The Greatest Sin

Chapter 42 – A Lack of Finesse

Mikhail’s engineers sweated as they started to cut into the stolen planes.

Mounting guns on a plane. How hard could it be?

Interrogations where never fun. Maisara did not know what the others found enjoyable about them. Maybe she could see the humour of it if she were a fellow mortal, using word games to assemble chains that bind harder than steel, but she had to face the reality of it: She was a Divine. When humans saw her, they either broke immediately or they took their knowledge to the grave. Elves where even worse, an elf had some sort of vain pride in his lifespan that made him think he had a higher patience than she did.

One glance at this elf before Maisara made confirmed all her suspicions that this would be a waste of time. He was meditating on the bed in an obnoxious fashion when she came in as if the reality of being locked in the Lower Prison of Olympiada did not concern in the least. Ilwin Tremali.

She had fought against a Tremali once. An Iliyal Tremali, that fellow had served as one of Arascus’ titanic generals in the war. It would not surprise Maisara to find out Iliyal had Divine blood within him, the man was simply something else. She had killed two Tremalis too, after the Great War, in a vain attempt to lure Iliyal out of his hiding.

“Are you not worried?” Maisara said as she sat down. There was something belittling about dressing up for a mortal. Why should he deserve to see her silver armour? Should he be allowed to talk to her? Why did he even gaze at her?

“Not in the least.” Ilwin replied.

“I can see that.” Maisara said. “Who else has interrogated you?”

“Only Allasaria.” Ilwin replied and stared at her. Maisara clicked her tongue and ended this charade of him staring at her from the bed.

“Sit here.” She indicated to the chair on the other side of the table. The elf moved, slow and uncaring as if he did not care what other plans and plots she had running. “What did Allasaria tell you?” Ilwin was no Iliyal, and Maisara knew she had made a mistake the moment she saw his eyebrows raise in surprise.

“What did Allasaria tell me Goddess?” Did he just coo at her? Who did he think he was! “She said she was only interested because Leona took interest in me, and then that I have a meeting with you, someone else, and then I would be executed if all of you took no interest in me.” He shrugged. “I’m not an interesting person, so save yourself the hassle and just skip to the execution.”

And with Maisara’s mistake, came Ilwin’s mistake.

Leona? Leona? Fucking Leona? Of course! Why else would a mortal be locked in a place reserved for Divines? The clockworks in Maisara’s head began to turn as reasoned her way into why exactly would Leona herself would consider just a man like this to be of importance.

All roads lead to Arascus.

And it lined up too well with Kassandora’s revelations.

Maisara, trapped in the curse of that terrible promise she had made to the Goddess of War, finally saw a sliver of light make its way into the chains binding her. “Leona took interest in you?” Maisara asked. The elf shrugged.

“I do not know why.” Now that she knew, the elf’s relaxed movements had a reason. He wasn’t mad in the slightest, he was exactly like his grandfather: Cold, stubborn and utterly unyielding. Those eyes of his practically laughed with mockery as he stared at her.

“Is Iliyal Tremali still alive?” Maisara asked. That was a good route, if she could confirm that then-

“I have never heard of that name.” The elf replied, bored and despondent.

“Your name is Tremali too.” Maisara would not let him off that easily.

“I don’t keep contact with family.” And that faint glimmer of light shattered as if Allasaria had come to put it out.

“I don’t believe you.” Maisara said after a moment’s pause. The elf looked at her as if she was a little girl.

“I can’t help with that.” To think he would have cheek with her! Who did he think he was?

“Like I said, I don’t believe you. Elves live a long time.”

“I’ve never heard of an elf to live past a thousand.” Ilwin replied. “So is there anything else you wish to know?”

“I know that…” Maisara’s voice cut off. She stammered as the steel chains of promise tightened around her throat. The elf raised an eyebrow, it was beyond obvious he had seen her moment of weakness, how could he not? Even a baby would have been able to see the fresh paint of disconcert slathered over Maisara. “I can give you something.”

“What can you give me?” The elf finally dropped his ridiculous tone. He leaned forwards, his voice became sharp and sly, each syllable stressed. Classical elven intonation.

“A way out.” Maisara said with a heavy heart. And here was another deal she would have to stick to. “You tell me everything you know, and I will personally take you where you want to go, I will leave you there and not return to that location for a week. That should be enough time for you to disappear.” Ilwin laughed. The elf actually laughed! He laughed at her!

“It’s not that I don’t believe you, Goddess of Order.” He began. “But my life is not that important compared to the men I fight alongside.”

“Your men can go with you too.”

“I wasn’t talking about the ones you’ve captured.” Maisara blinked. This was it? This was everything? She wanted to scream. To behead the man this instant.

But then, if he told everyone Arascus was around, then the promise would be kept. She thought of one desperate final assault.

“The next fool who has taken interest in you is Helenna, Goddess of Love. She will break you.” Maisara said. If reasoning had to be used, then reasoning was to be used. Order was composed of rules, and those rules had to be followed. All men desired Order, nothing thrived in Chaos. “She will whisper sweet nothings into your ear until you every single skeleton you have locked away is brought into the open. And then you will become her dog.”

“I’ll take the risk.”

“A great many men have attempted to tame Helenna before, they were better men than you.”

“So?” Ilwin asked. So? So? FUCKING SO? How could he not see reason when reason was sprawled naked before him!

“So if you allow me to vouch for you, you at least have something to gain.” Maisara said. “I’m not a monster and I cannot lie. If I say I’ll deal with you, then I will.” Ilwin merely shook his head, smiling like a fool who was just made king of the world.

“Proud Goddess, you are a rather poor salesman.”


“There’s obviously things you know. Iliyal Tremali for one, Allasaria nor Leona asked about him.” Ilwin said. “Now I can believe you have merely failed to capture my grandfather for a thousand years, but I will confirm this for you, he is still out there, and he’s still causing a headache for you.” Maisara’s heart dropped.

“And is…” Her throat tightened again. She would not mention Arascus, she could not break the promise.

“So I have nothing to say. I am no fool. If Goddess Helenna wishes to parley with me before my execution, she is the Goddess of Love and my sins are not great enough to delude me into thinking I can outwit her, but at least my eyes will have a pleasant final feast.”

“You are very much like your grandfather.” Ilwin smiled honestly at that. It was a beaming smile of pride, like a child who had been just ‘good job’ by their father.

“I try to be.” Maisara tried to stammer another word out, and then she held her breath. This was simply a brutal defeat for her. She stood up and just about stopped herself from slamming her hands on the table.

“I…” Ilwin raised an eyebrow and motioned for her to continue. “I will return.”


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