The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 114

And on a mound in the crowd, the protagonists of this wedding banquet sit-sitting in the middle is the man of the wedding, Zhuo Gokao (tribal leader, Dothraki), he is the leader The largest Karratha (nomadic tribe, Dothraki) tribe in the Dothraki Sea, with more than 40,000 warriors, is invincible.

He has bronze skin, black eyes and hair, and he is a tall and graceful man. Zhuo Ge has a long beard and braided his hair into a long braid, the length of which can make the braid hang down to his thigh, and the braid is tied with a small bell. His braids have never been cut once, which means that Zhuo Ge has never lost in battle.

Next to Zogo sits a petite and beautiful girl with silver-gold hair and purple eyes. This is the appearance of a standard Valyrian. The entire Westeros and Essos are not. Several people are like her, this is because she is the last descendant of the Targaryen dynasty, the youngest daughter of the Mad King, Daenerys Targaryen, the former dynasty of Westeros. The Targaryen family are nobles from Valyria, and only they have such characteristics.

The Valyrians had a long tradition of taming dragons. Among them, the nobles were called “Dragon Kings”, but in the end Valyria suffered an unprecedented apocalypse. Only the Targaryen family escaped to West. Luo, and riding a dragon to conquer here. In the Seven Kingdoms, the Targaryen family is called “True Dragon Blood”.

Now, Daenerys is wearing a wedding dress, timid and helpless. His brother Viserys Targaryen conspired with the Governor of the Free City State of Pantos, Illio Morpatis, to marry her to Zogokao in exchange for the Dothraki army to attack West Luo, after defeating the Seven Kingdoms, let Viselis ascend to the throne and restore the rule of the Targaryen dynasty.

However, Daenerys didn’t want this at all. She was terrified of Zogo and didn’t want to marry this “barbarian” at all. However, out of fear of her brother since she was a child, she finally agreed to this. Require.

Viselis was sitting directly below her, wearing a brand-new black wool sweater, and a scarlet dragon embroidered on his chest. Illyrio and Visiris’ new attendant, Sir Jura, sat next to him.

However, in this vast sea of ​​people, beside her only relative, Daenerys only felt lonely like never before. Her brother wanted her to smile, so she tried to keep smiling until her facial muscles were sore and tears flowed down. She tried to hide her tears, because she knew too well how angry Viselis would be if she saw it, and she was even more afraid of Zogokao’s reaction.

She can only wear a wedding dress and hold a glass of wine mixed with honey. She can’t eat and talk to herself quietly.

“I am a descendant of the true dragon,” she told herself, “I am Daenerys born in the storm, the princess of Dragonstone Island, with the blood of Aegon the Conqueror flowing in her body.”

The sun has just moved a quarter of the zenith, and the violent factors and strange values ​​in the Dothraki’s bloodline come into play: the warriors begin to walk into the dancer’s circle, grab the dancer’s arm with their hands, and press He fell to the ground, and copulated on the spot like a stallion and a mare.

Sometimes two men grabbed the same woman, and in the blink of an eye, the two Yarak’s scimitars were out of their sheaths.

This is a weapon that is half sword and half sickle. The blade is very long and sharp as a razor.

The two warriors immediately started a death sword dance, circled around, killing each other, leaping back and forth, the blades circling, shouting endlessly. No one intervened.

According to the Dothraki people, “Any Dothraki wedding without at least three lives is considered a failure.”

More and more battles and deaths appeared, and the banquet gradually reached its climax, but the fear in Dany’s heart continued to increase. In the end, all she could do was to control herself and not to scream.

She was afraid of these weird and savage acts, just like Dothraki people in human skin; she was afraid that she would not meet her brother’s expectations, and she didn’t know what he would do to her; but the thing that taught her most to be afraid was the same night, brother. After handing her over to him sitting beside her for a drink at the moment, expressionless, cruel as a weird giant wearing a bronze mask, what he would do to her under the stars.

“I am a descendant of the true dragon.” She said to herself again.

In the end, the setting sun gradually went west, Zhuo Gokao clapped his hands, and all the drums, shouts, and banquets suddenly stopped. Zhuo Ge got up, then helped Dani get up. The ceremony of giving the bridal gift began.

But she knows very well that when the gift-giving ceremony is over and the sun goes down, she is truly married. Danni tried to put aside the idea, but to no avail, she could only tighten her body and try her best not to tremble.

Her brother Veselis gave her three maids—Dani knew that he didn’t spend half of the money at all, it must be Illyrio’s pockets—Among them, Yili and Ji Qi are Doss with apricot eyes, black hair and brown skin. Lak, Doliya is a Reese girl with blond hair and blue eyes.

“Good sister, these are not ordinary slaves,” my brother told her when they were brought to her in order, “Illio and I carefully selected them for you. Yili will teach you horse riding, and Ji Qi will teach you You Dothraki, and Doria will teach you bed skills.”

He smiled faintly, “She is an expert in this area, and Illio and I can guarantee it.”

Governor Illyrio gave the order softly, and the four sturdy slaves immediately carried a bronze decorated cedar wooden box and walked forward quickly.

After opening it, she found that it was filled with the finest velvet and brocade produced by the free trade city-state…There were three huge eggs lying on it.

Dani was almost out of breath. This is the most beautiful thing she has ever seen. The three eggs have different appearances, and the patterns on them are so rich that she thinks that the surface is covered with jewels, and she has to hug one with both hands. She picked it up carefully, thinking it was made of fine ceramics, colored glaze or glass, but unexpectedly it was much heavier than that, as if it were made of hard stone.

The surface of the eggshell was covered with small scales, and they moved with her fingers, reflecting the afterglow of the setting sun, exuding a metal-like luster. One of them is dark green, showing various bronze spots with the angle of Dany’s rotation; the other is light milky white with golden stripes; the last one is black, like the midnight ocean, but has a vibrant dark red Waves and whirlpools.

“What is this?” she asked quietly, her mouth full of surprise.

“This is a dragon egg from the shadow east of Asia.” Governor Illyrio said, “It has been fossilized for thousands of years, but it is still beautiful and moving.”

“I will treasure them forever.”

The gift-giving ceremony continued. Suddenly, a strange wind hit the crowd, blowing the crowd into chaos, flags were hunting in the wind, and bonfires and torches were also extinguished with the strange wind.

The wind became stronger and stronger, and the sound of waving wings kept coming. Zhuo Gokao had seen the largest flying eagle on the Dothraki Sea, but none of them could make such a loud noise when waving their wings.

A huge shadow crossed everyone’s heads.

The noise and shouting disappeared, and everyone’s eyes turned to the sky. A majestic and elegant figure appeared before their eyes.

The air thickened like glue, and a kind of fear filled people’s souls.

Even the most powerful Zogokao is no exception, he and his blood allies froze on the spot.

“Dragon…it’s a dragon!”

I don’t know who it is, and uttered a panic cry in this strange silence.

Above all of them, a real dragon flew past, whose huge body blocked the sun. Its scales shone like diamonds, and its wings spread twenty feet from tip to root.

“More than a hundred years have passed, has the real dragon appeared again?” In the crowd, someone screamed happily, Viselis.

“Look, this is destiny,” he shouted arrogantly to the people around him, “When I am about to come to Westeros, even the dragon that has disappeared for a hundred years reappears to show my allegiance to me. I am destined to do so. He is the king of the Seven Kingdoms.”

Not only Illyrio and Jora, but even Zogo’s eyes changed when he looked at him.

Before that, no one looked down on him. Drogokao thought he was pushy and ambitious, while Illyrio had always used him as a political bargaining chip. The appearance of the dragon made everyone change their views. They had to Reconsider: Is the Targaryen family really destined?

However, fate did not favor him.

The dragon opened its mouth and let out an astonishing roar. Then, the scorching flames swallowed Viselis and everyone around him: Governor Illyrio, Drogokao, Kao’s blood guard, Daenerys, even three dragon eggs were swallowed by endless flames.

Under the eyes of all the Dothraki people, their Kao and all their leaders were all buried in the fire.

Chapter 0161 First Meeting, Daenerys

The dragon flame that burned everything, created a huge disaster in the center of Karratha.

The sea of ​​fire was like a roaring behemoth, overwhelming the faint scream, spit out a long tongue of fire, licking the belly of the night sky. The smoke became denser, and the Dothraki coughed and backed away. The orange flames blasted the fierce wind of purgatory, and blew nearby flags. Glowing embers rose from the smoke screen and floated towards the boundless night, imitating hundreds of newborn fireflies. The flames rose high, waving huge and fiery wings, forcing the Doslaks to retreat steadily.

The Dothraki people near the sea of ​​fire can even smell the smell of cooked human flesh, which is no different from the smell of roasted horse meat on a campfire.

Kalatha, the largest on the Dothraki Sea, became headless in the blink of an eye. All the Kas (the leader of the Kass) of Kas (the tribe under the Kala) and some other Kassa’s Kas who came to visit Aodu went to present Zhuo Ge’s wedding gift, and then he was served together with Zhuo Ge.

However, these Dothrakis did not cause any changes, because the dragon was constantly hovering above them.

They all knelt down on the ground tremblingly under the tremendous pressure of the dragon dragon’s might and the destructive dragon flames. The brave and bloodthirsty nomads, now all trembling like little beasts, did not dare. He raised his head and looked directly at the terrifying dragon, but could only glance at it secretly.

Occasionally one or two Dothrakis could not bear the pressure and screamed to escape, but they were all chased by the dragon one by one, and then buried in the dragon flames, turning into a charcoal-like corpse, making others even more uncomfortable. Dare to act rashly.

Soon, the sea of ​​fire in the center gradually disappeared, the original grassland has become a scorched earth with black smoke, and the once powerful Kou, Kaomen, and the most powerful Zogokao in the Dothraki Sea have all become A scorched corpse, the jewelry they once wore, and the weapons in their hands have now turned into a spot of red molten iron.

Looking at this purgatory scene, Baron Chora let out a scream.

Since he was only Veserys’ attendant, he was not allowed to approach Drogokao during the gift giving ceremony, but after the gift, he went a little further away with Daenerys’s three new maids. This spared them.

His new master, who had only been with Viselis for one day, became a part of this purgatory. Jorah could recognize it. One of the tall and thin corpses was Viselis Targaryen. Slarks are strong men, even Governor Illyrio is a big fat man.

“It’s all a lie,” he murmured painfully, “Any ‘true dragon blood’ and ‘blood and fire’ are all lie…”

Chora was originally the lord of the Mormont family and the Duke of Bear Island. She spent all her money to give her second wife luxury goods and became heavily in debt. In order to pay off the debt, Chora violated the laws of the Seven Kingdoms and sold the poachers to the Telosi as slaves. After the incident, he was enshrined and guarded by the northern border of the Seven Kingdoms. Ed Stark sentenced him The death penalty.

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