The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 111

Chapter 111: 1 twists and turns

Originally, the number of disciples who went to Kaiyang Peak was less than 20, but there were nine disciples who wanted to accept them, so it shouldn’t be difficult to distribute them.

Kaiyang Feng Da Neng is called the Palace Master, and they are all masters at the level of Grand Master or above.

In Kaiyangfeng, the beginner disciples first started as apprentices of grass and trees, then pharmacists, and then promoted to masters. They can be subdivided as masters of medical dao, master of poison dao and master of alchemy. Above the grandmaster is the great grandmaster, followed by the medicine king, poison king, pill emperor level, and the highest holy level.

Kaiyangfeng’s practice is not to select disciples according to their level of strength, but according to their seniority. The palace lord who has entered the peak chooses first. Usually, the disciple with the highest score in the test will be selected first. Of course, this is not always true. Some palace owners will be special. Value certain disciples with outstanding individual abilities.

There is also an unwritten customary practice, that is, palace owners seldom choose disciples of the opposite sex. For some reason, maybe it is not convenient to explain and discuss personal secrets.

Another unusual thing today is that Kaiyang Peak’s first Zong cut farmer came to the scene in person. He did not accept disciples this time, and only sat down in the middle to watch.

Everything was normal at the beginning, and the disciples with the highest grades were selected by the palace chief, but just as they were ready to click Feng Qingjun, who was in the top of the rankings, sitting next to the first seat, the Great Master of Poison Dao, Chang Duanju, stretched out his hand. Said: “Wait a minute, Palace Lord exhausted, sorry, this palace deliberately accepted the wind Qingjun.”

I was a little stunned, yet to answer, the great alchemy master Zhang Zhihe on the side also opened his mouth: “I am also optimistic about this woman, I wonder if the two are willing to cut love?”

I don’t know for a while, I don’t know why the two wanted to grab female disciples with themselves, and said in a deep thought, “This is not suitable, right? Female teachers have always accepted female disciples.”

Chang Duanju replied: “That’s how it is said, but in fact there is no explicit stipulation. The seniority of the government is first, so it is not an exaggeration to choose first.”

Seeing Yi Wan and looking at himself, Zhang Zhihe explained: “I have never accepted a female disciple, this time I want to try it, pass my alchemy, the two are worse than Chengquan one or two.”

Yiqu said: “It was all right at first, but this woman was born in the medical school and has a talent. It is more suitable for me to teach. If you want to accept female disciples, you can wait until the next batch to choose.”

There were occasional situations in which two or more palace masters liked the same disciple. Most of them were settled through friendly negotiation. This time the three of them quarreled and refused to give each other, especially Chang Duanju’s performance was even tougher.

Yi Quan was a little puzzled. She didn’t want to argue in front of the juniors, so she said to Zong Duengeng in the middle: “Since the first car is here today, why don’t you come to preside over justice?”

Zong Duengeng opened his eyes. He was already very old, but he didn’t look old. In Xianzhou, it is not difficult for people with a high level of cultivation to maintain their appearance, but some people let the flow go, and some people are more willing to look younger deliberately.

Zong cut farming belongs to the latter. In his words, the best state when a person is old is that his eyes are full of stories, but there is no wind and frost on his face.

Zong cut off farming somewhat helplessly smiled: “I came here to watch the excitement, but I didn’t want to cut off housework. I knew it would be better to stay in the house to refine the furnace pill.”

“Well, since the three of you are not willing to make concessions, let me think of a way. It’s not easy to refute anyone’s face.”

“In this way, this school pays attention to randomness in everything, and this seat loves to be casual. I will ask a question to see which palace master this girl has a deep connection with.”

“What kind of topic should I have? Well, you say that she is a doctor of Taoism, and this seat is also a fan of guessing. Then I will make three riddles. You will belong to the three palace masters, and each will play several kinds of secular worlds The name of Chinese medicine, how about whoever the girl guessed is the teacher?”

Seeing that everyone had no opinion, Zong Duan became even more excited. After closing his eyes for a moment, he opened his eyes and looked around. He pointed at a male disciple who came to apprentice and said: “Come here and help me write the mystery. Each of the palace masters has seen one, and then mixed it in one place for everyone to take a look, and then give it to the girl to guess the riddle.”

The male disciple had an ordinary appearance and a very ordinary appearance. He bowed and replied, “Yes, disciple Yuan Geng would like to follow the first order.” He walked over and wrote as he listened. After finishing his writing, he gave one to each of the three residences. The Lord watched it and showed it to everyone present.

After everyone saw it, they secretly applauded, not to say that the riddle system of the first seat is good, but that Yuan Geng’s handwriting is too good.

An extremely authentic thin gold body, thin and hard strokes, bent iron and broken gold, straight and sharp, sharp like orchids and bamboo.

Some disciples sighed in a low voice: These days, without a little talent, it’s not easy to be a passerby C.

風清隽 is concerned about the content, the mystery is three poems, namely:

Shaoxiao leaves home and returns to the boss, but the local accent remains unchanged. When children meet and do not know each other, they laugh and ask where the guest comes from.

just get together and make a Yuguan tour. Even if there are thousands of green poplars, it is difficult to tie the king back to the boat, and in a blink of an eye, Xueying head.

Ten Ye Zhumen did not open for a long time, but came back with wind and frost. Going home lazy to see his wife and children, set aside the ashes for a night.

Feng Qingjun thought secretly. The first two poems are relatively straightforward. As long as the meaning is understood, it is not difficult to guess. The latter one has a lot of twists and turns. After thinking about it, she also has the answer, but Zongjuengeng did not say that all of them are. Guess what is said, is there any cleverness in it?

eagerly did not find the clue, Feng Qingjun no longer entangled, and checked it again, decided to write the answer first, and then added the name of the medicine at the end of each sentence.

The youngest left home boss didn’t have to say a word, obviously it’s the traditional Chinese medicine Angelica, the local accent hasn’t changed, and the temple hair has decayed into a pulsatilla. If children meet and don’t know each other, it means they are very strange. Land is naturally the birthplace.

It’s also a medicinal material Polygala. Even if the green poplar is ten thousand strands of weeping willow, it is difficult to tie the king to the boat. The medicine for promoting blood circulation and improving menstruation and diuresis is called Wang Buliuxing. Simple, as the name suggests is Polygonum multiflorum.

Ten Ye Zhu’s door is not open for a long time is a metaphor, the door is not opened for a long time, meaning that the door is often bolted, and the homophony is the traditional Chinese medicine Changshan.

was full of wind and frost but came back and understood it as the cloak with frost and snow, and the bottom was undoubtedly arsenic.

Going home is lazy to see his wife and children, not wanting to see his wife and children, it means that the man wants to be alone, and corresponds to the herb that grows on the high mountain and grassy slope.

Pulling the ash out of the cold furnace for a night means that the fire in the furnace is exhausted, and the flames disappear, of course, it is the fire that can be used as medicine.

After    Feng Qingjun finished writing, everyone looked at Zong Duengeng and waited for him to judge.

Zhang Zhihe said: “If the first seat is all correct, how to determine it?”

Zong Duengeng looked at Feng Qingjun with interest and smiled and said: “That’s not bad, the girl is Bingxue and smart. Fortunately, I still have a hand, otherwise I am stumped by you. These three poems actually allude to the correspondence. Three palace masters, you can guess again, and pick out the one you like, which will be your future master.”

Feng Qingjun’s eyebrows are slightly furrowed, his eyes light up after traversing the three sheets of paper a few times. This first Naoh Zhizhang’s homecoming puppet book must correspond to the Palace Master Zhang Zhihe who was reading upside down. With this line of thought…but the other two capitals implied the grievances of a misfortune and a **** in the boudoir, which is not easy to distinguish.

means similar, what is the difference between the two songs?

One is a seven-character quatrain, and the other is a half-queen poem that recalls Jiangnan Ci Pai. Poem and Ci are divided, and the origin of Ci is called long and short sentences in ancient times.

Yes, the words point to Palace Master Chang Duanju being okay, and the poem must refer to Master Yi Cun.

Haha, Lang Jun returning home to ignore his wife and children is empathy, empathy and exhaustion, the first seat is really not afraid of the aunt.

Feng Qingjun didn’t dare to say it clearly, but only said that he had selected the one that represented the most by the method of exclusion.

After hearing this, Zong Duangeng smiled and clapped his hands, just about to confirm the answer, Chang Duanju next to him said first: “Zongshouzuo, I still have objections. Benfeng chooses his disciple as the teacher’s qualifications and ability first. It is a little tricky to rely on guessing. Got it.”

Zong Duan Geng felt unhappy in his heart, but his expression didn’t show it. This Chang Duanju was his peers, with deep and domineering virtuosity, and the longest qualifications among palace owners. He had failed to compete for the first place with him, so he often acted like old people and dared to confront him face-to-face.

Zong Duan Geng turned his head and asked: “Then, according to Palace Master Chang, how can I be sure?”

Chang Duanju glanced at the group of disciples who were on the opposite side and said, “I can’t see it as our three palace masters each have a disciple to test the alchemy technique. Whose disciple wins means that the master’s professor is good and has the choice of disciples. priority.”

Yiqu immediately objected: “I don’t agree. The disciples’ aptitudes and practice time are different. The selection of disciples should be based on mutual fit. The momentary success of other disciples does not reflect this.”

Zhang Zhihe beside    also echoed Yiwan’s view.

Seeing the three of them arguing again, Zong Duengeng waved his hands and raised his voice and said, “Don’t say it anymore. The three of you don’t need to hurt your amiability for this. I will make a decision again. You can’t wait for any more objections. ”

“I think what you are saying is reasonable, so it should not be compared with alchemy, and it does not emphasize whether it fits or not, to compare overall strength.”

“The three of you will choose a disciple, and you will make three of the same pill talisman on the spot, and each of the three disciples will show their methods, whether it is magic martial arts or fire alchemy attack. Whose disciple breaks the pill talisman first, who wins the choice? right.”

“The strength of the cultivation world is respected. The three disciples always have strengths and weaknesses. This is the decision that takes both strength and opportunity into consideration.”

The three palace masters all nodded and stopped talking, and each called out a disciple, but it was Shu Huang, Tian Jingsha and a female disciple named Tao Jinbi.

At this time, Feng Qingjun suddenly stepped forward to Zong Duengeng and said, “I don’t know if the disciple has a word that should not be said?”

“Let’s talk about it.”

“The disciples don’t want to let the seniors decide who I belong. The disciples are not talented, and the disciples are brave and willing to join the competition. The disciples are naturally inferior in alchemy, but I hope to test their overall strength. If one of them wins, the disciples will participate in the effort. After that, I am naturally willing to obey the results. If the disciples get ahead by luck, I hope I can get the right to choose a teacher on my own.”

Zong Duengeng laughed loudly: “Good boy, ambitious, and courageous. No wonder the three palace masters are so blue-eyed for you, this seat is correct.”

“This seat reminds you that you have just guessed two questions. Don’t be arrogant. If you overflow, you will lose. It is not easy to win this game. You have to use your brain.”

After speaking, he blinked his eyes to clear up.

As his voice fell, Zong Duan ploughed four pieces of paper on the table and raised his hand. The paper was floating in the air. He pinched his right hand, and a white beating flame appeared on his fingertips. After that, a few shiny runes appeared. , The light and dark swirled around the flame, then submerged in, and then the flame disappeared.

I was a little concentrated, and saw that Zongshouzu used the pen to refer to the pen, and the pen was connected in a series. On each of the four pieces of paper, he wrote a silver pill, and the four pill symbols floated to the four disciples to settle down.

This skill looks simple, but it is actually extremely difficult to do. At least the palace masters here are somewhat familiar with the pill talisman, but none of them can do something that can be done on ordinary paper like Zongjuan. arrive.

Zong Duangeng said to the four people: “This talisman is the master of defense. The strength of the four cards is the same, and it is roughly equivalent to your cultivation base. You four will attack at will, and if the paper is destroyed, the talisman will be broken. The first to do it is to win. ”

Shuhuang, Tian Jingsha, and Tao Jinbi immediately launched an attack, but Feng Qingjun unexpectedly surprised everyone. She did not do anything, but stood in place to observe.

Tian Jingsha attacked first, and saw him rushing a few steps forward and putting his hands together, a fire dragon sprang from his palm and went straight to the center of the Dan.

Dan is attacked by aura, and the silver light in the strokes flickers, bright and dark, constantly counteracting the offensive.

Tian Jingsha continued to output spiritual power, and the people around saw that this was a method of breaking or depleting the energy on the talisman paper.

On the other hand, Tao Jinbi’s strategy is just the opposite. She continuously throws the pill to the blank area around the pill, detonates it through the air, and walks the way of first attacking the weakness of the talisman Shu Huang As soon as I shot it, more than a dozen black light clusters were shaken out. These light clusters rushed to the Dan Fu from all directions from the front, back, left, and right, and quickly merged, wrapping the talisman paper heavily, and everyone heard the sneer, which was obviously corrosive. Extremely strong poison attack.

After a while, the three of them had lost their spiritual power, and they all retreated and panted.

The three Fudan papers are all damaged.

Tian Jingsha’s Dan character was a lot bleak. Tao Jinbi was left with only the middle part of the Dan character support, and many holes were exposed in the correct one by Shu Huang.

Seeing that the attack was effective, the three of them didn’t care about Feng Qingjun, who was still observing, and after adjusting their breath, they changed their methods to attack again.

Wind Qingjun The onlooker Qing, but keenly noticed that only this moment of adjusting the breath, the three broken talisman papers showed signs of minor repairs, and the color and shape had recovered somewhat.

This talisman can absorb aura!

Recalling the blink of an eye and words just now to confirm Zongshouzuo, the wind moved swiftly, a stride came to the pill talisman, both hands circled around, like holding a ball, wagging back and forth, in a small free fist and cloud hand style. The spiritual power was continuously released, instead of attacking, it was just surrounded.

After changing the center of gravity and strength several times, she seems to have found a way. Instead, she quickly walked around the talisman paper, slapped or hit with her hands.

The audience disciples didn’t understand Feng Qingjun’s intentions, but the other three had gone all out. All three pieces of talisman paper showed signs of fragmentation, and it was up to whoever took the lead.

It is too late to say, then it was fast, with a crisp sound, the breezy talisman paper suddenly melted out of thin air, the pill form dripped to the ground like mercury, and quickly dissipated.

How could this be? The three Shu Huang had to stop anxiously at a critical juncture, staring at each other, wondering why they lost to a cute new disciple unexplainably.

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