The Final Desperation

11 – (Corruption World)

A yellow leaf broke off a branch and drifted past Genji's face. Another day had passed since Genji returned to the real world. Right now, he's waiting in the middle of nowhere for the realm to transport him back. The reasoning is that disappearing in a place where people would notice is sketchy.

Although Genji is sure the realm can take care of this issue, he would rather not gamble. Who knows what the people around him would think? If the realm does something dubious, he might end up in a compromise situation, something he would prefer to avoid.

When the countdown reached zero, Genji blanked out. When he came to, he realized he was in his room.

"No matter how much I experience it, I can never get used to this. It's like one second I am here and the next, somewhere else."

[Nightmare Enigma, prepare yourself. Your first mission starts in 20 minutes.]

Since he's back in EverRealm, Genji's restrictions on his items have been lifted. He opened his storage and took out [Shroud of Terror] and his weapons. He put the cloak on and hid his daggers beneath the fabric in an easily accessible location. Who knows, this might come as a lethal surprise for anyone that dares to approach him.

As for [Muramasa], he strapped it to his left side like the samurais in his trial world. For the remainder of his time, Genji organized his storage so that he can grab whatever he needs rapidly. Genji knows that this is kind of pointless, but there might be a time when he needs the reaction speed. So for those times in the future, he will develop a habit of organizing his storage now. It's better to waste some time now than regret it later.

When the time was up, Genji blanked out again.

When Genji reoriented himself, he realized he was in a barrier like the trial world. Unlike that time though, he's not alone. In this decent-sized space, there are about 30 others who are also looking around. Judging by their vigilant looks, it can be seen that they are unfamiliar with each other. It seems that EverRealm teleported a bunch of people into this world. Is this something normal or just his luck? Genji couldn't say because of his lack of experience.

As they looked around, EverRealm gave them the world introduction.


Corruption World


Years ago, rifts opened up around the world and monsters invaded Earth. These monsters are called corruptors because of their ability to corrupt anything that they touch. This problematic property pushed the world to the brink of destruction as normal firearms had little effect on these corruptors. But as all hope was lost, mutants who wielded powers on par with these corruptors showed up and fought the invaders off. What the world didn't know though, was that the powers of these mutants held a dark secret.

Mission: Survive for 20 days

Penalty for failure: none

Restrictions: Equipment of the fantasy and futuristic nature are banned.



When Genji finished reading the introduction, he noticed that many of the participants have an ugly expression.

"What's wrong," a young-looking person with a cold face asked.

"It's a survival mission." Another replied.

"What's about it?" he continued asking.

Everyone gave the teenager a look.

"You're new, aren't you?"

The teenager nodded.

"My second world."

"No wonder."


At this moment, a person clapped his hands to get everyone's attention.

"As everyone knows, we are in a bad situation. If we want any chance of getting out of this world alive, we would have to work together. I suggest we nominate an experienced leader. Of course, since I brought it up, I want to run for the position. I am Guther, the leader of the Hammer of Light Adventurer Group. If there is anyone that thinks he can do a better job, feel free to speak up."

A few people walked behind Guther. From their composure and familiarity with each other, Genji guessed they are members of his adventurer group.

When the crowd heard this introduction, hushed whispers of excitement were said.

"So it's Hammer of Light. We're saved."

"If we have them guide us, we should have the best chance of survival."

"Yeah. I heard they haven't lost anyone since their establishment 5 worlds ago."

After a minute, Guther saw no one step up.

"Very well. Since we are all in agreement, I have a few rules as a leader. One, I am not responsible for any harm that results from you disobeying my order. Two, I need to know everyone's abilities to make the best decisions. And finally, all drops in this world are reserved for my adventuring group. If anyone has a problem with these, speak up now. I won't tolerate any arguments later."

"Of course not, sir Guther. I'm sure we are all grateful for your help. Right everyone?" one person took the opportunity to butter him up.

"Yeah. It's only fair that you take everything."

The others can't say otherwise. What would happen if their objections offend Guther, and they end up getting kicked out? They would have no one to help them, potentially leading to an early death.

"Good, now everyone line up and start telling one of our members about your abilities."

Everyone obeyed these instructions. Well everyone except Genji and the teenager that asked about the mission. Genji simply stood in a corner and watched everything. As for the teenager, he looked around and noticed Genji standing by himself. He walked over and made a conversation.

"You don't seem interested," the teenager remarked.

"No. Those conditions are unfavorable."

"A slave."

The teenager seems to be a man of few words. The serious type that doesn't bother with pleasantries. In a way, he's like Genji, except Genji can socialize while the teenager just avoids it.

At this moment, Guther yelled at them.

"Hey, you two! Aren't you going to line up?"

The teenager shook his head.

"No. I'm going solo."

Hearing this, a few people mocked him for his choice.

"How suicidal."

"A young calf really doesn't fear a tiger."

"Do you think you're some bigshot?"

"You really won't consider it? There's strength in numbers," Guther asked again.

"Thank you, but no," the teenager replied.

Then he turned to Genji.

"I'm 7156."

Another weird name. Genji didn't have time to reply because the barrier behind him disappeared. And the moment that happened, EverRealm hit them with a notification.

[Event triggered: Survive the Elite]

Genji sensed a rapidly approaching creature with heavy killing intent. A second later the creature appeared in the dim light around them. The creature looked like a tiger with some purple tentacles wriggling around its body. The areas where the tentacles came out of the body were also purple. To Genji, the creature looked like a body that was reanimated. Genji threw an insight over and got into a quick draw stance.

[Elite Corruptor Beast]

Hp: 1600/1600

Con: 12

Str: 12

Dex: 8

Int: 3

Spc: 8


- Elite constitution: +1000 max hp

- Parasite: Hijacks a body and uses it as its own.

- Corruption: All wounds are infected with median corruption

- Predator: Increased damage against creatures with con lower than the owner's strength


Seeing these stats, many people started despairing.

"Doomed. There's no way."

"Why is there an elite at the start?"

"We're all going to die."

The teenager or 7156 as he called himself, tried to pull out a pistol and a dagger. He had a tense face as the creature was quickly approaching. Realizing he wasn't going to make it on time, 7156 braced himself for impact, but it never came. Right when the creature pounced at them, Genji activated Swift Movement on his cloak and drew his sword.

As [Muramasa] was traveling through the air, Genji infused his Frenzy state energy into it.


A critical hit.

Then he raised a leg and gave the creature a hard kick to stop its momentum.


Genji gripped the katana with both hands and raised it above his head. He took a step forward and strung down on the creature's skull.


At this moment, 7156 snapped out of his daze and fired a few bullets at the creature.




Looking at the positions of the shots, Genji realized the kid is not the best marksman. Genji then winded his blade back and ran to the right of the elite. He stabbed his blade into the side of the torso and dragged it with all his strength.


When the sword can out, Genji performed another downward slash on the body.


After dealing this strike, Genji jumped back as his speed buff had ended. The elite creature stumbled and struggled to get back on its feet, but failed to do so. Genji had left two deep cuts on its head and two on its body. It's a surprise that the creature is still alive after all that. He wondered how this was possible, but he noticed that the wounds were closing.

Tentacles grow out from the torn flesh and stabbed into the other side. Then the tentacles contracted and pulled the cuts together like stitches. It was a disgusting sight as rotten blood spatter everywhere in the process.


Genji looked at the health and decided to attack before the creature can recover anymore. Genji dodged a swipe from a claw and swung the sword at the front leg.


More blood splattered as the limb detached from the body. Genji slid under the creature to avoid the discolored blood. He wanted to evade the blood just in case it has some nasty side effects. Plus who wants blood on them anyways?

Genji then stabbed the stomach of the beast and rolled to the left, the side that wasn't mangled in blood. The blade cut through the body and left another gnash that almost bisected the creature. Following his movement, a trial of blood chased after him.


Genji pushed off the floor with his free hand so that he was behind the creature.




7156 shot a few bullets that managed to distract the elite enough for Genji to leave another deep cut.


Only a sliver of health remained on this elite. Genji backed off as 7156 finished it with two more bullets.

[Elite has been slain]

[As this was an event, rewards will be provided.]

[Distribution is complete. The reward is based on the contribution to the fight.]

[As you have contributed to the majority of the damage by an overwhelming extent, you gain most of the rewards]

[You have obtained 234 ever coins for killing the elite.]

[You have obtained Flexible Intermediate Knowledge Book]

[Flexible Intermediate Knowledge Book]

Rating: rare

Effect: Upon use, you will obtain intermediate-level knowledge on a subject of your choice


Genji was surprised by this announcement. There's such a thing? No wonder people can sell all kinds of items. They must have been obtained through special means like this.

[Essence of Terror has triggered. Your maximum energy has increased by 3 points.]

Genji felt his clock absorbing the energy of the dead elite and converting it to shadow energy. This was another unexpected bonus. Who knew killing can be such a lucrative business? And judging by the world introduction, Genji knows there will be plenty more where that came from.

"If only I got rewarded for my kills in the trail world," Genji lamented for his loss.

Seeing this, the rest of the people were gobsmacked by the person before them. Think about it from their perspective. They entered this world because EverRealm forces people to undergo missions after a set amount of time. Then they are hit with a survival mission, one of the deadliest mission types. And right when the world started, they are attacked by an elite.

An elite is called elite for a reason. Oftentimes, to fight one off, casualties are inevitable. Yet one person casually killed an elite without any damage and now he's smiling like a maniac looking at the corpse of the mangled monster. At this moment, the group decided that this must be a veteran. How else can they explain the ease he had in combat?

Genji ignored the weird looks the others were giving him and walked over to the body. He reached into his storage and brought out a lighter and some paper. He set the papers on fire and tossed them on the body. Soon the body caught on fire.


A terrifying scream sounded from the body. Then the body split apart and a creature with many tentacles rushed out at Genji. Genji took a step back and cut the small critter down.

[You have slain a parasite. +12 coins]

[Maximum energy has increased by 1]

At this sight, everyone's eyes widened. So this is an expert.

"How did you know it was still alive?" 7156 asked him.

Genji shrugged.

"I didn't."

He looked at him speechlessly. It's as if his eyes were asking "Then why did you burn the body?"

"Rule 16 of staying alive: make sure the enemy is actually dead when you kill them. That and rule 17: destroy the body if you can."

The others were amazed by this. As expected of an expert. He even formulated a bunch of rules to stay alive.

Genji then started walking away. As for teaming up, he hadn't even considered it. The people who entered this world seem extremely incompetent, especially when they barely reacted to the elite. His goal is to maximize his income in this world, and grouping up will only slow him down.

After looking around for a few minutes, he realized that they were in an abandoned warehouse. And since he's in the Frenzy state, he knows it's nighttime. As for what time exactly, he will have to find a clock.

He walked out and decided to gather some information about this world. Judging by the elite he fought, it seemed that this world possessed supernatural elements, something he was unfamiliar with. As he was walking around, he realized the surroundings seem modern.

"That's good. I might be able to get some useful items in this world."

As he walked further, he realized he was in a city. The area he came from was the outskirts which seems to be underdeveloped. Everywhere else, there are street lamps and occasionally some bushes and trees.

He walked past a vending machine and realized something. The characters written on it are a familiar script. To be specific, the Kanjis of his first world.

"I see. The world intro told me the time period while the clues tell me I'm in Japan."



Amon was walking home from work when his radar sounded. A very loud ringing that persists until he took it out and clicked on it. On the small screen of the device, a yellow dot appeared.

"So much for getting off work," he muttered to himself. It's been a long day and now he gets swamped with more work. It's too bad his job demands him to be ready at all times. But if he doesn't do this, then no one will.

He grabbed his metal suitcase and started running towards the dot on his radar. By doing some calculations on the rate he was moving and the change in distance, he realized the dot was in the suburban area of the city.

"It's going to be a while until I get there so let's hope no one gets hurt."

When Amon was halfway there, the dot disappeared from his radar. Feeling the lack of vibration in the device, he looked down and realized he was free of his duties.

"I guess another agent had arrived and solved the problem"

Amon smiled and started heading back. It's always a good day when he doesn't have to fight a corruptor. By now you might have realized that Amon is not a normal person. That's because he's part of the Corruption Extermination Corporation(CEC), a branch of the government that is dedicated to fighting the corruptors in the country. Anything that's related to the corruptors is dealt with by them.

Although their main goal is to kill corruptors, they also play a role in maintaining normal, everyday life for the citizens. In fact, most citizens don't even know about this side of the world. That's why everyone was able to live so peacefully.

*Vrrrr vrrrr*

His tracker started vibrating again.

"Oh come on!"

Amon took out the device again and looked at the location. It's near. Amon then ran towards the second corruptor for the night. Minutes later, he found himself in a children's playground. He took out his radar and looked at the location.

"This is the place"

He looked around for the corruptor but failed to see it. This though, didn't make him relax. Quite the opposite in fact. He clicked on a button on the handle of his suitcase. The suitcase opened and he reached inside to pull out a pile of metal that quickly assembled itself into a broad sword in his hand.

This is his fuhai-boshi1anti-corruption in Japanese , a weapon made to deal massive damage to corruptors with a single hit. These weapons come in many forms, but they come with the restriction of needing an edge. This is because, for the weapon to work, it needs to get into the bodies of the corruptors to deal damage.

Upon entering the bodies of corruptors, the weapon will release a chemical that targets the parasites that are controlling the creatures. To achieve this, a cutting edge is the most efficient way. As for Amon's fuhai-boshi, it comes with a feature that allows it to be compacted into a suitcase for ease of portability.

In fact, most of them come with this feature. The only ones that don't have this feature are the powerful ones that can't be disassembled. As a result, those fuhai-boshi are rarely used by field combatants. It's kind of hard to hide the corruptors if there are people carrying really dangerous-looking weapons around, you know?

Amon threw aside his suitcase and slowly searched the park, taking careful attention to always guard himself. But no matter how he searched, he can't seem to find the anomaly. He checked EVERYWHERE. Behind trees, around bushes, under the slides, and even the entire block. Nothing.

"Could the radar be broken?"

Amon lowered his sword and took another look at the device. The dot was still there.

"I guess I will report it and get a new one."

As field agents, it is of the utmost importance that their equipment functions as intended; otherwise, their lives would be at risk.

He put the device away and walked over to his suitcase. He knelt down to pick it up. Just as his fingers touched the handle, a scythe blade appeared behind him, swinging down to decapitate.

Amon heard the sharp whistling of the air behind him and quickly leaped forward. A small cloud of dirt flew up as he landed on his chest, but he wasn't without injuries. Because of the hurried response, Amon received a deep cut down his back. Luckily, it missed his spine so he can still move.


Amon quickly flipped on his back to block the strike coming at him. A huge force pushed his arms down as he pushed back with everything he had to avoid being impaled by the scythe blade. He looked up and saw a giant mantis-like creature standing above him. The creature raised its other arm and swung down.


Knowing he can't resist another strike, Amon scurried to roll out of the way.

Another cloud of dirt flew up. Using the cover formed by this strike, Amon got up on his feet and faced the monster. When the dust cleared, Amon saw the creature pull its blades out of the ground. Out of the corner of his eye, he notice the ground had a deep cut.


Seeing the result, Amon felt his throat go dry. He realized that if he was struck like that, he wouldn't survive. He took a tense defensive stance and prepared to fight, but the creature had other plans. It looked at Amon and then faded away.

Amon's eyes widened but another whistling sound snapped him out of his shock. He swung his sword to block, but failed, receiving another cut on his chest. The creature appeared slightly before fading again. Then another swing and another wound.

"Fuck! I'm going to die at this rate."

Amon received another cut on his left arm.

"I can't continue."

He turned and started running. His only hope is to buy enough time for other agents to arrive. Only then can they have a chance to kill this monster.


He ducked and lost a few strands of hair.

"I need to find cover. And fast."

He adjusted his direction towards the trees and sprinted with everything. As he was running, he received a few more cuts on the back and sides. These cuts were shallow, but they are accumulating. If he isn't careful, he's going to faint from blood loss.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! What the hell is my luck? That's a fucking rank 4 corruptor!"

He hastily dodged another attack and ran between the trees. His life became a lot easier at that point. Whenever the corruptor tried to swing its blades, it would get caught in the surrounding trees. Not that the trees did anything. The thinner ones got cut in half while the scythes glided through the thicker ones, leaving a big cut. This though, brought Amon enough time to dodge the attack.

Without looking back, he continued running through the narrow gaps in between the trees, hoping to use his smaller frame to his advantage. And it worked. Amon managed to make enough distance to loop around and run into the streets. Although it's kind of stupid to abandon his cover, there's not much he can do about it. If he continued to stay, the surrounding trees will all be cut down.

Another reason was that running in the streets will be more obvious for the arriving agents. Now Amon is betting on the distance he generated to hopefully find reinforcement. As for being seen, that's not a worry. It's like 2 am right now. Who the hell would be wandering the streets at this time? And even if there are people, it doesn't take much effort to gaslight them into believing they are hallucinating from staying up too late.

Amon sprinted, but there was no one in sight.

"Dammit! Where is everyone?"

What Amon didn't realize was that the encounter had only lasted a few minutes. It would take another few minutes for reinforcements to arrive as he was the closest agent.

His panic only grew as he heard a thumping sound slowly approaching him. He pushed himself harder, but the distance closed slowly.

"Is there really no way?"

Amon started to despair as the sound was only a few feet behind him. Then he heard footsteps. Not the ones from behind him, but the quiet echoing of steel boots on concrete. It's coming from the front. His gaze traced the origin of the sound and managed to make out a figure taking a stroll under the street lamps on the side of the street.

"A civilian?!"

As Amom approached the figure, he realized the person was wearing a cloak with a hood that covers his face, but he didn't pay any attention to the weird getup.

"Hey! Run!" Amon shouted, in hopes of preventing an unnecessary death.

The figure looked up at him but didn't stop walking towards him.

"He must think I'm a weirdo huh? Can I blame him? Imagine someone running around with a giant sword in the middle of the night and then yelling at you to run," Amon thought to himself.

As Amon got within a few feet of the figure, he heard the person speak.

"It seems like you could use some help."

Huh? What are you talking about? Don't you see the blood on me and the thumping sound that's approaching? Why aren't you running?

The figure reached down with his right hand and grasped something. It was at this moment that Amon realized the figure was carrying a sword on his waist.

The figure casually walked past the running Amon and drew his sword. Hearing the whistling sound of air, Amon turned around to witness the bystander's gruesome death, but he was greeted with a different sight. The head of the creature that was chasing him separated from its neck. Then the rest of the body became visible, but it still moved according to its last nerve impulses.

One of the scythe blades came down at the figure but he simply sidestepped it. Next, the figure swung his sword again in a beautiful arc and cut between the joints of the carapace, sending the dismembered blade flying. Then, the figure followed the trajectory of the swing to cut the other scythe arm off with his blade traveling a complete circle.

*Swooosh splatter clink*

The then figure swung his blade again to remove the mantis blood before slowly sheathing it. After completing these actions, he turned towards Amon and started making his way over.

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