The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 1222 - Space billiards

Bai Ziying, as the messenger of Daming and even the Alliance, led the expedition to Swan Arm for a field visit. She is the head of the expedition. The flagship is a thousand-meter warship. Daming sent a 100-person expedition to her. Most of the members are technicians from the Academy of Sciences.

At the same time, Yanxia and Demonblade Civilization each sent a worm swarm, and the Saints also sent an aircraft group to follow, which was considered as a guarantee for the inspection team. At the beginning of the summer, some more people will be sent to follow, but Xiaoying refuses to do so. She said that this is to investigate, but not to go to war. There is no need for big fanfare. Furthermore, since it is an alliance, it should be mutual trust It is not possible to shoot so many soldiers, and it is useless to send more soldiers, because alliances and chaos are not civilizations on a level.

Swan arm, giant system. The Giant God System is a Samsung system. It has three stars, namely Giant God 1, Giant God 2 and Giant God 3. Each star has a number of planets. Giant God 2 and Giant God 3 are petite stars. The two orbit each other and then circle the Giant God together. The three stars have a common planet, and the common planets are all dwarf planets.

Among them, among the planets orbiting around the giant god, there is a star called Yuan Tianxing. It was originally a rocky planet similar in size and mass to the earth, but it is not now, but a star insect. This star Insects are the deity of chaos. A zerg that merges with a planet is actually a zerg that devours a planet.

There are thousands of large and small star insects in the giant **** system. The planets they swallow are as large as planets, as small as dwarf planets, satellites and asteroids.

In addition, there are more than one thousand galaxies in the vicinity of the Giant God System. Each galaxy has hundreds of thousands of worms, and each communicates and communicates through quantum creatures. These galaxies have more than one million worms. , Unified and respect chaos as their leader.

Chaos calls this star field “Chaotic Heavenly Kingdom”, and Chaos itself is the king of this heavenly kingdom, called “King of Chaos”.

According to Chaos, Chaos Heaven is restricted by agreement, it is forbidden to leave their own homes, to roam freely in the universe, and not to violate other civilizations. Elinte and Grint secretly ran out of their homes and belonged to the betrayal division. They deserved their sins and died.

There are a thousand galaxies in the chaotic heaven, there are single stars, but also double stars and three stars. Each star has a Dyson ball. The Dyson ball is a product of super civilization, so for the chaos belonging to the god-level civilization, it is not surprising that a large number of Dyson **** are used.

Bai Ziying’s investigation and study group traversed a total of 30 wormholes before reaching the Giant God Department. These 30 wormholes are dial wormholes built by humans in the corresponding galaxies. The Alliance’s dial-up wormhole network ID serial number has been upgraded to 9 digits. The first 5 digits are the galaxy number, and the last 4 digits are the wormhole serial number sitting in the galaxy.

In the Giant Divine System, the team of the expedition was arranged on the orbit of chaos. Around the chaos revolution and the many soldiers and insects carried by chaos, they became the satellite of chaos.

When the inspection team reached Chaos and transmitted the video to the alliance synchronously, several of the core members were shocked by the scene. I saw that the surroundings of chaos stretched from the surface of its body to hundreds of thousands of space. The densely covered Zhazao was covered with soldiers and insects, like a vast sea of ​​insects.

Bai Ziying, who was in the sea of ​​insects, was so shocked to watch the star insects and the insect seas at such a close distance.

The worms of the Star Worm and the Mech beetle swarms of the expedition and the human spaceship get along together, without interfering with each other and without conflict.

As soon as Bai Ziying ’s delegation arrived by Chaos, Chaos could n’t wait to say: “Let ’s start learning now. I ca n’t wait to pass on my knowledge to you.”

The production process of neutron star bombs:

The star bug directly wraps the target planet in the past, and then contracts the body to compress the planet strongly. Star Worms who have entered the god-level civilization already have this ability.

At that time, Glint did not have this ability, so although it came from the Kingdom of Chaos, it was not a god-level civilization. Although Elinte has some god-level features, it is only a quasi-god-level civilization, so it does not have the ability to make neutron star bombs.

The ability to make neutron star bombs is the official standard of god-level civilization.

The humans, zergs and machines in the alliance are not as large as star worms and do not have the ability to devour the planet like star worms, so chaos has been a good idea for how to make neutron star bombs. That is super-induced rays.

Hundreds of billions of insects, mechas or human fighters aim at a target planet and emit super-induced rays. This kind of ray can attract the target and can also repel the target. The ray that has developed to the **** level ~ ~ can strongly repulse the target. If many rays surround the planet and emit this ray at the same time, it can squeeze the planet strongly.

Of course, the premise of this is that it needs strong and vast energy support.

As the planet is squeezed, its volume begins to collapse, but its mass remains unchanged. The result is that the density of the planet will become greater, the temperature will become higher, and the autobiographical speed will become faster and faster.

The technology is learned, but the next step is to face the practice, how to make a neutron star bomb by yourself.

There are even two problems in making bombs, one: a corps with hundreds of billions of troops, and two, a suitable planet.

Summer conducted a long-distance communication with the team of engineers in the expedition, and the scientist told him that the technology taught by Chaos was completely true, without any adulteration.

Although this kind of neutron star bomb can only be regarded as a neutron star bomb in the strict sense, its power is already very powerful. Chaos is studying further neutron star bombs in the true sense, that is, to make a ready-made neutron star or a star directly into a neutron star, and then use a gravitational slingshot to shoot at the enemy.

And such neutron star bombs are hundreds of thousands of times stronger than the current neutron star bombs!

Chaos did not conceal it and told the summer of its magnificent plan, and jokingly called this weapon a space billiard, because the neutron star bomb can smash the other planets like a billiard ball. With this nickname, the nickname is both humorous and cold.

To a certain extent, this made summer feel a little bit of fear. After struggling for many years, he has been walking on the road of super civilization. Unexpectedly, today, the god-level civilization he has dreamed of for many years will be realized.

A neutron star bomb can destroy a galaxy, which is very scary to think about!

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