The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 109

Chapter 109: Get out

Hua Lan Ting first talked about the feast between him and Er Jiang.

Chao Tianque asked: “Teacher, will the plan be settled?”

Feng Huo Lun said: “Teacher, preaching and teaching karma to solve puzzles. This operation is designed and executed mainly by the two of you. I am only responsible for giving pointers and suggestions.”

Hua Lan Ting said: “Then we must first decide to what extent.”

Feng Huo Lun asked: “What do you think?”

Hua Lanting pondered and replied: “The simple way is to exhale, teach the second Jiang, let them converge, and don’t be too arrogant.”

Feng Huo Lun said: “If it’s just an internal conflict, it’s okay, but now Jiang Gongping deliberately deducts the proper distribution of resources, which is already hindering the development of the sect.”

Hua Lanting said: “When you buckle your hat, you have to kill a hundred, knock the mountain and shake the tiger, in order to prevent others, you must make a vicious move, one blow will kill, and get rid of this malignant tumor, but will there be any suspicion of overtaking it?”

Feng Huo Lun said: “It is your responsibility to protect your family and the country. It is the duty of the disciples to guard the martial art. As long as the teacher is famous, you can just do it. If something happens, you will be responsible for it.”

Chao Tianque is a character who fears that the world will not be chaotic. He eagerly said: “That means we don’t need to report the Tiangang Temple investigation, we can do our own thing.”

Feng Huolun said: “If the Tiangang Temple is allowed to intervene, the process will not only take a long time, but it is also difficult to guarantee that it will not be ridiculous. We are just defending and protecting our reasonable rights and interests. But once we get the evidence, we still need to inform them and stop it when necessary. Just in case it’s too late.”

Hua Lanting said: “Understood. Then we have assumed that Jiang Gongping has violated the rules and want to add a crime?”

Feng Huo Lun: “The research and experiment emphasizes bold hypothesis and careful verification. We should not wrong a good person or let go of a cracked egg. The most important thing is evidence. You might as well imagine what might be wrong with Jiang Gongping.”

Hua Lan Ting: “To deduct resources, according to the fact that they already have, to fill their own pockets?”

Chao Tianque: “Abuse of power, suppress dissidents, use public implements for private use?”

“What else?” Feng Huolun asked: “As far as I know, Jiang’s family is a well-known medium-sized cultivation family in Xianzhou. Jiang Gongping can’t use the resources he has greeted ink over the years.”

Hua Lan Ting: “That is to damage the public and the private, dig the corner of the school, a fat sect moth.”

Chao Tianque: “There are also the placement of cronies, appointing people as relatives, and even if they are not in good order, they will collude with foreign enemies, betray information, and sellers for glory?”

Feng Huo Lun rolled his eyes: “Very good, you have a lot of imagination. When we do research, we must first dare to diverge associations and try our best to exhaust all possibilities, otherwise there will be no new inventions.”

“The second point, after the brainstorming, we must gather together, and then sort out the possibilities under the premise of determining the boundary, otherwise it will become an endless guess.”

“Next, it is to classify and sort all possible items under the existing conditions, merge similar items, and establish a priority order.”

“This is one dimension of research, and another dimension is the difference and consideration between the goal direction and the means.”

“Speak more clearly. Everything has to go through two creations.”

“The first is to conceive and plan in your mind to determine what to do, achieve and achieve. Just like building a house, you must first decide whether to build a hall or a latrine. You must first draw a blueprint. This step is necessary. It is an effect, and it must be result-oriented to ensure effectiveness.”

“The second step is implementation in reality. How can we coordinate manpower, materials, capital, construction period and consider risks to achieve the purpose of building a house. This step emphasizes efficiency, is the input-output ratio, and what is pursued is The process is efficient.”

“Efficiency is how to do the right thing, and efficiency is how to do the right thing.”

“Now you talk about what we are going to do?”

Hua Lanting said: “Monitor Jiang Gongping’s whereabouts to find the flow of those resources, and obtain material evidence of Jiang Gongping’s corruption.”

Chao Tianque: “Visit the person who had suffered Jiang Gong’s loss in the peak, and got his witness to oppress and persecute his fellow students.”

Feng Huo Lun said: “It’s too specific, the first thing to be sure is not the problem. You haven’t distinguished the difference between the goal and the means.”

“I remember when I was poor when I was young, I couldn’t afford a furnace for forging a forge, so I had to make it myself.”

“The furnace must withstand high temperatures, but I can’t afford high-quality ore metals, so I set out to develop alloys that can withstand high temperatures. However, the experiment still requires a lot of materials and time, and I still can’t handle it.”

“Later, I changed my mind for the teacher, and I directly found a cheap material that can slowly melt to take away the high temperature, and made a one-time consumable furnace that can be used for a longer period of time. Although it needs to be replaced regularly, the benefits are I paid for the cheaper materials.”

“This is the difference. I am not concerned with how to get high-priced high-temperature resistant metals. Even if I sell them, I can’t get them. Instead, I am concerned with how to make the furnace wall resistant to high temperatures. So I succeeded.”

“Speaking of this, my teacher suddenly discovered that I almost took you crooked just now. Even if the teacher is famous, we can’t let it go.”

“What you can think of as a teacher can also think of it, nothing more than stealing into Jiang Gongping’s room to see if he is hiding resources privately, or stealing and searching his storage space, or tracking him down the mountain to see if he will transfer resources out. .”

“But these methods are not on the table. First, he may not be full of his own pockets, but only use resources in other legitimate ways. Second, we must not be able to get evidence without his awareness. Third, both To make it successful, our poor methods will also stain our behavior.”

“As a teacher, he is already the deputy dean of the branch, and his status is different. You must cherish feathers.”

“You have to know that as a member of the management, you can’t know the law or act in violation of the law, otherwise, wouldn’t it be the same as Jiang Gongping.”

“One more thing, as the makers or executors of rules and regulations, fairness and justice must be taken into consideration when dealing with public affairs, and you cannot act loyally.”

“For example, in the secular world, there are traffickers who abduct and sell children. Everyone hates this behavior and demands severe punishment. But why don’t the government kill them when they catch them? Doesn’t that scare offenders to stop crimes?”

“The problem is that if this is the case, in many cases, traffickers will choose to kill children to reduce the possibility of being caught and convicted. Anyway, killing and trafficking in human beings are the same crime, and homicide will not bring more serious consequences, but it will increase. The death rate of abducted persons.”

“Similarly, if theft, robbery, and **** are all capital crimes, they will almost all turn into the criminal’s final death.”

Looking at Feng Huo Lun’s awe-inspiring face, Hua Lanting said: “Teacher, I can understand that you are taking the opportunity to tell us about the principles and methods of doing academic research and dealing with others. However, both positives and negatives are for you to say. What else should we do? I guess Jiang Gongping will never repent and surrender.”

Feng Huo Lun said: “As a teacher, I have broken apart the truth and talked to you. I have done my duty as a teacher, and the most I can do now is to report by my real name.”

“As for whether you can listen or not, how do you do it, that’s your business. You are all in your twenties, so you should have your own judgment and ability to act.”

“The sect is the sect, and it is not the country or the government. You need to talk about the king’s law. You two are still minors based on your lifespan in Xianzhouli, and it is inevitable to act recklessly and extremely…”

Chao Tianque scratched his head and asked: “Are you going to let us go to the left or to the right?”

Feng Huolun glared: “Do you have so many problems? Why don’t you ask why the door is rectangular? If the door is round, do you want to ask why it is round again? The question is, as long as it is a door, It must have a shape, right? Wouldn’t you make a left turn and people turn right?”

Hua Lanting and Chao Tianque looked at each other after hearing that, the Xindao lunatic teacher did not follow common sense. I really don’t know if this is teaching them or abetting them.

Before they could speak again, Feng Huolun got up and walked away Shi Shiran. When he reached the door, he suddenly rushed out of the door, turned over the top of the cave, and disappeared.

The two were about to continue discussing the directionality of left and right, Hua Lanting narrowed his eyes to avoid the sunlight that suddenly became dazzling, and at the same time shouted: “Our door! Where is the cave door?”

The two of them looked at the empty doorway, and they were blessed to their hearts.

Yes, if it is difficult to choose between the left and right issues, there is a third method, which is to draw a salary from the bottom of the pot and get out of the door. .

Crazy Dongzhu, he is extremely clever!

What kind of disease is baldness-no problem?

The two stood there for a while, and Chao Tianque asked: “Brother, does the teacher have an antagonism with the door, or is this to enlighten us, do we understand it right?”

Hua Lanting said: “Yes, it should be, otherwise whoever has nothing to do is really grabbing the door. You see, Bodhi ancestors instructed Sun Monkey to knock him three times and let him learn art in the middle of the night. Let’s Neither are stupid.”

Chao Tianque nodded and asked, “Do you think I want to catch up and grab the door back? It’s windy and cool.”

Hua Lanting said: “No need. Let’s live in the cave. Have you ever seen a cave with its own gate? I think it is better to be pure natural. The poem said: A fairy cave is born, and the infinite scenery is on the dangerous peak.”

Chao Tianque blinked, “There are charming fairy caves and towering peaks? Still natural? Brother, you don’t need to teach me physiology. Actually, I look younger and older than you. You said that, it made me feel like I live. It’s so funny in Dongming Peak, UU reading is weird.”

Hua Lanting has a black line: “Que, you might as well be called a small bird. You really dare to make a connection, really do research, people block cute people, gods block cute gods.”

“Senior brother, I am not far behind. Since I was an early teacher and you are old, it is better for us to be flexible. In the future, you will call me brother and I will call you brother. Wouldn’t you have the best of both worlds?”

“Okay, we are not the same. You have solved the ancient problem of living up to the Tathagata and the Qing Dynasty.”

“Stop, let’s solve the problems of Lao Jiang and Xiao Jiang first. Although the teacher used the topic and taught us the methodology of research, the actual problem still depends on the two of us to solve.”

The two discussed for a while, based on the advantages of being young, energetic, capital, time and opportunity for trial and error, and following the principles of getting a sense of nothing on paper, knowing nothing about it, practicing and knowing through practice and action, they decided to try every method. try.

After the two discussed exhaustive methods including but not limited to black and white, yin and yang, righteous and evil, straight and crooked, hard and soft, they still felt that they used the voyeuristic and monitoring methods mentioned by Feng Huo Lun first. , It is better to follow the three-yin move.

Speaking of a more specific level of implementation, Hua Lan Ting asked Chao Tianque: “We will study from everyone. I think this action requires some technical means, do you understand?”

Chao Tianque snapped his fingers: “Ask the right person. The teacher really took out some horrifying small inventions, which he called test equipment. The teacher is an absolute genius, and I can’t accept it. I have just played with the fryer these days. Get these knick-knacks. Come with me.”

Brother and brother entered the back hole, and the two turned out Feng Huo Lun’s private goods. After checking, Chao Tianque made some calculations and adjustments. After Hua Lan Ting also took out a thing for on-site demonstration, the two were satisfied and laughed slyly. To leave.

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