The Game Cafe in Marvel and DC

26 – The Clown Cop

[A/N: It's been a long day at work, a 10-hour shift, just stopping by to publish this chapter and to inform y'all that I have one advanced chapter, soon to be two or three of this Fic available even to my $1 p@t reons and that's not all, I also have ten advanced chapters to my Dungeon Fic, two for my Fallout Fic, seven for my Mutliversal Fic, and five for my Mad Dreamer Fic]

While Selina was experiencing what it was like to be a Conduit...and a different gender, a particular clown was having fun in the city of Louisville.

After spending days in the city causing untold amounts of chaos to the local zombie population, Harley could be found in a quaint residential house in the kitchen making some pancakes for herself and her 'friends,' two zombies she chopped the hands and jaws off of and chained to the chairs of the dining room table.

Humming and smiling, Harley who was still in a bloodied officer's uniform couldn't help but think she had found a treasure.

Adding a few final touches to the pancakes, Harley also used a nearby spatula to flip some bacon and scrambled eggs.

Happy, she made three plates of breakfast and served two plates to her 'friends,' Bob and Phil.

"So exciting! What should we do today boys? Blow up a few gas stations? Set fires across the city? Mow down as many zombies as possible? Ooo, how about we see how many zombies we can blow up at one time!" Harley asked her buddies.

Harley has only been in the game for two days now, and she was having the time of her life, she found herself in love with all the chaos and heads she could smash in, and to think, there was no one to stop the fun she was having!

Even better, there were plenty of guns and weapons across the city she could use to sow chaos!

However, there was one downside to all of this, she hasn't encountered anyone yet, it was as if everyone in the world suddenly turned into zombies.

Hell, there was still power, water was running, and food hasn't spoiled.

And even then, there were at least a few signs that Harley managed to find that showed some people must have survived or had not been turned.

For example, she came across plenty of scenes where there was a struggle, fresh corpses being eaten by zombies, and even distant gunshots every once in a while.

The biggest question was, how were so many people dying to only a few zombies? Were the people in this town incompetent?

Even a child should be able to survive in this town, let alone the adults.

Harley shrugged her shoulders, perhaps it was stupidity or some other reason, she could only guess.

Finishing her meal, she wiped her face and threw the plates and dishes at the wall, smiling as they shattered into pieces.

Humming, she walked over to the kitchen counter and grabbed the bloodied baseball bat that was laying on it.

Turning to the zombies she said, "Stay still boys, I'll be back tonight, be sure to enjoy your meals while I'm gone!"

Whistling she slowly made her way toward the front door where the familiar sound of banging echoed down the hall.

Turning past a corner, she could see the dresser blocking the front door being vibrated from the impacts coming from the other side, to be specific, outside.

Smiling, she stepped forward and after pulling the dresser back a bit, arms pushed open the door and began reaching in, trying to grab whatever they could.

Raising the bat, she swung down at the arms with a brutal amount of strength that caused the arms of one of the zombies to break, however, the zombie didn't react, continuing to try and reach through to grab Harley.

With the commotion she made, more and more zombies began banging on the doors and windows of the house.

They've even begun slowly pushing the dresser out of the way.

When the first zombie's head could be seen, Harley unholstered the pistol at her side and shot the zombie in the head at point-blank range, causing a deafening sound to echo down the hall.

Which...seemed to only increase the fervor of the zombies, as they began pushing the dresser back even harder.

Holstering the pistol, she raised her bat and began bashing in the head of any zombie they peeked through the crack of the door.

However, it took only a couple of moments before they eventually completely pushed the dresser out of the way, allowing them to enter the house.

Unluckily for them, they'd have to deal with crazy, as instead of backing up, Harley instead charged forward, taking down a zombie with one to two swings per zombie.

Slowly pushing the zombies back, she eventually managed to get outside of the house where she escaped the gathering horde, she was quite lucky that zombies tended to be slow, otherwise the entire house would have been surrounded by zombies, trapping her inside.

She may have been crazy, but she certainly wasn't stupid, leading the horde away from her home.


Meanwhile, in an entirely different world that underwent a much different change, a certain woman was forced to see the horrors of a world that was completely changed and destroyed by humanity's greed, arrogance, and pride.

And while having gotten a good look at what humanity 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 do to the world and nature, she had to remember that there were still some good people in humanity, even if they were few and far between.

She even came across a small community by the name of Shady Sands that planned on restoring the damage their forebearers caused to the world.

And while nature was hurt and damaged from radiation and bombs, it was managing to recover and even thrive in some places she discovered, with the mutated animals of the old world still alive and surviving, though far fewer in number and in much worse health.

She spent weeks, if not months in this damaged world and she was left with a lot of time to think over her options.

She was but one woman, and alone, she wouldn't be able to prevent any sort of nuclear devastation by herself or prevent people in power from choosing to use their 'toys,' even if it were to devastate the world.

She 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘦𝘥 to make sure there were ways in which the world could survive and heal.

And if the device the creature mentioned was real, then she 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘦𝘥 to get her hands on it, and if possible, create and or improve on the machines to be capable of healing the damage done to the world even if humanity were to die out.

She would also need to see if there was a chance to make these 'Vaults' on her Earth for not just the few good among humanity, but perhaps other things as well, such as animals, seeds, and whatever would be needed to set the earth back on track or could be destroyed in some way, either by time, radiation, bombs, war, and all manner of other things.

Of course, she could also just try to eradicate humanity if possible, but realistically, it wouldn't be feasible or worthwhile.

If there was one good trait about humanity, it was their adaptability and will to survive.

They were like cockroaches, even if she were to hunt them down, some would manage to hide and fight back, or simply destroy the world anyway.

Sadly, ever since she arrived in this world, she lost her connection with the life around her, she felt weak and brittle, feeling 𝘩𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘯 for the first time in a very long time.

And she did not like it.

She felt like a part of herself was ripped away from her. Something important and connected with every inch of her being, and without that thing, she would be weak.

She couldn't hear nor speak to the plants around her, and for the first time in a long time, she felt alone.

She could only hope that this feeling was temporary and would cease when she returned...if she could return to her Earth.

Due to her weakness, she has been fighting tooth and nail to survive against not only the more dangerous wildlife that roamed the wasteland but also other humans.

Thankfully, ever since entered the 'Game' she had this weird screen that helped her, not only with making her stronger and more resistant with each 'level' but also helped her learn things she never knew before.

She also learned from what few peaceful people she found what this world was like before its downfall and how it differed from her Earth.

It was strange knowing this world had no heroes, no metas, villains, or something else that was common in her world.

She also learned that this world developed technologically in a much different way compared to her world, but lacking in many areas she knew and learned a bit about in her world in her search for healing and bettering the world.

Perhaps she could try and replicate some of the things from this world and use the funds for her goals?

But for that, she would need the help of others, and for that, she had a few men and women in mind that she would need to meet with and see if they would join her cause.

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