The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 97

I have to say that Quidditch is indeed the most popular sport in the wizarding world. In the face of wind and rain, the teachers and students of the school still came out to watch the game as usual. They ran across the lawn to the Quidditch pitch. Hold your head against the gale. Because their umbrellas were blown from their hands by the wind on the way.

Even Ravenclaw’s little eagles did not have the slightest resistance to Quidditch.

On the way to the stadium, Hermione tried to raise the umbrella again and again, but without exception ended in failure. Behind her, Zhang Qiuzheng trembled with her hands on her chest-her umbrella had been completely blown away.

Suddenly, a hand wrapped Zhang Qiu’s shoulders and pulled him to the side. The girl turned her head and saw that it was Ye Ting, who had been fascinated recently. He gave the girl a stiff smile, which made the girl a little surprised. .

“You can’t tell me?” She asked happily, “Why are you here?”

“Ahem, that’s because I suddenly wanted to come.” Ye Ting explained dryly: “It just suddenly felt like I had been in the laboratory for too long, and I wanted to come out to bask in the sun.”

Bask in the sun?

Zhang Qiu looked up at the sky inexplicably, it was still dark clouds, and a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, almost dazzling her eyes.

“Don’t listen to his excuses,” suddenly, she heard another female voice explain to her, “he was just afraid that you would be exposed to the rain, so he walked out of his snail shell, a duplicity little boy.”

Hearing this voice, Zhang Qiu’s smile immediately collapsed.

It was Penello, she was walking on the other side of Ye Ting, still holding a small yellow flag in her hand, and the black and white little badger on the flag was walking around nervously.

Hearing what she said, Zhang Qiu realized that no raindrops could fall on her body anymore, and all the rainwater had been blocked one foot from the top of their heads.

“How? It’s amazing.” Penello said in a proud tone that made her uncomfortable, and then looked forward again. “Miss Granger! Come here.”

“Yes, Ting is indeed powerful and caring~” Zhang Qiu said in a tone she had never imagined.

There is a tension between the two girls.

Soon, Hermione also came to Ye Ting’s side. She looked over her head in surprise and asked, “How did you do it? I haven’t seen this magic in the book.”

“This is just an application of the Obstacle Curse,” Ye Ting has already noticed something wrong with the atmosphere. As the girls grow up, he has become less and less dared to call the three of them together when they are okay. Hermione asked the question, and he immediately changed the subject and explained the principle to Hermione in detail.

Zhang Qiu and Penello looked at each other and became silent in tacit understanding, and the four of them walked forward together.

Finally, the other little wizards around were surprised to find that in this endless rain curtain, there were people who were able to keep dripping all the way, and even the strong wind could not hinder them.

The other girls turned their envious eyes on the three girls.

“Why is it not me who is by his side?”

This is the most thought among them.

When they arrived at Quidditch’s auditorium, almost all the little wizards had fallen into disrepair.

Near Ye Ting’s seat, Anthony Goldstein used a blazing fire curse, and many little wizards gathered around to dry and warm him. Terry Bout even burned his robe, causing a raging goof.

Ye Ting shook his head and snapped his fingers. The three girls were surprised to find that the clothes and robes on their bodies immediately emitted white steam, and then they became dry.

In the court, Mrs. Hooch was already ordering the players to ride on the flying broomsticks, but the wind and rain were too loud, everyone could only understand her instructions through their mouths, and a few players were stupid not knowing what happened.

Fortunately, her silver whistle is a magic item, otherwise they wouldn’t even know when the game started.

The environment of the game is indeed too bad.

The little wizards also had to take out their folding binoculars, otherwise they wouldn’t even be able to see the color of the players’ clothes.

Ye Ting was a little speechless, these little wizards were much crazier than Muggle fans.

After the game began, Ye Ting found that the players’ performance was terrible: they were soaked and frozen, and it was difficult to see their teammates, not to mention those flying balls. They galloped across the court, passing vaguely red and yellow figures, but if you don’t pay attention, you can’t figure out how the game is going.

In the case of strong winds, they could not hear comments. The audience hides under a sea of ​​cloaks and umbrellas that are blown shapelessly by the wind. Chasers and seekers often almost get hit by a walker on the flying broomstick, because the heavy rain makes their vision blurred, they can’t see the walker hitting from the opposite side, and even the batter can’t help them. .

As the game progressed longer and longer, it became more and more difficult to keep the flying broomstick straight.

The sky is getting darker and darker, as if the night has decided to come early. Players often almost bump into another player, and they can’t tell if it’s their teammate or the opponent’s player-now everyone is soaking wet, and the rain is so dense, it’s almost impossible to see.

The most troublesome thing is that in such weather, the golden snitch is really hard to be spotted. Harry Potter and Cedric Diggory had to rely on the moment of light brought by lightning to determine the position of the golden snitch.

If there is no way to catch the Golden Snitch, this game does not know how long it will last.

Finally, Harry found an opportunity. He found a small golden patch gleaming in the rainy air. He strove to catch up, but when he was about to catch the golden ball, he passed There was another lightning and thunder, and he was surprised to find that there were more than a hundred dementors in the sky above Hogwarts, rushing towards the Quidditch Stadium.

The cheers of the audience suddenly disappeared, and a familiar and terrifying cold current hit from all directions. The little wizards in the auditorium couldn’t help shivering, and the smiles on their faces gradually disappeared.

Immediately, they found the guys floating towards this side, and the Quidditch field suddenly remembered the scream of fear.

And Harry Potter himself? He had lost consciousness and fell from a high altitude.

Seeing this terrible scene, Hermione looked at Ye Ting worriedly: “Ting, let’s help them.”

Ye Ting looked at the three girls around and asked seriously, “Do you all think so?”

“Yes, you can’t let the Dementor go on like this.” Zhang Qiu said worriedly.

“Study for so long, just take it into practice.” Penello also agreed.

“Okay,” Ye Ting nodded, and solemnly reminded: “Remember to let your patron saint follow me.”

So the four raised their wands and shouted at the same time.

“Call God to guard!”

The dazzling silver light reappeared, and the warmth surrounded the four people and the little wizards around them, causing them to slow down a little.

In full view, a shining silver-white dragon flapping its wings flew out of the Ravenclaw stand, followed by a silver-white eagle, a swan and an otter behind it. These patron saints galloped in the air non-stop, flying back and forth around the stands. All the dementors retreated to them and had to stay away from the stands, but they were not willing to leave.

As a result, the dragon became angry. It opened its mouth, and its pale dragon’s breath swept across the group of dementors. Dozens of dementors screamed and burned to death. The rest of the dementors immediately seemed to have seen a ghost. The same scattered and fled.

Before Harry landed, a magic caught him and spared him-it was Dumbledore. Then, he angrily summoned his patron saint, which was a phoenix-the phoenix joined the dragon. Leading the ranks of patron saints, together with them, expelled all the dementors from Hogwarts.

A riot in the stadium was resolved.

Item 0135

The Dementors invaded the Quidditch Stadium, but fortunately, no accidents were caused in the end.

Most of the little wizards were just startled by the dementors. Only Harry was frightened and fell from a height of fifty feet, but due to Dumbledore’s timely shot, he was not injured.

Unfortunately, his light wheel 2000 lost control after Harry fell, was blown away by the wind, and then hit the beating willow. When Professor Flitwick found it, there was only a pile of wood fragments left.

The game also ended with Hufflepuff’s victory. Diggory caught the Golden Snitch when the team was fifty points behind and turned the game around in one fell swoop.

However, none of this can compare to the surprise that Ravenclaw’s genius and his friends have brought to everyone.

When everyone was facing the threat of the dementors, the four of them stood up, summoned the patron saint bravely, expelled all the dementors, and shined in front of the teachers and students of the school.

And the most shocking thing is that Ye Ting’s patron saint dragon spewed white flames in full view, and burned about a dozen dementors. This is the first time that a wizard can cause a photo. The death of ghosts.

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