The Great Master of Martial Arts in One Piece World

Chapter 321 Jones’ Memories

"Roar!" After a deep roar, Jones slowly calmed down.

"Huh!" Exhaling a breath, Jones's eyes slowly regained their clarity.

"Sorry, I scared you!" Jones said with an apologetic smile, and kept putting the cigarette in his hand into his mouth. Soon, all the tobacco from the half pack of cigarettes was put into his mouth, and he started chewing it.

"It's okay, don't worry, I'll get some for you when I go out!" Banxia said before getting up and walking outside.

Jones nodded.

After Banxia walked out, Jones rolled up his trouser legs and looked at the bulging blood vessels on his legs due to varicose veins. They were glowing with black luster, and these black blood vessels were spreading upward at an alarming speed. .

"What's going on with him?" Kong asked.

"I feel that his mood is very unstable and he is very irritable. He seems to be particularly reluctant to mention the situation after the bat arrived on the island. I need some cigarettes. It would be better if I get a few tubes of sedatives!" Banxia Qing smiled.

"Prepare it for him!" Kong ordered.

When Jones rolled up his trouser legs, Garp saw the black and bulging blood vessels.

"Ban Xia, be careful, remember, be ready to kill him at any time!" Garp's eyes were fixed on Jones through the ventilation window. This ventilation window can only be seen from the outside in, and from the inside to the outside. , here is just an ordinary glass.

"Garp, what did you find?" Kong, who had just finished his instructions, couldn't help but ask in confusion after listening to Garp's words.

"Black blood vessels, what can you think of?" Garp suddenly said this.

The three generals around were extremely confused. What does this word mean?

Sora recalled it in his mind, and within a moment, a look of horror appeared on his face.

"Let me see!" Sora pushed Garp away, then put his face to the ventilation window, just in time to see Jones who was putting down his trousers and a small section of bulging blood vessels.

"Kill him directly!!" Kong said coldly.

"No, we haven't gotten any more information at all. When he is about to say something, if we kill him at this time, we will get nothing!" Banxia hurriedly stopped him.

At this moment, a navy soldier came over with prepared cigarettes and sedatives.

Banxia caught it.

"Song, let me try again!!" After Banxia said this, he opened the door and walked in.

"Oh!! Remember, don't contact him directly!" Kong sighed deeply, paused and said to the people present, "Akainu, remember, if something happens later, you have to Release your magma as soon as possible, and don’t let the magma stay in your hands, Qingzhi, your mission is to build an ice wall in front of the few of us."

"What's the use of this? Just kill him directly!" Akainu said coldly.

"Killing him is very simple, but when killing him, he will release countless eggs, which are the most troublesome. And this thing has a characteristic, that is, it likes to build nests in places with relatively high heat. If He will parasitize the eggs into your body, and you will become her next!" Kong said without saltiness.

"Insect eggs? Isn't he a human being?" Akainu asked doubtfully.

"To be precise, he is half human and half insect now." Kong said with some worry.

"Half human, half insect?" Qingzhi frowned.

"When the bugs in his body mature, it will also be the time when he dies!" Kong said lightly.

"Don't talk about it yet, let's take a look at the situation inside!" Garp said seriously.


"There's no need to worry now. I've brought you a lot of cigarettes this time, all of which are top-quality cigars!" Banxia took the plate of cigarettes and walked to Jones and sat down.

"Phew, it's a good thing you came here quickly, otherwise we wouldn't have been able to chat happily!" Jones said with a chuckle.

"Are you kidding? Why can't you have a pleasant chat?" Banxia said with a chuckle.

"Because I don't have much time, it doesn't mean that I have a lot of time to waste!" Jones said lightly, "I thought there was wine, but it seems that I don't have much hope of having one last drink!"

"..." Banxia was speechless for a moment.

"Okay, let me tell you what I know first." Jones suddenly said in a hurry, "Before I answer you, can you tell me whether former Vice Admiral Ye Fan is back?"

"We don't know about this, but the news we got is that Ye Fan is dead!" Banxia told Jones what he heard.

"Sure enough, the things on that island are extraordinary. Fortunately, you moved quickly!" Jones said slowly with a sigh of relief, "Where did we talk just now..."

After a pause, Jones continued, "I took about 50 navy soldiers and walked carefully towards the island. At that time, we were the first to arrive at a small village near the kingdom. As soon as we reached the entrance of the village, we saw On the wooden pillar where they worship the gods, there is a sentence that has dried up. After so many years, I have seen a lot of corpses, but the feeling of that corpse is really weird to me. You know, it has obviously been beaten by an iron rod. The steel forks were all nailed to the wooden pillars, but as we got closer, the corpse suddenly seemed like crazy, waving its arms crazily towards us. That scene, even with my eyes closed, I feel a little weird. We can't guarantee whether he is dead or he is a sacrifice. Just when we didn't know what to do, there was a noise from the village chief's house, and we all followed it. As for hanging on the wooden pillar We didn’t know whether it was a corpse or a living person, so we left it behind." As he said that, it seemed that the memories that started immediately were more painful, and a trace of evil spirit slowly appeared on Jones's face.

"When we caught up with the man, we discovered that he was a middle-aged man. He had a gun in his hand and looked at us cautiously. At that time, we all felt strange and asked him what happened. What happened? The man was very frightened at that time and was mumbling, we will all die. Now there is no living person on the island.

, some of them are all crazy things, and now they are no longer human..." Jones said, taking a cigar and putting it in his mouth to chew.

"At this moment, our soldiers discovered some corpses. We hurried over and saw many corpses lying in a deep pit. The midday sun shone on us, but we didn't feel any heat at all. But it was a bit cold, because we found some movable arms inside. At that time, we all thought that the people inside could be saved, so we sent two navy soldiers down to try to save them, but this was our nightmare. At first, the two soldiers jumped down and started rummaging among the corpses. However, just as they leaned over to rummage, a tall village man suddenly stood up from among the corpses. There were no scars on his body. , we were quite excited at the time and were about to rescue him, but at this moment, an accident happened. The villager who stood up suddenly jumped out and bit the neck of a navy man. The blood fell out in an instant. Half of their clothes were stained. Then, as his blood flowed out, the corpses in the pit suddenly opened their eyes as if they had received some stimulation. I still remember those eyes, all of them were White, covered with bloodshot eyes, without pupils, there is a permeating feeling when you look at them. You don't know, the wailing of the two soldiers at that time will still ring in my ears now. For just a moment, the two soldiers The soldier died, and then, the corpses in the pit returned to calm again, and slowly returned to calm as if nothing had happened, except that there were two more fresh corpses of navy soldiers among the corpses."

"At this moment, the survivor just ran out, looked at the corpses in the pit, and suddenly showed an indescribable smile. He turned to us and said, 'Everyone in this place is a demon. The island has been occupied by demons, and what is waiting for us now is to welcome the arrival of death!! "Explain everything here clearly!" I was extremely excited and twisted the clothes on his chest, but that person's There was no fear or fear in his eyes. Instead, he looked up at the sun in the sky. Waiting for the sun to set, all those demons will wake up!! Do you have any burning products such as gasoline? If you want to spend time safely Tonight, then the bodies in the pit need to be disposed of!' At that time, I had no desire to burn the bodies of my comrades in a small village with an unknown name."

"The name of the village told me that all the people in this village are infected with a magical virus. They will spread through body fluids, and the best way of spreading is through biting. You think this is the horror of this virus. This is far from the truth. Far from it, the person who is bitten will soon become like them, a terrifying creature that only knows how to forage. Their food is all kinds of living people. The people in this pit are all After being infected, they jumped down voluntarily. At that time, they did not have the consciousness of zombies as human beings, so... But if you don't deal with it quickly now, it will be a paradise for these creatures at night!!"

"But before we could recover from this incident, something even more elusive happened. That is, an unimaginable person came to the village, a person who looked like a mummy. This person was still an acquaintance. , that is Luo Er, the deputy captain of the Kaku Kingdom Guards. This person also fought with him, so although he has turned into a mummy, I still recognized him at a glance. He handed me a small bottle. and a piece of letter paper, and then disappeared as lightly as his arrival."

"Could this bottle contain a sample of the virus?" Banxia suddenly asked.

"I don't know, because the virus bottle is a sealed thing, and I gave it to Ye Fan, hoping he would pay attention to it."

As he said this, Jones closed his eyes gently as if he didn't want to remember anymore.

A peaceful atmosphere fell into the room.

After an unknown amount of time, it seemed like only a moment, Jones' eyes suddenly widened, he opened his clothes and saw that the blood vessels like thin black snakes were about to spread to his ribs.

"Ah, it seems to be more troublesome! Because the news I received said that Ye Fan had died on that island. What was written in that letter?" Banxia asked curiously.

"The content written in that letter is a bit scary!" Jones suddenly saw a tube of injection on the plate from the corner of his eye. "That's a sedative, give me one!"

Banxia handed him one with some worry, "This is not a good thing."

"Hello, brother who got the letter, when you read this letter, I think this matter has reached an irreplaceable level. Of course, as a conscious person, I hope you can pass on the news here. Pass it on. It's best to tell the nearest navy that the reagent is a tube of my blood. However, I don't know if this blood is the same as the virus here, but I think it still has some research value. I hope you can put this together with This letter and this blood are handed over to the Navy, thank you!"

"But the key now is to find Ye Fan and get the tube of blood." After Jones said, "Hurry up, hurry up and kill him, I can't stand it anymore!!!" Suddenly Jones's eyes turned red, and his whole body was suddenly covered with blood. Surrounded by raised blood vessels, the two pupils suddenly and slowly turned into monsters with only the whites of their eyes.

"Roar!!!!" Jones stood up slowly.

"Kill me quickly!! That sedative is fake and will accelerate changes!" Jones, who had turned into a monster, suddenly grabbed the chains tied to his body.

With a crashing sound, Jones broke the chain! !

"Bang!!" Jones, who had lost his mind, punched the iron bar of the cage, directly deforming him.

"Quick, Akainu, the plan just now!" Sora kicked the door open and ordered loudly.

"Yes!" Akainu rushed in quickly, his hands turned into lava, and he kept throwing lava towards various places in the room.

"Roar!!" Perhaps he was attracted by the magma released by Akainu. He let Banxia go and turned around and ran towards the location of the magma.

"Ice Age!" Qingzhi pressed her hand on the ground, and a wall of ice quickly rose up, exuding cold air.

"Banxia, ​​come here quickly!" Garp shouted loudly, looking at Banxia who was still in a daze.

"Yes..." Banxia stumbled towards Garp and others.

"Hurry up and push it out, Qingzhi, freeze everything here!" Kong said with a sigh.

Qingzhi didn't speak, but there was no pause in the movements of his hands. He saw a burst of cold air emanating from his body. Slowly, the whole room was wrapped in ice. Jones, who turned into a monster, was instantly frozen and disappeared. Any breath!

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