The Gam3

Sacrificial Pieces is now out on Amazon!

Sacrificial Pieces—and what I like to think of as the Gam3’s Prequel Trilogy—is done and out on Amazon! If you've enjoyed the series please buy the book and leave a rating on Amazon, it makes a massive difference!

I've never been one to promote my own work much, and the truth of the matter is I don't think it's good enough. Not only is the Gam3 incomparable to many other great series, but the books I've written have never been able to stand up to the ideas in my head—the novels I want to write.

It's been an amazing journey becoming an author and being able to write for a living, but I feel like I've let everyone down because I haven't given writing my all. Instead, my focus has been more on playing games, reading books, watching TV, and consuming content in practically every form imaginable. Five years ago this would have been my dream, but it hasn't left me fulfilled. Perhaps it's just human nature but I'm not content with where I'm at. I'm not happy with my work so far, with my life so far, and with the world so far. I hope to fix all that, though changing the world is probably wishful thinking.

So I'm going to write something else. That means the Gam3 will probably take a longer hiatus than I intended. To be honest, I'm not sure how long it will be, but I have every intention of continuing Alan's story, and hopefully when I do return I have the ability to bring the characters and universe to life in a way I haven’t managed yet. I want to level up my writing abilities, and right now I think the best way to do that is to focus on another story for a while.

If you want to be kept updated follow me on my blog, here on RoyalRoad, or on Twitter. The audiobook will be released by late April.

Thanks for reading my work so far, and I hope to release another series someday soon!

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