The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 9: Hero Time

The Fastest Man Alive.

Chapter 9:

Hero Time.


With a quick spin I deconstructed my pants and constructed another pair with pockets, not just regular old pockets, I went for the combat scuff proofing pocket. I had also decided to upgrade my pants since the ninja pants were no longer needed. This time I was rocking my take on combat pants, it was tight around my ankle and calves to keep anything from running up my legs.

The front and the back of the knee had interlocking panels with padding to keep my knees flexible yet allowed fluid movement. I wouldn't want to knee someone in the face or smash into a wall and mess my leg up. With the way, life happens who knows what might happen. With the pants all settled in, I was so juiced to go out and kick a mugger ass I almost made another screw up with my excitement.

"Alfred buddy, can you get access into the city's cameras and police scanners.?" I asked my new AI sidekick. "Why certainly sir, may I ask why?" "came his question.

"This is going to be my base of operations for my hero gig. I will need access to everything I can get my hands on to save lives. I have big plans, Alfred, and it all starts here today." "with that said I turned to find myself a comfortable Bluetooth headset.

The headset I found had a flexible over the ear holder with a mic extension that would come down the side of my jaw. This improvement would do just great, but finding a good pair of headset with eighty percent charge also reminded me of changing my ninja mask now. Just the fact that I had to change my pants and mask was a sign telling me that I will have actually to make clothes. This whole reconstructing thing is all fine and fun, but its functionality is extremely low. This line of thought also opened another window for me to explore, Batman had his utility belt, and if memory serves me right, he needed all of that and so did Spider-man.

"Alfred buddy set a note to build a suit like my speed force construct and also gadgets to help bust up a crime," I spoke out to him as maps and images kept popping up on the screen. While I was doing my musing, it had seemed Alfred has blasted past whatever the city had called a firewall right into the metro systems, every camera across town was taking up the left two monitors. Alfred even had one of the monitors with a city map that had an overlay of cop cars as blue and red dots going around the city, and he also had the names popped up right next to them with what appears to be the comms radio channel each car was on.

"Since you plan to embark on this endeavor, would you like me to make recommendations on useful gadgets?" Alfred asked. "Sure buddy I also have some ideas we can hash out since you don't have to go to school like myself. With that resolved, I brought up the webcam so that I can get a better look at myself.

My ninja mask was excellent with the new improvements I made for the Bluetooth, and the pants fit great. With a thought, I flared up my lightning up and around my hands. "Oh yeah, they don't even know what's about to hit them. Alright, buddy linkup to my phone then Bluetooth and hit me with an alert." With that, I blasted out of the warehouse.

It was time I took the lead of the coming storm. I was halfway to Manhattan when I got the ping from Alfred that the police were chasing a stolen blue BMW through Hell's kitchen. Honestly, I was expecting a mugger in hell kitchen caught on camera not something along these lines. Yeah, I can handle some stolen car, and with that thought, I took a sharp turn across west forty-third street back towards Hell's kitchen.

Soon I was upon the blue BMW, but this car had some issues. You could see where the guy had run into something in his mad dash to escape. Now I was in a position to think, generally in the show, The Flash and comic The Flash would dismantle the car around the person stealing the vehicle. Yeah, that's defeating the purpose of getting the car back so that option was out. Granted that option was foolish in the first place I can't run on comic lore here. Cause who's ever car this is needed it back, and I doubt that insurance covers a Meta-human dismantling job.

This car recovery is going to take some imagination and flexibility. So I just ran up next to the driver side and damn was I in some super luck today. This moron had the window down in the car she just stole, and it just had to be a lady. Ugh, I can hear the feminist screaming now so its time for equality for all. With that thought I popped the lock and yanked the door open, lucky for me I was going speeds no one could ever hope to keep up with.

The car thief turned in such a slow-motion scream it would have been hilarious if this wasn't such a danger-filled situation. The thief's life was on the line, the cops chasing her and whoever was out here on the road with us if I fuck this move up would all be in danger.

With a yank, I pulled the thief clear out of the car and threw her back into the back seats. Then with a shake of my body, I sent a speed force clone to the cops car to absorb the kinetic motion they were producing and then shut down their vehicle while I did the same to this one. With my hands on the hood of the BMW, I only focused on the kinetic energy bringing the vehicle up to a halt with the police pulling up right next to us.

First, they looked at the car then they looked at each other, then they looked at me and the BMW. That was when they jumped out of the vehicle and aim at my chest. "Freeze, hands up." They both yelled simultaneously.

I wasn't going to wait on them at all I was already moving at speeds they couldn't even see. I pulled out the car thief and cuffed her with their handcuffs. Then I placed her in front of them, and I was gone. I circled back around and perched up on a roof overlooking the street. "What the! Did, you just see that?" asked the first cop out of the car. He had to have been a solid five feet ten inches, Hispanic descent from the way he sounded to my ears. "Yeah I saw him also he was just there, then he was gone. Do you think they gonna believe this back at the precinct?" asked the partner of the first cop.

"Yeah, we still have those new body cams right, so they have to believe this." Stated the Hispanic cop as he approached the thief in front of them. "I am not sure who stopped you, but lady you chose the wrong day to steal a car and go for a joyride." And with that, he picked her up and started to read her the rights.

That was a rush, talk about adrenaline fix yanking her out of that car and then stopping both vehicles before they had a chance to collide. That was awesome to the max! Now I need to find some more stuff to stop and get my name out there.

"Talk to me, Alfred what else do we have?" I was far too excited to stop now. "I am looking at a few muggings in the site of six cameras in queens and what seems to be a building on fire dispatch says firefighters are three minutes out. Which would you like sir?" came Alfred's voice from the Bluetooth. "I'll take them all, so put it on my phone's map." With that, I was off to stop the six muggins and rescue people from a fire. The first three muggers were easy. I was able to catch them with a shoulder check that I had to slow down for. Otherwise, they could have gone splat against my body, and it wouldn't do killing anyone that' hasn't done me any wrong.

The second two had a gun up to a car trying to get the car's occupants to give up their wallets, and it would have worked if I wasn't doing my hero gig today. The last one was standing there with his knife at some big dude, this brought me up to a stop, and I ran up the side of a building to see how this was going to go down. Sitting on the ledge, I watched as the dude that was supposed to be mugged just picked the knife-wielding guy up and threw him against the wall then walked away. Well, that was something I should have guessed that I wasn't the only super around these parts, well it is the Marvel-verse after all.

With that out of the way, I shot off towards the location on my map marking the building that is currently on fire. I ran up to the top of a building about one block away while I watched the building I was supposed to run into and save people go up in smoke. The firefighters were all lined up in front of the truck even had the ladder out, and they were trying to get into the top floor.

This fire was going to be a bad one I could feel it. This situation was one of those moments I wish I had a mask to help keep the smoke out. I know that as soon as I slow down my speeds, I'll be breathing regular oxygen again, which was now mixed with smoke. Well, shit being a hero is apart of my plans so I can't choke now. It's time for some Maximum Effort!

With that war cry, I was off towards the building. I ran along the roof of my current block of buildings and launched myself into the air. My current aim was the roof of the building on fire. I was going to start from the top floor and then work my way down. Hopefully, this will keep me from missing anyone, man I wish I had some gadgets to help me right now, hell I would even go for some back up for this situation.

I dashed through the air for the building hoping beyond hope that I can pull this off because in this situation I had more than one life on the line, and the people had to be saved. I couldn't fail here; it had to be done. With a bolt of lightning charged spartan kick, I had the roof door clean off its hinges. Within the first clang of the door against the wall, I was already dashing my way down the stairs.

Smoke was pouring out of three of the five apartments up here on the fifth floor. I had no clue how and where the damn fire was coming from, but that wasn't the issue for right now. Right now, the goal was to save someone just anyone, and I'll know from there. I was into the first apartment door I came upon, yet it was empty. It was a lovely place, a nice sixty-inch flat tv and what looks like a super comfy couch, such a shame it was all on fire. I had checked the bathroom and under the bed just in case before I had to blast out of there and check the next three apartments.

These apartments were also empty, but I did find a little old lady in the fourth apartment, she was sitting there in her old lady bathrobes with dandelions printed on it with her house shoes. Yeah, this was going to be a cinch, picking her up in a princess carry I was on my way back up the roof to head down to the front I had a realization mid-stride she was going to need a seat. With the old lady in my hands, I ran to the front and then found the nearest firefighter. "Sir, do you mind holding her for a second please," I stated as I handed the granny over. He just looked at me stumped, but I had no time to explain myself.

With a twist, I was off back towards the build up the side and back across the roof then back into the old lady's room for her chair. I got her chair and made sure I had the cushion for it, with its awkward holding position It almost broke as I bolted for the door. That would not have been funny at all, with that little stunt passed. I brought the chair back up to the confused looking firefighter with the granny in his arms. With granny in her chair, it was time I stopped slacking off. I was back into the building again on the fourth floor this time.

This floor was still all smoky as the other, but all the apartments were empty, this was a plus, so I went for the third floor. On the third floor, I found people on the floor crawling under the smoke, so I picked up the first and rushed them out to the front of the building. I kept this up until I had them all, then as I was checking the apartments. I found a kid crying in one of the closets with a lady passed out in front of him.

The fact that he was in there crying wasn't what drew my attention what had my attention was that fire was spewing from him up the walls and out of the room. Well, I'll be damned he was a new Meta-human! Now this was going to complicate everything. He was about to find out what equal opportunity was cause I had plans to knock his little ass out and bring him and this lady to the X mansion.

Looking at all the fire he was giving out I thought of talking him down, but he was crying far too loud for my taste, so it was time to put him out of his misery. With a speed tap on the back of the head, he was out like a light, and that was the end of his little power hiccup. Bending down, I had to check her pulse; from her mid-thirties look, she had to be his mom or something.

Lucky for him, she still had a pulse so he won't have to suffer and mental trauma to go with his powers awakening. Now I had to get them out of here before smoke inhalation causes some severe damage. With the kid tossed over my shoulder, I picked up his mother or lady who is taking care of him. Currently, it was time to leave this hot mess.

This time instead of dropping them off at the bottom of the building, I thought it was best to drop them off on the roof across the street from the current building on fire.

With the kid and lady deposited in a safe place, it was time I went back to saving people. With a final look at them, I turned my back and went back to the rescue. It was still hero time. Soon as I made it back to the third floor, I found a firefighter trapped under a ceiling beam still on fire. Well, talk about getting worse by the second, man all I need now was for the floor to cave in.


When I heard a crack, I knew it was time to stop just looking at the situation and get to fixing it. I sped up to the beam on the firefighters back and pulled out all the heat energy being produced from the burning wood. With the wooden beam going out, I yanked it from the firefighters back. With the burned up wood tossed aside, it was time to save me a firefighter.

I did not want to do this at all, just his gear alone was at least one hundred pounds on top of whatever he already weighed. Yeah, I had enhanced strength, but heavy will always be heavy. Although with this situation, it showed me that I had to figure out a way to get my hands on super strength. Yeah, super strength will help me solve a lot of issues in the future.

With the firefighter over my shoulder I rushed him out, I found his buddy still talking with the old lady and tossed him next to them. This action, in turn, causes the guy to jump in surprise, but I paid him no attention I was back into the building for anyone I could find. Lucky for me, it was all empty, and I no longer had to be in that crazy heat.

I was safe while running but as soon as I slowed down to grab a person I kept getting hit with the thermal blast. This test is another reason why speed force construct clothing won't do in the hero gig.

With my return to the front of the building, I found all the firefighters gathered around the one I had dropped off on the floor. This development was odd because he was not only awake; he was making all kinds of gestures. Being a person of an inquisitive nature I, of course, pulled closer so that I could hear their topic of conversation. "Man, cap you can't even believe! I thought I was trapped. I remember being pinned down and then the next thing I knew I was here. Hell, I thought it was you guys that saved me. I tapped my mic twice on the emergency channel." stated the firefighter with is helm now off.

Well, since he was talking about me, it was time for me to go, this ninja mask had no voice modulator at all. Soon as I turned around though they all noticed my presence, it was far too late though. I was already gone into the sky, and I made sure to circle, so they thought I just up and left the scene. What they didn't know was that I had stashed away a little Meta-human kid and his guardian.

"Alfred buddy can you put in a call to the Professor for me his number should be on my phone. Also, add voice modulator and mask filter to a list of things to make or acquire, thanks again, Alfred." I asked into my headset since my AI should have been on the other end. "Right away, sir, and might I add that was a spectacular display and usage of your abilities, sir." came his smooth British voice back at me.

That made me chuckle some, but I was already moving and focused on the kid and his guardian in front of me. No cuts or any damage from what I can see and now that their chest is moving in a more reasonable pace from when I first saved them that should mean they are in good health.

And since I had no scanners to check their vitals, that's all I can go on until I get them back to and that's another thing to add to my list of things to build or make an acquisition effort. This situation would go so much smoother if Gwen weren't currently upset with me, but thems the brakes I guess.

With a buzz of my headset which I didn't even know it could do that I heard the Professor pick up and answer. "Hello good evening, Charles Xavier speaking." came the professors even voice from the other side. "Hey, Professor sorry for the late night but can you get the doc to prep the med lab for an emergency. I have a little meta kid and his guardian, am thinking smoke damage from a fire. "I spoke up as I picked up the lady and heaved her over my shoulder then picked up the kid in an underarm sling style carry.

This run was going to suck, and the only way to be safe was to beat feet across the sky because running on the ground would not be suitable for their health. "Of course, I believe Hank should still be down there" came the Professor's reply. With a click, the line was already being disconnected. "Alfred buddy we have a lot to talk about once this is all over with" I spoke up to what is eventually a small part of myself that I had neglected so I could go out and do hero crap.

With a deep breath, I dug deep on my well of speed force power charging myself up and blasted off into the sky, leaving a trail of golden electricity in my wake. The rush of the air, the power flowing in my veins, there is no way I can ever give up this feeling at all. I felt the build-up, the charge, and then the tingling sensation of it melding with my cells.

It was making me stronger, faster, and more durable. This speed force was mine, and I had plans to take it to whole new heights. I have to get my hands on Reed's dimensional tech then, combine it with my imagination mixed in. I'll be able to take the speed force and a few other ideas to a whole new level.

This night was productive. I thought as I was blasting my way through the air. Not only was I able to stop some muggings, but I was also able to stop a fire and rescue a firefighter. That should give me some brownie points when I show back up in the public's eye. Then I was able to get my hands on a Meta-human kid and that made me smile, but it was also a worrying thought. If I hadn't shown up would the kid, and his guardian have died tonight? And what other issues out there are caused by kids just discovering their powers? Talk about some crazy unanswered questions.

Putting that worrying thought aside, I was trying to enjoy my run through the sky. I had once asked Dr. Mccoy how long does it take to get to the city by the X-Jet and he replied that it only took six minutes. Right now I was about to break that record, I only had my supercharge going for about two solid minutes, and I was already in sight of the mansion.

Out on the east side of the mansion, I noticed what appeared to be Dr. Mccoy, the Professor and Storm out front by the basketball court. That could only mean that there must be a hidden hatch there for easy access in and out of the sub-basement floors. That's an interesting thing to have and also a back door I should make a note of for the future. With my landing, I just dumped the kid on the gurney and his guardian right beside him." Hey, Dr. McCoy I have the kid and his guardian here for you to take a look at." That caused Dr. McCoy to kick into high gear after he gave me an exasperated look from my treatment of his new patients.

I could only shrug from the look he gave me simply because I had to get them out of my hands some way and am all about that equality. If I am going to put the kid on the gurney, then his guardian was going to get the same treatment. When they were both out of my hands, I turned out the Professor and Ororo to see both of them had raised eyebrows at my actions. Then Ororo scanned me up and down with her eyes, probably wondering what's with my full suit is for and why am I wearing it. "Right," Professor spoke first while looking me up and down, "So do you plan to tell me how you came across the young boy and his mother?"

"Simple professor I was out saving my city when I came across a burning building," I spoke to him, keeping constant eye contact. "And what about the clothes you're wearing?" Asked Ororo before the Professor even had a chance to speak up. This development caused me to turn and smile at her, yeah I had piqued her interest alright. She has always been so reserved, steady, and stable but now I have her showing a lot more than her regular zen face.

With a shift, I dispersed my shirt and brought it back a few times to display that is not real clothing but a construct of my making. "This is a construct I figured out how to make. You might remember it was what I was wearing when you came to rescue Logan and myself from that hidden laboratory." "So why are you wearing that?" Asked Ororo.

"Well, I finally figured out my path that I think will benefit everyone better in the long run," I answered her trying hard not to seem smug. "And that would be?" Came the Professor with his question. And with that question of his, I knew I had his undivided attention. I knew he most likely had the whole X-Men thing as some project he's putting together just no team for it yet. This was my chance to not only have him place me in the group, but this was also my opportunity to make the team my own.

I'll do what hydra did to shield and take over his team as my own, even though I know he has his agenda nothing says I can't use his resources. "I plan to be a hero, not just any hero but a major Meta-human hero. It's a simple Saturday morning cartoon concept, but I believe it's going to make a major difference in the future." "That's a strange take on using your powers," stated the Professor with his thinking face on.

Just that look, I knew he was thinking about all the implications of my actions. "Professor no one knows about us Meta-humans until they gain their abilities and or do their research. You're taking a passive stance and only helping those you discover, but Magneto is out there being an active Meta-human disturbance in his movement."

"No one likes to admit it, but we have all watched cartoons in our lives, and we all want heroes. My goal is to be that hero who will show up to save the day. And in the end, I plan to come out as a Meta-human. If I do this right, the city will love me and so will the world." "The future I want is acceptance, not fear. And I'll be the poster boy if I have to so that I can lead the charge and not Magneto. We need a friendly face in the news and not his helmet making the situation worse."

"Again you give me more to think about." Came his reply, but I knew better I knew he was thinking up a way to use this to his advantage in that bald head of his. True his ulterior motives are good ones, but they are nothing he will share. "What gives you the right to think you can be the face of us all?" Came Ororo and damn I was not expecting her to be so confrontational tonight. "No one did so I took it upon myself to be a face of good in the struggle of Meta-human rights. Magneto is already out there doing who knows what and you guys only move out when you make discoveries or going in to rescue."

"I saved a building full of people tonight and the firefighter that went in to save them. That's going to be on the news in the morning. That's my doing, and I am putting myself out there to make a difference because we need the change and not the change Magneto wants to make." Was my reply as I stepped up to her.

I was so close now and damned she smelled amazing, it was some flowery scent I couldn't place. Her eyes were a deep cerulean blue, the over sized shirt she was wearing couldn't hide her chest from standing high and firm with her nipples hardening with my approach. Her lips so plump I just wanted to push her up against the wall and lay a lip lock on her. She was such a dangerous temptation to me just like Gwen and Mystique.

I had to mind my manners. I was sure this wasn't going to be the first or last time Ororo was going to lash at me with frustrations. I was going to take the brunt of her frustrations. While she didn't know this yet, I was already sure I wanted her.

Unfortunately, we were brought out of our little bubble by the Professor's chuckle at our by play. I didn't forget he was here, but it was rude of me hitting on his adopted daughter right in front of his face. Ororo did a sudden turn to leave, which gave me a face full of her luscious white locks as she stormed back into the X-mansion. This caused the Professor to laugh at my expression.

He started again though I knew all these questions were only because he couldn't get into my head. "Don't mind her. She is only trying to understand your view and Ideology. I believe that might be due to her past, but that's not for me to share. Tell me, Benjamin, why do all this?" "Things gotta change Professor. This status quo we have won't last for much longer, and I plan to lead not follow." With that, he eyed me before he went back inside. "I shall think about what I have been told tonight, Benjamin. Thank you for saving the young boy and his guardian, I will inform you once they awaken." And with that, he was gone.

No love lost I guess, I had enough of him being him for one night. So I charged up my body again then launched myself back into the air. I was heading back to the city with a rictus grin while reveling in the pure joy of my air run. When I made it back to the city, I was able to stop a few muggers and a car-jacking with Alfred's help, but those weren't my current goals. I knew he listened to my talk with the Professor because privacy is one of the things I'll have to get used to giving up since Alfred is connected to all my tech and gear now. Yeah, I'll have to have that talk with him soon, but my current goal was to hunt myself a drug dealer and relieve him and his safe house of all his cash. Being a hero is, unfortunately, a non-paying job, and I'll need funds for the future.

I am not a billionaire yet, and I wasn't born a saint in this messed up world, so I have to make do with the tools at hand. Lucky for me, no one is going to show remorse for a drug dealer getting robbed.

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