The Game Cafe in Marvel and DC

10 – The 1,000 Man Massacre Part 1

[A/N: Current Vote Count: Ark(63), Dishonored(43), Starfew Valley(39), Bioshock(37), DBD(35), For Honor(32), Mount & Blade(21), Metro(20), Far Cry(15), State of Deacy(13)]

[Frank Castle POV]

"What can I call you?" I asked the menacing robot before me.

"This unit does not have any designation, if you so wish, you may designate this unit however, you see fit," The 'Assaultron' replied.

"You want me to give you a name?" Frank asked with a raised eyebrow.

"This unit does not need a name, but this unit wouldn't mind having one either..." The Assaultron stated, looking away from Frank with a gleam of red light from its eye and claws clenched.

"How about Zeta?" Frank asked randomly, still slightly confused about this situation as he walked down an alley with his new 'robot.'

"As you wish, this unit shall now answer to the designation: Zeta."

"Inquiry: What is our objective, commander?"

"Tonight we will be assaulting a hostile base of a small criminal gang compound, I scouted out the place a few days ago, and from what I could tell, there were at most a hundred men in the compound, so, if we got at this quiet, we should be able to take out a good number of them before they are alerted to our presence," Frank stated with an eerie calm tone, showing just how little he cares about the lives of the criminals

"Inquiry: Weapons?" Zeta asked.

"Small caliber handguns with the rest having access only to melee weaponry."

"Sir?" Zeta spoke again.

"Yes, Zeta?"

"If you would allow it, may this unit clear the compound of all hostiles while you remain here and halt those that flee?"

"...Why?" Frank asked, suspicious.

"This unit can easily clear a compound of enemies with ease and is programmed for infiltration, assassination, and destruction. The enemy's weapons will not even scratch this unit's chassis, let alone detect this unit before its mission is done or nearing completion without it wanting them to," Zeta stated matter-of-factly.

After a few moments of thought, Frank sighed and said, "Fine, but if faced with overwhelming danger, flee from the compound and regroup with me. You cost me a lot, I guess I might as well get a glimpse of what you can do, especially after being indebted with such a large sum," Frank gave in with a sigh.

The syndicate compound was a garbage dump on the outer edge of the city not far from the pier, the ones working in the compound were in the car business.

Car thieves would bring them cars, they'd change the plates, remove them from any trackers, then sell or use them for other illegal activities such as drug running, hit and runs, and more across the states.

Who owned said Chop Shop?

It was a gang affiliated with one of the Triads.

From some research, Frank found that not only did this gang work a chop shop, but also ran a small prostitution operation, human trafficking, and drug running.

The Triad was doing quite a bit of work through this gang, but it wasn't the only one, this particular triad group worked through five other gangs along with this one.

This particular gang has several outposts, but its main base was this garbage dump with the outposts being not far from it

Frank figured it would be best to take out the main base first, it would be better to take them out first while he still had the surprise advantage, then take out those in the outposts while they ran around like headless chickens.

"Inquiry: Level of lethality?"

"I want no one left alive, take down any and all hostiles. Leave those who show signs of captivity, abuse, malnourishment, or torture alive. Once your task is done, round up those left alive and come get me. Am I understood, Zeta?"

"Yes sir. Shall this unit get started?" Zeta asked with a tilt of its head.

"Yes. I'll wait here and weed out any that escape," Frank stated with a cruel glint in his eye as he rose the assault rifle in his hands and hid in the alley facing the dump's gate.

"This unit will not let any escape with their lives, sir," Suddenly Zeta's simple claw hands were pulled into its body, and in its right arm, a long thin blade made of an unknown material with a razor-sharp edge sprang, and took the place of where its hand was moments ago, as for its left arm, the clawed hand was replaced with a strange barrel that appeared to be some kind of firearm.

Before Frank's eyes, Zeta's chassis started becoming invisible, leaving a shimmer behind as it seemed to dash towards the compound before leaping over the gate.

"Well...shit...They won't even see it coming..." Frank said with disbelief at the silent robot that easily entered the compound without making a sound.


Standing around a fire a group of men could be seen laughing and talking to each other.

"Then he said, 'I got a family, please don't do this!' ahahaha!" One thug said before laughing.

"Dude, you already told us this! Why do you keep repeating it?!" Another annoyed thug yelled out.

"Because it's funny! Hahahahaha!" The first thug replied.

"Just shut the fuck up, will you?!" One of the Thugs shouted.

"Hey...I don't like your tone."

"Oh, what you going to do about it, tough guy?" The angry thug asked, getting closer.

"I'll fucking show yo-," Suddenly before every man before the fire, something priced through the chest of the Thug and quickly pulled out as the Thug fell down to the ground with a hole in their chest right where the heart would have been.

Those quick enough to react suddenly found themselves with their heads detached from their bodies.

Those that remained and started trying to flee, found a laser projectile piercing through their backs and out their chests leaving behind cauterized holes and a vaporized heart.

Within a single minute, eight men were dead.

The shimmer that was Zeta leaped onto a stack of rusted cars and scouted out the interior of the compound.

Due to all the garbage much of the interior of the compound was much like a maze.

There was one main structure and two smaller structures inside the compound, with each building, spread out from another.

There were also more groups of criminals scattered across the junkyard, all either relaxing or working on something, due to them being spread out, Zeta felt that this would be an easy mission.

With silent steps, Zeta leaped over the gaps of the garbage to traverse the compound, easily reaching the next group of targets within moments.

Scanning its targets, Zeta leaped off the stack of metal garbage it stood upon and with its blade, removed a thug of their head and in the very next moment, removed another thug of their head as well before leaving a cauterized hole in another thug's head.

Zeta was equipped with two claw hands, a stealth blade, a laser rifle, a Stealth Field, and its Head Laser, a great arsenal to take down most light to medium-armored units with its head laser, if given enough time, capable of taking down heavily-armored units.

Once the second group of thugs was taken care of, Zeta quickly started making its way to one of the isolated smaller buildings, making sure to take care of any wandering thug or group it encountered.

By the time Zeta reached the building, it had killed more than two dozen men and women.

Not even 10 minutes have passed since Zeta entered the compound, and yet even though Zeta did not hide a single corpse, an alarm was not yet sound, just how incompetent were those in this compound that they had not yet found a single body?

Looking upon the garage before it, Zeta counted thirty men working on a variety of vehicles, cleaning them out, removing them from their license plates, and planting bagged substances throughout the chassis of the vehicles.

Getting a clear view of all the thugs, Zeta began going over scenarios.

Due to the number of criminals and close proximity, Zeta believed that no matter what it did, the alarm would be tripped and everyone in the compound would come rushing to her location, so it figured it would be best to take out as many as possible as quickly as it possibly could.

So, it began charging its head laser and within 15 seconds, a shimmer with a glowing red light could be seen standing on top of a tall pill of metal garbage and cars.

It didn't take long for someone to notice and alert the others.

"The hell is that?" One of the thugs asked, tapping the arm of his fellow criminal beside him before pointing at the increasingly brightening red light on top of some garbage.

"I...don't know," Another thug replied.

Soon enough the other workers stopped and before everyone's eyes, a loud sound came from the light before a beam of red light descended onto the criminals, vaporizing everything and everyone in its path.

Those that were not vaporized first screamed and shouted as they tried to run away, only for the beam of light to still vaporize them as well.

Sounds of panic and mayhem sounded throughout the compound as those that remained alive in the compound took arms and started heading in Zeta's direction.

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