The genius of Naruto is a bit ordinary

Chapter 33 Fight at Ninja School

Chapter 33: Ninja School Fight Incident

It was like this again, Naruto instinctively protected the important parts of his body, and then felt the fists and kicks falling on him.

Naruto was used to this kind of treatment, not only being attacked but also being laughed at.

No one would sympathize with him. The adults saw this and some were even happy to see it. It was precisely because the adults did not stop these guys who beat people that they were so arrogant.

After bullying him, he didn't feel any guilt at all. Instead, he would laugh and compare with others.

The good and evil of human nature will be particularly pure during this period, and during this period, the teachings of adults are particularly important for the growth of children.

It was precisely because of the adults' indulgence in bullying Naruto that this scene happened, and it was not the end...

Naruto was actually used to it and it didn't matter anymore. A beating would be over quickly, but he would definitely be late again today.

In fact, most of the lateness was due to Naruto getting up late, but some of the time it was because of accidents on the way to school, especially when coming from the main road.

"Hey! What are you guys doing!"

At this time, a shout came from a distance, making Naruto's heart tremble and he involuntarily turned his head to look in the direction from which the sound came.

There, a person who often stood with him appeared in sight, Inuzuka Kiba, and there seemed to be someone else behind him.

Although Naruto felt physical pain, his eyes were very bright at this time. He looked at it for a long time, and then found...

Xia Li, aren't you here?

Suddenly, Naruto didn't know what he was feeling. At this moment, he seemed to feel empty in his heart. No, maybe Xia Li didn't know?

But they all knew it, and even the lazy Shikamaru knew it, wouldn't Xia Li know it?

Naruto was looking for reasons for the other party in his heart, but he couldn't help but feel sad.

"Huh? Boy, don't meddle in other people's business!" the senior senior said, staring at Inuzuka Kiba fiercely.

"What do you mean by being nosy? He is our classmate!" Inuzuka Kiba glared back like a hunting dog.

"Well, seniors, class is about to begin, can it end here?" Shikamaru took Inuzuka Kiba back and looked at Naruto's condition. There was a cold glint in the dead fish's eyes, ready to move.

However, Shikamaru was a little confused. Xia Li was obviously the first one to go out, but there was no Xia Li around. Was he looking in the wrong place or hiding?

As for escaping, Shikamaru hadn't thought about it that way. He didn't usually feel like such a person.

"Class? You're already late anyway. It won't matter if you go a little later. How can class be as important as fighting monsters?" The senior said and laughed together with the others.

Suddenly, Kiba and Shikamaru's expressions changed.

"You bastards!" Ya couldn't hold back his temper. If Shikamaru hadn't pulled him, he would have rushed forward.

There was some sweat on Shikamaru's forehead. He compared the size difference between the people on his side and the other side. The other side was probably a third or fourth grade student, and there were more people than here. If they really wanted to fight, they would be terrible. Very disadvantageous.

"Huh? How dare you scold us? You guys have definitely degenerated into the monster's minions! Maybe that class has been completely controlled by this monster!"

"Monster, monster, can you only say monster?" Ya was a little irritated and turned to look at Shikamaru, wanting Shikamaru to let him go.

"Hey, you don't need to help me." At this time, Naruto still didn't see Xia Li's figure, and his eyes were a little dim, but when he saw that the others were about to conflict with these big guys, he still couldn't help shouting .

"Shut up, who said I was going to help you? If you back down from the current situation, it will be a shame for our first-year group!" Ya retorted unceremoniously.

At this time, Aburame Shino and Uchiha Sasuke had also arrived at the scene. After hearing what they just said, they stood silently behind the first-year group and expressed their attitude.

Shikamaru naturally noticed this scene, and a smile appeared on his lips. It seemed that this class was better than he thought.

In this case, the gap in the number of people is not that big. Although it is basically impossible to win, there is already some confidence.

"Senior, the current situation is that even if you win, you will only be considered as bullying the weak, so can we just stop here this time." Shikamaru silently calculated the combat power, and it was still insufficient. If It would be best if it ended like this.

"Huh?" The senior looked around. Unknowingly, many people were already looking at them, and these guys didn't know when the number of people coming was almost the same as them.

As Shikamaru said, even if they beat the first-year guys, they would be said to be bullying the weak, but if they just leave like this, it would look very embarrassing.

"You guys have definitely been deceived by this monster. We are here to get rid of the deception for you!" The man suddenly had a flash of inspiration and said loudly. After finding an excuse for the people on his side, he immediately took action.

The little kid in front of me is too annoying. If he continues to talk, there will definitely be problems. It is better to take action immediately and not give the other party time to continue talking.

"Tch, it's so troublesome." After Shikamaru saw this, he stopped wasting his words. It was completely useless to these people. The other party just wanted to bully the weak, and it was useless no matter what he said.

"So, it's useless to argue with these bastards!" After Ya complained, seeing Shikamaru no longer pulling him, he immediately ignored the size difference and stepped forward to meet him.

Shikamaru curled his lips, and after seeing the current situation, he said, "Chouji, let's go too."

"Oh, okay, it's long overdue." Akimichi Choji didn't know when he had put away the snacks. He already wanted to take action when he saw Naruto being bullied. After all, he was a good partner in the penalty stand. Without Naruto If so, wouldn't he be standing there alone?

After all, although there are a few people in the punishment team, Naruto is basically a regular visitor, and the others may not join the punishment team occasionally.

Aburame Shino remained silent and silently stopped in front of a person.

Sasuke also stood in front of someone coldly and said sarcastically, "It's not good to bully the weak. Let me be your opponent!"

"Everyone..." Naruto didn't know what to say at this moment. He felt his eyes were getting wet. They all came to help him. He couldn't go on like this and had to fight with them!

However, the reality is that soon, the first grade group was completely defeated. After all, although they all came from the family and had some fighting lessons, they had never been in actual combat.

The senior students have already received practical training. More importantly, their bodies that have developed for a few more years are not comparable to those in the first grade in terms of size and strength. You must know that the most important growth at this age is That’s development!

Development is the main thing, and exercise is the supplement. No exercise can affect the development of this period!

It can be said that during this period, the competition is particularly simple, that is, strength and body shape, and everyone needs to continue to exercise in terms of skills.

However, there are two outstanding ones. Although Sasuke struggled a bit, he actually held the opponent back head-on. Although there was a slight gap in strength and speed, he was indeed a queen from a famous family, and it was true.

Another one is Aburame Shino. He is not strong in his own fighting ability, but in terms of his bugs. After all, although the opponent is a senior student, he is also a child. His face turns pale when faced with so many bugs.

Aburame Shino was even able to find time to help the people next to her.

It's a pity that even so, the first grade's combat power is still much worse. Shikamaru, Chouji, Kiba and Naruto are no match, and their bodies are slowly turning purple.

"Damn it, where is that guy Xia Li? If he is here, he should be about the same as Sasuke. He can definitely hold everyone until the teacher comes..." Shikamaru couldn't help complaining at this time, looking at the two extra people opposite, and smacked his mouth. , if the number of people wasn't still one or two short, maybe with Sasuke and Shino here, we could actually win.

However, Shino seems to be quite transparent usually, but I didn't expect him to be so strong.

However, it doesn't help. I'm probably going to get a severe beating today, and it's all Xia Li's fault.

Naruto was a little surprised when he looked at the little girl with white eyes who was usually shy when she saw him and ran next to him to help him.

Although he doesn't know why the other party is here, he must be here to help him, and he cannot let her get hurt! Naruto made up his mind and stood next to Hinata to protect her.

Hinata finally decided to help Naruto, but found that she seemed to be the protected one. She was a little disappointed, but she also felt that she was still Naruto-kun, and he was really reliable.

Soon, Naruto seemed to feel something and turned his head to look in one direction, his eyes bright because he felt a familiar aura.

"Hold on, I'm coming!" At this time, Xia Li finally arrived at the scene and looked at this scene with some surprise. He didn't expect there to be so many people, but looking at the injuries on their bodies, his eyes became completely cold.

The next moment, Xia Li joined the battlefield!

"You guys are finally here." Ya said with a bruised nose and face. He was the one who suffered the worst. However, Ya looked at the teeth marks on the other party's body and laughed a few times. The other party was not much better!

Shikamaru, as for Shikamaru, looked at the direction Xia Li came from with some confusion. Why did he come from that direction? Before Shikamaru could think about it, he was punched in the face because he was distracted. After all, he was not very good at physical skills and still distracted...

Suddenly, Shikamaru stopped thinking and pounced on him viciously.

And those people on the opposite side also felt a little regretful. Why did this person hit him more and more, and like Xiaoqiang, he couldn't be defeated no matter what. They were indeed monsters!

When Xia Li first entered school, the amount of chakra was equivalent to that of a third grader. At that time, Xia Li's physique was almost at the level of a third grader. Although exercise was supplementary, who said Xia Li's starting point for exercise was early enough~

And more than half a semester has passed, Xia Li will not stand still, and he has also realized that Lei Dun Massage has further accelerated the speed of physical progress. His current physique is no worse than those of the senior students in front of him, and even vaguely The space is a little higher.

The most important thing is that Xia Li is not like Naruto and the others. His combat experience has been honed in the battle with Xiao Li, and he is a being who can skillfully use the Three Body Technique. Isn't it easy to deal with some students?

In fact, you can’t even use the Three Body Technique!

In comparison, although the students opposite are senior students, they are still here at this time, and they are also some who are not very good at studying. Although they have learned the Three Body Technique, they are basically not able to do anything except the Transformation Technique. It can be used.

It can only be said that their advantage is really only the developmental advantage formed by being a few years older. They can use their advantage to fight against other people, but facing Xia Li...

Ever since

Xia Li joined the flock like a tiger, and within a few rounds, the advantage between the first and third graders was completely reversed.

Dodge, then punch. If the punch fails and then kick, he can directly knock down the next person, leaving the other first-year students stunned.

Are you sure this person is in the same first grade as us, not a senior, and is also a top student?

Naruto's eyes twitched a little when he saw this scene. How could he see the image of him being beaten by Xia Lifa from this scene, but it seemed to be a little different.

"This is too perverted, isn't it? The opponent hasn't used all his strength in the mid-term assessment, right?" Shikamaru twitched his lips when he saw this scene. He would have come here with Xia Li if he had known it, right?

Shikamaru frowned. If he had this strength, Xia Li wouldn't need to wait until this time to take action, and the direction the opponent just came from...

"No way..." Shikamaru looked at Xia Li's figure and suddenly felt that if it was indeed the same as he guessed, then it would not be surprising that the other party could reach this level.

But why work so hard? Although there is nothing wrong with trying hard, how did the other party persist when they were the same age as them?

Sasuke also watched this scene, and suddenly realized that the gap between himself and the first place may be greater than he imagined. Looking at Xia Li's meticulous dodge and efficient and quick punches, the corners of his eyes felt a little sour. This How can he catch up with the huge gap...

No, you can't lose confidence. You are the descendant of Uchiha. You must become the best. You must surpass him!

Sasuke was cheering himself up, but the effect didn't seem to be ideal.

The addition of Xia Li also made the first graders slowly retract their hands. After all, Xia Li had snatched everyone away, and now most of them were lying on the ground moaning.

"There's one more for you." Xia Li waved her hands. This level of training really didn't even count as a warm-up, much worse than Xiao Li's.

The man looked at his moaning companion lying on the ground, and he didn't understand. Why did the situation change in a moment after this man came over, even though he had a big advantage just now?

"Weird, monster!" The man couldn't help shouting. He was only in the first grade and yet he became like this. What is he if he wasn't a monster? How could a human being defeat a monster?

Xia Li paused for a moment. He was also called a monster, just like Naruto, but the meanings between the two monsters were probably different.

However, these two words also made Xia Li smile brightly at him.

"Thanks for the compliment!"

Hearing these words, the man couldn't stand it anymore, with fear in his eyes, he turned around and ran away, abandoning his companion lying on the ground.

The next moment, Xia Li also moved, running out like a wild horse, quickly approaching the fleeing person.

"No, don't come over!" The other party's voice was already trembling.

However, none of this stopped Xia Li's steps. There was a constant chill in his eyes. Didn't you think about this scene when you bullied Naruto?

Iruka's voice seemed to be heard in Xia Li's ears, as if he was shouting to him to stop.

But stop? How can it be!

Xia Li quickly caught up with the man, who had no will to resist at all. He was frightened after being caught up by Xia Li. After a few casual punches, Xia Li picked him up and threw him to the front. Where individuals fall.

Looking at his masterpiece, Xia Li grinned. Sure enough, the family would be neat and tidy!

After doing all this, Xia Li looked at Iruka who rushed over angrily, smiled, and spoke first.

"Sorry, Iruka-sensei, we seem to have caused trouble for you."

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