The Guardian

Chapter 220: Misguided Lamb

Chapter 220: Misguided Lamb

A man drove his car at high speed while looking in the rearview mirror cautiously and with some fear.

He looked at the rearview mirror repeatedly as he stepped on the accelerator, wanting to increase the speed as much as he could.

The car’s engine sounded more and more pleasant the more he increased his speed.

Slowly, he was getting glad he had escaped, but with his keen eyes, he could see it.

Far ahead, in the middle of the street, stood a black-haired woman carrying a bag of chips in her hands.

The man was stunned for a moment, and instead of slowing down, he stepped on the accelerator as hard as he could.

The speed increased, and the driver accelerated even more, approaching the young woman and then, when he was fifty meters away, he could notice a spot approaching from the side and....


The car flew off with a tremendous impact, as if a truck had hit it directly.

Even though the new car designs were sturdier than before the Great Cataclysm, it still suffered a great deal of damage as it rolled and fell to the side of the street.


The man who had reinforced his body with magical energy let out a groan of pain from the impact and when he crawled out, he was met by a slender and delicate young woman.

“Are you going to give up for good or are we going for bad?” the black-haired young woman asked as her combat aura appeared from her fists surrounding her body.

“Fuck you!” the man roared as his emotions boiled over.

Aurora looked at the man and kicked him, throwing him against the wrecked car and, without waiting for him to fight back, she hit him hard.


Her single punch shattered that man’s barrier and managed to embed him even further into the car that was already slowly losing all form of one.


With a ferocious roar, the man stood up as his human disguise shattered into pieces, revealing his true form.

He was a ‘human’... Or at least he was once upon a time.

Now his mouth had grown, taking up much of his face, revealing black teeth that looked like fangs as he dropped a disgusting liquid from his mouth.

“Tch... Corrupted demons are disgusting as usual.” Alice said as dozens of black arms caught the demon.

“AHHHH!” The demon let out a scream, releasing his demonic energy, but in the face of those black arms, he could do nothing.

It was only an A-Rank demon fighter that had already been corrupted by his own demonic energy deforming him.

Without waiting for Aurora’s orders, Alice’s shadow reached out and a large black mass rose up to swallow the corrupted demon.

“Try not to hit it so much. Let Siba handle the interrogation,” Aurora ordered with a simple tone, remembering the time Alice ‘devoured’ the corrupted demon at the beginning of the academy.

It wouldn’t be nice to scare her new teammates because her sister ended up overdoing it with a demon.

It wasn’t like they would make a big deal about him dying, but if he ended up scared, almost terrified, then it was a different matter.

Alice nodded as the darkness returned to her back as if nothing had happened.

Aurora looked at the car she had just intercepted and, seeing how deformed it was after she crashed into the car, she couldn’t hide the subtle change in expression.

“Seeing this makes me feel strange.” Aurora muttered helplessly.

On the side where the passenger seat was located, the passenger seat was smashed inward with her figure.

She had hit it directly, using only her body and combat aura, and just the same, the destruction was enough to make her feel weird.

Her body had no wounds and even though she hit the car with all her might, she felt no pain.

She would like to think it was the effect of the elixir she had already drunk, but it was hard to tell what level of destruction she could cause in her normal state.

“I don’t see anything strange. If you used your sword, you could cut it in half. Or much more,” Alice said uncomprehendingly.

Those words made sense.

Aurora was an S-Rank swordsman and cutting a car like this was child’s play, but at that moment she could tell she had a sword and that’s why it seemed so easy.

Now she did it with her own body... A body that was thin and didn’t match the strength it concealed.

If she were honest, she had imagined that after taking the elixir she would receive instant effects, not referring to ascending, but something physical.

Her father was a fighter and before the ‘Great Cataclysm’ he was of average height, but the last time she saw him he was a giant and it was possible that he would grow even taller the stronger he became.

While his was an innate ability that gave him enormous strength along with great size, she couldn’t give up hope, hoping for a few extra ‘charm’ points.

Looking at Alice, whose curves stood out to perfection and then looking at her slimness, she sighed.

Even her mother had that charm and she couldn’t ‘inherit’ it.

“Why do I feel like you’re thinking weird thoughts?” Alice asked, giving her a peculiar look with a small smile.

That smile left it obvious that she had a guess as to what was on her mind.

Aurora coughed and, using the comm system, asked. “So how’s it going over there, Liam?”

They were now in a town called ‘Cobadin’ west of Constanta City, several kilometers away.

Their mission was to try to find the ‘destabilizing machines’ as they were known and to try to capture or eliminate those who controlled or secured the machine.

The Cosmos Company had quickly designed a radar to detect the signals and locate where the waves emanating from were weakening the dimensional barrier. Although it was effective in uninhabited areas, the difficulty increased in towns or cities where there was too much interference.

They had found two machines in the vicinity thanks to Liam, who boosted that radar, allowing him to get a clear answer, but when they reached the town ‘Cobadin’ they had problems with the radar.

The radar was created quickly, which meant that its hasty development had shortcomings such as difficulty of accuracy in heavily populated areas where it was difficult to clearly detect the center of the signal.

That was why even though they knew something was going on in Cobadin, they had to stay and Liam had to investigate... Not at all legal.

Until they found traces of the demon that was hiding as a citizen using magic.

As the demon tried to flee, their group split up and Liam, together with the local authorities, went to look for the destabilizing machine and they captured the demon.

“I’ve already found it. There’s nothing conspicuous outside of the cloaking barriers... I can’t believe he kept it in storage,” Liam replied seriously.

The place where the demon hid the machine was not a basement or something like that, but a warehouse... That was why they managed to find the location after following the traces.

That machine used electrical power, so it had to be connected to something and while magic cores could be used as batteries, they were far from ‘cheap’.

That the radar could detect with greater certainty when it was several meters away, and that the barriers they put around the machine could not completely hide the waves, lessened the difficulty of the job.

As long as they knew what they were looking for, they would find it.


In one room, Aurora turned her attention to the projection.

“Siba has already interrogated the corrupted demon. He was under a demonic contract, so you two did well not to interrogate him on the spot and ‘weaken’ him,” Urfin reported, giving a curious look.

Aurora’s expression quivered not at the revelation that the demon was actually under a demonic contract that could have led to his death if she interrogated him, but at the last word.

Being inside Alice’s shadow space was nothing strange to Aurora, but the truth was that it proved to be very dangerous.

That’s why when Alice had someone enter her shadow, she called it ‘devouring’.... Although it was safe to say that only they knew the true meaning behind that word.

When Alice registered with the mercenary guild, they called her ability loose as the ‘Darkness Mastery’, because she didn’t explain how it worked and only revealed it superficially.

“Did you manage to discover anything?” Aurora asked, changing the subject.

“No, nothing. We don’t know if whoever is behind it all is a demon lord looking to capture goblins, or is someone just testing their machines. Maybe it’s both,” Urfin answered seriously and giving a sigh, he pointed out. “That’s why they use corrupted demons and so far we haven’t seen any lesser demons or even pure demons.”

While people generalized when they called someone a ‘demon’, the truth was that this appellation was very general and included different ‘demons’ and individuals.

‘Corrupted demons’ were former humans or other races that were corrupted by the demonic energy they used, having an extreme physical change, but also a mental change.

Considered foul and dangerous because of their mutations and their very disturbed mental state.

Then there were the minor demons, which were those individuals who had some ‘pure demon’ characteristic such as red skin or horns and used demonic energy.

The ‘humans of the land of fire’ such as Siba could fall into this category because of their traits and more so if one added they were said to have demonic blood running through their veins, but in that sense they were considered a separate race.

Also, they did not use demonic energy, so they could not be considered ‘demons’.

That led to ‘demons’ in general... Those individuals who, regardless of their race and characteristics, used demonic energy.

As for ‘pure demons’, they were those demons who not only had more noticeable demonic characteristics, such as their horns and redskins, but were extremely strong.

For them to send a corrupt demon to perform the task made it clear that he was a disposable pawn.

It didn’t matter that he was an A-Rank. Those guys were lunatics who if not carefully controlled could get carried away and ruin the most brilliant plans.

So it was common for the bosses to say nothing to them and use them as pawns.

“It was the same as the one they captured in ‘Mangalia.’ Whoever is behind it all is just sending pawns to guard the machines and take care of making it work,” Urfin added, and shaking his head, he mentioned. “Anyway, our problem is the abyssal portal.”

At those words, Aurora’s expression tensed, and Urfin spoke.

“Peace has not worked and the authorities are going for the other option. The one who is leading this option is Cardinal Auguste,” Urfin said, and giving a sigh, he recounted. “As for us, we will not withdraw and we will continue to work. If I am honest, we are not interested in those creatures. What we care about the authorities of the Falion Empire and Greece is to prevent the portal from causing a tear.”

That dwarf’s seriousness rose.

“Duke Kristoph and several archmages are devising a countermeasure to keep the abyssal portal stable, no matter if those lunatics commit suicide or wish to take everyone with them,” Urfin informed and giving Aurora a serious look, he explained. “I am informing you of this so you can decide what to do. For us, securing the Abyssal Portal is more important than anything else.”

His serious look also hinted at something else... He did not wish for her to go to Cithrel for support, in case she wished otherwise.

He didn’t say it directly out of respect, but his look was clear.

If she was going to tell Cithrel to help her to try to change things, would that princess help her?


That’s the instant answer she received when Aurora thought of Cithrel.

That young woman who didn’t seem to care about the consequences of her actions... No, she could bear the consequences of her actions, and that was the ability of someone who had incredible authority.

But Aurora would not ask Cithrel for help, as she knew that would cross the boundaries of friendship and would be taking advantage of the attitude of that princess, who seemed to place a lot of importance on ‘friends’.

Besides, he agreed on something with Urfin.

“I don’t want to leave the abyssal portal in the hands of the goblins either.” Aurora stated seriously.

It had been about seven days since she had discovered the machine and had received the emperor’s elixir... Seven days since the peace had failed.

She used that time to think, and also to sort out her thoughts, and as she watched the world being swayed towards the only option that seemed to be left, she had made up her mind.

“But I will not let children and women die. It’s not about ‘innocence’, it’s that I can’t leave them and if I have to get in trouble, I will. So you might as well take my job away from me so as not to affect you guys,” Aurora announced solemnly.

She couldn’t let those individuals be killed... War was cruel, but the weak were the ones who suffered.

Did these women commit some evil act in their past?

Maybe, but it was like everyone else.

Aurora did not judge by a past she did not know and had not seen, she judged by the present... By what they did, by what they lived.

She would do what she had to do for her own beliefs.... Those were the words by which she moved and their meaning was that she could become anything for her own goals.

The same way she became a hero to save people or how she became an assassin for revenge and how she became a protector to protect those she had helped.

She could not let the Abyssal Portal be in the hands of goblins, and that was because she distrusted them completely.

She was not a saint to bestow trust on just anyone, and neither was she naïve to ask for peace when the other party had the Abyssal Portal with which they posed a threat.

Nor was she a ‘heroine’ who saved everyone... If someone put her sister in danger and she was forced to choose between her and a stranger, she would save her sister without hesitation.

She was an ordinary person, with her faults and flaws like any other.

Still, that didn’t mean she wouldn’t save others.

As long as she could save them and even if she didn’t have the ability and her chances were nil, she would move according to her own desires.

Now was that time.

She was not strong enough to turn the tide that was being tilted in favor of extermination, but she would try even if she had to do things she would not normally do.

Aurora had seen how the media was leaning towards extermination and that was being guided by the higher ups, who were releasing information as they pleased.

The rumors of the failed peace were prepared the world for what was about to happen.

But activist groups were releasing information and images to prevent the systematic extermination of the players were seeking from happening.

Aurora had been preparing to move to prevent extermination, the goblins might lose the war, but their families would not be exterminated.

Changing the ultimate fate was what she sought.

“If you told me you agreed with Cardinal Auguste, I would have been scared.” Urfin joked with an amused laugh.

His laugh was sincere and even when he noticed Aurora’s expression remained serious, he chuckled in amusement.

Aurora’s seriousness waned until her expression trembled.... Not knowing how to react.

As if trying to compose himself, Urfin stroked his long beard, trying to get into an old man’s role, but his quivering lips made it obvious that he was amused.

The two knew each other and had worked together a few times before, that was shown simply by how they got together for lunch from time to time.

Which made them know what the other person was like.

“Allied forces have to show a sense of togetherness... And more so for us Terranovians. It’s all about work and responsibility,” Urfin mentioned and, giving a smile, revealed. “But in your case. Well, you’re a mercenary and everyone knows that mercenaries can’t be trusted, so if a lamb strays from destiny... No one will complain.”

The Abyssal Portal was a latent danger to the Terranovians and even though some Terranovians were present, they could always return home... That made it feel like the danger to them was less.

That was why, while they could give their opinions, the goal of the Falion Empire was to go along with the general idea of the other Earthling high commanders.

Peace was a pleasant goal, but now that it had failed there was no choice but to go along with their allies... To show unity was not only of the Earthlings, but of the Terranovians against this danger.

As an ally in the same boat, or in this case ‘flock’, they were to follow through to the end.

However, that did not mean that they did not have their own opinions and ideas, that was why they did not mind hiding a ‘lamb’ that deviated from the original destination.

And more so if that lamb could move others to change course, even slightly.

“Is this the decision of the higher ups?” Aurora asked, understanding what he was referring to.

“Yes. Superficially, we need to stick together, but there are some of us who would like another fate. In this case, if your actions can tip the balance, then we will accept them. Even if those actions affect us to some extent,” Urfin revealed earnestly and, letting out a sigh, he muttered. “This is the only way the higher ups can move. You know, politics.”

Aurora nodded in understanding.

They would accept any action as long as it changed fate, accepting the consequences with it... After all, if it was marked that the allied forces were doing something wrong, they all had to take responsibility as part of that force.

That was the way it had to move when running something as big as what was taking place.

“For now, I’ll try to move in a perfunctory manner,” Aurora said in a simple tone, and after receiving the report of her next target, the call ended.

Aurora stood silently, looking around the small hotel room she was in.

She wanted to change the fate of the goblins and prevent extermination, but she was okay with winning the war and controlling the Abyssal Portal... To achieve both goals, she was willing to do whatever she had to do.

Whether it was killing goblins to control the Abyssal Portal or getting muddy trying to change the final outcome.

If one thought about it lightly, it was funny, she was trying to save the children of those she was going to murder.

In other words, it was hypocritical.

That was why she felt no gratitude when saving people, simply because at one point it became something she did because she wanted to.

Aurora knew that, that’s why she understood that she was not a heroine of high values, believing that she could do good without understanding the consequences of her actions.

In fact, she would like to be that kind of person, but she grew up and reality showed her that things were not so simple.

It showed her that her actions had consequences that could be bigger and more painful than she imagined.

She knew that no matter how she moved; it was possible that, if she achieved her goal, those who were spared their fate would hate her... As a member of the allied forces who was part of the war and killed many of those goblins.

Still, she would continue to act the same way because just as gratitude did not make her feel good, hatred would not make her feel bad.

Simply because she bore the consequences of her actions and her own decisions, no matter how cruel they were.

Taking a deep breath, she made a call with a touch of anxiety.

“Oh, Aurora. You called just in time,” Cardinal Brousseau said and with a small smile, commented. “We here have already talked about what you mentioned... And I think we can help you.”

Aurora’s expression improved.

She might not be strong enough to turn the tide, but just as Alice had once said, she was not alone.

And she wasn’t without options.

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