The Gendered Crown: Rise of the Felinor Lady

Chapter 6: Nobility

As I sat up in the bed, the soft fabric of the curtain billowed slightly, allowing the muted afternoon light to filter in. I rubbed my eyes and tried to shake off the remnants of sleep. Just then, the curtain pulled aside, revealing Katrina’s warm smile.

“How are you feeling?” she asked, her eyes sparkling with genuine concern.

I glanced around the room, trying to shake off the drowsiness. “What time is it?”

“Late afternoon,” she replied, stepping into the small space. “You’ve slept quite a bit. It’s good for you.”

“Yeah,” I murmured, stretching a bit. “I guess I needed it.”

Katrina moved closer, her brow furrowing slightly as she scrutinized me. “You look much better. I think you're going to be okay. Just take it easy today.”

Before I could respond, Nessa appeared, her presence immediately commanding the space. The warmth in the room vanished, my mind on the woman from my dream.

“Lira, how are you feeling?” Nessa asked, her voice calm and soothing.

“I’m feeling much better, thank you,” I replied, trying to keep my tone neutral.

“I’m glad to hear that,” Nessa said, a smile lighting up her face. “Your health is important to the entire Felinor community.”

Her gaze held a depth that made me uneasy. What was behind that smile? “If you’d like, I can arrange for better accommodations. We have some available, and it would allow me to assist you in more… personal matters.”

Myra’s voice cut through the tension. “What’s wrong with the current accommodations?” she asked, her brow furrowing slightly. While her tone remained steady, I could sense a protective edge beneath her words.

Nessa’s smile widened at Myra’s question. “Those who are ill are usually very susceptible to getting sick again. Since your health is my responsibility, I have both the duty and the right to demand appropriate accommodations.”

Katrina pursed her lips with a sour face then interjected before Myra could respond, her voice firm yet gentle. “Now, now, let’s not start a fight. Lira, how about we let Nessa help you get settled? It might be good for you to have some time to discuss things.”

I hesitated for a moment but finally said, "Sure."

“Good,” Katrina said. “I’ll be nearby if you need anything.”

As she stepped out, the atmosphere shifted. Myra’s eyes lingered on Nessa, her expression a mix of concern and caution. “Just be careful, okay?” she said, her voice softening. “Lira deserves the best care.”

Nessa turned to Myra, her expression patient but firm. “I understand. We both want what's best for her. Now, give us a moment alone, Myra.”

Myra hesitated, a flicker of doubt or crossing her face. “If you're sure Lira.”

“I assure you, her well-being is my priority,” Nessa replied, patiently. 

Myra’s lips pressed together as she stepped back, her protective instincts still evident. “Alright, but I’ll be right outside,” she said, glancing at me one last time before leaving.

As the curtain fell closed, Nessa sighed then turned her attention back to me, her expression softening. I could feel the weight of my questions pressing down. The Felinor’s gentle words echoed in my mind—embrace the uncertainty. “Shall we?” Nessa asked.

“Yeah,” I said, feeling a flutter of uncertainty in my stomach as I rose from the bed. “I have some questions for you.”

Nessa gestured for me to take a seat at a small table nestled against the wall. I settled down, trying to calm the storm of questions swirling in my mind. Nessa sat across from me, her gaze steady and encouraging.

“Where would you like to start?” she asked, tilting her head slightly.

I took a deep breath “I understand we’ve been summoned to this world by the Gods for various reasons. But I also realize that we’re in a camp to keep us separate because humans don’t like us. Tensions are still high after the recent war.”

“That is accurate,” she confirmed, “Humans fear the Felinor, especially after the disease that killed so many of us. They worry about what would have happened had we not been wiped out by it. This separation is intended to protect both sides and now we have had so many summoned.”

“Right,” I murmured, processing her words. “It just feels like we're being treated like a threat.”

Nessa nodded, acknowledging my concern. “It’s a valid fear. Felinor are stronger, faster, live longer and have more acute senses than humans. Those of noble or royal lineage are even more formidable. They worry about the potential danger we will pose. That is one of the reason's I'd prefer you close.”

I glanced away, my stomach twisting at the thought of those changes. “I’ve also been sick… and I think it’s all tied to my race and… my age,” I added quietly, the last part slipping out almost unintentionally.

Nessa’s smile was warm, but her eyes sparkled with mischief. “Your sex too.”

I froze, her bluntness catching me off guard. “Sorry?”

Nessa’s grin widened as she leaned back slightly, a glint of amusement dancing in her eyes. “It makes sense, Lira. Your illness was severe, and I could smell it lingering in the lunch hall from across the room, even over the other scents. You also seemed much better now, which is a relief. On top of that, the dual names were another hint, and what I’ve observed since this morning only reinforces it.”

Alarmed by the notion that she had been watching me, I narrowed my eyes. “You’ve been observing me?”

“Of course,” she replied matter-of-factly, meeting my gaze directly. “You and a few others I have a vested interest in.”

My heart raced as I recalled the words of the mysterious Felinor from my dreams. “What interest?” I asked, trying to mask my apprehension.

Nessa chuckled lightly, dismissing my concern. “Oh, don’t worry so much. Your progress is simply important to me, especially considering your unique circumstances. I expect you and a few others could help restore the Felinor nation.”

My brow furrowed in confusion. “Restore? What do you mean?”

“The drastic changes you’ve undergone, like your heightened senses, suggest you may be the birth of a new noble line,” Nessa explained, her tone shifting to one of seriousness. “But let’s not dwell on that right now. There’s a lot to unpack, and I want to make sure we cover everything without getting too bogged down.”

I appreciated her gentle approach but felt the weight of the unspoken questions. “Okay, but I need to understand what’s happening here.”

Nessa nodded, her expression softening. “Of course. Just know that the Felinor community has been fractured, and we need new life to rebuild. The empire has fallen to ruins unfortunately.”

“How long ago did it end?” I inquired, my curiosity piqued.

“Not long,” she said, her expression sobering. “Just a couple of years ago. The aftermath is still fresh and as you know many of us were wiped out by disease during that time, which left a gaping hole in our society.”

“Doesn’t that mean we should be more united?” I asked.

Nessa nodded in agreement. “It’s complicated. The human's fear is a valid response to our history and strength. Felinor possesses attributes that humans can’t compete with but there’s more to it than just strength. If we do not play this game just right they may, lets say take drastic measures.”

I swallowed hard, feeling the weight of her words. “So, they’re worried about what we might become if we fully regain our strength.”

“Precisely,” she affirmed, her tone reassuring. “But let’s focus on you for now. I want you to concentrate on your recovery and embracing your identity—not just as a Felinor but as a budding woman, too. You must understand who you are in this new world, and I’m here to help with that.”

“Help with what exactly?” I pressed, still trying to make sense of everything.

“Your integration into the Felinor community, of course,” she replied with a smile. “And understanding the nuances of our culture. You must find your place among us and learn how to navigate the tensions within the communities you will be a part of. We’ll take it one step at a time. First though let's get you settled in the embassy with me.”


Nessa nodded. "That is correct. This place that was a temple to this" she gestures in the air "New God, is going to become the Embassy. As such we have much work going on in the main building. Father Elric has been kind to us to see this through but the sooner we can get the humans out the better we will be. Hopefully in time they will allow us to move into the city limits but these things take time."

"How far are we away from the city?" I asked.

"Oh, not very far. If you reach the top floor on the Embassy, you can see it in the distance. While the human's lack culture they do know how to innovate. At night you can see it light up the night sky like stars in the valley. Now what other questions do you have?"

" I have a few but I think" I paused. "What kind of things are going to be expected of me and is there any way to change back and if there is how?"

Nessa sighed, "First let me clarify that there is no known way to change you back. That is something that I imagine would be in the realms of the Gods. With that being said I am afraid I would do everything in my power to prevent it. You are worth so much as you are now, I would hate to ruin it. Understand, you are going to help rebuild an empire Lira. Second, the expectations that will be placed on you are minimal for now. You will learn our culture, diplomacy among other things. Basic things for a lady in our society." 

"What exactly does that mean?" I asked, confused. "Is that what you're going to teach me?"

Nessa smiled. "You will be my student. We will meet daily and go over the basics of our society as well as your own role as a Noble. You are expected to have knowledge on politics and the courtly affairs of the nobles. Your training will last at least two years if not longer depending on how long you wish to stay."

"Two years?" I echoed, surprised by the length of time. "I thought this was just a temporary thing."

Nessa sighed, "Oh, but it is. Those years will be over before you know it. Do not worry though, only half of it will be spent at the embassy. As soon as tensions die down and we can ensure the safety of our people you will be going home."


Nessa smiled, "Of course, dear. Your line may have been gone but luckily there are still lands to be resettled." Nessa stood up. "Now though, If you have nothing else pertaining to your situation I think we should get you moving. You are feeling well enough to walk I hope?"

I hesitated, "I do feel better but.. I don't know. It feels very overwhelming. I think I would rather not get involved if I have a choice."

Nessa looked at me. "I do not wish to alarm you but there is no option. This is not a negotiation and I am trying to be reasonable. Please understand every moment you are away, even here in this camp, you are in danger."

"What do you mean?" I asked, frowning.

"The war has caused much stress and strife. Many are struggling to regain their footing and the humans are struggling to accept change. Some may be less forgiving than others. Even among those here who have taken vows your safety cannot be assured. In the embassy surrounded by our own kind it can." With that she began to walk out of our alcove. I waited a moment then followed.

As she descended partially down the stairs she whistled. I soon heard heavy footsteps climbing the staircase.

"Yes my lady?" Katrina asked. Her face and tone still looked perturbed.

"Lady Lira and I will be heading to the Embassy quarters. Please ensure that anything that is being prepared to her is brought over." With that Nessa began to descend the stairs without looking back. At the bottom of the stairs I saw Myra staring at Nessa then she looked at me.

I pondered for a moment then slowly began walking down the stairs myself. As I got to the bottom I turned to talk to Myra. "She says it is not safe for me in this place. That I would be better protected with her."

Myra's face clouded. "How are you any safer with her than here? At least here you are among kindred, those of us that were summoned. Why did she say you were in danger?"

"I do not know" I said. "But she says that if I am with her in the Embassy, it would make me safer."

Myra frowned, her tail swishing. "It doesn't make any sense. Sounds to me she just wants her claws in you. I knew something was off the moment I saw her." She shook her head, her tone bitter. "There's always some reason, isn't there?"

I hesitated, a flicker of fear rising in my chest. "But isn't it true? We are not safe here with people around?"

Myra looked around at some of the priestesses that were gathering around. "Hard to say, we just learned a bit about this place this evening while you slept. They didn't elaborate much outside answering a few questions and the expectations they have on us."

"So they didn't tell you about the war? The reason we are seperated from everyone else or even about the.." Suddenly I was cut off.

"Lira, it is time to go." Shouted Nessa. I flinched while feeling like a child being scolded. I turned to go and Myra gave me a quick hug. "If you need anything come and find me."

I shook my head and felt a few tears coming down my eyes. "Okay." Was all I could say. With that I began to follow Nessa out of the building.

As we got outside I found Rael waiting for us. Upon seeing Nessa he gave a deep bow then a smaller one to me. "Good evening ladies. I will escort you to your quarters."

I looked up from the steps I was descending to a the big building in the center of the camp only a few hundred yards away. It was large and stretched through most of the camp except near the gates where the tents had been before.

I looked at Rael with a raised eyebrow while my face was stained with tears. He looked at me and gave me a small smile.

"I take it Nessa had informed you of the situation. As the Ambassador of this region, it falls upon her to ensure our health and well-being. Every one of you is invaluable to our people. As such even across this small field, I shall be your escort." He held out an arm for me to take.

I stepped away from him then around him. "I think we are going to be fine walking to the building."

He stepped forward as though he were going to block me, but instead, he lowered his arm and stepped back. I walked forward past him, following closely behind Nessa.

After a few minutes we approached the large building and ascended its steps. I looked around and noticed many Felinor wandering about performing various duties. The guards nodded their heads to us as we passed by but made no comment.

As we stepped into the grand hall, the air was cooler, carrying the faint scent of incense. Rich tapestries lined the walls, and the vast emptiness of the space felt unnerving. I couldn’t help but how it had once been a place of worship, now repurposed for politics. I wonder if pews sat here before but could see no marks on the ground. As we traveled through this room, we ducked under an arch and made our way up a few winding stairs until we walked into an area that looked like an office.

"This is where you will be able to find me. On the other side of those doors" She pointed to the left "are my office and quarters. You shall be staying over there." She through a doorway on the opposite of the room which had a balcony overlooking a courtyard. The balcony wrapped around, and I could see doors spread out along the way for each room. Mine must've been the one in the corner that she was pointing at.

I nodded and began to wonder to my rooms when Nessa spoke up. "Not yet Kitten, follow me. Introductions are to be in order. Rael, please gather everyone." Rael bowed and took off in the direction of the rooms. I followed Nessa into what I assumed was her office and was a bit shocked.

There was a table in the middle of the floor very low to the ground surrounded by many mats. Nessa walked over to near the head of the table and sat down. She gestured for me to do so in another seat farther down. I did so and crossed my legs uncomfortably.

As I looked at the table I noticed there were cups and a few plates with various fruits. I saw Nessa's eyes roaming over me as I glanced around the table. I felt a shiver down my spine. "Very good. Please stay seated there and follow my directions. When everyone is gathered, we will go over a few things."

I looked at Nessa and noticed her tail swaying as though she were excited. Her eyes shone with intensity, but her voice remained calm and gentle. "What is that you want to go over?" I asked.

Nessa smiled, and it looked genuine to me. "Just a few things on how we will conduct our daily activities to start. Be patient Kitten." With that we sat in silence for a while until I heard voices.

Shortly after people began to shuffle in. As they did Nessa stood up and directed them each to a specific seat. After everyone sat down the only seat available was the one at the head of the table. Nessa looked at Rael expectantly. "Will she be joining us."

"I am afraid not. She still has not recovered from the summoning." Nessa's brow lowered in worry. "Please reach out to Elric once more and ask him to tend to her again." With that she turned to the rest of us.

I glanced around the table, taking in the other Felinor. One sat to my left, his ears twitching slightly as if aware of every sound in the room. Across from me, three more sat in silence their ears and tails came in varying shades, but all had a distinct, solid color. they whispered among themselves. I felt out of place already.

Nessa spoke up, "Now that you are all here, we may begin."

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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