well, to answer your question, I am a bit of both." I answered back to him as I went back to my seat. I took a glance over at Magneto and I watched a frown play across his face. Yeah, bitch, I am far more powerful, but I am not about to give away all my secrets.

"So tell me young Mister Blake, would you like to come and join the country I am building for our kind?" Asked Magneto with raw intensity. Yeah, I knew what he was up to, but I don't plan to join his little band of evil brotherhood mutant terrorists. Maybe I'll help them here and there but am not about that life.

"Thanks, but no thanks, Doc." came my reply to the man.

"Are you sure young man," Asked Magneto while leaning forward.

"Yeah thanks, but no thanks. I'll pass for now," I replied firmly, but yes, I had to leave the door open just in case. You never know when you gotta hide out.

Magneto got up fast, turned to my mother, did a half bow, said his goodbye then walked right out of the party. Yeah, I should have figured he would throw a bitch-fit after he didn't get his way. Welp that's a big fuck you I guess. Raven, on the other hand, took her time with her goodbyes. She did handshakes with my parents, gave them contact cards, and then it was my turn.

Ben, play this cool, say hi. Shake her hand and then keep it moving.

"So tell me, Ben, do you have any plans made for after high school," Raven asked me with a natural smile on her face.

"I...I...Ben people." was all that came out.

Well, it is official, I am a born again moron. How in the blue hell do I mess up an introduction like that? Screamed my nerdiest internal monologue.

Okay, let's clear my throat and try this again.

Cough! Cough!

Now let's try this again James Bond style, went my inner voice. You have this champ, and you have this. Ohh and ignore that smile on her face. Remember she is one of the most dangerous women alive. Black Widow doesn't have shit on her, so dont fuck this up.

"Good afternoon, Miss Darkholme," I stated with my best-winning smile, hoping she didn't see my internal panic. That got an eye rise out of her. Wait did she tell us her last name. Damn, I might as well rock this and hope she doesn't find me in a dark alley.

Raven Aka Mystique POV

With that, out in the open Raven raised one elegant eyebrow examining the young man before her. When she first came, she thought this was just another dead end. It is always lovely to welcome a new family member, but they are still too scared to admit what they are to the world. Or that they want to hide what they have become.

Here is a young man that knows what he is but accepts that fact. His views on it are far more suited to today's times than Eric's. It doesn't seem like he wants to build a country, but it does seem like he has a plan. Now that's something isn't it, a young man that knows what he is all about in life and already had goals in mind. It also helps that he is easy on the eyes.

Those are the eyes of a man with a plan for the future, yes it's great that I tagged along with Eric to come to see this new mutant, no this young Metahuman. Metahuman, hmm, even the new terminology is aimed at the new generation. It has been so many years since anyone has stroked my interest. What has it been 30 years,? 50 years? Hmm, maybe 100 years since a young man has brought out such interest in me?

Now that she was so much closer to him, she could feel it. First, it was a little at the fringes of her limbs, but now that she was in contact with him with her fingertips, she was sure. He was brimming with extreme amounts of energy nothing, but raw power. It felt so endless, so vast and untapped yet right there for her. No this isn't right, not at her fingertips it's at his fingertips. His power was so vast she didn't even know if she could see the end of it.

Now Raven made up her mind she had to see him unleashed, and then he would be hers.

"I see you also know that name, tell me what else do you know?" she asked before letting go of my hand.

Benjamins POV

"I dig you in blue more," came out of my face before I even knew what was happening.

"We shall see, and don't worry, I shall keep in touch," Raven replied as she turned around and headed out after Magneto. Hell, she even had a sly catwalk that looked like she was gliding across the floor. In and out of people just like flowing water.

"Shit, she is so going to kill me," came out of my face hole again before I even had the chance to stop myself.

"That she will bub, I just hope you're ready for that fight," Came out of Logan who just appeared at my right with a beer in his hands. I jumped to the high heavens.

"Holy shit, man. Don't do that, fuck my life sideways." I breathed out. Logan just grunted at me with a smug ass smirk playing on the side of his lips.

"You might be a bit fast kid, but you sure ain't aware of your surroundings." Was all he said as he went back to join my folks at the table. Walking back over to the table, I took a seat closer to the legendary man himself. The father to all of the x-men and was also the father to so many young Metahumans to come.

I even knew a lot of what others didn't know; his total nonviolence was instilled into him by none other than revered the Martin Luther King Jr.

As a young African American growing up in America now living life as a Metahuman, meeting this man is such a huge honor. Hell, I want to be on his side, yet I can't go the nonviolence route. I knew about all the danger that was coming my way now that he has shown up at my doorstep.

It's like a start to something, and I don't know what it was, but I felt it oddly enough. I have never taken a life before, but I know I can never let the Purist or William Striker escape. Not only them, but all those other meta-hunting groups out there. I had to figure out something soon.

Yeah, I need to put all that aside. Must let the nerd in me rest; otherwise, I won't make it through the rest of the day. This day has already been one hell of a day. So, for now, let's take a deep breath and speak to the man that's been the father figure for so many.

Hell, speaking of father figures I can't wait to make it out into space, note to self make sure I make it in time for the Guardians of the Galaxy. I have to make it and see if that's Stan Lee, some cosmic guy. Wait what if he is the cosmic guy, Nahh, let's leave that for later.

"Well, hello, Mister Blake. That's such a new view that you have." Stated the Professor while looking at me with a smile.

"Please, Professor Mr. Blake is that older man over there hanging out with Logan. And also I shouldn't be rude, good Afternoon Ororo." I replied to him while also looking towards Ororo. All she did was huff at me, talk about rudeness.

"Good Afternoon yourself, Ben. I would also like to insist on the Professor's question." Stated Ororo while eyeing me. This caused me to chuckle, yeah I am different alright.

"Let's be honest Professor I have been a long time fan of your work. The reason my views are different is just that I am younger. You have to understand when you were making all your discoveries, most people were in Vietnam, or our country was going through the cold war with the USSR. From the way you wrote your dissertation in college, I figured your view was already solidified. So I figured I would hit it from a different angle because it would need something fresh for the twenty-first century.

I have always noticed your terminology was limited to what could be understood back then. Now for the other things that were rather simple. Reality meets science fiction more and more so I knew you wouldn't have written so much on the human condition and its evolutionary path without proof. So I went for my evidence. That was when I found it on some random page that was at least two hundred pages hidden behind some ads online.

Some scientists from Korea were listing how the x-gene was so self-contained, yet it was in a good sixty percent of the Korean population. See, that was a fresh drink of water in a desert. The x-gene was the key I needed. I had my ideas, but no proof. My other obsession was the math behind the motion of the world. That was more of a stroke of luck really, and that's a subject I can't reveal.

So that you know, I was eight at the time I discovered the x-gene. Took me until I was thirteen till I figured out its use." I knew this surprised the Professor with the way his eyebrows went up.

"I believe you have left a lot out, have you not?" Asked the Professor, but I wasn't going to answer him no matter how kind he was. So I decided to give him something.

"I am a Detective's son, I reserve the right not to set myself up and run into a trap. Can't get me for hacking if I don't confirm nor deny that agenda set before me." I answered back to the Professor. This caused Charles to chuckle at me a little while Ororo stared at me with an unblinking gaze. This didn't deter Ororo man; this woman was determined.

"Why did you want to become a "Metahuman," Ororo asked, still giving me a look I couldn't place, but I had to put all that aside. I needed to win these people before me so I could have some breathing from this mess I am in.

"Ohh that's easy! I wanted to change. You haven't met them yet, but my girlfriend is a next level genetics genius, and my best buddy Peter is also a person with genius-level intellect. I was just an ordinary Ben Blake with dreams of grandeur. What I did have though was detective skills, and I kept looking and digging till I found my answer and I went for it. Now here I am, and I refuse to apologize for what I did. I got here on pure merit and half-assed skills. So if you hate me for it, then that's too bad." Was my reply to her, and of course this didn't go over well.

Ororo scoffed at me, got up and went to join Logan by the grill with my parents. Yeah, talk about suck in the charms department. Now all I had was the bald old man to chat with, and he was not easy on the eye.

"So tell me, Ben, would you like to attend my school for extraordinary individuals?" Asked the Professor with what I am beginning to think is his signature look. He had that smile again, and I couldn't figure out why. At this point, I was starting to believe he thinks it's disarming or something along that line. Too bad for him, I knew so much more than I was supposed to, which means options were available to me.

Now I gotta play this up to maximum effect. "I would love to Professor, but I can't because I'm already going to school here," I said with as much gloom as I could muster into my voice. This caused the Professor to scrunch up his brows.

"Well that's unfortunate really, is there no way I can change your mind about this?" Asked the Professor, and that was how I knew I had him. Yeah, I felt like a scumbag for taking advantage of him, but he is getting an uber-powerful beyond omega Meta-human on his side. So them's the breaks and he has to deal. I played myself perking up with a smile I started with my pitch on the situation.

"Well if it's cool for me to come by on weekends and hang out with the rest, I would like to do that," I asked, but honestly. I wasn't asking, It was the only thing that would be accepted and I think he realized that because he decided to agree.

"Well, that would be okay if your parents would allow that. We are located outside the city. In a small town called Salem, would you need a ride?" the Professor asked while looking in their direction, but it didn't seem they were paying us too much attention from across the backyard. With that as a queue, I decided to give a little more information.

"Ohh that's easy, I ran out to the Atlantic and back within like five minutes tops. Maybe less, I have to figure out some optics to keep up with my speed." I replied to his ride comment waving it away. No way was I planning to take a car, when I could just run out there and back.

"Ha, you would prove quite the fun challenge for Dr. McCoy when you visit the mansion," the Professor smiled at me.

"Wow, you have Dr. Hank McCoy at your school. No one has seen him in years. Is that where he has been hiding out all this time? No way! I have to meet him." I asked, causing the Professor to chuckle to himself. Well, I'll be damned. I knew the man was a double-edged blade, but he also had a heart of gold.

To just let me come and go from school. Shit, I can't let him die no matter what. Also must meet the Beast cause he is the freaking Beast. Man, I have so many theories about his transformation I want to see if I am right or not. Shit, now I am torn, but I made my choice. I'll stay here in NYC with Peter and Gwen. This city will make me world-famous.

Since I just got in the school of supers, it's time I build my warehouse into its proper base and keep an eye out for when Peter gets his powers. Yay me! Make a little progress and realize how much more I have to make it through.

Shit, Hulk is going to happen soon and my skinny ass doesn't even have a super suit. Shit, forget the super-suit I need the brain, and not Banner's brains no, I need the going to be the former leader. And the best way to get him on my side is to shame General Ross. Another issue is how do I get from here to there. Shit, now I feel like a rent a hero.

So with that understanding made its time to convince my parents, who might not even care. Now that I think about it, this might be that I have always been a responsible child slash teenager. Adult trust for the win. Yay!

My parents came and met us halfway followed by Logan and Ororo. Well, I guess with those smiles on their faces, that's a sign that they are all for this super-powered school thing. Yay! Talk about fun times ahead, but I am about to shatter that.

"So I have made a deal with the Professor that I will go to Saturday school at the institute. You know, learn some cool things, hang out with cool kids like me and maybe help them with higher learning of self." I snarked in turn, which wiped the smiles off my parent's faces. Yikes from their looks, it didn't seem like they were prepared for that to come out of my mouth.

"Why can't you go to this school since it's for supers like yourself?" My dad asked with a baffled look on his face. That was wiped away after my mom smacked him a good one.

"He doesn't want to leave Gwen, you oaf," she answered him. Well dam, I could have used her as a good excuse. I guess this was a perfect excuse, so I said nothing and my dad ate it all up.

"Well, that would explain it. Fine, as long as the Professor agrees then it's fine with us." Was all he replied while rubbing the spot my mom had hit him in the arm.

"And that's a fine aspiration, and since we have come to an arrangement, it's time for us to bid ourselves farewell and goodbye. Have a great evening; also, Ben, I shall see you this weekend. Let us say on Saturday at nine a.m. sharp." the Professor spoke up from his chair.

"That's fine with me Professor, thanks and I'll see you then. Also, think about the use of the term Metahuman, it's a better definition of what we have become. I plan to work to make that term stand for something great. Let's progress into the future together, Professor. And like history has shown us, it all starts with a word. So let us make a history of our own. With the path, we would like it to take." I replied to the guy as he prepared himself to leave.

"That's a lot to take away from this meeting Benjamin. It would be fun to have you around the school." the Professor stated while rolling away in his chair.

So myself, Logan, and Ororo shook hands goodbye and am happy she didn't give me the cold shoulder. That's going to be weird. I know next to nothing about the nature goddess, but hey what's life without its little challenges.

Man, that's one super sweet Bently, I wonder if the Professor would let me drive her around.

One Week Later:

X mansion

Man, this place had a fantastic amount of grass and land for days. And I do mean days, the professors family must have bout over one hundred acres of land. Now I was in the danger room being introduced to Dr. Hank McCoy, better known as the Beast of legend. And I was kind of disappointed. It looked like he was stuck between half-man half-lion, but he stopped transforming somewhere along the way.

Now he looks like a catman, and that's not even close to scary or as intimidating as I imagined. Dr. Hank Mccoy stood at a tall six feet three inches. With what looks to be blue fur all over the facial features of a big cat. That's just so depressing. Urgh, let's get this day over with already.

I didn't want to meet a fucking cat man.

Being in Dr. Mccoy's lab was awesome and there were so many shiny toys. That's a material combination machine, shit I wanted to get my hands on these toys. I knew why I was here for something that looks like a super treadmill. Man, this thing was beefy. This treadmill had what looks like frictionless hyper glide treds.

I noticed the hookups for energy dampers and sonic mufflers. What is that, a speedometer? Hell yes! I knew I had the speed force from the comics, not that janky broke stuff they had in the tv show. No, I had access to that unlimited monster of raw speed and power. I wanted to make light speed my bitch, I wanted to do things the flash did and more.

I wanted the speed that let flash evacuated an entire city in less than a microsecond as a nuke went off. Hell, I followed the calculations for those for a whole week. The final numbers showed Barry was moving at about thirteen trillion times the speed of light.

That was the same Speed Force from the comics, this also allowed him to witness events that occur in less than an attosecond. The reason that achievement was so massive is because twelve attoseconds is the shortest measurable period recorded by any current scientist. This was more than an enormous breakthrough. And people never even realized because in one second light can circle the earth roughly seven points five times.

If your perception of time reaches the point that you can perceive a single attosecond of light, then everything would appear frozen, stuck in place. This would be due to catching up with the molecules it's passing through because light would have barely managed to move from one atom to the next within that attosecond.

It would be a great big pause of light. My brain was putting the points and facts together, and I loved this effect that the speed force was having on my intellect. Now I was super excited. I grabbed the headset from and hopped right on the treadmill cause shit was about to go down. I wanted proof that I will be the undisputed fastest man alive and no one could even begin to try and take that claim away from me.



I am speed!

And with that, I was off running at an easy jog.

"728 mph."

I barely felt anything, no friction, no resistance, nothing at all. It was just me and the treadmill. Speed Force oh speed force how I love you. Pushing some more, I broke the sound barrier.

"1,345 mph." the machine read out to me. Yes, I was going standard jet speeds.


"2,774 mph!" It read out again as my lighting started to show up without my summons. Now that I was able to stretch my legs, it's time to make some real effort.

So I went for hypersonic speeds, "16,658 mph!" And I still felt nothing, and I needed more speed, "97,887 mph!"

So now I was in FUCK it all mode, I had a treadmill that's not breaking down. So fuck it all and let's do this shit.

"135,245 mph! 162,802 mph! 202,658 mph!" The number just kept going up, and I was in the fucking zone, I felt the lightning in my very soul signing out for me to keep on going, I felt the speed force in my blood in my very cells.

The lightning was pumping through my veins, through every nerve in my body. I was no longer me. I was more, so much more now.

My very eyes themselves blazed with the lightning pouring off of my body, but it was paid no attention at all.

More speed...

"303,564 mph! Stop! Benjamin, you have to stop. I didn't notice it yet, but the treadmill was starting to give out at the speeds I was going.

Smoke was already coming out of parts, but I didn't care at all.

I yanked the headset off and kept ongoing. I was alive in a way, and I wasn't going to give this up yet.

"353,669 mph!" if I were anywhere close to a typical speedster, I would be dead by now.

My body would have gone into shock, my bones would have shattered, and I would have shitted out my guts all over the lab floors.

My very footsteps spoke with the very sound of thunder itself, and I wanted more.

400,321 mph! 477,212 mph! 505,487 mph! 600,026 mph! 667,248 mph! 705,%$& mph! Then it all went silent, or that was I at least thought happened.

Once I stopped looking at the messed up speedometer screen. I took a good look around myself, and I noticed that everything was frozen in motion. Razor-sharp shrapnel was in the air, and the damn treadmill was blowing up right under me. Well, fuck me sideways, can't a man enjoy his powers. Hoping off the treadmill, I just had to pull the ultimate last move.

As I was maneuvering around the lab, I grabbed all the floating shrapnel debris out of the air. Placed them down in a corner, with that out of the way ran right back up to the warped metal of the treadmill. Placing a hand on it, I willed the kinetic energy out of it and into myself. Felt like I took a shot of damn espresso, talk about a jolt of excitement.

With the way the plasma is flowing in the flame, I should do this again in a more controlled lab, talk about a shortcut to understanding the bose-einstein condensate form of matter. With everything cleaned up nice and neat, I brought my perception back to normalized time. All I heard coming out of the next room over was. "Oh my gosh, Charles, do you know what he just did?"

Like the jackass that I am, I couldn't help myself but walk up to the mirror. I knocked on it and gave my answer.

Yeah, I am the fastest man alive.

Since am starting something fresh.

You can find me on discord

Let's Keep Hope Alive.

Send comments I will read them all.

Since this whole writing thing is new please bare with me.


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