The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 114

Chapter 114: There is no way in the sky

“Yuan Geng listens to the question, how can you implicitly express that you have been bought?”

“Uh, let me be fair…”

“Hua Lan Ting, what is the boundary between being cute and brain-dead?”


“Yuan Geng, what compliments have you received that make you more embarrassed?”

“Everyone often tells me-you are really not good-looking.”

“Hua Lan Ting, why don’t you come with Jia Xiaochun from the same peak, why are you here alone today?”

“This, half a person, I’m afraid to scare everyone.”

“Yuan Geng, what have your parents given you in order to keep you motivated?”

“Without him, there is only this face with no value.”

“Hua Lan Ting, what should I do if I am abused?”

“Let’s see if what he said is fact or not, or is it just a personal opinion.”

“If it is a fact-the fact should be judged by yourself.”

“If it is his personal opinion, is his opinion accurate?”

“If it’s not accurate, then this kind of brainless stupid who doesn’t understand anything, it’s useless to say anything to him.”

“If it is accurate, then think about his opinion that is important to you?”

“If it’s not important, then you care about him, what should you do.”

“If it’s important, it’s sad, but yesterday’s barbecue was really delicious… isn’t it?”

“Yuan Geng, talk about your understanding of Bai Fumei and Gao Fushuai.”

“As a woman, clean and self-contained is white, independent life is beautiful, and both internal and external cultivation are rich.”

“Born to be a man, great wisdom is to be high if he is stupid and humiliated, and to love the world is to be rich, and to be wise and brave is to be handsome.”

“Hua Lan Ting, give us an example and tell us the main points of formulating and observing the rules.”

“The second sister-in-law wanted to change the habit of the second brother coming home late, and set a rule with the second brother, stipulating that the door should be locked when he returns home after the night.”

“The first week, it worked very well. In the second week, the second elder brother committed an old problem again, and the second sister-in-law decisively enforced the house rules and locked the door. As a result, the second elder brother didn’t go home at all.”

“Later, the second sister-in-law changed the rules. If Haishi did not go home, she would open the door and sleep with her arms wide open. The second brother was shocked. From then on, she must go home on time before midnight.”

“Conclusion: The observance of the rules is not about coercion, but whether it touches core interests.”

“Yuan Geng, why did you choose to start at noon in this experience?”

“Because, sooner or later there will be retribution.”

When asked about this, Huo Huixiao stopped suddenly, Hua Lanting’s eyes flickered, vaguely as if seeing a single eye open in her forehead, and then disappeared again, but when she looked closely, it was gone. abnormal.

Huo Huixiao’s face turned pale, and he blurted out: “Damn, you two are really not counted, this lady almost got backlashed.”

“Forget it, forget it, forget it, don’t forget it, girl, I still have to keep the strength to break through the level.”

“You two are not weak in leadership, but they are not as protruding as my prolonged lumbar disc, which is not a natural talented leader.”

“Hua Lan Ting has a lot of thoughts and cares about the overall situation, but personally prefers to go slanting, relatively independent, and a little indecisive.”

“Yuan is more far-sighted and has a big picture, he is decisive, but he prefers to be cautious and conservative, and he seeks stability with the old.”

“Vote to see who you like better.”

Everyone did not expect it to be a half-hearted result, and no one commented for a while.

Yuan even said to Hua Lanting: “Since Junior Sister Huo said you have many ideas, why don’t you come up with an idea?”

Hua Lanting thought for a while and said, “Then we will not determine the captain. If everyone trusts us and encounters a problem that is difficult to decide, the five of you will vote to see whose opinions are many. Let’s listen to whoever. Over time, you will be able to see who is more suitable to take the lead.”

Everyone nodded in agreement.

As the specific content of the experience has not been announced, there is no way to make targeted arrangements. The seven people chatted or meditated in twos and threes in the short remaining time.

Hua Lanting and Yuan Geng stood side by side and talked about their son’s words. They noticed that Huo Huixiao, Luo Siyu, and Gu Chenfeng were mixed up together. The situation of mutual anger and anger was completely gone, making people confused about the relationship between the man and the woman.

The two looked at each other.

Hua Lanting shook his head: “This is really like a play in life.”

Yuan even nodded: “It’s so embarrassing, it really depends on acting.”

As it approached, all teams gathered on time at different designated locations at the foot of Mount Faak.

At this time, the clouds covered the fog on the peak, and the scene was completely invisible, and the fog spread quickly.

In the silence, Jia Xiaochun said to Hua Lanting, who was standing next to him, “Junior Brother, does this heavy fog affect you? Because of Mao, I always feel that my back is cold, and I feel a little nervous.”

“The influence is too great, first of all you have to see clearly, I am your senior sister.” But Gu Chenfeng replied badly.

As soon as the hour came, a light gate flashed in front of the seven, shining in the thick fog, as the sound of an advance sounded, everyone lined up and passed one by one.

The mystery here is not a naturally formed space, but the masters inside the door put together a micro-enchantment to isolate the mountain, and set up a large formation inside the peak. There is not much discomfort when passing.

Counting the first interface crossing and the second plane transformation, plus this time, plus the octopole cloud light array entering and exiting the Wulan Mountain, Hualan Court has been in space of different scales many times. The experience of breaking the wall between.

After passing through the light gate for a brief moment, Hua Lanting felt something in his heart. A very mysterious flash of thought seemed to be an understanding of this kind of space barrier.

However, this strange feeling was instantly annihilated with the sensation of trampling out of the light door, and it was futile to let him think about it.

This kind of feeling of loss that hasn’t come and is happy to get back and forth like a gap in the white horse is very easy to be cursed.

Just like when a person wakes up from a dream, the remaining dreams are still vividly visible and clearly visible.

However, within a few seconds of time, things in dreams will always collapse at an exaggerated speed, and watch it pass away from memory without a trace.

At that moment, the memory was invalid and I was completely wiped out.

After getting used to it, people don’t care, even the forgetting of dreams itself is ignored and forgotten, and occasionally thinks about it seriously, there is always helplessness and hopelessness.

Hua Lanting closed his eyes fiercely and frowned, driving away the dizziness and loss of the last breath, and only then did he look at the world in front of him.

They are in front of a simple stone archway. The archway is just two pillars and one beam made of bluestone, with a line engraved on the beam:

In the wine, the fairy meets the flower, although elegant, you can’t divorce.

Outside the archway, there is a bluestone stepped mountain road that is several feet above the ground on both sides, like a dragon winding upwards. The length is unknown, and the distance has been hidden in the fog.

The hillsides on both sides of the mountain path are green, and beyond, there are bungalows built of blue bricks and gray tiles. The roofs are connected together and the green trees are interspersed. No popularity is felt. Only a group of pigeons pass by, lined with white feathers. In the blue sky, the pigeon whistle sounded leisurely, and there was a bell that seemed to exist or not.

Everyone approached the archway, and a light curtain appeared in the middle with writing on it.

The general idea is that the experience officially started from this gate. There are five pavilions along the way, named Zhoushang, Guanmiao, Jifang, Fulan and Wanchun. Each team needs to arrive first to enter the Wanchun Pavilion on the top of the mountain, and finally follow the order of priority. Calculate the final score with the remaining number.

Starting from the archway, there are card obstacles on the road leading to each pavilion, the number and difficulty of which are different, the specific content should be judged and passed by each team, and the means of passing the barrier are not limited. Only in each pavilion can you get half an hour of rest.

The restriction that leads to the first Zhoushang Pavilion is that it cannot fall on the grass outside the mountain road, and those who fall in are out of the game.

There are a total of 1,080 stone steps on the road, which are divided into three parts: tight eighteen, slow eighteen, not tight or slow, and eighteen.

After watching, the seven people discussed it. Since the three stone steps were already crowded together, they decided to explore the way in front of the Hualan Ting and go up the mountain in a single snake way behind the palace.

Stepping on the first mountain road, the steps behind it are very high, Hualanting immediately felt that the pressure of the spiritual energy was stronger than that on the flat ground, and after a few steps, the pressure was gradually rising, and the breathing had begun to be rapid, as if heading against the wind. .

Further up, he had to increase his spiritual power to resist the ubiquitous pressure.

When you reach level fifty, your whole body is like walking in the water, the spiritual pressure is as thick and heavy as the substance, and the pressure is still within a tolerable range, but the spiritual power has been consumed by a quarter, and everyone is sweating through their clothes. , The walk is difficult.

Hua Lanting stopped, and looked back at the team that had been separated due to the different cultivation bases. He felt that something was wrong in his heart, and he leaned forward with spiritual sense.

Waiting for the six people behind to follow up with whistling and panting, they saw that Jia Xiaochun and Huo Huixiao, who were slightly weaker, both turned pale, and they sat down to catch their breath.

Hua Lan Ting said: “There is a problem, so I can’t go on like this. I just checked it. Normally, a straight line can scan a distance of several hundred meters, but now it can’t reach a hundred meters.”

“This is only level fifty. According to this increasing trend, level one hundred and above is not something that our Sanshan Companion Moon Realm disciples can bear.”

Yuan even said: “Will it be reduced after passing the 100th level?”

“I don’t know, now I can’t feel the situation beyond the hundredth level. Maybe, even then, it is extremely difficult to complete the thousandth level, I am afraid it will not take a day or two.” Hua Lanting said.

“And this kind of coercion is everywhere, physical strength can still be recovered by stopping, but even if I carry someone on my back, I have to release my spiritual power to resist the pressure, and the consumption is doubled.”

“Then try is there any way to break it?”

Hua Lan Ting replied: “I tried it, it’s okay for a short time, but it will be filled soon. It’s better to save effort to walk.”

Everyone couldn’t, and they barely reached the seventieth level. Huo Huixiao and Jia Xiaochun couldn’t bear it anymore. Jia Xiaochun gritted his teeth and stepped, could hear his bones rattle slightly, and finally fell to the ground.

This is no longer what perseverance can resist, it has exceeded the resistance of the cultivation base and the body.

As a last resort, the seven returned to the sixtieth level first.

Luo Siyu said: “This is unreasonable? It’s an impossible task.”

Gu Chenfeng said: “Xiaoxiao, where is the way out under your divination?”

Huo Huixiao replied after a while: “I don’t. I will use the Heaven’s Secret Technique when I just set off for the first level. I can’t use it too many times a day. What should I do if I encounter big problems in the future?”

“Hey, what do you two captains do to eat, quickly think of a way.”

Hua Lanting muttered to himself: “Strong is not enough. There must be other ways. UU reading will not set up an insurmountable obstacle for everyone at the first level.”

Yuan Geng said, “This is what I mean, what are we going to test? We have to think of the person’s intention.”

“He wants me to die.”

Jia Xiaochun, who finally took a break, said cleanly, and then added: “Don’t let the left jump, don’t jump the right, don’t let in, God won’t, and there is no way to go to the ground. I think there is only a strategic retreat first.”

“What are you talking about, it’s not promising!” Gu Chenfeng patted Jia Xiaochun’s left shoulder again.

“Is it impossible to talk about it?” Jia Xiaochun cried out in pain.

“Well said!” He only heard Hua Lanting yell, and slapped Jia Xiaochun’s right shoulder with another palm.

“Xiaochun reminded me. After you spread your spiritual sense, you feel that the front is heavy and the pressure behind is small, and there is no pressure on the left or right of the stone steps.”

“Is it unclear? But if you jump down the stone steps from the left and right, you will be out of the game.” Tian Jingsha asked unclearly.

“Hey, it’s dark under the light! Think about it, we usually train spiritual consciousness, which direction has never been paid attention to for half a time?” Hua Lanting asked.

“Above!” Yuan Geng called out first.

Luo Siyu said: “What’s the use of that, we won’t go to the sky, Chen Feng and I can fly, but they are all small insects, but they can’t be carried by one person?”

Hualanting said confidently: “No problem, Xiaochun accidentally said that it inspired me. I checked and the pressure above the ground two feet disappeared. We don’t need to fly, we just need to get two feet off the ground.”

“Xiaochun, what are we doing?”

“What are you doing? The one who beats the forge?”

“Then you have never heard of it, there is a cultural heritage in the form of intangible folk dance, Yangko, called, stilts!”

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