The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 1216 - Ancient war

The Milky Way has four main cantilever arms, the Orion Arm, the Centaur Arm, the Immortal Arm, and the Swan Arm. It is unknown where he and the **** are. Pangqi is in the Large Magellanic Cloud and gluttonous in the Small Magellanic Cloud. Where is the most powerful flame demon, is still unknown.

Knowing from the mouth of chaos, Zhuo is a silicon-based creature. In the past six hundred years of galloping the universe in summer, I have never seen a silicon-based creature. I have only heard of it. Daming also had experts make assumptions about silicon-based creatures.

If the so-called chaos in front of him is telling the truth now, then he will face silicon-based creatures for the first time, and he has already entered the god-level civilization.

If according to the classification of civilizations in the summer, what kind of division of human races, machine races and zerg races, then what kind of siege should the silicon-based civilization belong to?

According to chaos, 漼 杌 is a creature, but it has no breath, no diet, but has a very fast thinking ability. According to the chaotic narrative, what summer says more about its thinking ability should be understood as computing power . This computing power is comparable to that of the Oriental supercomputer.

If this is the case, it is better to say that it is a supercomputer than a creature! In the computer chip, a large amount of silicon is used. If you insist on saying that a computer with high AI is life, then this computer can also be regarded as a silicon-based life.

The definition of human beings is that under natural conditions, living organisms and their progeny with viability and reproductive ability generated through chemical reactions. Since entering the interstellar age, the concept of biology will be rewritten.

Chaos dictated the appearance of Kazuo to summer. In the fairy arm, Kazuo also occupies more than a thousand galaxies. In this thousand galaxies, as long as there are rocky planets or natural satellites, they are all A daze.

It is not like Chaos that can devour the planet. It is a direct transformation of the planet. The entire planet is directly transformed into the body of a dwarf. A planet is a supercomputer.

It is classified as a silicon-based biological civilization, not a machine civilization, because it is not artificial but evolved naturally. The computer that evolved naturally, this kind of touched the summer.

“So how did it evolve?” Xia Tian asked his own question.

Wonton narrates: “During the evolution of the planet, consciousness gradually came into being, gradually thought, and began to evolve …”

“Oh my god, this is incredible,” Xia Tian sighed. “A planet with thoughts! So why hasn’t the earth, other planets, evolved for billions of years without thinking?”

“Evolution requires conditions,” Chaos said. “Don’t you humans have studied evolution? You should know this truth.”

“Okay, even if what you said is true, then why should I help you?” Xia Xian asked substantive questions.

“I can use technology to exchange with you,” Chaos began to expel rich conditions, “I believe my technology will be useful to you.”

“It depends on what kind of technology it is.”

“Stellar bomb.”

“Stellar bomb? What is it?” Xia Jing asked, and the word stellar bomb made him feel a little scared.

Chaos said: “First compress a planet with a diameter of more than 1,000 kilometers to a diameter of only 10 centimeters, so that it is accompanied by huge energy, and then use a gravitational slingshot to eject it at a speed close to the speed of light and bombard the enemy stars. , This is the so-called stellar bomb. “

“Then how powerful is it?”

“It will break a star through an opening that can reach a diameter of more than 10,000 kilometers, and let the material inside the star up to 10 million degrees spew out, and it can eject billions of kilometers towards its planet. When this tens of thousands of degrees When the stellar matter reaches the planet, it will grill the planet, making the planet look like a big red iron ball. “

It sounds creepy to hear it, but summer still asks questions: “It sounds like a terrible weapon, but it is directional after all, if the enemy is not in the direction of the stellar vent, Wouldn’t it be possible to beat it? Especially the god-level civilization. “

Chaos said: “I am telling you this weapon, since it can bombard even stars, can it bombard planets directly?”

“Oh, that’s what it is.” Xia Xia said. Although he was doubting such a weapon, he was also thinking in his heart that if there is such a weapon, and he can be controlled by himself, then he can become a stronger point. Too.

“Once,” Chaos said again. “Early ago, there was an interstellar war that stretched across the galaxy. It was a vast epic war. ~ ~ Interstellar war … “

In the summer, when he heard him, he felt that the wars he had experienced could not be regarded as interstellar wars. He did not say anything, and he heard what the so-called interstellar wars in his mouth looked like.

Chaos also said: “At that time, there wasn’t what you said about the stalkers and peepers. The galaxy experienced millions of years of scuffles, and finally the four most powerful civilizations were born, which is what you know now. He, poor, gluttonous, chaotic with me.

“The tactics I use for Chaos are to devour the planet, compress it, destroy it, use a gravitational slingshot to eject the compressed planet at high speed, and hit the enemy. In the high temperatures, all living things in the entire galaxy cannot survive. “

Speaking of chaos, Chaos stopped here, as if remembering the era of war. It only paused for a moment, and then went on to say: “Every star, as well as the planets, moons, and small objects in its system, have been destroyed. Countless stars have been destroyed and exploded, becoming dazzling supernovas in the universe. Many planets are thrown together, and the more mass they gather, the more they eventually become black holes. For black holes, we also have the ability to explode to form new galaxies. So, a super stellar missile can also burst a star, Let it explode and become a supernova. “

“Your star wars are so grand.” Summer began to sigh.

Wonton said: “This was 5 billion years ago …”

“5 billion years? So long ago?”

“Yes, the ancient war five billion years ago. Little one, your solar system was destroyed in that battle and re-established.”

Summer knows that the sun, and the solar system, has a life span of 4.6 billion years.

“It turns out that the solar system is the product of your war!”

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