The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 105

Chapter 105: Data Light Waterfall

“The second question, what are your characteristics? I’m talking about the characteristics of cultivation, not specialty.”

“Well, the characteristics of a disciple should be balanced.”

“Excellent, well balanced, the host is not balanced enough, we just complement each other. I will teach a balanced apprentice in the future, so that I won’t be criticized by others.”

“But then again, what kind of equilibrium are you? If you know that all aspects are weak, it is also called equilibrium.”

“First of all, I must confess to you that I kept my hands in the evaluation and only used six points.”

“Haha, bullshit! Like me! The bottom of the ranking of this cave owner is also awkward, and the ranking is not suitable for food, and there is still a chance to pretend to be a face. I like it, continue to say.”

“Secondly, I want to talk about balance. In the evaluation, I am only above the strength, but if you add some skills and do not limit the method, the explosive power can get full marks.”

Feng Huo Lun picked up a hammer from the ground, pointed to a piece of ore and said, “Smash it for me.”

After Hua Lanting took the hammer and weighed it, he sank his waist and immediately exhaled, threw the hammer into the sky, and then supported the ground with his hands, pedaled 18 times in the air with his feet, and moved the hammer to rotate at a high speed like a windmill. Finally, he jumped up, held the hammer handle, and slashed down with the rotating force, only hearing a burst, the ore cracked.

Feng Huolun nodded and said: “No, I have seen the data of Dongmingfeng’s entry evaluation list for more than two thousand years. Not only can you get full marks, but you are only inferior to some natural and supernatural disciples, and you are estimated to be ranked 20th. Let’s get out. When you practice the cohesion skills on your arm, you can break it in one blow. Continue on.”

Hua Lanting: “Dongming Peak’s durability actually tests the endurance of the shock force. I am not weak in cultivation. I have learned exercises and experienced thunderstorms. I can get full marks if I go all out.”

Feng Huo Lun pointed to a stone again and said: “This piece is tough and tough, and stronger than the test stone used in the peak, you can try to hold it for a few times.”

Hua Lan Ting finally hit eighty-nine times in a row before exhausting.

Feng Huo Lun asked: “Do you have the foundation for casting? Your endurance can be ranked in the top ten on the list.”

It turned out that Hua Lan Ting used the unloading technique taught by the West Kunlun Yuan Miao Dao in the attack.

The third assessment of perception is the ability to detect the internal attributes of ore or spirit artifacts with spiritual sense, which is a very important ability in refining artifacts.

Feng Huo Lun walked to the back of the shelf, turned out an unremarkable boulder and said: “This piece of chlorite is good at absorbing the aura of the environment, you can judge.”

Hua Lanting closed his eyes and exuded spiritual consciousness. After a while, he said: “Except for stone impurities, wood has the most attributes, accounting for 40%, gold 20%, soil 10%, fire half, no water attributes, and the rest are Thunder attribute, a small amount of poison attribute, and at least three alien attributes that I have not seen before.”

Feng Huolun’s face changed slightly: “It’s not simple, but it can also distinguish intensity. This ability has steadily entered the top ten of the perception list. What level of cultivation are you now?”

“The entrance period of the three mountains with the moon boundary.”

“Huh? I just looked at your appearance just now, I’ll check it again. It really is the entrance period, because of your bone age, it is really rare. Huh, the pill of thunder?”

Feng Huo Lun finally moved: “Well, the main family of this cave is born with dual attributes of wind and fire. With your thunder attribute, it will be more convenient for me to do experiments in the future.”

The master of the wind tunnel smiled and danced, seeing Hua Lanting in a daze, and said: “I’ll talk about this later, and look at your control, take this.”

He flipped his hand and handed a box to Hua Lan Ting and said, “This is a self-made device by the master of the cave. Please try to separate the various attributes inside and press this switch.”

Hualanting holds the box, perceives it with spiritual consciousness and inputs spiritual power to control it.

The    box is very strange. Not only does it contain the aura of multiple attributes, it is rare that the same attribute is different. Some are violent, some are soft, some are quiet and motionless, and some are moving everywhere.

Thanks to the tempering of the Five Elements Spiritual Qi in the Three Profound Five Elements Heaven, and the fact that he has absorbed different attributes of the star power with the Purple Star Dou Guantian Jue, although Hua Lan Ting had his breath fluctuating and sweating on his forehead in the end, he finally managed to The aura in the box barely constrained to gather to a different position.

Feng Huo Lun has already seen the joyful color next to him: “Wonderful! You are simply a custom-made apprentice for the old man! This control is definitely the top three level in the past. The dexterity does not need to be measured.”

“You know, there are many talented disciples who have made the most of one or two abilities. Although you are not in the top ten of the list, you can count on the overall score. In terms of age, I am afraid that there are only a handful of them. Several outstanding ancestors in this school can compete with you when they are young.”

“The old man can be regarded as a treasure this time. In time, when you grow up, no, no, now I can greatly speed up the process of my experiment!”

“Tell me, who framed you to distribute you to me? I’m going to beat the gongs, drums and firecrackers and send a pennant to thank him, what a good man!”

“Come, come, hurry, kowtow to be a teacher, sir, cook mature rice, sit down and talk about other names as a master and apprentice.”

“By the way, what’s your name? Hua Lan Ting? The name is too complicated and awkward. It’s not close to the people at all. I can’t remember it. Look at my Hot Wheels and Feng Nazha Duo. In this way, I will be able to do it in the future. Call you Hua Hua, or Hua Zai.”

“Just kowtow three heads, respecting the teacher is in the heart, not in the form.”

“Oh, I don’t like the title of Master because I don’t like the title of Master. It seems to be called a handlebar-style master for driving a car. I will call you teacher in the future, and you are specifically allowed to be called Crazy Lao behind you.”

“What? Where is the madness of being a teacher? Good apprentice, I think being a teacher is very cute and amiable, right? No madness, no survival. Come and come, let me go to the laboratory, let you see the madness of being a teacher, I’m crazy Get up, even I am scared.”

In this way, Hua Lan Ting worshipped the teacher in a silly manner. Although the teacher was a bit confusing and unconstrained, there was still a logical line to be found.

Feng Huo Lun took him a section of the mountain road, and he reached a small mountain range. There were obvious signs of collapse in many parts of the mountain range.

Feng Huo Lun said: “Well, they are all masterpieces of teachers, amazing, right? Follow me into the cave.”

Entering inside, a large part of the mountain belly was emptied, and a spindle-shaped object measuring three feet high and six or seven feet long was placed in the middle. The surface is neither gold nor iron, and the material cannot be distinguished.

Feng Huo Lun gently touched the surface and said, “This is the No. 10 laboratory for the teacher. I call it the wind tunnel.”

Hualanting asked: “Where are the other nine?”

Feng Huo Lun replied: “It’s exploded. Otherwise, why do you think this mountain range is so terrible? If it wasn’t for the magical skill of anointing the feet of the teacher’s Feng Huo Wheel, it would have been buried in the mountains for many times. From now on, this will be your refining practice. The owner’s venue.”

Hua Lanting shuddered, and asked, “What is this wind tunnel used for? Large forging furnace?”

“The same can be said. Strictly speaking, it is a pocket space and heaven and earth aura simulation device. As a teacher, I will probably give you a basic introduction.”

“The refining group has the same level as cultivation. You are apprentices, and then they are divided into blacksmiths and master blacksmiths, and then upper blacksmiths and master blacksmiths, and then master craftsmen and master masters. Then came the spirit forger, the heavenly refiner, and the instrument sage at the top.”

“After the specific standards, there will be special lectures in the peak, so I won’t go into details for the teacher. You are like the master of the peak, Master Xu Yizun, who is in the stage of impacting the Tianlian master, and the Dongzhu must at least reach the master craftsman. s level.”

“Then teacher, your level?”

“Well, I, the refining ability should be at the intermediate level of the spiritual forger, but I am so immersed in the theory and research for the teacher that the cultivation base has been stuck at the peak of the Wuqi Dynasty Yuan realm, which has affected the rating, so carelessly count as a master craftsman.”

“Also, I don’t bother to be serious in this traditional test, so I rank at the end.”

“From the point of view of a teacher, the explosive power of the five forces test makes sense, but do you know what a skill and an industry depend on? Creativity and innovation! This is the dream of being a teacher.”

“In terms of refining theory and research level, at least within this door, I dare say no one can reach.”

“Up to now, there have been some subdivisions in the development of refining weapons. The mainstream is still forging refining weapons, including hidden weapons, magic weapons, and body protection suits. In recent years, the outside world has gradually developed refining design, appraisal and evaluation, repair and modification, etc. For specialized occupations, of course, a refiner must know a little bit.”

“As a teacher and self-proclaimed as a refiner research and development architect, Huahua, you are naturally the chief disciple of this emerging genre.”

“The so-called bold ideas and careful verification. The birth of new and unique artifacts has always been through the exploration and experimentation of generations of ancestors, but the forge model is time-consuming, laborious and material, so this wind tunnel was created and designed for the teacher.”

“To put it simply, an ideal wind tunnel can simulate various complex external conditions and fluctuations in aura properties, so as to test materials and artifacts, continuously improve through data analysis, and ultimately help determine the production process and flow of a particular artifact, regardless of Whether it is a customized product or a standardized product, the speed of finalization can be accelerated.”

“More importantly, it can be used to analyze and explore the secrets of the rules and elements in this world, and to find a more efficient and quick way to cultivate and become immortal.”

Hua Lanting was shocked, and a door seemed to open before his eyes.

Feng Huo Lun was very satisfied with his reaction, and said proudly: “It’s a pioneering work, it’s great to be a teacher.”

Hua Lan Ting said: “Teacher, you are not only cute and amiable, but also admirable.”

Feng Huolun sighed and said with a sad face: “The road to innovation is difficult. I have made some progress as a teacher, but the simulation situation is still not ideal, and the preliminary basic research consumes a lot of resources and materials. Strong support has long been unsustainable as a teacher.”

“On the one hand is the storage of aura. At present, natural mineral treasures in Xianzhou can be used to store and release the aura. Only when the magic weapon is effective, but it has not solved the problem of escape. It still depends on the natural effects of the heaven, material and the earth. Charging, artificial synthesis is extremely difficult, like my alloy box just now can only be stored on a small scale and compatible with multi-attribute auras.”

“Then there is the driving problem. The current wind tunnel is controlled by my dual attributes of wind and fire, and the kinetic energy is not enough, and the number of types is not enough, so I said that your perception and control of the elements and attributes can enrich my experimental methods and methods. Although it is weak, it is better than nothing. Start slowly and see the big from the small, and there will always be progress and breakthroughs.”

Hua Lan Ting is a smart and good at inferring from one another. In a few simple passages from Feng Huo Lun, he can already imagine the application prospects of this wind tunnel, and he has a huge wave in his heart.

settled down, he thought about it carefully and asked: “Teacher, even the current small-scale and simple attribute experiment will involve a lot of data analysis and processing, right? How did you do it?”

Feng Huo Lun’s eyes lit up: “Good apprentice, good question, you can catch the point at once. It’s more than a lot, it’s a huge amount of data. This is the second pioneering work for the teacher besides the wind tunnel. You And it seems!”

As Feng Huolun waved his hands, a light curtain flashed in front of him, and various numbers and formulas flashed and flowed quickly, which was amazing and beautiful.

Hua Lan Ting was dumbfounded and stunned.

Feng Huo Lun said: “For the teacher, we have initially solved the problem of concretizing the calculation of thinking through spiritual power. Looking at the world, this is the only one, and there is no semicolon.”

“The human brain has the fastest thinking, and the speed of mental arithmetic for the teacher is extremely fast. Don’t you believe me?”

“How much is eighteen times twenty-six?”

“Ninety-nine this is too far away.”

“Don’t worry about the result, just ask if you are happy.”


“Just kidding. This light curtain is called a big data flow waterfall by the teacher. It is not only a refiner, but also has a wide range of applications in other fields.”

“Thinking is not difficult for masters, but it is difficult to operate on a large scale, dynamic, and complicated.”

“Hua Lan Ting’s heart moved, thinking that I don’t know whether it can be used in prediction technology, and I have the opportunity to study it. This invention is great!

Feng Huo Lun went on to say: “It’s a pity that it takes too much energy, so it has been difficult for me to make progress for many years.”

Hua Lanting bowed and said, “Teacher, you are too great. This is definitely an unprecedented pioneering work in the world of comprehension. It is too advanced! Too advanced!”

“Hahaha, your three heads are not white.”

“How many heads are worth. However, teacher, there is a saying-a half step ahead is a pioneer, one step ahead is a martyr.”

“Lie, you’re so big!” Feng Huo Lun rolled his sleeves, and the big data stream light curtain turned into a storm, causing Hua Lan Ting to curl up.

Hua Lanting stood up, his eyes straightened again, is this okay?

Feng Huolun smiled slightly: “Huazi, dumbfounded again. The data light curtain is transformed into a spiritual attack. This is the third skill of the division. It is called a big data tornado. There is also a fire attribute attack called a big data mountain fire. Slow. Learn slowly.”

“But, it’s not the teacher’s selfishness. Now you can’t control your cultivation level. Let’s start with the basic skills.”

“In addition, Huahua, what kind of person you are as a teacher, I don’t know yet, so I have to observe and test it.”

“My heir must be a good person, but he can’t just be a good person…”

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